What Is America?

America started off as an aristocratic slave state. It morphed into an apartheid State. Was eventually forced through shame and ridicule to accept that everyone was equal under the law but did nothing to address the economic disparities that had grown over time, fed by capitalist greed who through their own lack of foresight sold out the white european's demographic dominance for short term profit. This has lead to an influx of black and brown laborers who come from countries that capitalists have exploited but who also realize that birthright citizenship brings with it political power and with that the means to address economic inequality.
It had a name.
You also killed hundreds of thousands of us in the most brutal way possible.
You tried to eliminate every aspect of our culture.
You failed.
This country has failed.
This was predicted centuries ago by my people.
Your people immigrated here from China/Asia, they invaded. :itsok:
How horrible is life in America these days for you people?


The word "state" has about 20 different meanings.

That was going to be my next question as in a failed state of circumstances?
What is America?… America is a failed experiment. America is the reality that every child eventually learns - no matter how much the heroes try, the bad guy almost always wins. America is what happens when naive optimists write a foundational document that gives people power and rights without strictly defining and enforcing the responsibilities and duties that come with them.

America is a joke.
How horrible is life in America these days for you people?
Typical leftist. Cant see the forest from the trees.
My life is just fine, but this country is fucked. Backwards as hell.
One of the top doctors in this country is an obese, mentally ill person.
We rank 27th in education.
Our President cant speak. Hell, he cant even follow a SIDEWALK.
Our military is more worried about abortions and mentally ill people. And that still comes with the highest budget of the next several countries combined.
The world hates us because we are nosey as fuck.
We can bail out banks and big corporations, but not the people. Not that I would support that either, but it would be better than bailing out all those fucking rich people.
Our govt does nothing but use us and lie to us.
We lose our rights everyday, just to give them to the State. And whats worse is, people WANT that to happen.
Everyone is fat as fuck. Lazy. Entitled.
The govt puts their hands in everything which makes it so expensive, it is a luxury for millions. Like college and healthcare.
We send our displaced citizens of natural disasters 700 bucks, but we will send a corrupt country hundreds of billions in cash and weapons. Even pay their PENSIONS. But fuck our people.
Wake up bro. That shit isnt signs of a successful country.
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That was going to be my next question as in a failed state of circumstances?
: mode or condition of being
a state of readiness

: condition of mind or temperament
in a highly nervous state

: a condition of abnormal tension or excitement

: a condition or stage in the physical being of something
insects in the larval state

the gaseous state of water

: any of various conditions characterized by definite quantities (as of energy, angular momentum, or magnetic moment) in which an atomic system may exist

: social position
especially : high rank
: elaborate or luxurious style of living
: formal dignity : POMP

—usually used with in

: a body of persons constituting a special class in a society : ESTATE sense 3
states plural : the members or representatives of the governing classes assembled in a legislative body
obsolete : a person of high rank (as a noble)

: a politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory
especially : one that is sovereign
: the political organization of such a body of people
: a government or politically organized society having a particular character
a police state

the welfare state

: the operations or concerns of the government of a country

: one of the constituent units of a nation having a federal government
the fifty states

States plural : The United States of America

: the territory of a state

There is a few.

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