What is a small government libertarian?

Actually I have, the United States. I'm just tired of repeating the same answer you don't process.

BZZ, Wrong. The US was MANY things, but NEVER libertarian, we used the opposite of that

I fully understand that as a dad to three you need our help feeding them, clothing them , educating them, insuring them and quenching their thirst.

Those stupid Libertarians want you to do all those by your lonesome. The Libertarians are so irresponsible.


More noise from a nutter. Shocking

My kids are grown :lol:
You would think that the first principle of libertarianism would be unequivocal respect for the will of the People.

Ironically though, most People don't want the rest of the Libertarian agenda.

IOW, the first principle of Libertarianism should be the rejection of Libertarianism as a non-viable political philosophy in a democratic society.

This is not a democracy. It is a representative republic.
While Libertarianism in purest form may not be compatible with our societal expectations, neither is socialism, progressive ideology or Marxism.
Our federal government is out of control. It is populated with people who are concerned only for their careers. That includes all employees. The concept of "in service to the people" is lost.
Government employees view their employment as an entitlement. They even have eschewed "work for" from their vocabulary. Instead they refer to their employment as "putting in my time"....That's wrong.
And it is not to be denied. It's true.
You would think that the first principle of libertarianism would be unequivocal respect for the will of the People.

What happens if more men vote than women and what men want is for them to have the right to have sex with any woman of their choosing? Must women comply?

Your majority-mob framework runs into problems.

What you're advocating is a variation on what I highlighted above - instead of compulsory sex you're advocating compulsory slavery.

People like getting free stuff paid for by other people and they use their vote to force others to hand over their income.

Didn't we fight a civil war to end slavery?

Libertarians expect the people to respect the right of the individual

" Libertarians expect the people to respect the right of the individual "

And allow the bigger, stronger to walk all over the weaker!

They supported a limited Federal government, you have no idea what you are talking about, you never do.

Why don't you Google the definition of the word, "Federal" ...

Nope, they supported, and EVERY US Prez other than TJ (who doubled the size of US on his own) expanded the federal Gov't, lol

Remember Washington putting down those anti taxers during the whiskey rebellion? lol

The constitution was needed for the very reason that we needed a strong federal government. Before the current constitutions the federal government couldn't even collect taxes to defend this country.
You would think that the first principle of libertarianism would be unequivocal respect for the will of the People.

Ironically though, most People don't want the rest of the Libertarian agenda.

IOW, the first principle of Libertarianism should be the rejection of Libertarianism as a non-viable political philosophy in a democratic society.

This is not a democracy. It is a representative republic.
While Libertarianism in purest form may not be compatible with our societal expectations, neither is socialism, progressive ideology or Marxism.
Our federal government is out of control. It is populated with people who are concerned only for their careers. That includes all employees. The concept of "in service to the people" is lost.
Government employees view their employment as an entitlement. They even have eschewed "work for" from their vocabulary. Instead they refer to their employment as "putting in my time"....That's wrong.
And it is not to be denied. It's true.

False premises, distortions and lies, the ONLY thing right wingers have in their tool box!
Reagan issued 381 executive orders
George W Bush 291
Richard Nixion 346
Herbert Hoover 968
George washington 8

So republicans. You say that these are bad? why didn't you not bring it up 50 years ago????

Apples and oranges. It's the content of the EOs that matter...and beyond that, how the regulatory agencies are managed.
PLEASE just ONE state or nation to EVER use it successfully? lol

Several people have already told you it was the U.S. before people like you trashed it.

Vietnam? At least when it comes to workers rights.

Again, liberals cannot gasp the concept of free markets. Free markets are not freedom for just corporations, they are freedom for customers and employees. Everyone is an equal player. Your employer sucks, you are free to leave and get a better job.

It is in fact your socalist government that sells power to corporations, stifles their competition for campaign contributions and limits the ability of workers to move by tying them to their company for things like their health care.

It is you that is putting up our government and it's power to the highest bidder, we want to free our country from that.
What happens if more men vote than women and what men want is for them to have the right to have sex with any woman of their choosing? Must women comply?

Your majority-mob framework runs into problems.

What you're advocating is a variation on what I highlighted above - instead of compulsory sex you're advocating compulsory slavery.

People like getting free stuff paid for by other people and they use their vote to force others to hand over their income.

Didn't we fight a civil war to end slavery?

Libertarians expect the people to respect the right of the individual

" Libertarians expect the people to respect the right of the individual "

And allow the bigger, stronger to walk all over the weaker!

That's it in a nutshell. No workers rights, no safety net, no regulations and certainly no doing anything together as a nation. Kind of dumb.
I don't support wefare for all, but I don't support corporations shitting on the worker either

Yes, you do, you support a system where the corporations and the rich buy government and do exactly that.
Several people have already told you it was the U.S. before people like you trashed it.

Vietnam? At least when it comes to workers rights.

Again, liberals cannot gasp the concept of free markets. Free markets are not freedom for just corporations, they are freedom for customers and employees. Everyone is an equal player. Your employer sucks, you are free to leave and get a better job.

It is in fact your socalist government that sells power to corporations, stifles their competition for campaign contributions and limits the ability of workers to move by tying them to their company for things like their health care.

It is you that is putting up our government and it's power to the highest bidder, we want to free our country from that.

Sounds so nice and pretty, seems like nations ALL OVER THE WORLD we be doing it right? lol
Note that kaz doesn't believe there should be public schools. That in and of itself dismisses libertarianism as idiocy,

if kaz thinks she speaks for what libertarianism is.

That is just for starters. People like him want to do away with
-The clean air act
-Regulations stopping monopolies
-Regulations creating a clean work environment.
-Regulations on all businesses
-Taxing the rich at all
-Epa, cdc, fda and down the list
-Infrastructure funding

This guy is all about fuck you and you better be able to do it all yourselve or die.

From where do you dredge this shit?
None of this is true.
You are now marginalized as a kook.

So you CAN'T give me ANY E/O's SCOTUS overturned. Got it

I updated my post. I was referring to the SCOTUS rulings against actions taken by the Obama Administration. Not all power grabs are via written EO, bub.

Got it, your original premise, like that Canadian guys 'report' was bullshit!
Libertarians expect the people to respect the right of the individual

" Libertarians expect the people to respect the right of the individual "

And allow the bigger, stronger to walk all over the weaker!

That's it in a nutshell. No workers rights, no safety net, no regulations and certainly no doing anything together as a nation. Kind of dumb.

Two posters who don't have a clue on why the Founders created a Republic. The checks and balances main purpose was to ensure a small Majority could enforce it's views on the minority, which could be a minority of 49%...................

One extra vote in a Pure Democracy can lead to Tyranny. Which is why we are a Republic.

You two are trying to push a cart instead of pulling it.
I don't support wefare for all, but I don't support corporations shitting on the worker either

Yes, you do, you support a system where the corporations and the rich buy government and do exactly that.

Weird, when people want to reign in Corps via laws and regulations, which mentality is there to fight against it and preach about some invisible hand somewhere doing it better? Though NO NATION uses that 'invisible hand' in practice, EVER, ANYWHERE!
I don't support wefare for all, but I don't support corporations shitting on the worker either

Yes, you do, you support a system where the corporations and the rich buy government and do exactly that.

Here in the real world the government does in fact pay tax payer dollars to the private sector to get certain things done. Would you rather it wasn't done???? You see, our government contracts out to the private sector to construct that bridge or that rocket to get to space.

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