What Is A "Jury of your peers"?

And of course the race card is now played by the guy who said he didn’t know what “peer” meant.
I see you understand that a black person wouldn't want to be judged by an all white jury and get told they were a jury of their peers.
With what you are trying to so diligently trying to convince others to believe, is that now the convicted felon P01135809, should have had Russian operatives on the jury during his trial.
Brilliant try . NOT..!
I guess he could have asked for Tucker Carlson, if he’d spare the time from his Russian TV show. :cool-45:
I don't understand the term. Would black people say that when a black person is tried with an all white or mostly white jury that it would be called a jury of your peers? What about if you are a staunch Republican (we'll just call him Donald J Trump) and you have a trial in a deep blue city inside a deep blue state (with a deep blue DA and deep blue prosecutors and a deep blue judge)? Would that be called a jury of your peers? What in the hell is a peer?
You actually do not know? You should not be allowed to post here if you do not.

This is an American message board. Not knowing what a jury of your peers is, means you never had a civics class in your lifetime or worse -- you have irreversible brain damage.
I was asking you. I don't know how to get in touch with them.
And you're clueless when seeing obvious rhetorical questions?

Good gawd man, I'm so sorry. I apologize. I didn't know the damage was so severe.
Junior High School civics class: 101

The phrase "a jury of peers" dates back to the signing of the Magna Carta in England. At that point, the provision ensured that fellow nobles tried members of the nobility rather than the king judging them. This phrase more accurately means a jury of fellow citizens.

The phrase "a jury of peers" dates back to the signing of the Magna Carta in England. At that point, the provision ensured that fellow nobles tried members of the nobility rather than the king judging them. This phrase more accurately means a jury of fellow citizens.
In answer to the question, a jury selected 100% from some deep red, rural backwater in the south wouldn't exactly have been "fair" either.
I totally agree. That's why you have a jury of your peers where the jury is not tainted with bias, as well as the DA, the prosecutors, and the judge. But, I do appreciate you admitting that the trial wasn't fair because it was 100% from some deep blue, city in the North. That was very man of you to admit.
Junior High School civics class: 101

The phrase "a jury of peers" dates back to the signing of the Magna Carta in England. At that point, the provision ensured that fellow nobles tried members of the nobility rather than the king judging them. This phrase more accurately means a jury of fellow citizens.

The phrase "a jury of peers" dates back to the signing of the Magna Carta in England. At that point, the provision ensured that fellow nobles tried members of the nobility rather than the king judging them. This phrase more accurately means a jury of fellow citizens.
That’s is you own ever special and wishful conclusion . Citizenry is not by itself The defining element
Why they are people who check all the same boxes as you. So, for instance, if you are a serial killer, your peers would be 12 other serial killers who get to decide if you are worthy of being in their Members Only club.
So, if you are saying Trump is guilty and is a criminal, then why wasn't he judged by a jury of his peers?
Trump needs to tone down the rhetoric on jailing Biden and democrats. That still could be a negative for him with the Independents.

Since the guilty verdicts, Trump hasn't thought out what he can get away with saying, and that's mostly because his ego has be bruised. He needs one of his faithful to script his rhetoric for him until he can shake it off.

There's a limit to how much bullshit Americans can accept. And if Biden survives to the election, he will have the power of the state behind him on account of his war against Russia!

That's Trump's biggest risk!
Trump's legal team got unlimited dismissals of potential jurors for cause. And 10 dismissals for any reason they like.

Trump's team simply had no basis for cause in dismissing any of the people that became jurors or alternates.

That's due process. And the same standard that pretty much anyone in NY is held to. Its not particularly remarkable.
Due process, jury of your peers, it has all proven to be nonense.
That’s is you own ever special and wishful conclusion . Citizenry is not by itself The defining element

Or.....fairly close to the active legal definition in use today:

Why would I ignore Cornell University Law School and trial judges across the country on what a 'peer' is, and instead believe you?

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