What is a small government libertarian?


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Liberals like to say they don't know what a small government libertarian is. I believe it's pretty clear. No, we are not all the same, but I think when I talk to small government libertarians these are generally agreed upon. Please comment those of you who consider yourself small government libertarian on what you agree and disagree on.

Definition: Note I said "small government" libertarian. I realize many anarchists call themselves "libertarian." I'm not knocking them and of course they are free to participate, I am just not speaking about anarchy here, I am speaking about those of us who want government minimized, not eliminated.

So, here is my definition. I believe these should be the primary functions of government:

1) Military - protecting the country entire country.
2) Police - Enforcing the laws.
3) Civil courts - To resolve contractual and other disputes between citizens.
4) Criminal courts & prisons - to dispense justice for fraud and other criminal acts
5) Roads - To acquire and manage the massive land requirements to move freely about the country
6) Management of limited resources - Access to and distribution of things like water
7) Recognition of property rights - Land, possessions and so forth.

Having these expand my liberty and they only work when there is general recognition of how they are managed. For example, having to sit in a tower all day with a gun to protect my land and my family, courts ruling's not being accepted except voluntarily, people putting toll booths on roads going through their own property, people hoarding water and extorting their neighbors and an inability to sell my home because there is no generally accepted recognition of my borders would reduce and not expand my liberty.

Issues I see the most disagreement on:

1) Abortion. I am like most libertarians I know pro-choice. However, I do see a lot of libertarians who are pro-life. While I do understand their view the baby is a life, I do not understand their view government can force the mother to provide her body to it. However, I understand they do believe it's murder and therefore the job of the criminal justice system.

2) Military. Most libertarians I know think the military should be used only for defense. Almost all libertarians think we use our military far to excessively. However, I do see disagreement with how far we should go in being proactive. I personally think our proactive policies frequently cause that which they were meant to avoid, but it is an area I see disagreement.

3) Taxes. All libertarians I know think our current system is preposterous. Libertarians generally would eliminate the income tax. I support the fair tax, that is not universally accepted by libertarians, which I don't understand because it is the most logical, economically efficient tax. All taxes are taxes on the economy. Therefore, it is logical to have one flat tax on the economy rather than a myriad of indirect taxes. But for whatever reason many libertarians don't grasp that. Libertarians who do support income tax in my experience always support a flat tax.

We are not Republicans because:

1) Social - we are against government morality laws, with the exception of some pro-lifers discussed above.

2) Military - we want smaller, less used military

3) Fiscal - we are fiscal conservatives, we don't just talk about fiscal conservatism.

Liberals are authoritarian leftists, we have nothing in common with them. They believe government force is the solution to every problem.

My view. Please comment.
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Libertarians have valid platforms.

then they lose a screw or two and all is lost.

I feel we can cut the size of federal government by over 50% right off the top. Some federal departments or programs completely gone ( food stamps, HUD, Energy) or drastically reduced (Education, Commerce, Justice ). After paying for national defense, Social Security (unless they give me all my contributions back, then get rid of it too), and transferring elderly off Medicare...then it's "block grants" to the states. Cut 50 checks for each state based on population and let the Governors and state legislators decide how to spend it. I want a day when cable news has NOTHING to report from Washington DC.
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Someone that lets businesses do as they damn well please and hates maintaining the country...

Pretty much someone that thinks the corporate world should do it all.
Note that kaz doesn't believe there should be public schools. That in and of itself dismisses libertarianism as idiocy,

if kaz thinks she speaks for what libertarianism is.
What is a small government libertarian?

An irrational adult who read Ayn Rand as a teenage boy and thought he'd found god and the perfect justification for his self-centered and nearly immoral outlook on life, thereby making him immune to anything real adults call reality.
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These two:

5) Roads - To acquire and manage the massive land requirements to move freely about the country
6) Management of limited resources - Access to and distribution of things like water

are in conflict with:

7) Recognition of property rights - Land, possessions and so forth.

Private owners are far better stewards of land and resources. The government "owning" and controlling property and rights to use just leads to graft and corruption.
You would think that the first principle of libertarianism would be unequivocal respect for the will of the People.

Ironically though, most People don't want the rest of the Libertarian agenda.

IOW, the first principle of Libertarianism should be the rejection of Libertarianism as a non-viable political philosophy in a democratic society.
Libertarians have valid platforms.

then they lose a screw or two and all is lost.


Any chance you could be more specific?

birthers ... 911 conspiracy hounds etc etc

What makes you think libertarians are associated with those issues? I personally don't know any birthers or 9/11 truthers. Most of the 9/11 truthers I've heard of, like Charlie Sheen, are dyed-in-the-wool liberals
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The First Principle of Libertarianism is something along the lines of Kibbe's:

Don't Hurt People and Don't Take Their Stuff
Note that kaz doesn't believe there should be public schools. That in and of itself dismisses libertarianism as idiocy,

if kaz thinks she speaks for what libertarianism is.

That is just for starters. People like him want to do away with
-The clean air act
-Regulations stopping monopolies
-Regulations creating a clean work environment.
-Regulations on all businesses
-Taxing the rich at all
-Epa, cdc, fda and down the list
-Infrastructure funding

This guy is all about fuck you and you better be able to do it all yourselve or die.
Note that kaz doesn't believe there should be public schools. That in and of itself dismisses libertarianism as idiocy,

if kaz thinks she speaks for what libertarianism is.

Nothing could be more sensible or reasonable than abolishing government schools.

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