What is a small government libertarian?

Two posters who don't have a clue on why the Founders created a Republic. The checks and balances main purpose was to ensure a small Majority could enforce it's views on the minority, which could be a minority of 49%...................

One extra vote in a Pure Democracy can lead to Tyranny. Which is why we are a Republic.

You two are trying to push a cart instead of pulling it.

A Republic based on democratic representation!


"Two posters who don't have a clue on why the Founders created a Republic"


"A Republic based on democratic representation!"
Note that kaz doesn't believe there should be public schools. That in and of itself dismisses libertarianism as idiocy,

if kaz thinks she speaks for what libertarianism is.

Nothing could be more sensible or reasonable than abolishing government schools.

Setting aside the simple idiocy of that, how do Libertarians propose to ABOLISH public schooling?

Wouldn't that require some sort of draconian prohibition imposed by an authoritarian statist governmental power?

If libertarians support the abolition of public education , I oppose them.
Public education is necessary. The problems with the manner in which public education is operated are rampant. The existence of what are referred to as "educrats" is THE cause of all educational failures.
One of the root causes of educational hardship are unions that represent educators.
Case and point. Whenever there is the looming possibility of a teacher's strike, the spokespeople for the teachers always play the "it's for the children" card. Meanwhile the teachers are not in class, not working because it isn't about the kids. It is about jobs, money and job security. When it comes to their pay and benefits, kids are just part of the baggage. And the taxpayers are viewed with the same disdain as the neighbor's cat that shits in their shrubbery.
Two posters who don't have a clue on why the Founders created a Republic. The checks and balances main purpose was to ensure a small Majority could enforce it's views on the minority, which could be a minority of 49%...................

One extra vote in a Pure Democracy can lead to Tyranny. Which is why we are a Republic.

You two are trying to push a cart instead of pulling it.

A Republic based on democratic representation!

where democratic representation means that the government buys the people. An electable candidate must

1- feed his constituents
2- insure " "
3- clothe " "
4- quench the thirst of his constituents
5- work ethic bad
6- parasitism good


Wow, you summed up Ronn Pauls years in Congress well..

BZZ, Wrong. The US was MANY things, but NEVER libertarian, we used the opposite of that

I fully understand that as a dad to three you need our help feeding them, clothing them , educating them, insuring them and quenching their thirst.

Those stupid Libertarians want you to do all those by your lonesome. The Libertarians are so irresponsible.


More noise from a nutter. Shocking

My kids are grown :lol:

And I'm guessing no better at taking care of themselves than you are. Congrats on raising government handout leeches.

I fully understand that as a dad to three you need our help feeding them, clothing them , educating them, insuring them and quenching their thirst.

Those stupid Libertarians want you to do all those by your lonesome. The Libertarians are so irresponsible.


More noise from a nutter. Shocking

My kids are grown :lol:

And I'm guessing no better at taking care of themselves than you are. Congrats on raising government handout leeches.

You are still batting .000

You and your ideology are horrible for a nation :mad:
so-called libertarians are not libertarians if they are anti-choice and anti-gay...

today's brand of libertarians are largely a bunch of whiny spoiled children who stamp their feet when they have to live by rules... but are just peachy keen with interfering in the most intimate and personal decisions of others.
More noise from a nutter. Shocking

My kids are grown :lol:

And I'm guessing no better at taking care of themselves than you are. Congrats on raising government handout leeches.

You are still batting .000

You and your ideology are horrible for a nation :mad:

That is an opinion and not a fact. The world doesn't revolve around us........

Current administration can't get it's way, it pouts and usurps the Constitution.
No one said he cannot issue executive orders, the point is what he's putting in them. Is there any point you can process?


April 30, 2006

Bush challenges hundreds of laws

President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.


Bush didn't go off the deep end by threatening and insulting the SCOTUS, you moron.

Nor did he claim he would go against SCOTUS ruling by issuing executive orders.

Nope, he just wiretapped without court orders and tortured people....
And I'm guessing no better at taking care of themselves than you are. Congrats on raising government handout leeches.

You are still batting .000

You and your ideology are horrible for a nation :mad:

That is an opinion and not a fact. The world doesn't revolve around us........

Current administration can't get it's way, it pouts and usurps the Constitution.

"That is an opinion and not a fact."
A Republic based on democratic representation!


"Two posters who don't have a clue on why the Founders created a Republic"


"A Republic based on democratic representation!"

You are, quite deliberately, missing the point. Which is, that they intentionally avoided a pure democracy. They explicitly did not want pure democracy or unlimited majority rule.
so-called libertarians are not libertarians if they are anti-choice and anti-gay...

today's brand of libertarians are largely a bunch of whiny spoiled children who stamp their feet when they have to live by rules... but are just peachy keen with interfering in the most intimate and personal decisions of others.

Libertarians only want government to the extent government helps them. Those programs that help others are labeled....unconstitutional

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