What Is A "Jury of your peers"?

Due process, jury of your peers, it has all proven to be nonense.

Says you, citing yourself. Which isn't a legal standard.

Meanwhile, every court to review the case so far, State of Federal, has found it to be compliant with constitutional requirements. But you say differently, citing yourself.

Why would I ignore every court to review this case, and instead believe some random soul on the internet that insists he knows better?
Peer also contains an element of equalness. A chemist on trial for mixing a deadly concoction is a peer of chemists and scientists but not of a 6th grade dropout hoochie
The easiest way to imagine a "jury of one's peers" is to image if superman was put on trial. Who would his jury consist of?

The justice league, or ordinary citizens?
Trumps been a New Yorker forever

Trumps lawyers picked half the jurors

You don’t know how wealthy the jurors were

Trump ran around ny showing us ny ers love him. Was that a lie?
dude, you know they can't excuse everyone right? They only get a finite number to excuse.

Peer also contains an element of equalness. A chemist on trial for mixing a deadly concoction is a peer of chemists and scientists but not of a 6th grade dropout hoochie
here we go...

This article is all about the idea of a jury of peers. It's a big part of the justice system, coming from the Sixth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution. We'll break it down, clear up some common confusions, and discuss constitutional rights when putting together a jury in criminal trials. Let's explore why this is important and the challenges it brings.

Nebulous plus not relevant to definition of peer

A Jury of Your Peers: The Basics​

The phrase "a jury of peers" dates back to the signing of the Magna Carta in England. At that point, the provision ensured that fellow nobles tried members of the nobility rather than the king judging them. This phrase more accurately means a jury of fellow citizens. It is a crucial aspect of the Sixth Amendment in criminal law.

The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees several essential rights for individuals facing criminal charges. These rights include:

  • Right to a Speedy Trial: Defendants have the right to a trial without unnecessary delays.
  • Right to a Public Trial: The trial must be open to the public, allowing for transparency and accountability in the legal process.
  • Right to an Impartial Jury: Defendants have the right to a trial by jury free from prejudice and bias.
  • Right to be Informed of Charges: Defendants have the right to know the nature and cause of the accusations against them, ensuring they are fully aware of the charges they face.
  • Right to Confront Witnesses: Defendants can confront and cross-examine witnesses who testify against them, allowing for a fair and thorough examination of the evidence.
  • Right to Compulsory Process: Defendants can obtain witnesses in their favor, compelling the attendance of favorable witnesses.
  • Right to Assistance of Counsel: Defendants have the right to legal representation. One will be provided for them if they cannot afford an attorney. This right ensures that individuals have proper legal guidance and representation throughout the proceedings.
It’s a flawed system, but tell me of one better.

When would that happen in this day and age? :rolleyes-41:
Thanks for admitting it was a flawed system, with a "jury of peers" being selected in a highly deep blue area with a flawed process to hear a case brought by a biased DA, biased prosecutors, and a biased judge, with a lot of pretrial publicity from New York's biased media and Democrat politicians.

So, you're admitting that if a black person went up against an all white jury, that the trial would not be fair, just the same as if Trump went up against a tainted jury it wouldn't be fair?
With what you are trying to so diligently trying to convince others to believe, is that now the convicted felon P01135809, should have had Russian operatives on the jury during his trial.
Brilliant try . NOT..!
The Russian operatives are all busy in the Biden administration. They weren't available.
here we go...

This article is all about the idea of a jury of peers. It's a big part of the justice system, coming from the Sixth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution. We'll break it down, clear up some common confusions, and discuss constitutional rights when putting together a jury in criminal trials. Let's explore why this is important and the challenges it brings.

So an all white jury is a jury of a black person’s peer group huh?
I wouldn't want to be that black person with an all white jury and get told that a jury of my peers is going to decide if I am innocent or guilty.
Blacks in Manhattan likely live in Harlem. There is a courthouse in Harlem, and if the criminal committed his crime there, he would likely have several voting black citizens selected as jurists.
In racist America your peers won't be considered to be people with different colour skin than yours.

Other modern countries don't see any difference, according to a person's skin.

Neither does skin colour make any difference in intelligence in those other countries. In America they can detect lower intelligence in some non-white people on account of them having less opportunity.
Tell that to blacks in the US.
He's the superman from comic and tv and film legend. The man of steel, who stands for truth justice and the American way.

Would his jury of his peers, consists of the justice league, or of ordinary citizens?

The answer should be obvious.
ordinary citizens, especially if they all stand for truth justice and the American way.

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