What is a Neocon?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
According to this article, Neocons are NOT conservatives in the true sense of the word. Instead, they are Globalists. And the Congressional Leadership spends most of its time figuring out who is “controllable” so they can forward their agendas,

Read more @ What is a neocon?
A neocon is a liberal who has joined the Republican party.

As with most names for liberals, "neocon" is a misnomer, meant to disguise the fact that he's liberal.

We've been getting a lot of them for the last 20 years, as the Democrat party has moved more and more to the extreme left, and the "only somewhat liberal" people quit the party. They have been moving the Republican party to the left also, as they vote for more and more liberal programs from a party that was once (long ago) fairly conservative.
Since the OP couldn't be troubled to provide the highlights, I will. The OP links sums up a "neocon" thusly:

For the most part, these people care absolutely nothing about domestic social issues. It doesn't matter to them one whit whether a congressman is pro-life or pro-choice; whether he or she is "pro-family" or pro-gay marriage; whether he or she is identified as a conservative or a liberal. These issues don't even enter the mind of a globalist.

Here is what the article alleges a neocon cares about:
*Pro-International "Free Trade" Deals
From NAFTA to TPP, these so-called "free trade" deals are nothing more than international loopholes that discriminate against the manufacturing jobs and labor class of individual countries and favor the billionaire class that conducts business internationally.

*Pro-Illegal Immigration

The great goal of globalists is to blur or even eliminate national borders.


NOTHING rings the cash register for globalists like war.

*Pro-Police State

Freedom is anathema to globalists; an armed citizenry is anathema to globalists. In order for globalism to succeed, people must be restrained. They must be surveilled. They must be regulated. They must be controlled.

*Pro-Deficit Spending

Neocons support deficit spending. In this, they are far worse than overt liberals. For example, liberals in the Democrat Party want to tax-and-spend, while neocons in the Republican Party want to borrow-and-spend.

Heh. How many times have I said that last one?
Since the OP couldn't be troubled to provide the highlights, I will. The OP links sums up a "neocon" thusly:

For the most part, these people care absolutely nothing about domestic social issues. It doesn't matter to them one whit whether a congressman is pro-life or pro-choice; whether he or she is "pro-family" or pro-gay marriage; whether he or she is identified as a conservative or a liberal. These issues don't even enter the mind of a globalist.

Here is what the article alleges a neocon cares about:
*Pro-International "Free Trade" Deals
From NAFTA to TPP, these so-called "free trade" deals are nothing more than international loopholes that discriminate against the manufacturing jobs and labor class of individual countries and favor the billionaire class that conducts business internationally.

*Pro-Illegal Immigration

The great goal of globalists is to blur or even eliminate national borders.


NOTHING rings the cash register for globalists like war.

*Pro-Police State

Freedom is anathema to globalists; an armed citizenry is anathema to globalists. In order for globalism to succeed, people must be restrained. They must be surveilled. They must be regulated. They must be controlled.

*Pro-Deficit Spending

Neocons support deficit spending. In this, they are far worse than overt liberals. For example, liberals in the Democrat Party want to tax-and-spend, while neocons in the Republican Party want to borrow-and-spend.

Heh. How many times have I said that last one?
It seems to me the modern GOP is in favor of all of those things except immigration.
Since the OP couldn't be troubled to provide the highlights, I will. The OP links sums up a "neocon" thusly:

For the most part, these people care absolutely nothing about domestic social issues. It doesn't matter to them one whit whether a congressman is pro-life or pro-choice; whether he or she is "pro-family" or pro-gay marriage; whether he or she is identified as a conservative or a liberal. These issues don't even enter the mind of a globalist.

Here is what the article alleges a neocon cares about:
*Pro-International "Free Trade" Deals
From NAFTA to TPP, these so-called "free trade" deals are nothing more than international loopholes that discriminate against the manufacturing jobs and labor class of individual countries and favor the billionaire class that conducts business internationally.

*Pro-Illegal Immigration

The great goal of globalists is to blur or even eliminate national borders.


NOTHING rings the cash register for globalists like war.

*Pro-Police State

Freedom is anathema to globalists; an armed citizenry is anathema to globalists. In order for globalism to succeed, people must be restrained. They must be surveilled. They must be regulated. They must be controlled.

*Pro-Deficit Spending

Neocons support deficit spending. In this, they are far worse than overt liberals. For example, liberals in the Democrat Party want to tax-and-spend, while neocons in the Republican Party want to borrow-and-spend.
Heh. How many times have I said that last one?
In other words, I was right.

A neocon is a liberal who has joined the Republican party.
There were actually very few 'neo-cons; they are/were a handful of anti-Soviet Trotskyite policy wonks who are/were active in intellectual and academic publishing circles. They weren't liberals, despite the spin, who supported the Cold War and right wingers like Ronald Reagan on foreign policy, hence the term 'neo-con' There were only five or six, iirc, William Kristol, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, and four or five others I can't recall, Horowitz maybe. Spin doctors and propagandists twisted the term to mean anybody whose pro-active foreign policy rejects isolationism and other retarded head in the sand policies, of the kind that lead to WW I and WW II which could have been nipped in the bud early on instead of blossoming into major wars with massive death tolls.

A couple of better essays on their policy influences here.

The Neocons

... and


The Neo-Liberals infesting the Democratic Party are far worse and far more anti-American.
Since the OP couldn't be troubled to provide the highlights, I will. The OP links sums up a "neocon" thusly:

For the most part, these people care absolutely nothing about domestic social issues. It doesn't matter to them one whit whether a congressman is pro-life or pro-choice; whether he or she is "pro-family" or pro-gay marriage; whether he or she is identified as a conservative or a liberal. These issues don't even enter the mind of a globalist.

Here is what the article alleges a neocon cares about:
*Pro-International "Free Trade" Deals
From NAFTA to TPP, these so-called "free trade" deals are nothing more than international loopholes that discriminate against the manufacturing jobs and labor class of individual countries and favor the billionaire class that conducts business internationally.

*Pro-Illegal Immigration

The great goal of globalists is to blur or even eliminate national borders.


NOTHING rings the cash register for globalists like war.

*Pro-Police State

Freedom is anathema to globalists; an armed citizenry is anathema to globalists. In order for globalism to succeed, people must be restrained. They must be surveilled. They must be regulated. They must be controlled.

*Pro-Deficit Spending

Neocons support deficit spending. In this, they are far worse than overt liberals. For example, liberals in the Democrat Party want to tax-and-spend, while neocons in the Republican Party want to borrow-and-spend.
Heh. How many times have I said that last one?
In other words, I was right.

A neocon is a liberal who has joined the Republican party.

Liberals are opposed to free trade agreements, and are anti-war.

Try again.
These labels tend to be created by people who want to marginalize certain issues in order to avoid having to discuss their merits. I think the only meaningful label is Consitutional; that is, respecting the specific provisions of the Constitution and opposing attempts to amend it by judicial activism.
These labels tend to be created by people who want to marginalize certain issues in order to avoid having to discuss their merits. I think the only meaningful label is Consitutional; that is, respecting the specific provisions of the Constitution and opposing attempts to amend it by judicial activism.

The Supreme Court has taken on too much power, which is not surprising given the giant power vacuum and imbalances created by Congress shirking its role in the three-legged race. The SCOTUS role needed reforming within a decade after the Constitutional Convention, really, but nobody gets excited about it until the Court rules against one wingnut faction's sacred cow; everybody is all for judicial activism when the Court makes rulings that favor their pet ideologies, so it's doubtful any change is forthcoming. Everybody likes the way things are now, obviously, corruption and all, or the voters would actually change it.
In the bare truth sense it is a conservative who cares more for conserving Jewish interest than their own country.

Margeret Thatcher made a deal with them, I'll take care of Israel if you allow me to take care of Britain. She ceased mass immigration and saved the Faulklins. Since then the neocons have grown. No longer do they make such deals.

they hated ceasing immigration and saving the Faulklins and they must have had quite a struggle with some international bankers over it. What a bloody waste of Jewish resources.
Since the OP couldn't be troubled to provide the highlights, I will. The OP links sums up a "neocon" thusly:

For the most part, these people care absolutely nothing about domestic social issues. It doesn't matter to them one whit whether a congressman is pro-life or pro-choice; whether he or she is "pro-family" or pro-gay marriage; whether he or she is identified as a conservative or a liberal. These issues don't even enter the mind of a globalist.

Here is what the article alleges a neocon cares about:
*Pro-International "Free Trade" Deals
From NAFTA to TPP, these so-called "free trade" deals are nothing more than international loopholes that discriminate against the manufacturing jobs and labor class of individual countries and favor the billionaire class that conducts business internationally.

*Pro-Illegal Immigration

The great goal of globalists is to blur or even eliminate national borders.


NOTHING rings the cash register for globalists like war.

*Pro-Police State

Freedom is anathema to globalists; an armed citizenry is anathema to globalists. In order for globalism to succeed, people must be restrained. They must be surveilled. They must be regulated. They must be controlled.

*Pro-Deficit Spending

Neocons support deficit spending. In this, they are far worse than overt liberals. For example, liberals in the Democrat Party want to tax-and-spend, while neocons in the Republican Party want to borrow-and-spend.
Heh. How many times have I said that last one?
In other words, I was right.

A neocon is a liberal who has joined the Republican party.
This is ridiculous, ignorant, and wrong – the stuff of blind partisan stupidity.
NeoCons are also Israeli Firsters.They do not give a crap about American values.
Liberals are opposed to free trade agreements, and are anti-war.
Correction: Most liberals SAY they are anti-war.

But historically, most of the times we have gotten into wars, have been during liberal administrations.

Liberals tend to expand government and mess around in people's economies and private lives. This causes far more conflicts (including full-blown wars) than the conservative agenda of leaving people alone and merely protecting their rights.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that what liberals say, is the same as what they do.
In other words, I was right.
A neocon is a liberal who has joined the Republican party.
This is ridiculous, ignorant, and wrong – the stuff of blind partisan stupidity.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what you said, but I hate it anyway.

So I'll call it names instead, and call you names, and try to fool people into thinking there's something wrong with it anyway.

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