What is a small government libertarian?

I think this thread could use some intermission music...........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou87zFVf59E]Intermission (elevator music) - YouTube[/ame]
Every vote helps some people and hurts others

Even a libertarian should comprehend that

Unless one side takes the House, Senate, and POTUS at the same time..........And then ram home PURE DEMOCRACY down everyone's throats and CHEER the PEOPLE WANTED IT.

Which is the Tyranny of the simple majority. If the Senate was picked by State Legislatures as the original Constitution, Obamacare would have never passed. You should still praise Wilson for that.

Spare me the Will of the People bit on that one. It's boring. The House was the voice of the people and the Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments.

We the people decided to vote for our own damned Senators

Only Libertarian nutjobs want to take the vote away from the people

WHY , you stupid son of a bitch - did the Founding Fathers set it up - so that ONLY the states elect the senators?

Exactly, and Constitutionally limited government prevents either of us from voting to violate the rights of the other.

Every vote helps some people and hurts others

Even a libertarian should comprehend that

Unless one side takes the House, Senate, and POTUS at the same time..........And then ram home PURE DEMOCRACY down everyone's throats and CHEER the PEOPLE WANTED IT.

Which is the Tyranny of the simple majority. If the Senate was picked by State Legislatures as the original Constitution, Obamacare would have never passed. You should still praise Wilson for that.

Spare me the Will of the People bit on that one. It's boring. The House was the voice of the people and the Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments.

"Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments."

NOT really. It was more of a desire to get support from the states to ratify the the Constitution

BTW, Madison opposed it, he wanted direct elections of the Senate
Unless one side takes the House, Senate, and POTUS at the same time..........And then ram home PURE DEMOCRACY down everyone's throats and CHEER the PEOPLE WANTED IT.

Which is the Tyranny of the simple majority. If the Senate was picked by State Legislatures as the original Constitution, Obamacare would have never passed. You should still praise Wilson for that.

Spare me the Will of the People bit on that one. It's boring. The House was the voice of the people and the Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments.

We the people decided to vote for our own damned Senators

Only Libertarian nutjobs want to take the vote away from the people

WHY , you stupid son of a bitch - did the Founding Fathers set it up - so that ONLY the states elect the senators?


Every vote helps some people and hurts others

Even a libertarian should comprehend that

Unless one side takes the House, Senate, and POTUS at the same time..........And then ram home PURE DEMOCRACY down everyone's throats and CHEER the PEOPLE WANTED IT.

Which is the Tyranny of the simple majority. If the Senate was picked by State Legislatures as the original Constitution, Obamacare would have never passed. You should still praise Wilson for that.

Spare me the Will of the People bit on that one. It's boring. The House was the voice of the people and the Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments.

"Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments."

NOT really. It was more of a desire to get support from the states to ratify the the Constitution

BTW, Madison opposed it, he wanted direct elections of the Senate

Again, that's how the Founders Created the Constitution, until the progressive movement turned it upside down..........................

That is why the States have lost their voice in the Federal Gov't. Which is BS.
Why would anyone listen to the ten percent nutjob libertarians demanding small government when we can have a right sized government?

Right sized to you seems to be spending a trillion per year in deficit's and growing by the day. Is what we have now right sized in your mind?
It's hard to define a "small government" since the federal government is so big. It's easier to take it by bureaucracy. The unstated primary mission of a federal government bureaucracy is to get bigger, more powerful and get more confiscated taxpayer money. Democrats are great at creating useless, often competing bureaucracies with slick sounding names and before you know it the federal government is a jobs fair.

As the GOP led by Reagan/Dubya were the two who grew Gov't bigger and spent more in recent times. Go figure
Unless one side takes the House, Senate, and POTUS at the same time..........And then ram home PURE DEMOCRACY down everyone's throats and CHEER the PEOPLE WANTED IT.

Which is the Tyranny of the simple majority. If the Senate was picked by State Legislatures as the original Constitution, Obamacare would have never passed. You should still praise Wilson for that.

Spare me the Will of the People bit on that one. It's boring. The House was the voice of the people and the Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments.

We the people decided to vote for our own damned Senators

Only Libertarian nutjobs want to take the vote away from the people

You mean a bunch of gullible fools decided to put the Senate in the hands of demagogues.

Yeah, I want to take away the ability of fools in another state to impose the decisions of their Senator on me.

Sure......let's have our Senators selected in back room deals to please libertarians
Why would anyone listen to the ten percent nutjob libertarians demanding small government when we can have a right sized government?

Right sized to you seems to be spending a trillion per year in deficit's and growing by the day. Is what we have now right sized in your mind?

"Right sized to you seems to be spending a trillion per year in deficit's and growing by the day. Is what we have now right sized in your mind?"

LINKIE? Seems Obama has cut Dubya's final F/Y budget by 60%+ and shrinking EVERY day. $1 trillion? lol
We the people decided to vote for our own damned Senators

Only Libertarian nutjobs want to take the vote away from the people

WHY , you stupid son of a bitch - did the Founding Fathers set it up - so that ONLY the states elect the senators?



Yet it was the deal until Wilson came around.................They used propaganda to sway the masses and the Mob overturned it. And took away the voice of the State Gov'ts......................

Paint it how you will, the State's should have more of a voice in Federal Decisions than they do today.
OK Dingle berry



About as many as Gov't's that use libertarian policy around the world? EVER?

OK Dingle berry




Sociopaths and ignorant tools are their base!
We the people decided to vote for our own damned Senators

Only Libertarian nutjobs want to take the vote away from the people

You mean a bunch of gullible fools decided to put the Senate in the hands of demagogues.

Yeah, I want to take away the ability of fools in another state to impose the decisions of their Senator on me.

Sure......let's have our Senators selected in back room deals to please libertarians

Excuse me fucktard,

why is it more important to elect Senators because of back room deals to support the parasitic element?

WHY , you stupid son of a bitch - did the Founding Fathers set it up - so that ONLY the states elect the senators?



Yet it was the deal until Wilson came around.................They used propaganda to sway the masses and the Mob overturned it. And took away the voice of the State Gov'ts......................

Paint it how you will, the State's should have more of a voice in Federal Decisions than they do today.

Sure, sure, because YOU think so? lol

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala | New Republic
More noise from a nutter. Shocking

My kids are grown :lol:

And I'm guessing no better at taking care of themselves than you are. Congrats on raising government handout leeches.

You are still batting .000

You and your ideology are horrible for a nation :mad:

How is eliminating you and your children from the welfare state not good for us as a nation? You seem to think you are doing just fine on your own but need some subsidies to actually survive. Wouldn't we as a country be better off if you supported yourselves and quit asking a government 17 trillion in debt to keep subsidizing your existence? Just a little more effort on your part would at minimum make you deficit neutral. Is that too much to ask?
about as many as gov't's that use libertarian policy around the world? Ever?

ok dingle berry

what government programs do the libertarian party platform supports?


honestly i could care less, they believe in myths and fairy tales. Why take them seriously? Lol

sociopaths and ignorant tools are their base!

there. You can not identify one single government program they support. You are pissed because we refuse to support your little monsters.


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