What is better.....public schools or private schools?

Private school kids have to wear stupid looking uniforms
Private school kids surround themselves with dorks
Private school kids have too many stupid rules
Other kids mock private school kids


Uniforms, yep.
SAT National semi-finalists and finalists,yep.
Rules, yep, but rarely needed.
Considering they beat the public school kids in every sport's districts, more like whining.
I had a public school education and it sucked for the most part. I was ignored and died of boredom because i was way ahead of everyone else in terms of reading ability etc. So instead of doing what the rest were doing I read pretty much every book in the library and then expanded to the public library and finally when I was in junior high school I discovered the University library. That set me free.

My daughter will never set foot in a public school save for a competative event.

..................................... :rolleyes:
Private school kids have to wear stupid looking uniforms
Private school kids surround themselves with dorks
Private school kids have too many stupid rules
Other kids mock private school kids

#1 Na, at my kids school they only wear the uniform for special occasions.
#2 Weather or not they are surrounded by dorks depends on ware you stand in the crowed . Just like public school. Hell, When I was in school everyone outside our group was a dork.
#3My kids school accepts pregnant teens. I can name a few public schools who expel them. And as for the rules, they parallel most public schools.
#4 Only kids who dont go to them.

The thing about private school is that a parent and child have options as to what they want as far as structure. If you dont like what the school has to offer, then go to one that offers what you want. Try that with public school and you could end up like this woman-

Ohio Mom Kelley Williams-Bolar Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District - ABC News

Ohio Mom Kelley Williams-Bolar Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District

Jan. 26, 2011

An Ohio mother's attempt to provide her daughters with a better education has landed her behind bars.

Kelley Williams-Bolar was convicted of lying about her residency to get her daughters into a better school district.
Catholic schools have better looking girls, That seems to be the consensus amongst my male public school students. Getting an invite to their prom is like winning a Golden Globe. Lol
When I was in the Navy in Gulf Port I had a fling with a Catholic school girl. They are naughty.
I've never been to a private school only public. So i can only talk about my experience in public school. I had a great experience in public schools. All my friends from the neiborhood went there so it was very easy to have somebody come over and do homework together. My teachers were awesome. Except this one.....
I was able to join many different activities like play the violin, piano, choir, and of course girl scouts. Throughout my school years my teachers were very supportive and helped me whenever i needed some academic help. I had no problems in public school whatsoever as far as how i got treated. I guess just because i had less money than the person next to me the teacher didn't mind giving me the same education.

Depends on where you're at.

I went to private K-3, public 4-8, and private 9-12. The public school I went to just happened to be pretty darn good, and I didn't notice there was too much of a difference. I think the teaching was just as good, but there were perhaps a few more kids with behavioral problems in the public school.

Yet a lot of public schools are really just total crap. Aint really fair. A kid should get a good education no matter where they live.
Catholic schools have better looking girls, That seems to be the consensus amongst my male public school students. Getting an invite to their prom is like winning a Golden Globe. Lol

It's the uniform. ;)

That being said, schools I think are a matter of personal preference and location. My children have been to public school in two different states. One has been excellent. The other I don't think private schools would have been any better in.
Exactly It all depends on your kid and what your choices are. Our public school was just ranked 5th in the state for our DFG. The only way I would have let my kids go there is if they were outstanding athletes, which they are not. 99 percent of their Catholic school graduating classes went on to college. Less than 40 percent of ours will. So what are we preparing them for? Nada. But we're doing a helluva job and preparing them for nada...
Not all kids need to go to college, nor is there room for all of them. Plumbers and electricians make great money.
Not all kids need to go to college, nor is there room for all of them. Plumbers and electricians make great money.

As well as framers, sheet rockers, welders, longshoremen, equipment operators and what ever. Its like a stigma has been attached to the trades that they are for the lowly.
Not all kids need to go to college, nor is there room for all of them. Plumbers and electricians make great money.

As well as framers, sheet rockers, welders, longshoremen, equipment operators and what ever. Its like a stigma has been attached to the trades that they are for the lowly.

A good working knowledge of mathematics can be very helpful to skilled tradespeople too. The same can be said for communication skills.
Not all kids need to go to college, nor is there room for all of them. Plumbers and electricians make great money.

As well as framers, sheet rockers, welders, longshoremen, equipment operators and what ever. Its like a stigma has been attached to the trades that they are for the lowly.

A good working knowledge of mathematics can be very helpful to skilled tradespeople too. The same can be said for communication skills.

It is very important, a must have.
Not all kids need to go to college, nor is there room for all of them. Plumbers and electricians make great money.

As well as framers, sheet rockers, welders, longshoremen, equipment operators and what ever. Its like a stigma has been attached to the trades that they are for the lowly.

A good working knowledge of mathematics can be very helpful to skilled tradespeople too. The same can be said for communication skills.

I teach in the CTE department in the most diverse school in the system and just a few of my students will go to college. Besides the medical subjects I teach them, I have them focus on resumes, dress for success, how to talk to a grown-up, etc. There are lots of manufactoring jobs unfilled right now that pays good and offers benefits and job security.
As well as framers, sheet rockers, welders, longshoremen, equipment operators and what ever. Its like a stigma has been attached to the trades that they are for the lowly.

A good working knowledge of mathematics can be very helpful to skilled tradespeople too. The same can be said for communication skills.

I teach in the CTE department in the most diverse school in the system and just a few of my students will go to college. Besides the medical subjects I teach them, I have them focus on resumes, dress for success, how to talk to a grown-up, etc. There are lots of manufactoring jobs unfilled right now that pays good and offers benefits and job security.

Thats awesome. Now if only some one (like there parents) would teach them about budgeting, balancing the checkbook, and that credit is not free money there would be hope for the next generation. Hats off to you and I wish there were more teachers like you.
As well as framers, sheet rockers, welders, longshoremen, equipment operators and what ever. Its like a stigma has been attached to the trades that they are for the lowly.

A good working knowledge of mathematics can be very helpful to skilled tradespeople too. The same can be said for communication skills.

I teach in the CTE department in the most diverse school in the system and just a few of my students will go to college. Besides the medical subjects I teach them, I have them focus on resumes, dress for success, how to talk to a grown-up, etc. There are lots of manufactoring jobs unfilled right now that pays good and offers benefits and job security.

I certainly do not expect my garbage person to be a college graduate. I mean, if they want to fine, but as long as they do their job well and get satisfaction out of it, I think its great. Being able to communicate with each other is basic to getting along.
A good working knowledge of mathematics can be very helpful to skilled tradespeople too. The same can be said for communication skills.

I teach in the CTE department in the most diverse school in the system and just a few of my students will go to college. Besides the medical subjects I teach them, I have them focus on resumes, dress for success, how to talk to a grown-up, etc. There are lots of manufactoring jobs unfilled right now that pays good and offers benefits and job security.

I certainly do not expect my garbage person to be a college graduate. I mean, if they want to fine, but as long as they do their job well and get satisfaction out of it, I think its great. Being able to communicate with each other is basic to getting along.

And a garbage man does not have to stay a garbage man for ever.
Outstanding video critiquing the current educational system. 11 minutes, but worth it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U]RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube[/ame]
I think public schools are best because every child can go to those schools and private schools are very costly so some rich children can go to private schools.
I think public schools are best because every child can go to those schools and private schools are very costly so some rich children can go to private schools.

Private school costs YOU nothing if you don't attend one. Public school on the other hand, costs EVERYONE. Sounds like you have no idea what your talking about. Let me guess, public education?

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