What is a 'Safety Net'

It's called tough love RW. It's like when the mother kicks her baby birds out of the nest. Sure, it's tough going for a while, but as time goes on, it's the best for the birds so they can survive on their own.

Similar analogy Ray

But just like little birdies need to be taught to fly, there is no such thing as self made men.

Ergo, here we are yet again, caught betwixt the concept of handout/handup

THAT is issue

The "safety net?"

That's taking hard earned tax payer money and giving it to non working, irresponsible freeloading Americans.

That's the "safety net."
Helping those who need help

It is what honorable nations do

Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less

Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off

Back in the 90's under Clinton Welfare took a big hit. The only thing that happened was people started taking care of themselves or returning to family.

No one died. No one starved to death. They got off their asses and took care of themselves.

Only bleeding heart idiots like you keep welfare alive and well. Taking money from working people to give to those who don't want to work.
Only bleeding heart idiots like you keep welfare alive and well. Taking money from working people to give to those who don't want to work.

or fail.....


In a previous thread, someone posted their frustration with Republicans mocking the poor, and said that they are ruining the economy because they are not providing a safety net. I myself am one of these poor people, and I'm not really sure what Democrats want to accomplish. I'm disabled and I have a wife and a step-son I adopted. My whole family has healthcare and we go to the 'poor' clinic for health services. I've got low income insurance, and I have access to meds. Our state has a scholarship program for poor students, and my son is earning himself a shot at an education in a state school. Free school for everyone? That doesn't help any of the poor kids who are already earning their way to a scholarship. The Democrats are saying I should vote for more of working people's money, but that seems pretty pointless and destructive. I can tell you from my own experience that disabled people are not dying in the streets. I find the idea of universal income to be pointless as well. The argument is the government can give everyone a thousand dollars a month, and it will save money over the bureaucracy it takes to determine who actually needs help. This implies that it is impossible to effectively determine who needs aid, so you just give everyone cash. Overall, I think class warfare is pointless and destructive, and I don't see Republicans as mocking the poor, but I just see a frustration with a political party who wants to take money from working people while making life worse for everyone.

It's where you come across the border illegally, jump in to The Safety Net, and all of Grandpa and Grandma's money that they paid in to the system is just handed over to you with no questions asked, while lefty throws Grandma and Grandpa over the cliff 'cuz they love Bad Hombre's more.

Social Security, Welfare, Medicare are all about to go under, and The Left wants to give even more illegals access to those resources.

If we kicked the 20 Million Illegals off of it that are here sucking the system dry, overnight $250 Million would be injected back in to our Social Safety Net.

On top of that, Illegal Immigration cost the American Taxpayer another $150 Billion a year.

If we straightened out that issue alone, all that money could go to SSI, Medicare, whatever.

But the Social Safety Net needs to be more protected from Fraud and Abuse and we need to stop people who do not deserve to be on it from raiding it.
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It's called tough love RW. It's like when the mother kicks her baby birds out of the nest. Sure, it's tough going for a while, but as time goes on, it's the best for the birds so they can survive on their own.

Similar analogy Ray

But just like little birdies need to be taught to fly, there is no such thing as self made men.

Ergo, here we are yet again, caught betwixt the concept of handout/handup

THAT is issue


Birds teach their young how to fly? Have any videos of that? I've never heard of that before.

When the mother bird boots her babies out of the nest, they do what comes natural to them and fly. When it happens to some humans, the government is there to catch them.
It's called tough love RW. It's like when the mother kicks her baby birds out of the nest. Sure, it's tough going for a while, but as time goes on, it's the best for the birds so they can survive on their own.

Similar analogy Ray

But just like little birdies need to be taught to fly, there is no such thing as self made men.

Ergo, here we are yet again, caught betwixt the concept of handout/handup

THAT is issue


Birds teach their young how to fly? Have any videos of that? I've never heard of that before.

When the mother bird boots her babies out of the nest, they do what comes natural to them and fly. When it happens to some humans, the government is there to catch them.

The self-made man is a myth, Arnold Schwarzenegger tells students

In a previous thread, someone posted their frustration with Republicans mocking the poor, and said that they are ruining the economy because they are not providing a safety net. I myself am one of these poor people, and I'm not really sure what Democrats want to accomplish. I'm disabled and I have a wife and a step-son I adopted. My whole family has healthcare and we go to the 'poor' clinic for health services. I've got low income insurance, and I have access to meds. Our state has a scholarship program for poor students, and my son is earning himself a shot at an education in a state school. Free school for everyone? That doesn't help any of the poor kids who are already earning their way to a scholarship. The Democrats are saying I should vote for more of working people's money, but that seems pretty pointless and destructive. I can tell you from my own experience that disabled people are not dying in the streets. I find the idea of universal income to be pointless as well. The argument is the government can give everyone a thousand dollars a month, and it will save money over the bureaucracy it takes to determine who actually needs help. This implies that it is impossible to effectively determine who needs aid, so you just give everyone cash. Overall, I think class warfare is pointless and destructive, and I don't see Republicans as mocking the poor, but I just see a frustration with a political party who wants to take money from working people while making life worse for everyone.

So let me get this straight. I pay for your food, doctors, medicine, education... but you want me to stop paying so that you can live in teh street and die young.

Maybe you should also let me pay for your therapist.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less

Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off

It's called Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, section Welfare Reform.

Didn’t work did it

At the time, it worked out very well. People were reporting they felt liberated for the first time in their lives. Democrats watered it down as time went on, but it put a lot of people on the right path.

It's called tough love RW. It's like when the mother kicks her baby birds out of the nest. Sure, it's tough going for a while, but as time goes on, it's the best for the birds so they can survive on their own.
No it is called being a prick

There is an old saying
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?
Helping those who need help

It is what honorable nations do

Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less

Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off

Back in the 90's under Clinton Welfare took a big hit. The only thing that happened was people started taking care of themselves or returning to family.

No one died. No one starved to death. They got off their asses and took care of themselves.

Only bleeding heart idiots like you keep welfare alive and well. Taking money from working people to give to those who don't want to work.
Thé 1990s was a booming economy
Good time to get people off welfare

But what do you do in 2008 when Bush crashed the economy?
There is an old saying
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

Don't fish in a seasonal pond.
Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less

Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off

Back in the 90's under Clinton Welfare took a big hit. The only thing that happened was people started taking care of themselves or returning to family.

No one died. No one starved to death. They got off their asses and took care of themselves.

Only bleeding heart idiots like you keep welfare alive and well. Taking money from working people to give to those who don't want to work.
Thé 1990s was a booming economy
Good time to get people off welfare

But what do you do in 2008 when Bush crashed the economy?

First off, you could educate yourself while you have the time and learn why it was not Bush alone that crashed the economy. Secondly, it's a perfect opportunity to look through the want ads and see what kind of professions are still looking for help. After all, if you can get into a line of work (like medical) that is session resilient, then maybe it's time to get training in that field.

During the 80's recession, people did all kinds of things. I for one was unemployed. So I signed up with every temp agency in my area. It didn't pay much, so I worked at my local pizza parlor delivering pizzas mostly for tips at night and on the weekends. In the heart of the recession, I was working more than 60 hours a week.

A former co-worker of mine said her farther was laid off. He got unemployment, but went to golf ranges and asked if he could look for golf balls. They didn't have any objection. He found hundreds of them and sold them in our local paper. He used to go to the bank and get 150 bucks of coins. He'd look through them and find rare coins that were worth more money than their face value.

I also remember reading a story at the time. One guy lost his job in the recession because his company closed down. He was depressed because there were no jobs around. One day, he decided to do the chore he hated the most which was going into the back yard and cleaning up after his dog. That's when a light went off in his head.

He already had a van. He already had shovels in the garage, so he had some flyers made-up and started his own dog cleaning business. Before he knew it, he was getting calls from everywhere. People were asking for monthly rates where he'd go to a home several times a week. After a while, he had to hire help for his business.

You'd be surprised how creative and energetic people can get without government.
Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off

It's called Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, section Welfare Reform.

Didn’t work did it

At the time, it worked out very well. People were reporting they felt liberated for the first time in their lives. Democrats watered it down as time went on, but it put a lot of people on the right path.

It's called tough love RW. It's like when the mother kicks her baby birds out of the nest. Sure, it's tough going for a while, but as time goes on, it's the best for the birds so they can survive on their own.
No it is called being a prick

There is an old saying
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are always plenty of fish in the pond. But if somebody is feeding you fish every day, there is no incentive to fish any longer.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off

It's called Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, section Welfare Reform.

Didn’t work did it

At the time, it worked out very well. People were reporting they felt liberated for the first time in their lives. Democrats watered it down as time went on, but it put a lot of people on the right path.

It's called tough love RW. It's like when the mother kicks her baby birds out of the nest. Sure, it's tough going for a while, but as time goes on, it's the best for the birds so they can survive on their own.
No it is called being a prick

There is an old saying
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are always plenty of fish in the pond. But if somebody is feeding you fish every day, there is no incentive to fish any longer.

Many ponds in our country dry up
Those best capable move on to other ponds

Those left behind have few choices
There is an old saying
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

Don't fish in a seasonal pond.
Some ponds dry up

Expecting people to fish in it and survive is not reasonable

In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.
In a previous thread, someone posted their frustration with Republicans mocking the poor, and said that they are ruining the economy because they are not providing a safety net. I myself am one of these poor people, and I'm not really sure what Democrats want to accomplish. I'm disabled and I have a wife and a step-son I adopted. My whole family has healthcare and we go to the 'poor' clinic for health services. I've got low income insurance, and I have access to meds. Our state has a scholarship program for poor students, and my son is earning himself a shot at an education in a state school. Free school for everyone? That doesn't help any of the poor kids who are already earning their way to a scholarship. The Democrats are saying I should vote for more of working people's money, but that seems pretty pointless and destructive. I can tell you from my own experience that disabled people are not dying in the streets. I find the idea of universal income to be pointless as well. The argument is the government can give everyone a thousand dollars a month, and it will save money over the bureaucracy it takes to determine who actually needs help. This implies that it is impossible to effectively determine who needs aid, so you just give everyone cash. Overall, I think class warfare is pointless and destructive, and I don't see Republicans as mocking the poor, but I just see a frustration with a political party who wants to take money from working people while making life worse for everyone.

most of the people who bitch about "free stuff" are drawing social security, and have medicare for insurance - their safety net.

Give me everything I paid in and we can call it even.
It's called tough love RW. It's like when the mother kicks her baby birds out of the nest. Sure, it's tough going for a while, but as time goes on, it's the best for the birds so they can survive on their own.

Similar analogy Ray

But just like little birdies need to be taught to fly, there is no such thing as self made men.

Ergo, here we are yet again, caught betwixt the concept of handout/handup

THAT is issue


You could of fooled me.

25 Kids that Made $1 Million Before Graduating High School

1. Ashley Qualls
At the age of 14 Ashley Qualls launched a website called whateverlife.com in 2014, which was designed to provide free Myspace layouts and HTML tutorials for people in her age group. The site was so popular that Qualls received a number of offers, such as $1.5 million and the car of her choice from an anonymous buyer.

2. John Koon
Believe it or not, John Koon opened the first auto parts businesses in New York City at just 16 years old. Koon made millions when the company, Extreme Performance Motorsports, became one of the main suppliers for the MTV reality show “Pimp My Ride.” He used his connections to start a clothing company alongside rapper Young Jeezy, which helped him earn a cool $40 million.

3. Cameron Johnson
In 1994, when he was just 9, Cameron Johnson launched his first business from his home, a greeting card company called Cheers and Tears. By the time he reached high school Johnson moved onto online advertising and software development, which earned him a monthly income of around $400,000.

4. Adam Hildreth
Adam Hildreth established his first company, Dubit Limited in 1999 when he was 14. The UK-based social network became one of biggest teenage websites in the UK and now markets itself as a “Youth Marketing Agency.” Hildreth is now the brains behind Crisp Thinking, which is a company specializing in online child protection technology for internet service providers (ISP’s).

5. Evan of YouTube
With the assistance of his dad, Evan was just 8-years old when he started his own YouTube channel, simply titled EvanTube, which simply review toys and discusses things that kids his are are into. The channel brings in about $1.3 million annually.

6. Juliette Brindak
At 10, Juliette Brindak began creating sketched characters, which then lead to a complementary all-girl tween and teen social networking site when she was 16. It’s estimated that her Miss O & Friends company is now worth an estimated $15 million, which is primarily through ads.

7. Tyler Dikman
Tyler Dikman started his own businesses when he just five. This has included everything from lemonade stands, mowing lawns, babysitting, and even a magic show business. By the time he was 15 he launched Cooltronics, a business that repaired computers, as a hobby. In just two years, which was in 2001, it became worth a million dollars.

8. Christian Owens
After teaching himself how to code in middle, Christian Owens started his first business at the the age of 14. With Mac Bundle Box, he was able to offer simple and discounted Mac applications packages after he negotiated with developers and manufacturers. He also founded Branchr Advertising.

9. Adam Horwitz
When he was just 15 years old, Adam Horwitz made it a goal to become a millionaire by his 21st birthday. After launching several start-up websites, Horwitz found success with Mobile Monopoly, which is an app that teaches users how to turn a profit with mobile market leads. He also started the text advertising service for businesses YepText.

10. David and Catherine Cook
David and Catherine Cook are the sibling masterminds behind MYearbook in 2005, which was a popular social media site based on where you went to school. In 2011, myYearbook merged with Quepasa Corporation and has been renamed MeetMe, Inc. It focuses on helping users discover new people to chat with on mobile devices.
In a previous thread, someone posted their frustration with Republicans mocking the poor, and said that they are ruining the economy because they are not providing a safety net. I myself am one of these poor people, and I'm not really sure what Democrats want to accomplish. I'm disabled and I have a wife and a step-son I adopted. My whole family has healthcare and we go to the 'poor' clinic for health services. I've got low income insurance, and I have access to meds. Our state has a scholarship program for poor students, and my son is earning himself a shot at an education in a state school. Free school for everyone? That doesn't help any of the poor kids who are already earning their way to a scholarship. The Democrats are saying I should vote for more of working people's money, but that seems pretty pointless and destructive. I can tell you from my own experience that disabled people are not dying in the streets. I find the idea of universal income to be pointless as well. The argument is the government can give everyone a thousand dollars a month, and it will save money over the bureaucracy it takes to determine who actually needs help. This implies that it is impossible to effectively determine who needs aid, so you just give everyone cash. Overall, I think class warfare is pointless and destructive, and I don't see Republicans as mocking the poor, but I just see a frustration with a political party who wants to take money from working people while making life worse for everyone.

most of the people who bitch about "free stuff" are drawing social security, and have medicare for insurance - their safety net.

Give me everything I paid in and we can call it even.

Liberals still refuse those facts.


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