What Is America?

America used to be in a class of its own when it came to being compared to other countries. We used to say that it was the land of the free and the home of the brave. So what is it now? How can we even describe it?
A GOP Mess for 40 years, we need a Democratic landslide bad and to tax the rich and invest in America again.
A GOP Mess for 40 years, we need a Democratic landslide bad and to tax the rich and invest in America again.
You can increase taxes all you like, but the rich will always have loopholes, because they're the ones who write the tax laws. The only "rich" who actually pay high taxes are small business owners, typically.

And if you raise corporate taxes beyond a certain point, they just offshore operations to other countries even more than they already do.

Taxes aren't the problem. Reckless spending is. It's been a problem since basically Wilson.

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