What Is America?

Typical leftist. Cant see the forest from the trees.
My life is just fine, but this country is fucked. Backwards as hell.
One of the top doctors in this country is an obese, mentally ill person.
We rank 27th in education.
Our President cant speak. Hell, he cant even follow a SIDEWALK.
Our military is more worried about abortions and mentally ill people. And that still comes with the highest budget of the next several countries combined.
The world hates us because we are nosey as fuck.
We can bail out banks and big corporations, but not the people. Not that I would support that either, but it would be better than bailing out all those fucking rich people.
Our govt does nothing but use us and lie to us.
We lose our rights everyday, just to give them to the State. And whats worse is, people WANT that to happen.
Everyone is fat as fuck. Lazy. Entitled.
The govt puts their hands in everything which makes it so expensive, it is a luxury for millions. Like college and healthcare.
Wake up bro. That shit isnt signs of a successful country.
None of which affects me or mine personally so I really don’t give a shit.
I know. I already said you were a typical leftist.
So it’s better to be a “rightist” and spend your time stewing and worrying about every little problem that’s out of your control?

No thanks!
I just got an answer to my own question. America today is being one of the good guys and being treated like a bad guy. I know from personal experience and that's just something that I have in common with Trump. Also, the true bad guys are treated like good guys.
Trump saying he’s been treated badly is just a pity play, IMO. If a billionaire can’t make things go their way, they must have really fucked up.
That’s just an excuse. Even then, they had to be the “right” Europeans.

What Is America?​

Militarily still the most powerful country on this planet - economically down to being #2
Being systematically destroyed and dis-functioned by Lefty&Libs since the past 40 years. Whereby the past 10 years are being viewed upon by Lefty&Libs, as having been extremely successful.

Aided substantially by a human scumbag, who didn't do anything to reverse the situation, but provided Lefty&Libs with ample precious ammo to hurl back at conservative and normal Americans, resulting in Biden getting elected in 2020.

What Is America?​

Militarily still the most powerful country on this planet - economically down to being #2
Being systematically destroyed and dis-functioned by Lefty&Libs since the past 40 years. Whereby the past 10 years are being viewed upon by Lefty&Libs, as having been extremely successful.

Aided substantially by a human scumbag, who didn't do anything to reverse the situation, but provided Lefty&Libs with ample precious ammo to hurl back at conservative and normal Americans, resulting in Biden getting elected in 2020.
We can't afford our military and our military can't win a war. Not even against the Flintstones.

Economically down to number two. So that means what exactly? The end of America to hear you tell it.

You know what happened 40 years ago? Reagan and his neoliberalism happened, his trickle down trickled all up and we got the most inequality to prove it.

Biden got elected because Trump had a record by 2020. And it sucked. That's why he got canned.
We can't afford our military and our military can't win a war. Not even against the Flintstones.
Nonsense - as for afford, it's a matter of how prices are regulated and controlled with the arms producers.
The USA has been running nonstop an imperialistic and hegemonic global policy, REGARDLESS of whatever administration for the past 125 years. Biden (aka USA) presently is doing exactly that, via having provoked Russia to attack Ukraine and he is doing exactly the same in regards to China using Taiwan as the bait. The USA also ensures an endless civil war in Syria, etc. etc.
Economically down to number two. So that means what exactly? The end of America to hear you tell it.
It's a pure number game - logically a country such as the USA with 340 million people can't generate a GDP such as China with 1400 million people and a rising income structure. Furthermore the buying power in China for a US$ is around 3 times higher then in the USA - therefore factually in regards to buying power, China has already overtaken the US GDP - 3 years ago.

Example: China spends around US$320 Billion on defense, USA spends around US$ 900 billion - aka both spend the same buying power.
Due having spend/invested Trillions in China - it's infrastructure and industry is far more modern and competitive then that of the USA.

The "richness" of the USA is based onto the US$ global monetary system and it's hegemonic control, supported by the huge funds (theoretical digit money) of US investment banks. Take that away or reduce it - and the USA is a bankrupt country with an insufficient industrial basis, but having the most powerful army in the world.

Now guess why the USA has and needs the most powerful military on the planet. Instead of investing into infrastructure, industry and education and thereby automatically reducing its military strength.

You know what happened 40 years ago? Reagan and his neoliberalism happened, his trickle down trickled all up and we got the most inequality to prove it.
Reagan introduced the present monetary system and culture to the Western World - loans, credit, loans, to artificially promote economic growth - without ever thinking about how to pay back. However the general US mindset was still oriented towards working for a living and if necessary to sacrifice - strap the belt tighter - in the overall interests of the country.

Whilst Lefties&Libs (living of papas loans and money) - never contributed anything to the country, other then destruction and dismantling of it's culture and identity - regardless of it's financial costs and moral/social implications - see today's youth: no respect and no concern about their actions and responsibility. BLM, and an unregulated/uncontrolled migrant policy doesn't create additional jobs or a growing industry - only encourages minorities to constantly ask and demand for benefits, which they are too lazy to work out for themselves. Which high-tech county is in need for millions of illiterate and unskilled migrants?

Why get an education and a job - if e.g. shoplifting isn't persecuted and punished accordingly. Again lefty&Libs - ah... shoplifting who cares, those rich capitalist companies are all insured and our police and judicial system can't possibly handle such "minor" crimes. And if I don't like to learn or like the teacher, I can slap him and accuse him of being anti-BLM, or a racist or anti-LGBTq. etc. etc.
Biden got elected because Trump had a record by 2020. And it sucked. That's why he got canned.
Exactly - without Trump there could have been another Republican candidate as President in 2016 and Biden would never have come to power in 2020. And a responsible and capable Republican president could have reversed all this Lefty&Lib chaos in those 8 years. The USA has survived since 1945 due to the balancing of policies via constant counteracting onto the respective previous administrations.

Trump failed miserably to do so in his 4 years - whilst further allowing a Biden to come in. As such the US political landscape has been unchanged since Obama - In other words: Lefty&Libs have been able to fuck up the USA nonstop since 2009 until at least 2024, and presumably even until 2028 (20 years of Lefty&Lib policies) - with no counter action. As such the USA is indeed a lost case.

Secession, might be a last possible choice for normal Americans to lead a normal and pleasant life.
So it’s better to be a “rightist” and spend your time stewing and worrying about every little problem that’s out of your control?

No thanks!
No, im not saying that.
It says a lot about you when you act like nothing is going on. Especially when all of this bullshit could lead to something bad. That could directly effect you.

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