What is behind all these mass shootings?

I guess that lets you off the hook. You got people to blame. That will fix it.
I see that you're still deflecting, pretending not to understand the thrust of my observations, as if, once again, there hasn't been a concerted, decades-long agenda perpetrated by progressive scum to undermine parental authority in the state schools and produce the kind of parents you complain about, as if there weren't blood on the hands of Democrats, as if the Democratic Party and its mouthpieces in the media didn't promote lawlessness, indeed, as if the Democratic Party weren't chiefly responsible for promoting degeneracy in the state schools.

The diminution of parental rights has resurfaced as a potent political issue, owing to the obnoxious drive of the Democrats to push critical race theory and transgenderism. The Democrats have long been opposed to parental rights, seeing them as an obstacle to the fulfillment of their agenda. As the party of abortion, Democrats stand against parental consent laws. As the party of failing public education, Democrats take a dim view of private education and homeschooling.​
In the eyes of the Democrats, the traditional family represents a rival authority to the state and an impediment to its centralized planning. Their first instinct, consequently, is to undermine the family and strengthen the state at its expense.​
“We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to their communities,” said former MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry. She blurted out what many Democrats think. Notice the frequency with which they refer to “our children.”​
It is this collectivist view of children that explains the presumption of Democrats in calling for schools to teach anti-white racism and gender theory. They simply don’t think parents should have a right to protect their children against this propaganda. The Democrats may pay a political price for this defiance of parents in 2020. But it is a stance that the Democrats will never abandon, given that so much of their agenda depends on overriding the wishes of parents. To engineer the “fundamentally transformed America” of their dreams, they have to drive a wedge between parents and children.​
Jeez, you're foolish.

The Democratic Party, for example, is not pushing the transexualization of women's sports, bathrooms, gyms, and showers in the public schools? I suppose it's Republican school board members, school administrators and teachers who are imposing transfascism on children, which includes the perversion of language, logic and penalizing nonconformity.
They are not, where I live. What did you do to the place where you live?
I learned to drive in 1971. What does that have to do with anything? THEN nobody cut you of then flipped the bird. We genuflected our mistakes and we let bygones be bygones. NOW, they just shoot you. It's just gotten worse. The decline in American civility rose with the liberal Democratic party. Speeding, violating traffic laws, it grew from there. Accepting the bad sportsmanship liberal thing, "yo' mama so fat" adopting the poor black culture and then we get road rage and mass shootings. I find it ironic ass hell those that push this diversity stuff won't accept it probably caused this huge animosity and divisiveness that causes this disconnected rage in humans. Yes, I lay this nehilstic hate and murderous rage at the Democrat's door step.
Just well-regulated militia members exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.
So you would have confronted the Democrats on the school board behind the chaos as you pretended they weren't behind it? o_O
Choosing or assigning who is behind the policy not important, at the time of the rape of daughter by a trans boy, with a hard dick in a girl's restroom, if I was confronting the school board. The issue would have been demanding what lack of security allowed this to happen. Pretty obvious, unless brain damaged. Boys with dicks go to the boys restroom and girls with vaginas go to the girls restroom or else security permanently hired and assigned to all school bathrooms. Lesbians and Homosexuals, need not apply.
I see that you're still deflecting, pretending not to understand the thrust of my observations, as if, once again, there hasn't been a concerted, decades-long agenda perpetrated by progressive scum to undermine parental authority in the state schools and produce the kind of parents you complain about, as if there weren't blood on the hands of Democrats, as if the Democratic Party and its mouthpieces in the media didn't promote lawlessness, indeed, as if the Democratic Party weren't chiefly responsible for promoting degeneracy in the state schools.

The diminution of parental rights has resurfaced as a potent political issue, owing to the obnoxious drive of the Democrats to push critical race theory and transgenderism. The Democrats have long been opposed to parental rights, seeing them as an obstacle to the fulfillment of their agenda. As the party of abortion, Democrats stand against parental consent laws. As the party of failing public education, Democrats take a dim view of private education and homeschooling.​
In the eyes of the Democrats, the traditional family represents a rival authority to the state and an impediment to its centralized planning. Their first instinct, consequently, is to undermine the family and strengthen the state at its expense.​
“We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to their communities,” said former MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry. She blurted out what many Democrats think. Notice the frequency with which they refer to “our children.”​

It is this collectivist view of children that explains the presumption of Democrats in calling for schools to teach anti-white racism and gender theory. They simply don’t think parents should have a right to protect their children against this propaganda. The Democrats may pay a political price for this defiance of parents in 2020. But it is a stance that the Democrats will never abandon, given that so much of their agenda depends on overriding the wishes of parents. To engineer the “fundamentally transformed America” of their dreams, they have to drive a wedge between parents and children.​
At the same time, no matter who puts it forth, it is a position that will be opposed, most likely by most people. Most people vote locally if at all, as that is where individual school systems are regulated and funded by direct tax of the local population. It is not a problem here. You should not have lost control, where you are. What happened, you talent, judgement and leadership abilities only come out on the world wide webb?
I learned to drive in 1971. What does that have to do with anything? THEN nobody cut you of then flipped the bird. We genuflected our mistakes and we let bygones be bygones. NOW, they just shoot you. It's just gotten worse. The decline in American civility rose with the liberal Democratic party. Speeding, violating traffic laws, it grew from there. Accepting the bad sportsmanship liberal thing, "yo' mama so fat" adopting the poor black culture and then we get road rage and mass shootings. I find it ironic ass hell those that push this diversity stuff won't accept it probably caused this huge animosity and divisiveness that causes this disconnected rage in humans. Yes, I lay this nehilstic hate and murderous rage at the Democrat's door step.

You are SO full of shit

I lived in an almost all white town in the 60s and we played "the dozens" (your momma so fat) in the mid sixties.

And now you tell us speeding and road rage are recent Dem inventions?

Jesus shut the fuck up

Ya know what is leading to the "decline of civility"?

This right here. The internet where every racist nasty thought can be uttered anonymously
At the same time, no matter who puts it forth, it is a position that will be opposed, most likely by most people. Most people vote locally if at all, as that is where individual school systems are regulated and funded by direct tax of the local population. It is not a problem here. You should not have lost control, where you are. What happened, you talent, judgement and leadership abilities only come out on the world wide webb?
Local? You live in a dreamworld.

Two of America’s three branches of federal government have declared war on parental authority. President Obama’s Department of Education has been explicitly attacking schools that have the audacity to prefer traditional morality. However, making sense of the Education Department’s actions requires looking at the Obergefell same-sex “marriage” decision. The Obergefell decision explains why the Department of Education will not stop until it has eliminated parental authority to teach traditional morality to their children.​
The Department of Education has recently targeted an Illinois public school. The school allowed a (biologically male) transgendered student to participate in girls’ sports. The student was also allowed to change and shower in the girls’ locker room. However, the student was required to shower separately and use a privacy curtain when changing clothes. The Obama administration has declared that this discriminates against transgendered students and if anyone must use a privacy curtain, it must be the girls who only wish to change clothes in front of other biological females.​
At the same time, no matter who puts it forth, it is a position that will be opposed, most likely by most people. Most people vote locally if at all, as that is where individual school systems are regulated and funded by direct tax of the local population. It is not a problem here. You should not have lost control, where you are. What happened, you talent, judgement and leadership abilities only come out on the world wide webb?

As bad as the abortion provisions of the Democrats’ platform are, they pale in comparison to their embrace of the extreme LGBT agenda. They pledge to enact the so-called Equality Act which among other things imposes transgender ideology on the nation. Joe Biden has said his top legislative priority is enacting this law. The Democrats pledge to ensure that all people have access to intimate facilities such as showers and changing rooms based on “gender identity.” They would promote biological males competing in sports contests against girls. They promise gender reassignment surgeries at taxpayer expense, and hormone therapies for those seeking to “change” their gender. They pledge to guarantee that LGBT people are included in all foster family and adoption services, including those that are faith based. They pledge more taxpayer resources to ensure LGBT people are reached through government surveys such as the Census. They will make it easier for foreign LGBT people to immigrate to America. They will redefine the term “sex” in federal law to mean “gender identity,” thus resulting in a flood of discrimination claims against people of faith. They pledge to enact the GLOBE Act which redirects US foreign policy to advocate for LGBT “rights” around the world, and they pledge to fill the upper ranks of the State Department, USAID and the National Security Council with pro-LGBT advocates.​
Local? You live in a dreamworld.

Two of America’s three branches of federal government have declared war on parental authority. President Obama’s Department of Education has been explicitly attacking schools that have the audacity to prefer traditional morality. However, making sense of the Education Department’s actions requires looking at the Obergefell same-sex “marriage” decision. The Obergefell decision explains why the Department of Education will not stop until it has eliminated parental authority to teach traditional morality to their children.​
The Department of Education has recently targeted an Illinois public school. The school allowed a (biologically male) transgendered student to participate in girls’ sports. The student was also allowed to change and shower in the girls’ locker room. However, the student was required to shower separately and use a privacy curtain when changing clothes. The Obama administration has declared that this discriminates against transgendered students and if anyone must use a privacy curtain, it must be the girls who only wish to change clothes in front of other biological females.​
Maybe they figure sheep in your area are easily led, even if bleating to the bell, but mostly leave people in rural West TN alone?

As bad as the abortion provisions of the Democrats’ platform are, they pale in comparison to their embrace of the extreme LGBT agenda. They pledge to enact the so-called Equality Act which among other things imposes transgender ideology on the nation. Joe Biden has said his top legislative priority is enacting this law. The Democrats pledge to ensure that all people have access to intimate facilities such as showers and changing rooms based on “gender identity.” They would promote biological males competing in sports contests against girls. They promise gender reassignment surgeries at taxpayer expense, and hormone therapies for those seeking to “change” their gender. They pledge to guarantee that LGBT people are included in all foster family and adoption services, including those that are faith based. They pledge more taxpayer resources to ensure LGBT people are reached through government surveys such as the Census. They will make it easier for foreign LGBT people to immigrate to America. They will redefine the term “sex” in federal law to mean “gender identity,” thus resulting in a flood of discrimination claims against people of faith. They pledge to enact the GLOBE Act which redirects US foreign policy to advocate for LGBT “rights” around the world, and they pledge to fill the upper ranks of the State Department, USAID and the National Security Council with pro-LGBT advocates.​
And YOU think this is "What is behind all these mass shootings?" (the thread topic)

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