What is a Patriot?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Patriot. You hear this word spoken all the time in American politics. Yet there seems to be so many definitions attributed to it. On one hand, you have Conservatives/Republicans/Libertarians defining a patriot who extols the will of our Constitution. Or a soldier on the battlefield defending our freedom. On the other, you have Liberals/Democrats/Progressives defining patriotism as helping the poor, educating our children and offering change to the country that would better suit the collective. An activist standing up for the rights of others. You hear the word bandied about and abused as a weapon or a tool for the disparagement of others in the political arena. But does anyone know what a real patriot is?

I was taught that patriotism was something resulting in love of country over self. I still believe that. I love my country, even in the sordid state of affairs it's in right now. But there are so many ways people define a Patriot. Many people when they hear the term, conjure up images of George Washington crossing the Delaware River or the First Continental Congress signing the Declaration of Independence. But nobody knows what a real patriot is, neither side has it right. To be a patriot is to be devoted to your country and her citizens, through thick and thin, to love her and cherish her like the finest cut diamond.

Patriotism isn't something which can be linked to political viewpoints. It is blasphemous to suggest such. If one questions anothers patriotism, is it for disagreement in politics? If it is, the one is a fool, for he knows not the true meaning of patriotism. If one questions anothers patriotism, is it for gauging their love of country? If it is, then the one is enlightened, knowing full well the meaning of what it takes to be a patriot.

My question to you:

Do you know what makes a patriot?
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Patriot. You hear this word spoken all the time in American politics. Yet there seems to be so many definitions attributed to it. On one hand, you have Conservatives/Republicans/Libertarians defining a patriot who extols the will of our Constitution. Or a soldier on the battlefield defending our freedom. On the other, you have Liberals/Democrats/Progressives defining patriotism as helping the poor, educating our children and offering change to the country that would better suit the collective. An activist standing up for the rights of others. You hear the word bandied about and abused as a weapon or a tool for the disparagement of others in the political arena. But does anyone know what a real patriot is?

I was taught that patriotism was something resulting in love of country over self. I still believe that. I love my country, even in the sordid state of affairs it's in right now. But there are so many ways people define a Patriot. Many people when they hear the term, conjure up images of George Washington crossing the Delaware River or the First Continental Congress signing the Declaration of Independence. But nobody knows what a real patriot is, neither side has it right. To be a patriot is to be devoted to your country and her citizens, through thick and thin, to love her and cherish her like the finest cut diamond.

Patriotism isn't something which can be linked to political viewpoints. It is blasphemous to suggest such. If one questions anothers patriotism, is it for disagreement in politics? If it is, the one is a fool, for he knows not the true meaning of patriotism. If one questions anothers patriotism, is it for gauging their love of country? If it is, then the one is enlightened, knowing full well the meaning of what it takes to be a patriot.

My question to you:

Do you know what makes a patriot?
Sarah Palin makes a patriot. She shows compassion for her country, troops and Veterans and has done public service for a noble cause to better her fellow countrymen, not to hinder them like Obama has done. She oozes a patriotic spirit everywhere she goes that makes you proud to be an American. She's also a true Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen, something Obama has never been.
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Patriot. You hear this word spoken all the time in American politics. Yet there seems to be so many definitions attributed to it. On one hand, you have Conservatives/Republicans/Libertarians defining a patriot who extols the will of our Constitution. Or a soldier on the battlefield defending our freedom. On the other, you have Liberals/Democrats/Progressives defining patriotism as helping the poor, educating our children and offering change to the country that would better suit the collective. An activist standing up for the rights of others. You hear the word bandied about and abused as a weapon or a tool for the disparagement of others in the political arena. But does anyone know what a real patriot is?

I was taught that patriotism was something resulting in love of country over self. I still believe that. I love my country, even in the sordid state of affairs it's in right now. But there are so many ways people define a Patriot. Many people when they hear the term, conjure up images of George Washington crossing the Delaware River or the First Continental Congress signing the Declaration of Independence. But nobody knows what a real patriot is, neither side has it right. To be a patriot is to be devoted to your country and her citizens, through thick and thin, to love her and cherish her like the finest cut diamond.

Patriotism isn't something which can be linked to political viewpoints. It is blasphemous to suggest such. If one questions anothers patriotism, is it for disagreement in politics? If it is, the one is a fool, for he knows not the true meaning of patriotism. If one questions anothers patriotism, is it for gauging their love of country? If it is, then the one is enlightened, knowing full well the meaning of what it takes to be a patriot.

My question to you:

Do you know what makes a patriot?
A patriot is someone who does things out of a sake of duty to his country, not for personal profit or gain. A patriot is someone who's willing to say things many people don't want to hear, because he knows it is the right thing to do for his country. A patriot is someone who stays true to the principles his country was founded upon.

We were not founded upon the principles of "enhanced interrogation", indefinate detention and military aggression. We were founded upon the principles of a man is innocent until proven guilty, the right to voice our dissent with government and everyone shall be given due process of law. We are a country based on the rule of law. Demonstrating respect for the law, is being patriotic. Supporting armed aggression against country's in violation of that law, is not being patriotic. Supporting a persons right to disagree with you, is being patriotic. Shouting down someone else's opinion because you don't like to hear it, is not being patriotic.

This might sound corny, but truth and justice, is the American way.
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Sarah Palin is a nationalist. Maybe not even that..since she flirted with the Alaska Secessionist Movement.

So you don't think nationalists can be patriots? I think being a nationalist makes it easier to be a patriot because you automatically want what's best for your country and put it above you.

While I think liberals, the left, or whatever you want to call them can certainly be patriotic, I think their constant attacks on the military and veterans negates their patriotism. To me there are many patriots but our military is filled with them and to attack those individuals the way the Democrats/left/liberals do, in my opinion, ensures that the attacker is not a patriot.
Sarah Palin is a nationalist. Maybe not even that..since she flirted with the Alaska Secessionist Movement.

So you don't think nationalists can be patriots? I think being a nationalist makes it easier to be a patriot because you automatically want what's best for your country and put it above you.

While I think liberals, the left, or whatever you want to call them can certainly be patriotic, I think their constant attacks on the military and veterans negates their patriotism. To me there are many patriots but our military is filled with them and to attack those individuals the way the Democrats/left/liberals do, in my opinion, ensures that the attacker is not a patriot.

Which President fought the Nazis?
Those who think more about what they can do for their country, as opposed to the reverse.
So you don't think nationalists can be patriots? I think being a nationalist makes it easier to be a patriot because you automatically want what's best for your country and put it above you.

While I think liberals, the left, or whatever you want to call them can certainly be patriotic, I think their constant attacks on the military and veterans negates their patriotism. To me there are many patriots but our military is filled with them and to attack those individuals the way the Democrats/left/liberals do, in my opinion, ensures that the attacker is not a patriot.
You think protesting a war is un-patriotic?

I think putting the military in harms way over made up lies and pure BS is un-patriotic.

I support the military by wanting them home with their families.

I don't support them murdering innocent civilians and making jokes as they're doing it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZNJm35V2_0]Collateral Murder: WikiLeaks bombshell 'killing' video goes online - YouTube[/ame]
Patriot. You hear this word spoken all the time in American politics. Yet there seems to be so many definitions attributed to it. On one hand, you have Conservatives/Republicans/Libertarians defining a patriot who extols the will of our Constitution?

The Changing Definition of the Word "Patriot"

Don’t you love how the definition of the word “Patriot” has changed?

Patriots of the old days were the ones that wanted to throw off the chains of the oppressive British government. They were the radicals, the minority, the risk takers.

Today, a “Patriot” is one who salutes the flag, obeys the government, pays their taxes, hates muslims, hates “terrorists”, supports the troops no matter what kind of murderous genocide they commit, votes Republican (or Democrat, depending on the crowd), snitches on their neighbor for breaking the law, no matter how ridiculous or victim-less, etc, etc.

So you don't think nationalists can be patriots? I think being a nationalist makes it easier to be a patriot because you automatically want what's best for your country and put it above you.

While I think liberals, the left, or whatever you want to call them can certainly be patriotic, I think their constant attacks on the military and veterans negates their patriotism. To me there are many patriots but our military is filled with them and to attack those individuals the way the Democrats/left/liberals do, in my opinion, ensures that the attacker is not a patriot.
You think protesting a war is un-patriotic?

I think putting the military in harms way over made up lies and pure BS is un-patriotic.

I support the military by wanting them home with their families.

I don't support them murdering innocent civilians and making jokes as they're doing it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZNJm35V2_0]Collateral Murder: WikiLeaks bombshell 'killing' video goes online - YouTube[/ame]

I think attacking the military is unpatriotic. Not supporting the military as they perform their duties is unpatriotic. I didn't think this would be hard to understand.
A Patriot is a small under-powered Jeep. It's the Jeep you buy when you can't afford a real Jeep. If you can't afford to buy a real Jeep, it's probably the folks that added Patriot to Teabagger's fault. Kinda ironic.


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