What is accomplished by prayer?

One last one I want to get to first. #10.

10. Genital mutilation of babies endorsed by religious texts.

There is compelling evidence that male circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men by approximately 60%. Three randomized controlled trials have shown that male circumcision provided by well trained health professionals in properly equipped settings is safe.
WHO | Male circumcision for HIV prevention
Male circumcision for HIV prevention

So who is the unscientific one again?

Good grief, what a stupid fucking argument. For one, you are trying to present something we just learned as a reason for a stupid idea that has been around since the first illiterate goat herder heard these bronze age fairy tales around a fire.

Second, genital mutilation also includes mutilating females. But, being the deep thinker you are NOT, this thought never even fizzled into your brain for a fleeting instant.

Third, you dont get to be the retard who says HIV is "God's wrath", and then also assert he thought ahead of a way to save people from getting it.

Seriously...that was mind-numbingly stupid, on every level.
Good grief. God knew it was a healthy practice, just as not eating pork and shellfish was.
Dufus, you better start thinking outside your tiny bubble, you keep displaying your ignorance on the topic.

"God knew it was a healthy practice, "

For you to accuse anyone of not thinking outside a bubble is laughable at best, dishonest and nauseating at worst. You are the creep who thinks he can take any of our hard earned knowledge and contort it to fit your bronze age delusions. And the knowledge you can't squeeed into your own little sky wizard bubble, you reject. You are dishonest, anti-intellectual, and childish.
Why do you hate science? Circumcision helps prevent people from dying a horrible death. That's why the practice was started by God 3,000 years ago.

See what I mean? There is something wrong with your brain. I think it is idiotic to claim the sky wizard suggested circumcision because he knew the health benefits is an absurd idea, therefore I hate science? You sound like a goddamn moron.
Why wouldn't the creator of the universe who holds every atom together by his word not know circumcision prevents disease? You think someone 3,000 years ago thought the practice would be fun for adult males and mere coincidence it saves lives too?

You obviously cannot think for yourself.
Christians are the happiest people on earth. We e3njoy everything about life. What is not to enjoy when you help people in need? Atheists like you obviously need to lie and create a false illusion that helping people in need is not enjoyable to justify your pathetic hate filled lives.
What a crock of shit. It's Christians who need an excuse to help people. I have pointed this out numerous times. I don't help people because I am afraid of Hell, or trying to get into Heaven, or because some ancient wizard in a book told me I was supposed to. I help people just because it feels better not to be a fucking asshole. What you claimed about motives to help people is a flat out lie. And atheists are more charitable than Christians! There are, in fact, numerous studies that demonstrate this.

As to your painfully obvious observationt hat religious people are "happier"? Well, duh! It's easy to be happy when you are delusional, don't have to take any responsibility for your actions, and are convinced that nothing that happens here actually matters, because when you die you are going to Camp Ever Happy!!! My life would be much happier if I could just believe that nothing I do here really matters, that I have a get outa jail free card no matter what, just because I say I'm sorry to my Magic Sky Daddy, and no matter how shitty my life is, it'll all be made better in the Everlasting God Club when I die Unfortunately I'm not delusional, so I have to deal with the real world, right here, as it is. And, sometimes, that sucks.
Only atheists are running around in America starting riots and attempting to oppress the liberties of others. Hardly a sign that you atheists are a happy lot.
AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists.

"AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists"

And every one of those studies is bunk, as they all include tithes. As if giving $50 for the new LED marquee out front of the church, or for expanding and paving the back church parking lot is "charity". What passes for "charity" with you liars is a joke.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.
Good grief, what a stupid fucking argument. For one, you are trying to present something we just learned as a reason for a stupid idea that has been around since the first illiterate goat herder heard these bronze age fairy tales around a fire.

Second, genital mutilation also includes mutilating females. But, being the deep thinker you are NOT, this thought never even fizzled into your brain for a fleeting instant.

Third, you dont get to be the retard who says HIV is "God's wrath", and then also assert he thought ahead of a way to save people from getting it.

Seriously...that was mind-numbingly stupid, on every level.
Good grief. God knew it was a healthy practice, just as not eating pork and shellfish was.
Dufus, you better start thinking outside your tiny bubble, you keep displaying your ignorance on the topic.

"God knew it was a healthy practice, "

For you to accuse anyone of not thinking outside a bubble is laughable at best, dishonest and nauseating at worst. You are the creep who thinks he can take any of our hard earned knowledge and contort it to fit your bronze age delusions. And the knowledge you can't squeeed into your own little sky wizard bubble, you reject. You are dishonest, anti-intellectual, and childish.
Why do you hate science? Circumcision helps prevent people from dying a horrible death. That's why the practice was started by God 3,000 years ago.

See what I mean? There is something wrong with your brain. I think it is idiotic to claim the sky wizard suggested circumcision because he knew the health benefits is an absurd idea, therefore I hate science? You sound like a goddamn moron.
Why wouldn't the creator of the universe who holds every atom together by his word not know circumcision prevents disease? You think someone 3,000 years ago thought the practice would be fun for adult males and mere coincidence it saves lives too?

You obviously cannot think for yourself.

Because that sky wizard you just made up does not exist. Duh. While gods may exist, I think we can be fairly certain that your evil, stupid Bible God is a scam.
Christians are the happiest people on earth. We e3njoy everything about life. What is not to enjoy when you help people in need? Atheists like you obviously need to lie and create a false illusion that helping people in need is not enjoyable to justify your pathetic hate filled lives.
What a crock of shit. It's Christians who need an excuse to help people. I have pointed this out numerous times. I don't help people because I am afraid of Hell, or trying to get into Heaven, or because some ancient wizard in a book told me I was supposed to. I help people just because it feels better not to be a fucking asshole. What you claimed about motives to help people is a flat out lie. And atheists are more charitable than Christians! There are, in fact, numerous studies that demonstrate this.

As to your painfully obvious observationt hat religious people are "happier"? Well, duh! It's easy to be happy when you are delusional, don't have to take any responsibility for your actions, and are convinced that nothing that happens here actually matters, because when you die you are going to Camp Ever Happy!!! My life would be much happier if I could just believe that nothing I do here really matters, that I have a get outa jail free card no matter what, just because I say I'm sorry to my Magic Sky Daddy, and no matter how shitty my life is, it'll all be made better in the Everlasting God Club when I die Unfortunately I'm not delusional, so I have to deal with the real world, right here, as it is. And, sometimes, that sucks.
Only atheists are running around in America starting riots and attempting to oppress the liberties of others. Hardly a sign that you atheists are a happy lot.
AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists.

"AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists"

And every one of those studies is bunk, as they all include tithes. As if giving $50 for the new LED marquee out front of the church, or for expanding and paving the back church parking lot is "charity". What passes for "charity" with you liars is a joke.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.

Of course I can provide links. But what I will not do is spoonfeed an incurious, dahoneat person who is not actually seeking any knowledge. Find it yourself.
Christians are the happiest people on earth. We e3njoy everything about life. What is not to enjoy when you help people in need? Atheists like you obviously need to lie and create a false illusion that helping people in need is not enjoyable to justify your pathetic hate filled lives.
What a crock of shit. It's Christians who need an excuse to help people. I have pointed this out numerous times. I don't help people because I am afraid of Hell, or trying to get into Heaven, or because some ancient wizard in a book told me I was supposed to. I help people just because it feels better not to be a fucking asshole. What you claimed about motives to help people is a flat out lie. And atheists are more charitable than Christians! There are, in fact, numerous studies that demonstrate this.

As to your painfully obvious observationt hat religious people are "happier"? Well, duh! It's easy to be happy when you are delusional, don't have to take any responsibility for your actions, and are convinced that nothing that happens here actually matters, because when you die you are going to Camp Ever Happy!!! My life would be much happier if I could just believe that nothing I do here really matters, that I have a get outa jail free card no matter what, just because I say I'm sorry to my Magic Sky Daddy, and no matter how shitty my life is, it'll all be made better in the Everlasting God Club when I die Unfortunately I'm not delusional, so I have to deal with the real world, right here, as it is. And, sometimes, that sucks.
Only atheists are running around in America starting riots and attempting to oppress the liberties of others. Hardly a sign that you atheists are a happy lot.
AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists.

"AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists"

And every one of those studies is bunk, as they all include tithes. As if giving $50 for the new LED marquee out front of the church, or for expanding and paving the back church parking lot is "charity". What passes for "charity" with you liars is a joke.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.

Of course I can provide links. But what I will not do is spoonfeed an incurious, dahoneat person who is not actually seeking any knowledge. Find it yourself.
Link away! :link::link::link::link::link:
Now, see? I haven't harped about anything. I asked a perfectly reasonable question. If you're just here to troll, feel free to fuck off.
99% of your posts are on Christianity. Don’t feel bad about your struggle. Continue to seek the truth and you too can live a happy Christian life.

He obviously feels terribly guilty about something, like the other obsessed Xian bashers seem to.
Yeah. That's what it is. LOL

ON EDIT: Actually, upon reflection, you're right. I do feel a bit guilty about something: I feel guilty about all of those poor intelligent people that I convinced to ignore their reason, and logic when I was one of the brainwashed, and led them into a life of ignorant sheep following. I do feel a little guilty about that. Unfortunately, there is little I can do about that. All I can do know, is do my best to rescue as many as I can from that wilful rejection of logic and reason.
Please, by all means tell me what I have lost as a "brainwashed sheep". I keep asking that question to you haters but you haters never answer it.
Yet another thread where the haters proudly proclaim Christianity is so bad for people yet refuse to name even one negative impact. Czernobog being the latest hater to runaway and refuse to back up their claims.

Yes, and all the while claiming to be all about 'rationalism and science', which is itself hilarious given that 'science' is for sale to anybody with the bucks to pay a 'scientist' to say what they want them to say, about nearly anything, and they do so every single day all day long. They are only interested in political and ideological agendas, period, and as I've said before Xians stand in the way of a lot scumbaggery, deviancy, and sociopathic 'rationalism' hoaxes. They are for the most part just pseudo-intellectual sickos hoping to 'normalize' some kind of psychotic behavior or other, is all.
Good grief. God knew it was a healthy practice, just as not eating pork and shellfish was.
Dufus, you better start thinking outside your tiny bubble, you keep displaying your ignorance on the topic.

"God knew it was a healthy practice, "

For you to accuse anyone of not thinking outside a bubble is laughable at best, dishonest and nauseating at worst. You are the creep who thinks he can take any of our hard earned knowledge and contort it to fit your bronze age delusions. And the knowledge you can't squeeed into your own little sky wizard bubble, you reject. You are dishonest, anti-intellectual, and childish.
Why do you hate science? Circumcision helps prevent people from dying a horrible death. That's why the practice was started by God 3,000 years ago.

See what I mean? There is something wrong with your brain. I think it is idiotic to claim the sky wizard suggested circumcision because he knew the health benefits is an absurd idea, therefore I hate science? You sound like a goddamn moron.
Why wouldn't the creator of the universe who holds every atom together by his word not know circumcision prevents disease? You think someone 3,000 years ago thought the practice would be fun for adult males and mere coincidence it saves lives too?

You obviously cannot think for yourself.

Because that sky wizard you just made up does not exist. Duh. While gods may exist, I think we can be fairly certain that your evil, stupid Bible God is a scam.
Poor baby needs to lie to justify his hate. Now the science hater claims to know the unknowable.
What a crock of shit. It's Christians who need an excuse to help people. I have pointed this out numerous times. I don't help people because I am afraid of Hell, or trying to get into Heaven, or because some ancient wizard in a book told me I was supposed to. I help people just because it feels better not to be a fucking asshole. What you claimed about motives to help people is a flat out lie. And atheists are more charitable than Christians! There are, in fact, numerous studies that demonstrate this.

As to your painfully obvious observationt hat religious people are "happier"? Well, duh! It's easy to be happy when you are delusional, don't have to take any responsibility for your actions, and are convinced that nothing that happens here actually matters, because when you die you are going to Camp Ever Happy!!! My life would be much happier if I could just believe that nothing I do here really matters, that I have a get outa jail free card no matter what, just because I say I'm sorry to my Magic Sky Daddy, and no matter how shitty my life is, it'll all be made better in the Everlasting God Club when I die Unfortunately I'm not delusional, so I have to deal with the real world, right here, as it is. And, sometimes, that sucks.
Only atheists are running around in America starting riots and attempting to oppress the liberties of others. Hardly a sign that you atheists are a happy lot.
AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists.

"AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists"

And every one of those studies is bunk, as they all include tithes. As if giving $50 for the new LED marquee out front of the church, or for expanding and paving the back church parking lot is "charity". What passes for "charity" with you liars is a joke.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.

Of course I can provide links. But what I will not do is spoonfeed an incurious, dahoneat person who is not actually seeking any knowledge. Find it yourself.
Link away! :link::link::link::link::link:

I'm not your mommy. Look it up yourself. I dont care if you believe me or not. Nobody cares. Nobody cares if you believe in evolution, either.
"God knew it was a healthy practice, "

For you to accuse anyone of not thinking outside a bubble is laughable at best, dishonest and nauseating at worst. You are the creep who thinks he can take any of our hard earned knowledge and contort it to fit your bronze age delusions. And the knowledge you can't squeeed into your own little sky wizard bubble, you reject. You are dishonest, anti-intellectual, and childish.
Why do you hate science? Circumcision helps prevent people from dying a horrible death. That's why the practice was started by God 3,000 years ago.

See what I mean? There is something wrong with your brain. I think it is idiotic to claim the sky wizard suggested circumcision because he knew the health benefits is an absurd idea, therefore I hate science? You sound like a goddamn moron.
Why wouldn't the creator of the universe who holds every atom together by his word not know circumcision prevents disease? You think someone 3,000 years ago thought the practice would be fun for adult males and mere coincidence it saves lives too?

You obviously cannot think for yourself.

Because that sky wizard you just made up does not exist. Duh. While gods may exist, I think we can be fairly certain that your evil, stupid Bible God is a scam.
Poor baby needs to lie to justify his hate. Now the science hater claims to know the unknowable.

I didn't claim to know. I said we can be fairly certain. Of the two of us, you are the only one making assertions with 100% certainty. Dang you are dumb sometimes . And dishonest.
Only atheists are running around in America starting riots and attempting to oppress the liberties of others. Hardly a sign that you atheists are a happy lot.
AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists.

"AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists"

And every one of those studies is bunk, as they all include tithes. As if giving $50 for the new LED marquee out front of the church, or for expanding and paving the back church parking lot is "charity". What passes for "charity" with you liars is a joke.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.

Of course I can provide links. But what I will not do is spoonfeed an incurious, dahoneat person who is not actually seeking any knowledge. Find it yourself.
Link away! :link::link::link::link::link:

I'm not your mommy. Look it up yourself. I dont care if you believe me or not. Nobody cares. Nobody cares if you believe in evolution, either.
Hilarious. So you lied when you said you can provide links.
I'm not going looking for something that does not exist, liar.
"AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists"

And every one of those studies is bunk, as they all include tithes. As if giving $50 for the new LED marquee out front of the church, or for expanding and paving the back church parking lot is "charity". What passes for "charity" with you liars is a joke.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.

Of course I can provide links. But what I will not do is spoonfeed an incurious, dahoneat person who is not actually seeking any knowledge. Find it yourself.
Link away! :link::link::link::link::link:

I'm not your mommy. Look it up yourself. I dont care if you believe me or not. Nobody cares. Nobody cares if you believe in evolution, either.
Hilarious. So you lied when you said you can provide links.
I'm not going looking for something that does not exist, liar.

I could easily provide links that studies on charity include tithing. Any 5 year old with google can produce those links. But I'm not doing for you, one, because you are a dishonest little puke just trying to make me do a dance for you, and two, you are a grown man who should find knowledge he cares about all by his big boy self.

Again, dance and prance and preen all you like. I do not care if you believe me or think I am lying.
What a crock of shit. It's Christians who need an excuse to help people. I have pointed this out numerous times. I don't help people because I am afraid of Hell, or trying to get into Heaven, or because some ancient wizard in a book told me I was supposed to. I help people just because it feels better not to be a fucking asshole. What you claimed about motives to help people is a flat out lie. And atheists are more charitable than Christians! There are, in fact, numerous studies that demonstrate this.

As to your painfully obvious observationt hat religious people are "happier"? Well, duh! It's easy to be happy when you are delusional, don't have to take any responsibility for your actions, and are convinced that nothing that happens here actually matters, because when you die you are going to Camp Ever Happy!!! My life would be much happier if I could just believe that nothing I do here really matters, that I have a get outa jail free card no matter what, just because I say I'm sorry to my Magic Sky Daddy, and no matter how shitty my life is, it'll all be made better in the Everlasting God Club when I die Unfortunately I'm not delusional, so I have to deal with the real world, right here, as it is. And, sometimes, that sucks.
Only atheists are running around in America starting riots and attempting to oppress the liberties of others. Hardly a sign that you atheists are a happy lot.
AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists.

"AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists"

And every one of those studies is bunk, as they all include tithes. As if giving $50 for the new LED marquee out front of the church, or for expanding and paving the back church parking lot is "charity". What passes for "charity" with you liars is a joke.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.

Of course I can provide links. But what I will not do is spoonfeed an incurious, dahoneat person who is not actually seeking any knowledge. Find it yourself.
Link away! :link::link::link::link::link:

The Dawkin's Dufuses got all excited about starting up 'atheist' charities a few years back, because a few of the more media savvy sociopaths noticed that Christians do a lot of community work and the like, and of course the Big Campaign To Show Up Da Xians has been a total bust. lol the last time I Googled up how much they raised I found they were embroiled in a couple of scandals over lost money, and a grand sum over years of 'fund raising' among their fellow sociopaths and deviants and pedophiles of around a $100 grand or so. lol lol lol it's hilarious; and that's why these Pedo-Friendlies aren't going to post links; they apparently Googled it up themselves and know how embarrassed they are going to end up in that fight.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.

Of course I can provide links. But what I will not do is spoonfeed an incurious, dahoneat person who is not actually seeking any knowledge. Find it yourself.
Link away! :link::link::link::link::link:

I'm not your mommy. Look it up yourself. I dont care if you believe me or not. Nobody cares. Nobody cares if you believe in evolution, either.
Hilarious. So you lied when you said you can provide links.
I'm not going looking for something that does not exist, liar.

I could easily provide links that studies on charity include tithing. Any 5 year old with google can produce those links. But I'm not doing for you, one, because you are a dishonest little puke just trying to make me do a dance for you, and two, you are a grown man who should find knowledge he cares about all by his big boy self.

Again, dance and prance and preen all you like. I do not care if you believe me or think I am lying.
Yet again another post taking up space and time and not one link from an "easy search"
Only atheists are running around in America starting riots and attempting to oppress the liberties of others. Hardly a sign that you atheists are a happy lot.
AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists.

"AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists"

And every one of those studies is bunk, as they all include tithes. As if giving $50 for the new LED marquee out front of the church, or for expanding and paving the back church parking lot is "charity". What passes for "charity" with you liars is a joke.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.

Of course I can provide links. But what I will not do is spoonfeed an incurious, dahoneat person who is not actually seeking any knowledge. Find it yourself.
Link away! :link::link::link::link::link:

The Dawkin's Dufuses got all excited about starting up 'atheist' charities a few years back, because a few of the more media savvy sociopaths noticed that Christians do a lot of community work and the like, and of course the Big Campaign To Show Up Da Xians has been a total bust. lol the last time I Googled up how much they raised I found they were embroiled in a couple of scandals over lost money, and a grand sum over years of 'fund raising' among their fellow sociopaths and deviants and pedophiles of around a $100 grand or so. lol lol lol it's hilarious; and that's why these Pedo-Friendlies aren't going to post links; they apparently Googled it up themselves and know how embarrassed they are going to end up in that fight.
And I bet the money they did raise went to things like save abandoned rabbits or something.
Atheist Convention cancelled due to lack of interest.

Atheist Convention cancelled due to lack of interest

Ultimately, what's the point of such a conference because what's the message? "Become an atheist, give yourself meaning and purpose. Then die and you'll never know you existed. That's it folks."

No wonder the atheist conference was cancelled. They BELIEVE there's no God; They BELIEVE life and universe arose by natural processes. Their religion is one without ultimate hope and purpose. It's ultimately a meaningless religion. Their religion has no Reason to Hope.

But there is Reason to Hope for atheists and everyone: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Only Christianity has that sure hope everyone needs.
‘Prayer’ is nothing more than talking to oneself, given the fact there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

‘Prayer’ might have some merit as a form of introspective meditation, but it has nothing to do with ‘communicating’ with a deity.
"AND study after study show Christians are far more charitable than atheists"

And every one of those studies is bunk, as they all include tithes. As if giving $50 for the new LED marquee out front of the church, or for expanding and paving the back church parking lot is "charity". What passes for "charity" with you liars is a joke.
Of course you can't provide any links because you are a liar who needs lies to justify your hate.

Of course I can provide links. But what I will not do is spoonfeed an incurious, dahoneat person who is not actually seeking any knowledge. Find it yourself.
Link away! :link::link::link::link::link:

The Dawkin's Dufuses got all excited about starting up 'atheist' charities a few years back, because a few of the more media savvy sociopaths noticed that Christians do a lot of community work and the like, and of course the Big Campaign To Show Up Da Xians has been a total bust. lol the last time I Googled up how much they raised I found they were embroiled in a couple of scandals over lost money, and a grand sum over years of 'fund raising' among their fellow sociopaths and deviants and pedophiles of around a $100 grand or so. lol lol lol it's hilarious; and that's why these Pedo-Friendlies aren't going to post links; they apparently Googled it up themselves and know how embarrassed they are going to end up in that fight.
And I bet the money they did raise went to things like save abandoned rabbits or something.

Most of the $100 grand in question here in the U.S. Front went for setting up a website, and some $90 grand in compensation for the U.S. head guy. lol lol lol.
I can't really demonstrate that prayer accomplishes a single fucking thing, but I'll be sure to pray for you...

Well, wait minute. I have the right to be left alone.
No, actually, you don't. There is no "right to not be confronted". Sorry, to disappoint. If you don't want to be challenged for your bullshit, there is a way to prevent that. Don't spout your bullshit. But you don't get to inject yourself into a discussion, and then cry foul when you are called out for the irrationality of your comment. I mean, you can do that. But, then I can just point, and laugh at the poor little snowflake.

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