What Is America?

No, im not saying that.
It says a lot about you when you act like nothing is going on. Especially when all of this bullshit could lead to something bad. That could directly effect you.
I'll worry about it when it affects me.
America used to be in a class of its own when it came to being compared to other countries. We used to say that it was the land of the free and the home of the brave. So what is it now? How can we even describe it?
We are a Banana Republic hell bent upon becoming a Socialist shithole because of all the Leftest greed.
I may be wrong.

I hope so.

But I think that the United States of America is a failing experiment.

To be brutally frank, the inevitable decline began in 1619, when people from a faraway continent were forced to come here to work for free.

Eventually, that led to the Civil War, in which probably 700,000 young men from both sides died.

Then from the end of the Civil War to the 1960s, there were de jure and de facto attempts to keep European Americans and African Americans separate.

Since the 1960s, European Americans have agreed to equality for all non-Caucasian groups.

But the problem is this: The European American population is fast shrinking.

Sometime in the next century, the majority of Americans will be Hispanic Americans along with a sizeable minority of African Americans.

In my opinion, such a majority cannot operate a modern and efficient and organized nation.
I may be wrong.

I hope so.

But I think that the United States of America is a failing experiment.

To be brutally frank, the inevitable decline began in 1619, when people from a faraway continent were forced to come here to work for free.

Eventually, that led to the Civil War, in which probably 700,000 young men from both sides died.

Then from the end of the Civil War to the 1960s, there were de jure and de facto attempts to keep European Americans and African Americans separate.

Since the 1960s, European Americans have agreed to equality for all non-Caucasian groups.

But the problem is this: The European American population is fast shrinking.

Sometime in the next century, the majority of Americans will be Hispanic Americans along with a sizeable minority of African Americans.

In my opinion, such a majority cannot operate a modern and efficient and organized nation.
In the future the world will be a light brown. I’d say “get used to it”, but we’ll all be dead.
In the future the world will be a light brown. I’d say “get used to it”, but we’ll all be dead.
You may be right.

I once read in a liberal magazine that in the far future, maybe up to 25% of Europeans will have some sub-Sahara African ancestry.

According to the news, the birth rate is really rocking in Africa.

The bad economic conditions are forcing many African young men to emigrate.

And nothing can stop them.
America used to be in a class of its own when it came to being compared to other countries. We used to say that it was the land of the free and the home of the brave. So what is it now? How can we even describe it?

With 30 to 40 percent of the voting population willing to call elections they don't like rigged and court rulings they don't like rigged based on nothing more than the word of one man named Trump, I would describe it as a country possibly headed down the road to fascism.
More like keeping children safe in the restrooms.
Simple solution....No more boys/mens room. No more girls/Ladies room.
No more men's sports and no more women's sports.

If you have a penis, you use the penis rest room. If you have a vagina, you use the vagina rest room.

If you have a penis, you compete with the others with penises.

If you have a vagina, you compete with those with a vagina.

What's so hard about that?
Freedom means people get to act in ways that you might not like.
There is nothing wrong with acting the way you like.

There is something wrong when your actions have a negative effect on others,,,,such as biological men taking away scholarships from biological women.

You want to compete as a woman? Have your penis and testicles removed proving you truly want to be a woman.

It really isnt so hard to understand.
I may be wrong.

I hope so.

But I think that the United States of America is a failing experiment.

To be brutally frank, the inevitable decline began in 1619, when people from a faraway continent were forced to come here to work for free.

Eventually, that led to the Civil War, in which probably 700,000 young men from both sides died.

Then from the end of the Civil War to the 1960s, there were de jure and de facto attempts to keep European Americans and African Americans separate.

Since the 1960s, European Americans have agreed to equality for all non-Caucasian groups.

But the problem is this: The European American population is fast shrinking.

Sometime in the next century, the majority of Americans will be Hispanic Americans along with a sizeable minority of African Americans.

In my opinion, such a majority cannot operate a modern and efficient and organized nation.

I want to make sure I have this right. Are you saying that only white people can operate an efficient and organized nation?
OK. I will bite.

What did Trump do that had a negative affect on your life?

Other than a failed trade war that did nothing but raise prices and hurt my clients in the Ag industry?

Other than raising the deficit each year and adding huge amounts to our national debt?

Other than attempting to over throw a legal/legit election?

Other than a failed response to COVID that included being dishonest with the American people?

But sure, I guess we could pick at nits if any of those thing impacted me personally, but the same thing could be said of every single president in my lifetime. Seems that is a pretty low bar.
What is America?… America is a failed experiment. America is the reality that every child eventually learns - no matter how much the heroes try, the bad guy almost always wins. America is what happens when naive optimists write a foundational document that gives people power and rights without strictly defining and enforcing the responsibilities and duties that come with them.

America is a joke.
SAD, but you are mostly correct.
America used to be in a class of its own when it came to being compared to other countries. We used to say that it was the land of the free and the home of the brave. So what is it now? How can we even describe it?
I’d say nothing has changed.

Granted the women have lost the right to an abortion in some states. But it appears as though the public will address this directly inserting amendments into State Constitutions to protect that freedom.

But we still have the rule of law here. Despite the Hysteronics of the RW, political enemies are not being locked up. They are indicted, for actual crimes, tried and either plead guilty or are convicted based upon evidence and law.

We know freedom of speech is alive and well. Just this last weekend Nazi’s gathered to protest. They were not rounded up and thrown in prison for their beliefs. They were not thrown into prison like in El Salvador, guilty until proven innocent.

It is the lies that create the illusion of lost freedom. The lies that Trump and others are charged for free speech. Nonsense. The lies that he and they are being persecuted.

You are free to believe anything you want. The Earth is flat. The election was stolen. What is not protected is calls to break the law. It was never protected speech. It has always been criminal.

Mafia Bosses who order subordinates to commit crimes are convicted of conspiracy. It is an accepted fact that Nixon did not order the break in at the Watergate Hotel. However he ordered the coverup and he ordered the destruction of the evidence on the tapes. Conspiracy to obstruct Justice is a crime. It’s always been a crime.

The problem is that people who believe the lies, that this is all political, want you to believe that freedom is dead.

But you and all the posters screaming it here are proof that is not true. The Feds could identify you in a minute here. Tracking your IP address and learning your name in less time then it takes me to type it. They could arrive at your house and raid it. Killing you claiming that you resisted.

If the Government was half as corrupt and lawless as is claimed, if the conspiracy was so widespread to steal an election nationally, and then cover it up, then making the loudmouths online would be simple and done before anyone could begin to complain.

They haven’t done that. The Feds haven’t gone around and rounded up dissidents. And if they were that well entrenched and that powerful why not? If you say they are afraid of rounding up dissidents then I will laugh aloud. They are going after Trump and his many minions. Do you really think they’re too afraid to round up John Pudthunker of South Dakota? Would anyone miss the basement dwelling dolt? The Media who is somehow in cahoots wouldn’t report it would they? But John Pudthunker is still posting here daily about how the freedoms are lost and we are a Banana Republic.

Think about what they say and ask if it makes sense. When your answer is no, then relax and enjoy your life. You are as free now as you were before from the Feds.

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