What is a small government libertarian?


I fully understand that as a dad to three you need our help feeding them, clothing them , educating them, insuring them and quenching their thirst.

Those stupid Libertarians want you to do all those by your lonesome. The Libertarians are so irresponsible.


More noise from a nutter. Shocking

My kids are grown :lol:

And I'm guessing no better at taking care of themselves than you are. Congrats on raising government handout leeches.

They are members of the "Kar Marx Webelo Troop"

They have already "earned" the Parasitic Badge.



April 30, 2006

Bush challenges hundreds of laws

President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.


Bush didn't go off the deep end by threatening and insulting the SCOTUS, you moron.

Nor did he claim he would go against SCOTUS ruling by issuing executive orders.

Nope, he just wiretapped without court orders and tortured people....

And Obama has supersized the surveillance...while lobbing drones at civilians.

"Two posters who don't have a clue on why the Founders created a Republic"


"A Republic based on democratic representation!"

I call shenanigans. Where does Democracy or Democratic Representation appear in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

The U.S. Constitution (1789) stated in Article I, Section II, Clause I:

"The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature."

Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so-called libertarians are not libertarians if they are anti-choice and anti-gay...

today's brand of libertarians are largely a bunch of whiny spoiled children who stamp their feet when they have to live by rules... but are just peachy keen with interfering in the most intimate and personal decisions of others.

Libertarians only want government to the extent government helps them. Those programs that help others are labeled....unconstitutional

OK Dingle berry


Bush didn't go off the deep end by threatening and insulting the SCOTUS, you moron.

Nor did he claim he would go against SCOTUS ruling by issuing executive orders.

Nope, he just wiretapped without court orders and tortured people....

And Obama has supersized the surveillance...while lobbing drones at civilians.

WITH court orders and yes, he acts like Bush, why do you think SOOOOOO many liberal think he's the second best conservative Prez since Ike, only beaten out by BJ Bill?
so-called libertarians are not libertarians if they are anti-choice and anti-gay...

today's brand of libertarians are largely a bunch of whiny spoiled children who stamp their feet when they have to live by rules... but are just peachy keen with interfering in the most intimate and personal decisions of others.

Libertarians only want government to the extent government helps them. Those programs that help others are labeled....unconstitutional

OK Dingle berry



About as many as Gov't's that use libertarian policy around the world? EVER?

"Two posters who don't have a clue on why the Founders created a Republic"


"A Republic based on democratic representation!"

You are, quite deliberately, missing the point. Which is, that they intentionally avoided a pure democracy. They explicitly did not want pure democracy or unlimited majority rule.

REALLY? Shocking, why didn't any of my Profs at university tell me that when I got my minor in history? Dammit :lol:
Someone that lets businesses do as they damn well please and hates maintaining the country...

Pretty much someone that thinks the corporate world should do it all.

You don't grasp free markets. In free markets, companies can do what they want. When they do bad things, their customers leave them, their employees quit, and they are replaced by companies that don't do that.

In your socialist system, bad companies get bailed out by government and thrive by paying them off and contributing to their campaigns. It is in reality you who victimizes people by propping up bad companies with the force of government.
I always enjoy Sunday School capitalism, such as that above.

You also enjoy hyperbole
Nope, he just wiretapped without court orders and tortured people....

And Obama has supersized the surveillance...while lobbing drones at civilians.

WITH court orders and yes, he acts like Bush, why do you think SOOOOOO many liberal think he's the second best conservative Prez since Ike, only beaten out by BJ Bill?

Why shouldn't we go after Al Quaeda and ISS? The truth is we're at war with extremist that want us dead. Bush and Obama are right to fight them. Drones? Like Reagan didn't use cruise missiles and airplanes to do the same.
I am a voter just as much as you!:eusa_angel:

Exactly, and Constitutionally limited government prevents either of us from voting to violate the rights of the other.

Every vote helps some people and hurts others

Even a libertarian should comprehend that

Unless one side takes the House, Senate, and POTUS at the same time..........And then ram home PURE DEMOCRACY down everyone's throats and CHEER the PEOPLE WANTED IT.

Which is the Tyranny of the simple majority. If the Senate was picked by State Legislatures as the original Constitution, Obamacare would have never passed. You should still praise Wilson for that.

Spare me the Will of the People bit on that one. It's boring. The House was the voice of the people and the Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments.
Exactly, and Constitutionally limited government prevents either of us from voting to violate the rights of the other.

Every vote helps some people and hurts others

Even a libertarian should comprehend that

Unless one side takes the House, Senate, and POTUS at the same time..........And then ram home PURE DEMOCRACY down everyone's throats and CHEER the PEOPLE WANTED IT.

Which is the Tyranny of the simple majority. If the Senate was picked by State Legislatures as the original Constitution, Obamacare would have never passed. You should still praise Wilson for that.

Spare me the Will of the People bit on that one. It's boring. The House was the voice of the people and the Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments.

We the people decided to vote for our own damned Senators

Only Libertarian nutjobs want to take the vote away from the people
And Obama has supersized the surveillance...while lobbing drones at civilians.

WITH court orders and yes, he acts like Bush, why do you think SOOOOOO many liberal think he's the second best conservative Prez since Ike, only beaten out by BJ Bill?

Why shouldn't we go after Al Quaeda and ISS? The truth is we're at war with extremist that want us dead. Bush and Obama are right to fight them. Drones? Like Reagan didn't use cruise missiles and airplanes to do the same.

We should go after those that are 'at war with US', the innocents and civilians? Not so much

US Gov't policy for years created the circumstances in MUCH of the ME
Vietnam? At least when it comes to workers rights.

Again, liberals cannot gasp the concept of free markets. Free markets are not freedom for just corporations, they are freedom for customers and employees. Everyone is an equal player. Your employer sucks, you are free to leave and get a better job.

It is in fact your socalist government that sells power to corporations, stifles their competition for campaign contributions and limits the ability of workers to move by tying them to their company for things like their health care.

It is you that is putting up our government and it's power to the highest bidder, we want to free our country from that.

Sounds so nice and pretty, seems like nations ALL OVER THE WORLD we be doing it right? lol

Make a point or stand down.
Every vote helps some people and hurts others

Even a libertarian should comprehend that

Unless one side takes the House, Senate, and POTUS at the same time..........And then ram home PURE DEMOCRACY down everyone's throats and CHEER the PEOPLE WANTED IT.

Which is the Tyranny of the simple majority. If the Senate was picked by State Legislatures as the original Constitution, Obamacare would have never passed. You should still praise Wilson for that.

Spare me the Will of the People bit on that one. It's boring. The House was the voice of the people and the Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments.

We the people decided to vote for our own damned Senators

Only Libertarian nutjobs want to take the vote away from the people

No we didn't. None of us were alive back then. It was a moment of extremes and changes for the short term.

If we elect or local reps then by default we were already electing our Senators. The intent was to be the VOICE OF STATE LEGISLATURES.............Our voice under the republic is the House.

It's easier to corrupt a few than a whole legislature for the Senate. And if a Senator goes against the will of the State then he could be fired. The State understands the effects of Federal Law better than the average Joe because they have to comply. Which would give them an informed opinion of issues that could financially effect the state and it's people.
Every vote helps some people and hurts others

Even a libertarian should comprehend that

Unless one side takes the House, Senate, and POTUS at the same time..........And then ram home PURE DEMOCRACY down everyone's throats and CHEER the PEOPLE WANTED IT.

Which is the Tyranny of the simple majority. If the Senate was picked by State Legislatures as the original Constitution, Obamacare would have never passed. You should still praise Wilson for that.

Spare me the Will of the People bit on that one. It's boring. The House was the voice of the people and the Senate was supposed to be the voice of the State Governments.

We the people decided to vote for our own damned Senators

Only Libertarian nutjobs want to take the vote away from the people

You mean a bunch of gullible fools decided to put the Senate in the hands of demagogues.

Yeah, I want to take away the ability of fools in another state to impose the decisions of their Senator on me.
It's hard to define a "small government" since the federal government is so big. It's easier to take it by bureaucracy. The unstated primary mission of a federal government bureaucracy is to get bigger, more powerful and get more confiscated taxpayer money. Democrats are great at creating useless, often competing bureaucracies with slick sounding names and before you know it the federal government is a jobs fair.

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