CDZ What is a "high capacity" gun many bullets?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This term comes up often in gun control debates...."high capacity" magazines. I submit that most people who hear that term think 100 round drum magazines, like the one used by the Colorado theater shooter...which ended up malfunctioning the rifle, saving people ran out while he tried to clear the jam. He then went to his pistol....having emptied his shotgun previously.....

So normal, uninformed Americans when they hear "high capacity" magazines think 100 round magazines. Those who push gun control.......use that term "high capacity" and then use it to push to get 30 round, standard magazines banned, using the ignorance of the uninformed Americans to push those bans.

So....what really is a "high capacity" magazine?
A gun with enough magazine capacity to hold the rounds you need plus a short joint?

Or maybe a scary "assault" rifle with a roach clip mounted instead of a bayonet?
My experience is that anything over 20 feeds poorly and tends to jam. I oppose any laws on capacity, but my personal experience is that 20 round magazines work better in AR-15 and Mini 14 rifles.
I will wait patiently for the USMB anti gun posters to post on this topic.....
seems to me that 20 rounds in an AR is optimal but all capacity mags should be available for sale and use .
seems to me that 20 rounds in an AR is optimal but all capacity mags should be available for sale and use .

Yes....this is why the anti gunners use the bait and switch...they talk about 100 round drum magazines as High Capacity....and then they pass legislation for anything over 10 rounds....using the uninformed voters to give them the votes....
This term comes up often in gun control debates...."high capacity" magazines. I submit that most people who hear that term think 100 round drum magazines, like the one used by the Colorado theater shooter...which ended up malfunctioning the rifle, saving people ran out while he tried to clear the jam. He then went to his pistol....having emptied his shotgun previously.....

So normal, uninformed Americans when they hear "high capacity" magazines think 100 round magazines. Those who push gun control.......use that term "high capacity" and then use it to push to get 30 round, standard magazines banned, using the ignorance of the uninformed Americans to push those bans.

So....what really is a "high capacity" magazine?

Personally I think we need a group of people who like guns, have practical experience with them and have a law enforcement background to set up regulations which make sense. Otherwise you end up with the 90's era assault weapon ban which seemed to mostly have been good for raising ammunition prices and selling old stock or some reactionary ban which does not practically matter.

Far as where to set the line for "high capacity. I dunno if there is an exact place to draw a line. What's a long pass in the NFL?

What was the WWII era M1's capacity? We sent boys into battle with those. Perhaps we can start there.
feck special categories of people like 'police' and military setting up LAWS that the citizens and taxpayers that employ these civil servant and assumed experts have to follow . You don't mind being a Subject or designated peasant eh Toronado ??
feck special categories of people like 'police' and military setting up LAWS that the citizens and taxpayers that employ these civil servant and assumed experts have to follow . You don't mind being a Subject or designated peasant eh Toronado ??

Yup, I don't mind living in a country with some form of gun control.

On the far end, the founding fathers never wrote squat about me not being able to buy an armed and loaded Apache. Yet we have these laws limiting my freedom.

This is not a rhetorical question. It will give me a benchmark for your point of view which if you are honest, you can defend. Do you think I should be able to buy the Apache?
feck special categories of people like 'police' and military setting up LAWS that the citizens and taxpayers that employ these civil servant and assumed experts have to follow . You don't mind being a Subject or designated peasant eh Toronado ??

Yup, I don't mind living in a country with some form of gun control.

On the far end, the founding fathers never wrote squat about me not being able to buy an armed and loaded Apache. Yet we have these laws limiting my freedom.

This is not a rhetorical question. It will give me a benchmark for your point of view which if you are honest, you can defend. Do you think I should be able to buy the Apache?
----------------------- yeah , no nukes allowed either Toranado [chuckle] !! But Americans do have the Right to all the Issued Small Arms of the American combat soldier Toronado .
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If I'm using my rifle to hunt animals, all I need is one bullet at a time. If I'm using it for just about anything else, availability of multiple bullets, in a short period of time, sounds logical to me.
feck special categories of people like 'police' and military setting up LAWS that the citizens and taxpayers that employ these civil servant and assumed experts have to follow . You don't mind being a Subject or designated peasant eh Toronado ??

Yup, I don't mind living in a country with some form of gun control.

On the far end, the founding fathers never wrote squat about me not being able to buy an armed and loaded Apache. Yet we have these laws limiting my freedom.

This is not a rhetorical question. It will give me a benchmark for your point of view which if you are honest, you can defend. Do you think I should be able to buy the Apache?
----------------------- yeah , no nuke allowed either Toranado [chuckle] !! But Americans do have the Right to all the Issued Small Arms of the American combat soldier Toronado .
----------------------------------------------------- so there , i think that you see my reasoning as it is pretty clear . And your type and the retired military experts or kings men / government employees are tax payer fed big shots and are for limiting small arms that are ISSUE Small Arms and accessories like normal capacity magazines that are issued to the American Combat Soldier Toronado .

If I'm using my rifle to hunt animals, all I need is one bullet at a time. If I'm using it for just about anything else, availability of multiple bullets, in a short period of time, sounds logical to me.
--------------------------------------------------------------- Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or target shooting although guns can be used for hunting and target shooting WParadox .
feck special categories of people like 'police' and military setting up LAWS that the citizens and taxpayers that employ these civil servant and assumed experts have to follow . You don't mind being a Subject or designated peasant eh Toronado ??

Yup, I don't mind living in a country with some form of gun control.

On the far end, the founding fathers never wrote squat about me not being able to buy an armed and loaded Apache. Yet we have these laws limiting my freedom.

This is not a rhetorical question. It will give me a benchmark for your point of view which if you are honest, you can defend. Do you think I should be able to buy the Apache?
----------------------- yeah , no nukes allowed either Toranado [chuckle] !! But Americans do have the Right to all the Issued Small Arms of the American combat soldier Toronado .

OK. so we have spouted our rhetoric and come up with some common ground. We both believe in gun control. Probably to different degrees but we both believe in it.

The topic at hand, do you think there should be restrictions on what size magazine, clip or whatever I can have on my gun? (I assume we are talking simi-auto's here and if I am correct in respect of the OP we should restrict ourselves to that)

If I'm using my rifle to hunt animals, all I need is one bullet at a time. If I'm using it for just about anything else, availability of multiple bullets, in a short period of time, sounds logical to me.
------------------------------------------------------ and HEARTFELT Apology to you Windparadox . I replied to your post without reading it fully or accurately . I made ASSUMPTIONS that i should not have made in my reply to you . So in closing , i apologize for my reply to you concerning post number 12 WParadox .
feck special categories of people like 'police' and military setting up LAWS that the citizens and taxpayers that employ these civil servant and assumed experts have to follow . You don't mind being a Subject or designated peasant eh Toronado ??

Yup, I don't mind living in a country with some form of gun control.

On the far end, the founding fathers never wrote squat about me not being able to buy an armed and loaded Apache. Yet we have these laws limiting my freedom.

This is not a rhetorical question. It will give me a benchmark for your point of view which if you are honest, you can defend. Do you think I should be able to buy the Apache?
----------------------- yeah , no nukes allowed either Toranado [chuckle] !! But Americans do have the Right to all the Issued Small Arms of the American combat soldier Toronado .

OK. so we have spouted our rhetoric and come up with some common ground. We both believe in gun control. Probably to different degrees but we both believe in it.

The topic at hand, do you think there should be restrictions on what size magazine, clip or whatever I can have on my gun? (I assume we are talking simi-auto's here and if I am correct in respect of the OP we should restrict ourselves to that)
------------------------------------------ SURE agree to your stipulation . But no , i don't believe in ANY gun control but Small Arms are not 'black hawks' or 'nukes' and many times libs throw 'black hawks' and 'nukes' into the mix as they try to make a point . ------------ That being said , magazine capacity in a semi auto AR as designed is for 5 , 10 , 20 and 30 round magazines which are available for money in a well stocked gun store . [i like 20 rounders] Other higher and mostly unreliable or very heavy when loaded high capacity mags may also be available and thats ok with me because a fool and his money are soon parted to the profit of the seller . ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As unrelated comment , machine guns are available in many states as they should be . Reagan is the guy that fecked Americans concerning machine guns Toronado .
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and my main problem with your , think it was your opening post was this SPECIAL Status given to taxpayer paid government employees or 'kings' men who have a big interest in disarming or reducing EFFECTIVE guns to the American people . As my one example showing anti gun Military Generals . They work for the government and are nothing more than civil servants and are paid by American taxpayers even when retired Toronado .
no , i don't believe in ANY gun control but Small Arms are
Really? Are you OK with convicted criminals legally buying guns? How about the mentally ill? Non-citizens?
-------------------------------------------------- and convicted and imprisoned criminals can't buy or use guns , Course when released from PRISON they should have ALL Rights restored or they should remain in Prison Alang . ---------------------------------------- give some examples of the mentally ill that should not be allowed guns and why are those mentally ill people walking or driving American streets Alang . Mentally Ill , what , like some murderers that have been released from prison like that mentally ill guy that tried to kill Reagan , well , he should still be in prison or hospital or executed Alang . Non citizens should not be in the USA Alang .

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