What is a Cult?

Do you even understand that "Christian Nationalism," is a fake creation.....made up by the democrat party to give their democrat party journalists an easy way to smear Republicans? It is no more real than "qanon," was, which the democrats dropped for the most part because no one knew what they were talking about, and they had to keep explaining it.....because it was another smear they created ............

If you actually believe their is a "Christian Nationalism" thing in this country, you are a dupe of the democrat party....
Please read the post just before yours.
A "cult" involves worship in a religious sense. Being a political supporter of someone does NOT make you a cult member.



  1. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
  2. The followers of such a religion or sect.
  3. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
So you agree that the MAGA worshippers of the orange god are a cult then, correct?
Nope. Lookup the definition of cult. Trump is apolitical candidate with supporters, nothing more.
Look at Biden supporters/ They support a guy who is old, senile, and probably won't live thru a 2nd term. That is a cult.

It's a subset of The Democrat Media Bubble Cult.
Nope. We are political supporters, nothing more. We go to church. We worship only God. We know what religion is.
You dems worship the senile POS. He's way too old, yet you idolize him. Dems worship false gods. That is a cult.

You can not be both a Christian and a Trump supporter. Trump is the antithesis of Christianity. Perhaps you support him as the anti-Christ?

We do not idolize Biden. Most of us would prefer to have a younger President, but Biden seems to be the only one that can unite the usually disunified liberal coalition. None of whom are crazy about Biden, but most of whom find him as the best alternative.
True, but being unable to find any fault whatsoever in the politician in question and never questioning a single think they tell you....does make one a cult member
I think that could describe the supporters for Obama, Trump, and also Biden, although I also think both Trump and Biden have received some pushback from some in their own party, but not so much for Obama. For many on the Left he was black Jesus.

These days the word 'cult' is used as a pejorative against Trump supporters that is undeserved IMHO. For many of the MAGA people, unquestioned obedience to Trump is nonsense; for sure he has his following but there are a lot of people like me that do not see him as a good person or leader. For us, he's just the guy that opposes the agenda of the democrats, so it ain't about him so much as the policies of the other side.

Buuut, that's the way it is these days, name-calling demagoguery to attack the political opposition. I find it interesting that the Left tries very hard to make it personal instead of analytical, emotions instead of reasons. So much arguing about Trump instead of dissecting his policies. Which BTW I do not entirely support, like tariffs for instance. But I see the other side as hastening disaster and I believe I should oppose that for the sake of future generations.
Nope. Lookup the definition of cult. Trump is apolitical candidate with supporters, nothing more.
Look at Biden supporters/ They support a guy who is old, senile, and probably won't live thru a 2nd term. That is a cult.

Funny, I did not even mention a name and you just assumed it was the Trump people! I wonder why :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You can not be both a Christian and a Trump supporter. Trump is the antithesis of Christianity. Perhaps you support him as the anti-Christ?
We do not idolize Biden. Most of us would prefer to have a younger President, but Biden seems to be the only one that can unite the usually disunified liberal coalition. None of whom are crazy about Biden, but most of whom find him as the best alternative.
1. Trump is an imperfect man who did a good job as president, way better than Joe Biden. That's all that matters.
2. We are Christians and Trump supporters, so you are wrong.
3. We disagree on the "lesser of the evils" as happens every election.
Bands of testosterone-saturated young men that impose themselves on others because they are more powerful and are prepared to kill form a death cult. Yes, armies.
Generally I'd think that a cult would include the following elements:
  • Iconoclastic, authoritarian, charismatic leader who sets the philosophical and behavioral tone within the cult
  • Intense devotion of the cult members to that leader, including a willingness to break laws
  • A simple shared story that is constantly drummed into the cult that paints them as victims and glorifies the leader
  • A secondary (and perhaps tertiary) level of leadership that aggressively enforces the rules and philosophy
  • A paranoid, binary, us vs. them, us against the world mindset on most issues
  • Methods of extracting as much money specifically from the believers as possible
  • Highly controlled and consistent informational ecosystem that only reinforces the philosophy
  • A proprietary language that exists in addition to the regular language
  • Disapproval of, and intimidation against, questioning or doubt within the ranks
  • The quick, loud and summary expulsion of anyone who breaks the rules
  • An insulated set of rules that allow the cult to adapt reality to its peculiar worldview
  • An aggressive and purposeful separation between the cult members and friends/family members outside the cult
Something like that.

Where this list isn't bad at all....things have changed. Instead of intimidation most use shaming tactics. (So many recognized cults start out as "self help" group of some sort. And some don't focus on money or sex. The salacious ones that makes headlines do....but a cult can focus on the abstinence of sex and chastity instead of perverted sex.
The number one chatacteristic of a cult is that they say they are not a cult.

It is much easier (like 100x easier) to fool somebody than to convince someone they have been fooled.

People usually enjoy their time inside a cult. Even former cult members of extremely highly demanding, destructive cults described their time in a cult as "some of the happiest times in their lives " and admit they miss those times.

And for those who think that "Christian Nationalists" are something that is used by the Democrats....ummm....no.
Jerry Falwell started this group back in the mid to late 70's. (Wasn't called that then) Ronald Reagan or his advocates actively campaigning in churches for years before he got elected....it developed into a voting block that hadn't been seen before. (Churches never did this before....there's good reasons why too).
Christian Churches usually preach against such things as slander and envy and lying and hypocrisy. The very things that politicians use to get elected. So having politicians in church preaching? But there are many who don't recognize the issue. And it continues to this day.
Generally very weak minded and non directional people taken over by a charismatic and deceptive leader
Teabaggers are the very definition of a cult.
Trump is your charismatic, deceptive, leader, who can do no wrong.
Teabaggers, like their dear leader are always whining about being victims........of something.
Then teabaggers follow Trump, in attacking anyone that accuses Trump.........of ANYTHING.
It’s why conservatives can’t be in a cult-we are thinkers who have made much of our lives and don’t sit in a stew claiming others have taken life’s pleasures from us.
That's all Trump and his cult do.
Look at the January 6th attempted insurrection at the capitol building, because Trump claimed the election was stolen.

1. Trump is an imperfect man who did a good job as president, way better than Joe Biden. That's all that matters.
2. We are Christians and Trump supporters, so you are wrong.
3. We disagree on the "lesser of the evils" as happens every election.

1. Trump is a sociopathic spoiled brat who did a shit job as President and is the greatest embarrassment this nation has ever had.

2. You can not be both a Christian and a Trump supporter. You must have a very, very sick idea of what Christianity is if you think you can be both.

3. We're not happy with the 'lesser of two evils' but:
a. Joe Biden is not evil.
b. Trump is a very, very evil and anti-American person.

You can not be both a Christian and a Trump supporter. Trump is the antithesis of Christianity. Perhaps you support him as the anti-Christ?

We do not idolize Biden. Most of us would prefer to have a younger President, but Biden seems to be the only one that can unite the usually disunified liberal coalition. None of whom are crazy about Biden, but most of whom find him as the best alternative.
They've completely sold their soul to a con man, and most of us who had to vote for Biden mostly just tolerate him.

The fact that they try so hard to equate the two shows you they know how different the situations are.

Good. They should be embarrassed, but people like this don't feel shame.

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