What Is A "Jury of your peers"?

You are a fucking retard
So, no.

Presumably Trump is an adult.

Trump says it's "very possible" that Biden and other political rivals will have to be jailed
Trump said that his own conviction was a "terrible precedent," claiming falsely that Biden was behind it all
First you have to go to the constitution, and the 6th amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed,

Trump committed the crime in Manhattan, so that's where the trial is held, and where the jury is picked from.
So weird how trump was the one pushing lock her up and crooked joe without ever having enough evidence to convict. The closest they came was Hillary using her emails. Everyone else did it too and it wasn’t a felony till trump made it one. Then trump committed the crime.

Republicans want to argue that trump was just kidding when he said lock her up. In fact he lied and said he never said it. So sorry we took him at his word. And held him to the same standard he held us
I believe we have allowed lawyers corrupt the system. There is a trial. People are called to sit for the jury.

They get randomly picked, with very limited reasons to exclude a potential juror. I wouldn't answer any of their questions outside of stating I believe I could make a ruling based upon the evidence and law. Period.

If for some reason I believe I couldn't, I would say so.

Of course the jury needs to weed out friends and family but that's about it.

Re: I wouldn't answer any of their questions outside of stating I believe I could make a ruling based upon the evidence and law. Period.

We can no more consider your statement to be true without testing it, just like that of anybody testifying in a court of law.
Re: I wouldn't answer any of their questions outside of stating I believe I could make a ruling based upon the evidence and law. Period.

We can no more consider your statement to be true without testing it, just like that of anybody testifying in a court of law.

Sorry, why?
I don't understand the term. Would black people say that when a black person is tried with an all white or mostly white jury that it would be called a jury of your peers? What about if you are a staunch Republican (we'll just call him Donald J Trump) and you have a trial in a deep blue city inside a deep blue state (with a deep blue DA and deep blue prosecutors and a deep blue judge)? Would that be called a jury of your peers? What in the hell is a peer?
I guess this was a logical progression from bitching about the charges, then bitching about the judge, to now bitching about the jury and feigning ignorance about the term “peer”.
What wasn't what you said.
Huh? I asked you a question. A new question. Least you could do is answer.

Arent we all equal in the eyes of the law?

Imagine if Biden blatantly and boldly broke the laws in your face all the time? You guys wouldn’t charge him? You’ve been looking for something to charge the Clinton’s with for 40 years. Sorry you haven’t been successful
I guess this was a logical progression from bitching about the charges, then bitching about the judge, to now bitching about the jury and feigning ignorance about the term “peer”.

They have to be victims. Of someone. The judge, the judicial system, the judges family, a prosecutor, a lawyer they hired, even jurors.

You can't have retribution politics without someone you need to take revenge against.
So weird how trump was the one pushing lock her up and crooked joe without ever having enough evidence to convict. The closest they came was Hillary using her emails. Everyone else did it too and it wasn’t a felony till trump made it one. Then trump committed the crime.

Republicans want to argue that trump was just kidding when he said lock her up. In fact he lied and said he never said it. So sorry we took him at his word. And held him to the same standard he held us
Trump said at the presidential debate in 2016, that if he were elected president that Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

I'm sure they'll deny Trump said that too.
His residence falls under the Southern district of Florida, which includes Miami....

And yes, more than likely.... :(
I bet not. Miami won’t be convinced to let him finance a building tax free like he did in ny and Atlantic City . That’s prime real estate In Miami.

I wonder what Don Jr and Eric will do after dad dies?
We need proof at least by the preponderance of the evidence.
And in serious matters, by the testimony of more than one witness.

Your impartiality claim, needs to be tested the same as the testimony of a witness needs to be tested.

The Daily Show pointed out how trumps lawyers don’t talk the same shit trump talks in his rallies. At the rallies they claim fraud but in court they point out they are not claiming that. Because that would require evidence.

Same for Rudy. Rudy can’t lie in court like he does on Fox News
I don't understand the term. Would black people say that when a black person is tried with an all white or mostly white jury that it would be called a jury of your peers? What about if you are a staunch Republican (we'll just call him Donald J Trump) and you have a trial in a deep blue city inside a deep blue state (with a deep blue DA and deep blue prosecutors and a deep blue judge)? Would that be called a jury of your peers? What in the hell is a peer?
Your peers are your fellow citizens. Case closed.
The Daily Show pointed out how trumps lawyers don’t talk the same shit trump talks in his rallies. At the rallies they claim fraud but in court they point out they are not claiming that. Because that would require evidence.

Same for Rudy. Rudy can’t lie in court like he does on Fox News

That's hardly new.

The Big Lie taught us that a dozen times over. They insisted the election was stolen at rallies......then would frequently refused to claim any election fraud had occurred in court.

But it doesn't matter. MAGA is about emotion. Its about faith. Look at Mike Johnson and his 'intuitive knowing'. The core logic of MAGA is that feelings are facts.

Full stop. No exceptions.
The Daily Show pointed out how trumps lawyers don’t talk the same shit trump talks in his rallies. At the rallies they claim fraud but in court they point out they are not claiming that. Because that would require evidence.

Same for Rudy. Rudy can’t lie in court like he does on Fox News
We saw that with Rudy. Talking all kinds of wild theories on the court house steps. But once inside, and a judge asked Rudy if he was claiming fraud, Rudy backed down and said "no".

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