What Is American Socialism, Communism, and Marxism: Open Q&A

What is wrong with you? You said I don't know anything about what we're talking about. Since I do, that means you didn't understand and you know nothing about what you are talking about. Content knows content, and you have none. You didn't offend me and I have nothing against you, but I'm not wasting time talking to a Democrat who doesn't listen and doesn't know when you don't know what you're talking about . Come back when you learn things like that Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto so they aren't different things, that was classic. Tata, have a good one

I'm not a Democrat, I'm an American communist of the Red Front.

As a member of the Red Front, I'd like to share our vision of American Democratic Communism, a form of communism that harmonizes traditional Marxist principles with the historical, cultural, and political context of the United States.

American Democratic Communism envisions a high-tech, classless society where the need for money is eliminated. We believe in the potential of a stateless society or, at the very least, a society with a minimal state apparatus. We have a forward-looking vision of a society where technology is harnessed for the common good.

We uphold the right to keep and bear arms (And combat rifles, with access to ammunition. Law-abiding Americans must remain armed - all men between the ages of 18 and 60 are members of the auxiliary civil defense forces and hence must be armed and possess at least 1000 rounds of ammunition), and the freedom of speech and of the press. We believe in the free exchange of ideas and the importance of free and independent media.

We believe in secure and controlled borders and a fair and just immigration system, recognizing the importance of national sovereignty and the rule of law (illegal immigrants will be deported). We stand firmly for the deportation of illegal immigrants, while also advocating for a fair and just immigration system.

In order to keep American citizens who live near our southern border safe, from the Mexican drug cartels and other criminals entering illegally through our southern border, we will deploy the US Army and Marines permanently, on our southern border.

We believe that housing is a human right. In our vision, anyone who is currently paying a mortgage for their personal residence would become the legal owner of that home. We distinguish between personal property, which includes one's home and possessions for personal use, and private property, which is used to generate capital (profits). Citizens can own up to two homes and a plot of land up to 10 acres, for their own personal use.

We stand firmly against defunding the police or military. We believe in maintaining law and order, and in cleaning our streets of drugs and violent crime. We propose housing the homeless and mandating rehab for those with substance abuse problems. Once clean and sober, these individuals will receive housing, medical care, job training, and employment opportunities. Those who sell hard drugs like crack cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl will face severe penalties, including capital punishment.

We believe that every human being has a right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and a job. If a person can't find a job in the private sector, they will receive one in the public sector.

With the elimination of markets and money through advanced automation technology and artificial intelligence, everyone will work 20 hours weekly and receive all the goods and products they need and want.

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We plan to restore the nation's manufacturing base, with worker councils collaborating with the government to provide logistical data and a production plan that meets everyone's needs.

The military-industrial complex will be nationalized, and the military will have its own fully automated factories.

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NASA will also have its own factories, both on Earth and in space, producing equipment for deep space exploration and colonization.

We believe in the right to life and consider abortions of convenience immoral. We support the right to an abortion when the woman's health or life is threatened by the pregnancy, or in cases of rape and insist.

We value life in the womb as a future member of our society, full of human potential. Abortion is a social ill, that mostly affects the poor and is more often performed on women of color. We see mass abortions of convenience as a form of racist genocide. Life in the womb is human and precious. Women don't conceive worthless pieces of protoplasm or trash, but human beings. That's one of several reasons why women are amazing. They conceive human beings!

Our foreign policy is one of peace through strength. We do not interfere in the internal political affairs of other countries and are against imposing economic sanctions, as they often hurt the people of the country more than those in power. We are against "free trade" agreements and only support fair trade.

We uphold the freedom of religion and are family-oriented, believing in the importance of family values. We believe the family is the foundation of American communist society.

We stand against pornography and the sexualization of the internet, especially the sexualization of minors. We are against injecting children with puberty blockers in the futile attempt of changing their sex/gender. Those who suffer from gender dysphoria should be treated with compassion but that shouldn't include, reinforcing their mental illness by identifying them as something they're not. Men can't become women and women can't become men. Men are men and women are women.

In conclusion, American Democratic Communism as envisioned by the Red Front is a unique blend of traditional communist principles and traditional American values. We believe in a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive, regardless of their race or gender, where technology is used for the benefit of all, and where individual rights and freedoms are respected. We are committed to advancing this vision through peaceful, democratic means.
Swim to Cuba, commie.
Just remember, every retarded communist revolution in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to be....

Define murder. Class warfare is bloody, however, we believe we can establish socialism, without a civil war.
I'm not a Democrat, I'm an American communist of the Red Front.

Proving again you don't understand your own discussion. Let's review the candidates from 2020:

Democrat - Joe Biden
Marxist - Joe Biden
Communist - Joe Biden

What you have is a distinction without a difference
Proving again you don't understand your own discussion. Let's review the candidates from 2020:

Democrat - Joe Biden
Marxist - Joe Biden
Communist - Joe Biden

What you have is a distinction without a difference
How so? Explain how Biden is a communist.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do."

I'm out.
I challenge all of you brainwashed, capitalist slaves to a debate. Come get your dose of reality here in the American communist thread, of the Red Front.
How so? Explain how Biden is a communist.

Biden was endorsed by the American Communist Party as their candidate you stupid twat, I already told you that. What is wrong with you? Seriously, what?
Biden was endorsed by the American Communist Party as their candidate you stupid twat, I already told you that. What is wrong with you? Seriously, what?

The Communist Party USA, doesn't represent most communists in America. They believe in supporting those they feel are the "lesser evil". That doesn't imply that they believe Biden is a communist, but rather that Biden is better than Trump for the working class, according to the Communist Party USA. Grow up. Insults are often the refuge of a weak argument.
The Communist Party USA, doesn't represent most communists in America. They believe in supporting those they feel are the "lesser evil". That doesn't imply that they believe Biden is a communist, but rather that Biden is better than Trump for the working class, according to the Communist Party USA. Grow up. Insults are often the refuge of a weak argument.

I answered your question, I'm not going back into the discussion you proved you didn't understand
I answered your question, I'm not going back into the discussion you proved you didn't understand
You've proven that you can't mention, not even one way that Biden is a communist. The fact that the "Communist Party USA" endorsed him, doesn't entail that they identify him as a communist or that their endorsement denotes complete agreement with Biden's political agenda. I'm not a member of the Communist Party USA, and I disagree with their interpretation of communism, which includes a bunch of "woke" liberal crap, that has nothing to do with Marxism or communism.

You can't provide a coherent argument as to why Biden is a communist. You obviously don't know what communism is.
You've proven that you can't mention, not even one way that Biden is a communist

He was endorsed by the Communist Party, this is the stupid I can't get past.. Move on or I'm just putting you on ignore. I try not to do that with people who haven't offended me, but you won't drop it and you're massively stupid, like not considering there any evidence to show the Communist Party candidate is a communist.

Joe Biden was the COMMUNIST PARTY CANDIDATE. You can't say that is NO EVIDENCE you stupid fuck
He was endorsed by the Communist Party, this is the stupid I can't get past.. Move on or I'm just putting you on ignore. I try not to do that with people who haven't offended me, but you won't drop it and you're massively stupid, like not considering there any evidence to show the Communist Party candidate is a communist.

Joe Biden was the COMMUNIST PARTY CANDIDATE. You can't say that is NO EVIDENCE you stupid fuck

Biden isn't the communist party USA candidate, he's a candidate endorsed by the communist party USA. The endorsement of a candidate by a political party is not the same as a nomination of a candidate by a political party. Just because one of several communist parties in the United States endorsed Biden, doesn't make him a communist. If you want to put me on ignore for telling you the truth, go right ahead. Put your head in the sand like an ostrich. Biden isn't a communist.

Name a few of the policy positions that Biden holds, that render him a communist. Go ahead. This should be easy for you if Biden is actually a communist.
Biden isn't the communist party USA candidate, he's a candidate endorsed by the communist party USA. The endorsement of a candidate by a political party is not the same as a nomination of a candidate by a political party

Which isn't the point I refuted. You said there was "no evidence" because you don't understand the terms you are using and couldn't defend it. No, it's not "the same" (a point I didn't make), it is clearly still evidence or the Communist Party WOULD NOT HAVE ENDORSED BIDEN.

I'm going to put you on ignore, but since you haven't actually offended me ever I will let you off at the first opportunity. Though I'm inconsistent with reviewing my ignore list so I'm not sure how long that will be. It could be tomorrow, it could be a month. It's unlikely to go longer than that
This thread is dedicated to discussing and understanding the concepts of American-born Socialism, Communism, and Marxism
These are all dead in the water, theoretically possible but highly susceptible to authoritarians. They just don't make up a significant portion of the American Electorate. Demonizing the opposition with those terms however is more typical than ever with the New Republican Subversives.
These are all dead in the water, theoretically possible but highly susceptible to authoritarians. They just don't make up a significant portion of the American Electorate. Demonizing the opposition with those terms however is more typical than ever with the New Republican Subversives.

These are all dead in the water

How so? Elaborate.

theoretically possible but highly susceptible to authoritarians.

Explain. How are they "highly susceptible to authoritarians"? Is it similar to capitalism, with its authoritarian workplaces? The workplace is where people spend much of their waking hours. We're not authoritarian here in the US? We have plutocracy, not democracy or genuine control over our government. How is communism "highly susceptible to authoritarians"and supposedly, in your estimation, our capitalist-run government isn't? Maybe you can also define freedom, or the opposite of the authoritarianism that you're claiming communism is susceptible to.

They just don't make up a significant portion of the American Electorate.

38% isn't that low and as advanced automation and artificial intelligence continue to take jobs, it's inevitable that eventually, we're going to be forced by necessity to adopt a non-profit form of production, a.k.a. socialism. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. It might take a few more decades, but eventually, socialism will become the successor of capitalism, just like capitalism succeeded chattel slavery and feudalism. We're now gradually moving into a post-capitalist economy.

Demonizing the opposition with those terms however, is more typical than ever with the New Republican Subversives.

One needs thick skin to be an American communist.

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