What is a 'Safety Net'

There is an old saying
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

Don't fish in a seasonal pond.
Some ponds dry up

Expecting people to fish in it and survive is not reasonable

There are no fish in a seasonal pond of any note unless a human stocks the pond but, no one expects anyone who is looking for sustenance to survive by fishing in one. WTF? And yes ponds 'dry up', rivers 'dry up' etc. as part of a natural process. Some dry up while others are created. Water doesn't disappear and if you need that explained to you ask someone else. I've wasted enough time with your idiotic responses.
In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.

Yes but apparently RW wants to create a false image of dried up ponds for what reason one can only speculate. Probably some hokey 'climate change' meme. Screw it.
Ray, it goes against every grain of my body to put able bodied people on taxpayer money, but you gave me things to think about. I got lucky and my family gets help, but I can tell you, for every person who scams the disability system, there are at least two more who are really disabled and eaten by the system. If it could stop the class warfare bickering, it might be worth it.

Folks refuse to see we've instituted socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest of us in America, mainly because the den of iniquity in charge work for the rich, not the rest of us, ergo they must have us target each other, not their corporate masters.

Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Than..

Ray, it goes against every grain of my body to put able bodied people on taxpayer money, but you gave me things to think about. I got lucky and my family gets help, but I can tell you, for every person who scams the disability system, there are at least two more who are really disabled and eaten by the system. If it could stop the class warfare bickering, it might be worth it.

Folks refuse to see we've instituted socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest of us in America, mainly because the den of iniquity in charge work for the rich, not the rest of us, ergo they must have us target each other, not their corporate masters.

Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Than..


Corporate welfare is a liberal term that means government taking in less. The only people who could consider that "spending" are people who feel all money earned rightfully belongs to government, and whatever they let you keep is their gift to you.

Taking less from somebody or some people is not giving them anything.
In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.

Yes but apparently RW wants to create a false image of dried up ponds for what reason one can only speculate. Probably some hokey 'climate change' meme. Screw it.

As far as people like Rightwing are concerned, you can't wipe your own ass without government help. If you have to work harder to catch those fish, to a liberal, it means the pond is dry and government has to give them fish.
Corporate welfare is a liberal term that means government taking in less.

Corporate welfare means gub'mit plays favorites with those entities that grease their ride into office Ray

At the expense of the middle class tax payer


Then why is it I'm middle-class and never experienced it? I only experience it when Democrats are in charge and start messing with my electric company, my gas or water company. Then those entities increase prices on me because of "Green" this or that. So why do they do it? Vote buying from the environmental kooks.

It's the same thing with our products. Every single product you buy has a green cost to it. How do I know? I'm a truck driver and I seen the billions the transportation industry had to shell out for a cleaner environment. We pass those costs onto our customers who make the products you and I buy in the store every time we shop.
There is an old saying
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

Don't fish in a seasonal pond.
Some ponds dry up

Expecting people to fish in it and survive is not reasonable

In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.
The question is, what do we do with low skilled workers. Suggesting that they become high skilled workers is not practical. It is not in their skill set

These workers flocked to cities for good paying manufacturing jobs. Others worked the farm circuit doing menial tasks. Others worked the coal mines.

As those jobs disappeared, workers were left behind. Their pond had dried up
In a previous thread, someone posted their frustration with Republicans mocking the poor, and said that they are ruining the economy because they are not providing a safety net. I myself am one of these poor people, and I'm not really sure what Democrats want to accomplish. I'm disabled and I have a wife and a step-son I adopted. My whole family has healthcare and we go to the 'poor' clinic for health services. I've got low income insurance, and I have access to meds. Our state has a scholarship program for poor students, and my son is earning himself a shot at an education in a state school. Free school for everyone? That doesn't help any of the poor kids who are already earning their way to a scholarship. The Democrats are saying I should vote for more of working people's money, but that seems pretty pointless and destructive. I can tell you from my own experience that disabled people are not dying in the streets. I find the idea of universal income to be pointless as well. The argument is the government can give everyone a thousand dollars a month, and it will save money over the bureaucracy it takes to determine who actually needs help. This implies that it is impossible to effectively determine who needs aid, so you just give everyone cash. Overall, I think class warfare is pointless and destructive, and I don't see Republicans as mocking the poor, but I just see a frustration with a political party who wants to take money from working people while making life worse for everyone.
Here you are...on the dole...bitching about government assistance.

It's all good as long as you get what you need but damn if anyone else does.


I don't begrudge you for anything you get...or for anyone else in need. That is the difference between us.

Incidentally I don't get any kind of aid....but I'm glad it's there should I ever need it
There is an old saying
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

Don't fish in a seasonal pond.
Some ponds dry up

Expecting people to fish in it and survive is not reasonable

In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.
The question is, what do we do with low skilled workers. Suggesting that they become high skilled workers is not practical. It is not in their skill set

These workers flocked to cities for good paying manufacturing jobs. Others worked the farm circuit doing menial tasks. Others worked the coal mines.

As those jobs disappeared, workers were left behind. Their pond had dried up

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.

Yes but apparently RW wants to create a false image of dried up ponds for what reason one can only speculate. Probably some hokey 'climate change' meme. Screw it.

As far as people like Rightwing are concerned, you can't wipe your own ass without government help. If you have to work harder to catch those fish, to a liberal, it means the pond is dry and government has to give them fish.

What is the role of government?
In areas like urban manufacturing zones, Appalachia, coal country......the jobs just aren’t there

Conservatives seem to say.....too bad for you, not my problem
In a previous thread, someone posted their frustration with Republicans mocking the poor, and said that they are ruining the economy because they are not providing a safety net. I myself am one of these poor people, and I'm not really sure what Democrats want to accomplish. I'm disabled and I have a wife and a step-son I adopted. My whole family has healthcare and we go to the 'poor' clinic for health services. I've got low income insurance, and I have access to meds. Our state has a scholarship program for poor students, and my son is earning himself a shot at an education in a state school. Free school for everyone? That doesn't help any of the poor kids who are already earning their way to a scholarship. The Democrats are saying I should vote for more of working people's money, but that seems pretty pointless and destructive. I can tell you from my own experience that disabled people are not dying in the streets. I find the idea of universal income to be pointless as well. The argument is the government can give everyone a thousand dollars a month, and it will save money over the bureaucracy it takes to determine who actually needs help. This implies that it is impossible to effectively determine who needs aid, so you just give everyone cash. Overall, I think class warfare is pointless and destructive, and I don't see Republicans as mocking the poor, but I just see a frustration with a political party who wants to take money from working people while making life worse for everyone.

“Safety net” is code phrase for FREE SHIT for lowlifes.
francoHFW loves to use “safety net” to disguise his begging.
You're trashing the Republican OP ya know
There is an old saying
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

Don't fish in a seasonal pond.
Some ponds dry up

Expecting people to fish in it and survive is not reasonable

In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.
The question is, what do we do with low skilled workers. Suggesting that they become high skilled workers is not practical. It is not in their skill set

These workers flocked to cities for good paying manufacturing jobs. Others worked the farm circuit doing menial tasks. Others worked the coal mines.

As those jobs disappeared, workers were left behind. Their pond had dried up

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
Is driving a Walmart truck low or high skill?
I don't begrudge you for anything you get...or for anyone else in need. That is the difference between us.

Incidentally I don't get any kind of aid....but I'm glad it's there should I ever need it

It's there for my HUD neighbors next door. They don't work so they keep us working folks up at night slamming their car doors early in the morning, talking loud while we're trying to sleep with out windows open, setting their ten dollar car alarms that use the horn to let you know it's activated or deactivated.
Don't fish in a seasonal pond.
Some ponds dry up

Expecting people to fish in it and survive is not reasonable

In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.
The question is, what do we do with low skilled workers. Suggesting that they become high skilled workers is not practical. It is not in their skill set

These workers flocked to cities for good paying manufacturing jobs. Others worked the farm circuit doing menial tasks. Others worked the coal mines.

As those jobs disappeared, workers were left behind. Their pond had dried up

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
Is driving a Walmart truck low or high skill?

It depends on what you define high-skill as. Is it a job most people could do? Yes it is. You may not start at Walmart for 90K a year, but after a year or two experience, those kinds of jobs are available to you IF you're willing to do the work.

In fact right now, our industry needs 70,000 drivers they can't find, and it's predicted it's only going to get worse in the next few years as we baby boomers will retire. Some companies even offer training and licensing if you sign a year contract with the company.
In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.

Yes but apparently RW wants to create a false image of dried up ponds for what reason one can only speculate. Probably some hokey 'climate change' meme. Screw it.

As far as people like Rightwing are concerned, you can't wipe your own ass without government help. If you have to work harder to catch those fish, to a liberal, it means the pond is dry and government has to give them fish.

What is the role of government?
In areas like urban manufacturing zones, Appalachia, coal country......the jobs just aren’t there

Conservatives seem to say.....too bad for you, not my problem

One of the best things about living in the greatest country in the world is you are allowed to move whenever and wherever you desire. If there are not enough resources where you live, then you have the option to move where those resources are.
Don't fish in a seasonal pond.
Some ponds dry up

Expecting people to fish in it and survive is not reasonable

In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.
The question is, what do we do with low skilled workers. Suggesting that they become high skilled workers is not practical. It is not in their skill set

These workers flocked to cities for good paying manufacturing jobs. Others worked the farm circuit doing menial tasks. Others worked the coal mines.

As those jobs disappeared, workers were left behind. Their pond had dried up

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
Is driving a Walmart truck low or high skill?

I drove TT's over 3 decades ago,,,,school was 8 weeks, test a monkey could pass
most boring job on God's green earth, especially nights....

Some ponds dry up

Expecting people to fish in it and survive is not reasonable

In most cases, there are other things to eat besides fish.

I did it as a 20 year old kid with no real profession or skills at the time. Everybody else was crying because they couldn't make ends meet.

It took a lot of cutting back, a lot of savings, and most of all, a lot of work. But I did it without one red cent from government. And I don't care what they said about the Obama recession, the Reagan recession was much worse. Back then, you couldn't even get a job at McDonald's.

The difference between me and people that survived off of government checks is I went out and did something about my plight. You don't do that when somebody else is supporting you. I learned, so after I got back on my feet, I didn't just depend on a paycheck alone. I took my money, borrowed a lot of money, and invested in real estate. If things go as planned, I will have a comfortable retirement while there will still be people out there crying because they can't make it on Social Security alone. Oh yes, they always had a newer car, the best cable and internet packages, the newest iPhone, several vacations each year, but no planning for the future because they always depended on government to save their day.
The question is, what do we do with low skilled workers. Suggesting that they become high skilled workers is not practical. It is not in their skill set

These workers flocked to cities for good paying manufacturing jobs. Others worked the farm circuit doing menial tasks. Others worked the coal mines.

As those jobs disappeared, workers were left behind. Their pond had dried up

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
Is driving a Walmart truck low or high skill?

I drove TT's over 3 decades ago,,,,school was 8 weeks, test a monkey could pass
most boring job on God's green earth, especially nights....


Unless you are an alien, the tests are much more stringent and most people fail the first time. They let you pass the second time though.

But your point is well taken. It's not that the pond is dry, it's that some Americans won't work unless it's the perfect job for them. Make a sacrifice to survive? Unheard of. We have a federal government so people don't have to make sacrifices. Working hard for your money? Again, unheard of. Our government should force McDonald's to pay twice the wage they do now for floor sweepers and french fry makers.

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