Ted Nugent Is A True American Patriot

I already did. You were too lazy to bother reading the link I offered many posts back. (See post 33.)

So, as usual, you remain full of shit.

Honestly? You’re never honest. You stepped on the mine, you dopey twat.
That source said that there wasn't enough verifiable information to substantiate the claim. Yet the same source clearly indicated that, after a student deferment was rescinded, Nugent got the 4F that he bragged about. Why? He have bone spurs?

Nugent is a piece of shit, and not that talented either. While other rockers of his time period are still performing, still creating original music, his ass has a you-tube channel promoting his hunting. What a flippin loser.
Lie. Absolutely no proof this happened.

He got a student deferment. He showed up for his medical exam, so by definition he didn't avoid the draft. Bill Clinton also got the same deferment and ya'll don't consider him a draft dodger. A legal way to avoid the draft.

He said he was fucking with the reporter when he said he snorted cocaine to fail the physical. That was a lie. There is ZERO medical history showing that he did any of this stuff.
Do you people get off on defending indefensible scumbags?

If not, why do you do it?
Lie. Absolutely no proof this happened.

He got a student deferment. He showed up for his medical exam, so by definition he didn't avoid the draft. Bill Clinton also got the same deferment and ya'll don't consider him a draft dodger. A legal way to avoid the draft.

He said he was fucking with the reporter when he said he snorted cocaine to fail the physical. That was a lie. There is ZERO medical history showing that he did any of this stuff.
From your source,

The only objective conclusion that can be made is there's not enough evidence one way or the other.
Do you people get off on defending indefensible scumbags?

If not, why do you do it?

No, I just defend people from lies from racist negros such as yourself. I don't know the guy or like him, but he didn't dodge the draft so rather than admit you're wrong, all you have is "How can you like this guy?"

Ok, thanks. I won that easily.
No, I just defend people from lies from racist negros such as yourself. I don't know the guy or like him, but he didn't dodge the draft so rather than admit you're wrong, all you have is "How can you like this guy?"

Ok, thanks. I won that easily.
^^^ This is what cultism looks like folks.

That source said that there wasn't enough verifiable information to substantiate the claim. Yet the same source clearly indicated that, after a student deferment was rescinded, Nugent got the 4F that he bragged about. Why? He have bone spurs?

Nugent is a piece of shit, and not that talented either. While other rockers of his time period are still performing, still creating original music, his ass has a you-tube channel promoting his hunting. What a flippin loser.
Read the entire article, you twit.
if the far right tells her he a patriot that is all she needs to know.

I figured that out for myself actually.

It is like, the worse democrats are, the more you love them, while the cleaner and more patriotic a normal person is, the more you HATE them.

Hmm... I wonder why that is. 🤔 (I'm being sarcastic btw.)
I figured that out for myself actually.
Leftist are a cult, they do not understand independent thought. That is why the entire democrat party marches in lockstep like a flock of sheep.

Hmm... I wonder why that is. 🤔 (I'm being sarcastic btw.)
I try RR, I really try and wish I could be polite and civil on this forum, but we are facing pure evil here. You were asking about Lucifer the other day, well, here he is. The power and money and force behind the organization of the far left leading the democrat party these days is pure evil, everything they do is evil, everything they support is evil, there is not a single good, normal, wholesome thing they believe in or do.

Evil cannot be overcome in the world, but it can be resisted from within.
Leftist are a cult, they do not understand independent thought. That is why the entire democrat party marches in lockstep like a flock of sheep.

I try RR, I really try and wish I could be polite and civil on this forum, but we are facing pure evil here. You were asking about Lucifer the other day, well, here he is. The power and money and force behind the organization of the far left leading the democrat party these days is pure evil, everything they do is evil, everything they support is evil, there is not a single good, normal, wholesome thing they believe in or do.

Evil cannot be overcome in the world, but it can be resisted from within.

And they deliberately find fault with every Republican patriot that stands for the US Constitution. Amazing isn't it?
Read the entire article, you twit.
I did, sorry your reading comprehension skills are inferior. There are some unrefuted facts to look at. First, Nugent got a student deferment. But then he got the 4F deferment after the student deferment was rescinded. If he had real medical issues why didn't he seek the medical deferment from the getgo? From your source,

So everything hinges on that medical exam. If he faked a bad result, he's a draft dodger. If he didn't, he's not.

In the High Times interview he openly bragged about how he "faked a bad result", going in great detail as to the measures he took to achieve that "bad result". All you really got to run with is the claim that Nugent was lying in the High Times interview, but he is telling the truth now. Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

I mean what motivation did he have to lie back in the 70's, and to High Times no less. DId he want to appear "cool"? Damn, hard to be much cooler than a rockstar being interviewed by High Times. And why mention the drug use when he was so anti-drug? I mean if he was going to lie, surely he wouldn't throw that in. And if it was a lie, well damn what an elaborate one. And finally, if it was a lie back in the 70's and he is telling the truth now, why doesn't he give us the real reason for the medical deferment?

Contrast that with the present day. Nugent has a hell of a reason to lie today, to protect his brand. Not really sure why he feels the need. Obviously, dumbasses like you will continue to defend him. I mean when you target the lowest least intelligent rung of society, well it doesn't take that much to build a blind loyalty, just ask Trump.
And they deliberately find fault with every Republican patriot that stands for the US Constitution. Amazing isn't it?

Now you understand the RINO right. THe GOP is full of RINOS like McTurtle, Kinzinger and Cheney. The RINOs are scared to death to face the democrats so rather than risk their cushy position languishing in DC, they defer to the Left as their lapdog lackeys and only ask that if they help them and go along that they be left to sleep at their feet and get an occasional bone tossed their way.

It is because of RINOs that the Left succeed. Without so much of the GOP selling out, the left could not succeed, therefore, I despise RINOs more than the Left themselves.

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