What is/are the claims about Trump and Russia.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
It's an issue I never paid attention to on either side because it seemed like another "boy who cried wolf." There are so many parallel side stories about the issue on leftist media that I don't actually know what the "main" issue is.

However Meuler asked for certain documents today from Trump's WH.

So, I ask the following:

1: What exactly is the Trump team accused of doing?

2: What is Russian accused of doing?

3: If true, how did it actually effect the election?

I want to know what I'm actually arguing against. It seems I'm fighting a many headed hydra with no clear or concise body.
Russia interfered in the election to help Trump win by revealing to America that the Democrats were interfering with the election to help Hillary win...and supposedly by hacking and releasing DNC e-mails that exposed DNC member racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism.

Damn those Russians, and poor ol' 'VICTIMS' Hillary and the DNC. :p
So far as I can tell, there is a whole lot of nothing. But it is easier to think that you were defeated by a conspiracy than to think you aren’t part of the majority after all.

I like analogy, not because it is always right but because it can be used to explain something to people in a way they will understand. In this case, I’ll use Pearl Harbor.

Racism by the Americans had created the image that all Japanese were 5’2” buck toothed midgets wearing thick glasses with second rate everything. We wanted to believe that if the “Japs” were dumb enough to start a war, we could whip them in two weeks with one hand tied behind our backs. We refused to even consider that the Japanese were a highly trained, well seasoned, and highly skilled first rate Military force.

This continued for many even after Pearl Harbor. The idea that the Germans must have done much of the work in planning and executing the Pearl Harbor raid continued for some time during the Second World War. The Japanese were simply too ignorant to do the job was the idea. One of the Admirals who was testifying before Congress over lunch made the most truthful admission I can imagine. When he was asked why Pearl Harbor happened, the officer admitted. “We just didn’t think the little yellow bastards could do it.” They used Racism to create artificial limits for the enemy.

After a defeat like Pearl Harbor, or the election of 2016, you have to take a long hard look at what beat you, and be honest about it. Some got the idea, and other than the Battleships already under construction, we quit building them. We shifted to aircraft carriers. But some still were dedicated and devoted followers of the idea that big guns would always rule the seas. They were shifted to the side in favor of people who could admit that aircraft now ruled the seas.

Looking honestly at the election of 2016 means finding where you made your mistakes, and what you should do to avoid them in the future. But the Liberals don’t want to do that. They want to believe that they are right, and everyone else is wrong. To be fair, the Conservatives are not much better when they lose. The Liberals are unwilling to admit that their traditional voters, the Unions, left them. At first, it was screams of Racism and people voting against their own interests.

Yet, don’t you have to ask me what my interests are, instead of telling me what they should be? For me, the big issue was trade. I’ve said this before, but trade between economic equals is good. It increases the rate of advancement, as competition forces the competitors to strive for the best. Japan’s cars of the 1970’s, created the US Auto Manufacturing of today. Better quality, better value. The Swedes and Germans helped push the safety features we take for granted today, everyone had to adapt to it, to be competitive. The British with their Land Rovers and Range Rovers helped stimulate the SUV craze that continues even today. The Ford Explorer owes its very existence to the Land Rover.

Competition is good, it means that you have to become more to beat your competitor, and it means you have to continually strive to be even better. But trade between unequal economies means you are just exporting the jobs, not engaging in trade.

The left snorts and says that those jobs are just gone, and get over it. They’re automated now. Nonsense. Those jobs, are in Mexico. Manufacturing parts, and entire cars, for Ford, and GM. I watched a three hour program from the BBC on how Mini’s are made. It was fascinating, 24 hour operations where tens of thousands of people work to build the car. Many jobs are done by robots, but a vast majority of the jobs are done by people.

We are told that companies can’t make cars in America and still make a profit. That’s odd. Since we know Volkswagen, Kia, Toyota, Nissan, Honda, BMW, and others manage to build their cars here at a profit.

The Liberals don’t want to admit that they are out of touch with the rest of the nation in “Fly Over Country” so they denigrate those in Fly Over Country that disagree with them. Those who voted against the preferred party of the Liberals are idiots, racists, or dupes.

The easiest answer is that someone must have cheated. Someone must have cheated or else their team would have won.

Those fools in Fly Over Country were tricked into supporting the evil party. This way, the Liberals don’t have to take a look at what they did to see where they can change, because change is unthinkable. It would be as if the United States quit building Aircraft Carriers during the Second World War and instead focused on Battleships because despite the horrific losses the ships have been suffering, we just know they work better.

So the idea was that the Russians hacked the election. That was proven not to have happened. Well, they cheated somehow. They must have. Now, the idiotic investigation is down to Manafort’s taxes, and if Flynn lied on a form. Absolute idiocy. But the Left will never let it go. Because like the Kennedy Assasination, it’s just easier to believe that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK than one nut was able to change everything in a few seconds. Just as it was easier to believe that the Germans planned, and executed Pearl Harbor instead of admitting that our racist views of the Japanese were idiotic and just flat assed wrong.

Some people just refuse to admit that their arrogance was wrong. That they are not superior after all is inconceivable. Yes, I am tempted to put the video here. But truth is hard to take for some folks. So the idea of a grand conspiracy cheating them out of electoral victory just makes a lot more sense than unlike the propaganda, most people don’t actually agree with you.

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