What is a small government libertarian?

Why would anyone want small government when they can have the right sized government as determined by We the People?

Translation: Why would the Majority wish to be prevented from oppressing the Minority if it can evade the rule of law by forming a Mob?

MS Hyperbole

If you are oppressed you can use our court system for regress. Many have successfully done it before if they have a legitimate grievance......I suspect you don't
This should be Dad's avatar...........

Cut an Paste................


That's what this paper tiger reminds me of.:badgrin:

I get it, you don't like FACTS . I can refute MUCH more right wing crap by cutting and pasting :eusa_boohoo:
OK toots

I'll make it easier for our libertarians. Name a single government you admire because they are more libertarian than we are

I don't admire any governments, bub. I admire The Constitution, and wish the Progs weren't so intent on undoing it.

If you believe our Constitution is being undone, why don't you get the conservative Supreme Court to back you up?

Our constitution allows you to do that you know

Considering how The SCOTUS has been ruling against Obama....and the upcoming suits by the House and West Virgina, we'll see what happens.
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LOL, he is bringing forward real knowledge about our founders. What do you have?

He's cherry picking the data and ignoring the rest. If he wants a cut and paste battle that is easy to play.

I'll just cut and paste the ENTIRE FEDERALIST PAPERS on his threads and THUMP MY CHEST AND SAY I'M GREAT.

That's the kind of poster child for the liberal Brigade he is to me.



WANT TO TRY THE US CONSTITUTION? OK. Federalist papers? lol

It's your style of posting. Thanks for proving my theory with every cut and paste you do.
Dad2three makes the very common moonbat mistake of assuming that Libertarianism is Anarchy.

Nope, pointing out OVER AND OVER, libertarianism NEVER works. You can't point to ONE state or nation to EVER use it successfully. Weird? lol

Well, it's ridiculously unfair to expect people to to point to something that never existed in real life, outside of say, Somalia.

Somebody brought up something about 'Fair Tax' bills? I've read at least 11 of them, and there is nothing 'fair' about them. I guess I just shouldn't read them all the way through, so I could pretend to be for 'fair taxes n stuff', too. It's a lot easier to be for 'fair taxes' if you don't actually read the bills proposed.

Somalia is anarchy, not libertarian. Read my OP post, I said I am not referring to anarchy.
Note that kaz doesn't believe there should be public schools. That in and of itself dismisses libertarianism as idiocy,

if kaz thinks she speaks for what libertarianism is.

Kaz neither stated nor implied this.
Fact..There is NO NEED for a federal dept of Education.
Public education is a local matter. It should be funded locally and operated under local control.
Who's hand was in the cookie jar to help cause all of those collapses...........Lousy regulators.................

LOL The regulators warned the Gov't not to pass the Graham Leahy Act. Yet they were taken out of the loop. Too Big to Fail became SELF REGULATED.............Signed by CLINTON.

Shall we include the Savings and Loans Scandal and Country Wide while we are at it.


" LOL The regulators warned the Gov't not to pass the Graham Leahy Act. Yet they were taken out of the loop. Too Big to Fail became SELF REGULATED.............Signed by CLINTON."

Weird, that GOP bill had ZERO to do with Dubya's regulator failure, like Reagan who ignorred regulator warnings on the S&L crisis? HMM


The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
P. J. O'Rourke

Why The Glass-Steagall Myth Persists

We're members at the Ayn Rand Center, covering economics and liberty.

Why The Glass-Steagall Myth Persists - Forbes

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.

To understand the crisis we have to focus on how the mortgage fraud epidemic produced widespread accounting fraud.

William K. Black: The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis


Who signed that into law Tony.........................

You skip by that part because it makes your argument suck.


Weird, that GOP bill had ZERO to do with Dubya's regulator failure, like Reagan who ignorred regulator warnings on the S&L crisis? HMM

Why The Glass-Steagall Myth Persists

We're members at the Ayn Rand Center, covering economics and liberty.

Why The Glass-Steagall Myth Persists - Forbes
Why would anyone want small government when they can have the right sized government as determined by We the People?

Translation: Why would the Majority wish to be prevented from oppressing the Minority if it can evade the rule of law by forming a Mob?

MS Hyperbole

If you are oppressed you can use our court system for regress. Many have successfully done it before if they have a legitimate grievance......I suspect you don't

You have no idea what I do in the Real World, so don't assume I take no actions to support my beliefs. Just because you're a blowhard do nothing of the interwebs doesn't make everyone else here such nonentities.
You don't grasp free markets. In free markets, companies can do what they want. When they do bad things, their customers leave them, their employees quit, and they are replaced by companies that don't do that.

In your socialist system, bad companies get bailed out by government and thrive by paying them off and contributing to their campaigns. It is in reality you who victimizes people by propping up bad companies with the force of government.

Weird, libertarians and YOU can NEVER point to ANY successful libertarian state or nation EVER???

Actually I have, the United States. I'm just tired of repeating the same answer you don't process.

BZZ, Wrong. The US was MANY things, but NEVER libertarian, we used the opposite of that
I don't admire any governments, bub. I admire The Constitution, and wish the Progs weren't so intent on undoing it.

If you believe our Constitution is being undone, why don't you get the conservative Supreme Court to back you up?

Our constitution allows you to do that you know

Considering how The SCOTUS has been overturning Obama's EOs....and the upcoming suits by the House and West Virgina, we'll see what happens.

PLEASE list the E/O's?
There you go, a poster who not only admits that Libertarianism won't work in a democratic society,

but one who would rather have the former than the latter.

A Libertarian autocracy...

...now there's a concept.
Libertarianism doesn't work in democratic society. It does, however, work in republican society.

This is an excellent point. Power divided is power checked. Democracy is tyranny of the majority. I keep challenging liberals to Google the definition of "Federal." I don't have any takers yet.
The Constitution. Remember that thing?



They supported a limited Federal government, you have no idea what you are talking about, you never do.

Why don't you Google the definition of the word, "Federal" ...

Nope, they supported, and EVERY US Prez other than TJ (who doubled the size of US on his own) expanded the federal Gov't, lol

Remember Washington putting down those anti taxers during the whiskey rebellion? lol
Weird, libertarians and YOU can NEVER point to ANY successful libertarian state or nation EVER???

Actually I have, the United States. I'm just tired of repeating the same answer you don't process.

BZZ, Wrong. The US was MANY things, but NEVER libertarian, we used the opposite of that

I fully understand that as a dad to three you need our help feeding them, clothing them , educating them, insuring them and quenching their thirst.

Those stupid Libertarians want you to do all those by your lonesome. The Libertarians are so irresponsible.

There you go, a poster who not only admits that Libertarianism won't work in a democratic society,

but one who would rather have the former than the latter.

A Libertarian autocracy...

...now there's a concept.
Libertarianism doesn't work in democratic society. It does, however, work in republican society.

This is an excellent point. Power divided is power checked. Democracy is tyranny of the majority. I keep challenging liberals to Google the definition of "Federal." I don't have any takers yet.


of, relating to, or denoting the central government as distinguished from the separate units constituting a federation

of, relating to, or denoting the central government of the US

Federation (federal system), a type of government characterized by both a central (federal) government and states or regional governments that are partially self-governing; a union of states
The Constitution. Remember that thing?


We are based on the Constitution. Where in the Constitution does it mention small government?


You are a clown.

Hey big guy, a two question test.

1) What do the 9th and 10th amendments mean?

2) What does the word "Federal" mean?

9th and 10th? Oh those things the small Gubmnt wingnutters used to TRY to limit SS, Medicare, EPA, HUD, etc. How'd that work out?
You would think that the first principle of libertarianism would be unequivocal respect for the will of the People.

What happens if more men vote than women and what men want is for them to have the right to have sex with any woman of their choosing? Must women comply?

Your majority-mob framework runs into problems.

What you're advocating is a variation on what I highlighted above - instead of compulsory sex you're advocating compulsory slavery.

People like getting free stuff paid for by other people and they use their vote to force others to hand over their income.

Didn't we fight a civil war to end slavery?

Libertarians expect the people to respect the right of the individual

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