What Is Cultural Marxism?

Those rallying around Bernie are prime example of what I said. They think all sorts of things are owed to them and have truly believed the lies Bernie tells about how they deserve someone else to fund it for them.

1. Post the "lies" with evidence
2. "They think" maybe the only true and honest part of any of your posts.
3. Thanks once again for proving to be one of the stupid people.

1. FREE college tuition. That's a lie unless you can provide evidence where the college pays no bills, salaries, etc. That Bernie calls it a good investment makes it a lie. If it's such a good investment, why does he expect someone other than the parents of those kids to do the investing. Wouldn't the kids own parents be willing to invest in him/her if it was that good?

2. Not worth addressing your misrepresentation of what I said

3. Thanks for proving you're nothing more than the typical Liberal piece of shit that believes one person that earned something should have a portion of it transferred to some entitlement minded leech.

Public education is funded by local taxes, a Jr. College is an extension of high school, think of it as the 13th and 14th grades. A place where someone who is interested in higher education or vocational training can live at home with their parents and complete the first two years towards a Baccalaureate degree, or a technical skill.

Such education or training is necessary for a young adult to succeed and secure independence while exercising personal responsibility for their future. Or, we can continue to import skilled talent from Asia and South Asia.

As I've indicated stupid people have closed minds and do not think sagaciously or with a panoptic perception.

Thanks for proving once again you are a callous conservatives, a curmudgeon and one of the stupid people.
Or you are full of yourself, like ALL liberals and think we are all obligated to plunk down our hard earned money on what YOU deem important. Many jobs don't require a college education. Those that want to go shouldn't be subsidized by people busting their hump to make a living so junior can become an anthropologist.

True, many jobs do not require a college education, but life itself requires a quality education, especially in a Democratic Republic when voters choose those who lead and set policies - but I digress.

I never claimed everyone needs or is capable of earning advanced degrees. What I've said repeatedly on many threads, is the ability to read, comprehend, compute, analyze and communicate is necessary for one to be successful and even to survive in the 21st Century.

Jr. College is an affordable steeping stone to a young adults' future, in the trades, technology, academia, business or government & It ought to be a path open to all as are the taxpayer funded primary and secondary education.

BTW, not all conservatives are callous, only those unsocialized, and present as curmudgeons and stupid.

Even those with a higher education don't pay attention. Look at all those Liberals who voted for Obama who are supposedly educated. Too stupid to realize that skin color didn't make someone qualified.

All those things can be learned by the time someone finishes high school. If it isn't happening by that time, perhaps we need to look at the money being wasted there.

If it's such a good stepping stone, when the parents of the kids you expect others to fund to go to college start showing that THIER kids are worthy by investing in them, get back to me. College is not a right and if a kid's parents can't fund it, not my place to do it on their behalf.

Since all Liberals consider anyone that doesn't think like them as unsocialized, ALL Liberals are stupid.
vis a vis a nation which exploits labor and uses the resources of a nation to enrich the few. Stupid people, that is the set of people who disdain the masses and seek to limit power and control to the few and powerful, will rue the day they supported voter suppression and opposed collective bargaining, labor unions and equal opportunity for all.

Now stupid people will claim this post of mine is "funny", which is a prime example of the set of people challenged by history and reality. One need simply watch a rally in support of Bernie Sanders to see the young people and the middle classes are setting a new course; the one set by the conservatives had been set a drift do to false pathos unfulfilled promises and incompetence. Support for neo fascism has begun to ebb - seen by the failures of Rubio and Fiorina - and the hate and fear mongering of Cruz and Trump.

Stupid people will still fall for the propaganda uttered by these demagogues and charlatans, and we will read their posts and threads from now until November.

Those rallying around Bernie are prime example of what I said. They think all sorts of things are owed to them and have truly believed the lies Bernie tells about how they deserve someone else to fund it for them.

1. Post the "lies" with evidence
2. "They think" maybe the only true and honest part of any of your posts.
3. Thanks once again for proving to be one of the stupid people.

1. FREE college tuition. That's a lie unless you can provide evidence where the college pays no bills, salaries, etc. That Bernie calls it a good investment makes it a lie. If it's such a good investment, why does he expect someone other than the parents of those kids to do the investing. Wouldn't the kids own parents be willing to invest in him/her if it was that good?

2. Not worth addressing your misrepresentation of what I said

3. Thanks for proving you're nothing more than the typical Liberal piece of shit that believes one person that earned something should have a portion of it transferred to some entitlement minded leech.

Public education is funded by local taxes, a Jr. College is an extension of high school, think of it as the 13th and 14th grades. A place where someone who is interested in higher education or vocational training can live at home with their parents and complete the first two years towards a Baccalaureate degree, or a technical skill.

Such education or training is necessary for a young adult to succeed and secure independence while exercising personal responsibility for their future. Or, we can continue to import skilled talent from Asia and South Asia.

As I've indicated stupid people have closed minds and do not think sagaciously or with a panoptic perception.

Thanks for proving once again you are a callous conservatives, a curmudgeon and one of the stupid people.
Or you are full of yourself, like ALL liberals and think we are all obligated to plunk down our hard earned money on what YOU deem important. Many jobs don't require a college education. Those that want to go shouldn't be subsidized by people busting their hump to make a living so junior can become an anthropologist.

That's more like it. Liberals call what Wry supports as an investment yet think those of us who aren't the kid's parents should be responsible for investing in something the kid's own parent won't invest in.
Of course, which codifies the process on how we elect our representatives and senators by voting, a democratic process.
Of course, however in a Democratic Republic there is no protection for the minority (not necessarily minority by ethnicity) while in a Constitutional Republic the minority is protected by the Constitution. Huge difference.
Your use of Constitutional Republic is one more example of a member of the crazy new right echoing propaganda.
It is not a propaganda. It is a fact what your Cultural Marxist and Global Elitist ilk wants to change. It is you who tries to change the meaning of words. You are the demagogue, you are the provocateur.
It is evidence that you cannot or will not think for yourself, something way to common on the far side of the aisle upon which you sit.
It is you who want to portray your opponents as dumb fucks and enemies. It is you who portrays your opposition as mindless idiot to discredit the truth.
BTW, why respond to my digression when the substance of my post was germane to the issue?
Your argument for publicly funded college education was addressed previously. Your approach of portraying everybody as a dumb fuck who is not a Cultural Marxist/Global Elitist/intelligentsia/Academia stooge is duly noted.

You're welcome to your opinion - well - your right to echo the opinion of other members of the CRW.

Tell me, do you want to continue to have high tech firms hire skilled workers from Asia? Or should we as a nation invest in future generations of American workers?

Last time I looked dickhead, I choose my investments not you. When are the parents of these kids going to invest in their own kids and stop expecting the rest of us to do it for them?

I invest in the future generations. I have paid and will pay for MY two in college. Those two are the ONLY ones for which I am responsible.
Those rallying around Bernie are prime example of what I said. They think all sorts of things are owed to them and have truly believed the lies Bernie tells about how they deserve someone else to fund it for them.

1. Post the "lies" with evidence
2. "They think" maybe the only true and honest part of any of your posts.
3. Thanks once again for proving to be one of the stupid people.

1. FREE college tuition. That's a lie unless you can provide evidence where the college pays no bills, salaries, etc. That Bernie calls it a good investment makes it a lie. If it's such a good investment, why does he expect someone other than the parents of those kids to do the investing. Wouldn't the kids own parents be willing to invest in him/her if it was that good?

2. Not worth addressing your misrepresentation of what I said

3. Thanks for proving you're nothing more than the typical Liberal piece of shit that believes one person that earned something should have a portion of it transferred to some entitlement minded leech.

Public education is funded by local taxes, a Jr. College is an extension of high school, think of it as the 13th and 14th grades. A place where someone who is interested in higher education or vocational training can live at home with their parents and complete the first two years towards a Baccalaureate degree, or a technical skill.

Such education or training is necessary for a young adult to succeed and secure independence while exercising personal responsibility for their future. Or, we can continue to import skilled talent from Asia and South Asia.

As I've indicated stupid people have closed minds and do not think sagaciously or with a panoptic perception.

Thanks for proving once again you are a callous conservatives, a curmudgeon and one of the stupid people.
Or you are full of yourself, like ALL liberals and think we are all obligated to plunk down our hard earned money on what YOU deem important. Many jobs don't require a college education. Those that want to go shouldn't be subsidized by people busting their hump to make a living so junior can become an anthropologist.

True, many jobs do not require a college education, but life itself requires a quality education, especially in a Democratic Republic when voters choose those who lead and set policies - but I digress.

I never claimed everyone needs or is capable of earning advanced degrees. What I've said repeatedly on many threads, is the ability to read, comprehend, compute, analyze and communicate is necessary for one to be successful and even to survive in the 21st Century.

Jr. College is an affordable steeping stone to a young adults' future, in the trades, technology, academia, business or government & It ought to be a path open to all as are the taxpayer funded primary and secondary education.

BTW, not all conservatives are callous, only those unsocialized, and present as curmudgeons and stupid.
If you have no college you're an idiot? You're a world class idiot for thinking so. Steve Jobs, Wozniak, Gates and many millions more found a better way. Including those that built the house you're in. You should support any college you want, but keep your dick skinners off of my wallet.
1. Post the "lies" with evidence
2. "They think" maybe the only true and honest part of any of your posts.
3. Thanks once again for proving to be one of the stupid people.

1. FREE college tuition. That's a lie unless you can provide evidence where the college pays no bills, salaries, etc. That Bernie calls it a good investment makes it a lie. If it's such a good investment, why does he expect someone other than the parents of those kids to do the investing. Wouldn't the kids own parents be willing to invest in him/her if it was that good?

2. Not worth addressing your misrepresentation of what I said

3. Thanks for proving you're nothing more than the typical Liberal piece of shit that believes one person that earned something should have a portion of it transferred to some entitlement minded leech.

Public education is funded by local taxes, a Jr. College is an extension of high school, think of it as the 13th and 14th grades. A place where someone who is interested in higher education or vocational training can live at home with their parents and complete the first two years towards a Baccalaureate degree, or a technical skill.

Such education or training is necessary for a young adult to succeed and secure independence while exercising personal responsibility for their future. Or, we can continue to import skilled talent from Asia and South Asia.

As I've indicated stupid people have closed minds and do not think sagaciously or with a panoptic perception.

Thanks for proving once again you are a callous conservatives, a curmudgeon and one of the stupid people.
Or you are full of yourself, like ALL liberals and think we are all obligated to plunk down our hard earned money on what YOU deem important. Many jobs don't require a college education. Those that want to go shouldn't be subsidized by people busting their hump to make a living so junior can become an anthropologist.

True, many jobs do not require a college education, but life itself requires a quality education, especially in a Democratic Republic when voters choose those who lead and set policies - but I digress.

I never claimed everyone needs or is capable of earning advanced degrees. What I've said repeatedly on many threads, is the ability to read, comprehend, compute, analyze and communicate is necessary for one to be successful and even to survive in the 21st Century.

Jr. College is an affordable steeping stone to a young adults' future, in the trades, technology, academia, business or government & It ought to be a path open to all as are the taxpayer funded primary and secondary education.

BTW, not all conservatives are callous, only those unsocialized, and present as curmudgeons and stupid.
If you have no college you're an idiot? You're a world class idiot for thinking so. Steve Jobs, Wozniak, Gates and many millions more found a better way. Including those that built the house you're in. You should support any college you want, but keep your dick skinners off of my wallet.

Like I said, if the parents of a kid don't deem the kid worthy enough to invest in, it damn sure isn't the place of someone else to be forced to do it.
1. FREE college tuition. That's a lie unless you can provide evidence where the college pays no bills, salaries, etc. That Bernie calls it a good investment makes it a lie. If it's such a good investment, why does he expect someone other than the parents of those kids to do the investing. Wouldn't the kids own parents be willing to invest in him/her if it was that good?

2. Not worth addressing your misrepresentation of what I said

3. Thanks for proving you're nothing more than the typical Liberal piece of shit that believes one person that earned something should have a portion of it transferred to some entitlement minded leech.

Public education is funded by local taxes, a Jr. College is an extension of high school, think of it as the 13th and 14th grades. A place where someone who is interested in higher education or vocational training can live at home with their parents and complete the first two years towards a Baccalaureate degree, or a technical skill.

Such education or training is necessary for a young adult to succeed and secure independence while exercising personal responsibility for their future. Or, we can continue to import skilled talent from Asia and South Asia.

As I've indicated stupid people have closed minds and do not think sagaciously or with a panoptic perception.

Thanks for proving once again you are a callous conservatives, a curmudgeon and one of the stupid people.
Or you are full of yourself, like ALL liberals and think we are all obligated to plunk down our hard earned money on what YOU deem important. Many jobs don't require a college education. Those that want to go shouldn't be subsidized by people busting their hump to make a living so junior can become an anthropologist.

True, many jobs do not require a college education, but life itself requires a quality education, especially in a Democratic Republic when voters choose those who lead and set policies - but I digress.

I never claimed everyone needs or is capable of earning advanced degrees. What I've said repeatedly on many threads, is the ability to read, comprehend, compute, analyze and communicate is necessary for one to be successful and even to survive in the 21st Century.

Jr. College is an affordable steeping stone to a young adults' future, in the trades, technology, academia, business or government & It ought to be a path open to all as are the taxpayer funded primary and secondary education.

BTW, not all conservatives are callous, only those unsocialized, and present as curmudgeons and stupid.
If you have no college you're an idiot? You're a world class idiot for thinking so. Steve Jobs, Wozniak, Gates and many millions more found a better way. Including those that built the house you're in. You should support any college you want, but keep your dick skinners off of my wallet.

Like I said, if the parents of a kid don't deem the kid worthy enough to invest in, it damn sure isn't the place of someone else to be forced to do it.

You wonder why I think you dumb? Consider this, the kids whose parents don't support them, are the ones who spent half their life supported by taxpayers as they move from Juvenile Hall to County Jail to St. Prison. As I have noted, the current crop of conservatives, the Crazy Riight Wingers, either can't or won't think beyond their biases.
Public education is funded by local taxes, a Jr. College is an extension of high school, think of it as the 13th and 14th grades. A place where someone who is interested in higher education or vocational training can live at home with their parents and complete the first two years towards a Baccalaureate degree, or a technical skill.

Such education or training is necessary for a young adult to succeed and secure independence while exercising personal responsibility for their future. Or, we can continue to import skilled talent from Asia and South Asia.

As I've indicated stupid people have closed minds and do not think sagaciously or with a panoptic perception.

Thanks for proving once again you are a callous conservatives, a curmudgeon and one of the stupid people.
Or you are full of yourself, like ALL liberals and think we are all obligated to plunk down our hard earned money on what YOU deem important. Many jobs don't require a college education. Those that want to go shouldn't be subsidized by people busting their hump to make a living so junior can become an anthropologist.

True, many jobs do not require a college education, but life itself requires a quality education, especially in a Democratic Republic when voters choose those who lead and set policies - but I digress.

I never claimed everyone needs or is capable of earning advanced degrees. What I've said repeatedly on many threads, is the ability to read, comprehend, compute, analyze and communicate is necessary for one to be successful and even to survive in the 21st Century.

Jr. College is an affordable steeping stone to a young adults' future, in the trades, technology, academia, business or government & It ought to be a path open to all as are the taxpayer funded primary and secondary education.

BTW, not all conservatives are callous, only those unsocialized, and present as curmudgeons and stupid.
If you have no college you're an idiot? You're a world class idiot for thinking so. Steve Jobs, Wozniak, Gates and many millions more found a better way. Including those that built the house you're in. You should support any college you want, but keep your dick skinners off of my wallet.

Like I said, if the parents of a kid don't deem the kid worthy enough to invest in, it damn sure isn't the place of someone else to be forced to do it.

You wonder why I think you dumb? Consider this, the kids whose parents don't support them, are the ones who spent half their life supported by taxpayers as they move from Juvenile Hall to County Jail to St. Prison. As I have noted, the current crop of conservatives, the Crazy Riight Wingers, either can't or won't think beyond their biases.
Kids that don't go to college go to jail? You're insane, it can't be said enough. Bat fucking shit crazy.
Public education is funded by local taxes, a Jr. College is an extension of high school, think of it as the 13th and 14th grades. A place where someone who is interested in higher education or vocational training can live at home with their parents and complete the first two years towards a Baccalaureate degree, or a technical skill.

Such education or training is necessary for a young adult to succeed and secure independence while exercising personal responsibility for their future. Or, we can continue to import skilled talent from Asia and South Asia.

As I've indicated stupid people have closed minds and do not think sagaciously or with a panoptic perception.

Thanks for proving once again you are a callous conservatives, a curmudgeon and one of the stupid people.
Or you are full of yourself, like ALL liberals and think we are all obligated to plunk down our hard earned money on what YOU deem important. Many jobs don't require a college education. Those that want to go shouldn't be subsidized by people busting their hump to make a living so junior can become an anthropologist.

True, many jobs do not require a college education, but life itself requires a quality education, especially in a Democratic Republic when voters choose those who lead and set policies - but I digress.

I never claimed everyone needs or is capable of earning advanced degrees. What I've said repeatedly on many threads, is the ability to read, comprehend, compute, analyze and communicate is necessary for one to be successful and even to survive in the 21st Century.

Jr. College is an affordable steeping stone to a young adults' future, in the trades, technology, academia, business or government & It ought to be a path open to all as are the taxpayer funded primary and secondary education.

BTW, not all conservatives are callous, only those unsocialized, and present as curmudgeons and stupid.
If you have no college you're an idiot? You're a world class idiot for thinking so. Steve Jobs, Wozniak, Gates and many millions more found a better way. Including those that built the house you're in. You should support any college you want, but keep your dick skinners off of my wallet.

Like I said, if the parents of a kid don't deem the kid worthy enough to invest in, it damn sure isn't the place of someone else to be forced to do it.

You wonder why I think you dumb? Consider this, the kids whose parents don't support them, are the ones who spent half their life supported by taxpayers as they move from Juvenile Hall to County Jail to St. Prison. As I have noted, the current crop of conservatives, the Crazy Riight Wingers, either can't or won't think beyond their biases.

Consider something a bleeding heart Liberal says? Not hardly.

If you think a kid whose own parents won't invest in him/her is such a good investment, do it yourself. It's not a matter of bias. It's a matter of who is and who isn't responsible for funding college for THEIR kids. It's MY responsibility to do it for MINE and it's not my responsibility to do it for some freeloader's kid. End of story.
Or you are full of yourself, like ALL liberals and think we are all obligated to plunk down our hard earned money on what YOU deem important. Many jobs don't require a college education. Those that want to go shouldn't be subsidized by people busting their hump to make a living so junior can become an anthropologist.

True, many jobs do not require a college education, but life itself requires a quality education, especially in a Democratic Republic when voters choose those who lead and set policies - but I digress.

I never claimed everyone needs or is capable of earning advanced degrees. What I've said repeatedly on many threads, is the ability to read, comprehend, compute, analyze and communicate is necessary for one to be successful and even to survive in the 21st Century.

Jr. College is an affordable steeping stone to a young adults' future, in the trades, technology, academia, business or government & It ought to be a path open to all as are the taxpayer funded primary and secondary education.

BTW, not all conservatives are callous, only those unsocialized, and present as curmudgeons and stupid.
If you have no college you're an idiot? You're a world class idiot for thinking so. Steve Jobs, Wozniak, Gates and many millions more found a better way. Including those that built the house you're in. You should support any college you want, but keep your dick skinners off of my wallet.

Like I said, if the parents of a kid don't deem the kid worthy enough to invest in, it damn sure isn't the place of someone else to be forced to do it.

You wonder why I think you dumb? Consider this, the kids whose parents don't support them, are the ones who spent half their life supported by taxpayers as they move from Juvenile Hall to County Jail to St. Prison. As I have noted, the current crop of conservatives, the Crazy Riight Wingers, either can't or won't think beyond their biases.

Consider something a bleeding heart Liberal says? Not hardly.

If you think a kid whose own parents won't invest in him/her is such a good investment, do it yourself. It's not a matter of bias. It's a matter of who is and who isn't responsible for funding college for THEIR kids. It's MY responsibility to do it for MINE and it's not my responsibility to do it for some freeloader's kid. End of story.


"You wonder why I think you dumb? Consider this, the kids whose parents don't support them, are the ones who spent half their life supported by taxpayers as they move from Juvenile Hall to County Jail to St. Prison. As I have noted, the current crop of conservatives, the Crazy Right Wingers, either can't or won't think beyond their biases.
True, many jobs do not require a college education, but life itself requires a quality education, especially in a Democratic Republic when voters choose those who lead and set policies - but I digress.

I never claimed everyone needs or is capable of earning advanced degrees. What I've said repeatedly on many threads, is the ability to read, comprehend, compute, analyze and communicate is necessary for one to be successful and even to survive in the 21st Century.

Jr. College is an affordable steeping stone to a young adults' future, in the trades, technology, academia, business or government & It ought to be a path open to all as are the taxpayer funded primary and secondary education.

BTW, not all conservatives are callous, only those unsocialized, and present as curmudgeons and stupid.
If you have no college you're an idiot? You're a world class idiot for thinking so. Steve Jobs, Wozniak, Gates and many millions more found a better way. Including those that built the house you're in. You should support any college you want, but keep your dick skinners off of my wallet.

Like I said, if the parents of a kid don't deem the kid worthy enough to invest in, it damn sure isn't the place of someone else to be forced to do it.

You wonder why I think you dumb? Consider this, the kids whose parents don't support them, are the ones who spent half their life supported by taxpayers as they move from Juvenile Hall to County Jail to St. Prison. As I have noted, the current crop of conservatives, the Crazy Riight Wingers, either can't or won't think beyond their biases.

Consider something a bleeding heart Liberal says? Not hardly.

If you think a kid whose own parents won't invest in him/her is such a good investment, do it yourself. It's not a matter of bias. It's a matter of who is and who isn't responsible for funding college for THEIR kids. It's MY responsibility to do it for MINE and it's not my responsibility to do it for some freeloader's kid. End of story.


"You wonder why I think you dumb? Consider this, the kids whose parents don't support them, are the ones who spent half their life supported by taxpayers as they move from Juvenile Hall to County Jail to St. Prison. As I have noted, the current crop of conservatives, the Crazy Right Wingers, either can't or won't think beyond their biases.

You wasted your time again dumbass. If you think they are worthy, let them live with you.
So this thread is now about education. I am all for free education. All the government ran Universities should be a 100% free. But with being free they must be changed. First and foremost they must be privatized. No more government ran universities. All the people working at government ran Universities need to be, "laid off", or "fired". Then forced to compete for their jobs. I say we could even spend a year to record the lectures, and you would never need them again. If they have value, the private sector would find a way to hire them, or use them as tutors. We do not need a professor giving lectures to an auditorium full of kids.

But more importantly, we do not administrators and professors that simply hate the USA and thing their job is to change the World into some sort of Marxist Utopia, which they preach, which the write about in books.

But free University Educations should be normal in the USA, as long as if profits our society. From being a Doctor to a Engineer. Free. What does not profit the USA is people who get a degree following professors such as Zinn and Chomsky, and a others who do not rate having their names mentioned.

So get rid of all the Marxist bull crap, all the Socialist feel good garbage, and lets teach children to be great at making a better world, not at making a Marxist hell hole.

It is time to take education away from the Liberal Progressive Socialist Marxist Democrats or whatever name they feel comfortable hiding behind.
So this thread is now about education. I am all for free education. All the government ran Universities should be a 100% free. But with being free they must be changed. First and foremost they must be privatized. No more government ran universities. All the people working at government ran Universities need to be, "laid off", or "fired". Then forced to compete for their jobs. I say we could even spend a year to record the lectures, and you would never need them again. If they have value, the private sector would find a way to hire them, or use them as tutors. We do not need a professor giving lectures to an auditorium full of kids.

But more importantly, we do not administrators and professors that simply hate the USA and thing their job is to change the World into some sort of Marxist Utopia, which they preach, which the write about in books.

But free University Educations should be normal in the USA, as long as if profits our society. From being a Doctor to a Engineer. Free. What does not profit the USA is people who get a degree following professors such as Zinn and Chomsky, and a others who do not rate having their names mentioned.

So get rid of all the Marxist bull crap, all the Socialist feel good garbage, and lets teach children to be great at making a better world, not at making a Marxist hell hole.

It is time to take education away from the Liberal Progressive Socialist Marxist Democrats or whatever name they feel comfortable hiding behind.

I'm going to need you to explain how they can be 100% free. Are those working there going to be volunteers? Are textbooks going to be provided by publishers for nothing? Etc?
So this thread is now about education. I am all for free education. All the government ran Universities should be a 100% free. But with being free they must be changed. First and foremost they must be privatized. No more government ran universities. All the people working at government ran Universities need to be, "laid off", or "fired". Then forced to compete for their jobs. I say we could even spend a year to record the lectures, and you would never need them again. If they have value, the private sector would find a way to hire them, or use them as tutors. We do not need a professor giving lectures to an auditorium full of kids.

But more importantly, we do not administrators and professors that simply hate the USA and thing their job is to change the World into some sort of Marxist Utopia, which they preach, which the write about in books.

But free University Educations should be normal in the USA, as long as if profits our society. From being a Doctor to a Engineer. Free. What does not profit the USA is people who get a degree following professors such as Zinn and Chomsky, and a others who do not rate having their names mentioned.

So get rid of all the Marxist bull crap, all the Socialist feel good garbage, and lets teach children to be great at making a better world, not at making a Marxist hell hole.

It is time to take education away from the Liberal Progressive Socialist Marxist Democrats or whatever name they feel comfortable hiding behind.

I'm going to need you to explain how they can be 100% free. Are those working there going to be volunteers? Are textbooks going to be provided by publishers for nothing? Etc?
The Government funds Government Universities, don't they? That funding can still exist. Do we need a professor giving the same lecture every year, in an auditorium full of kids? Do we need all the administrators? The land is paid for, the buildings are built. All the books can be .pdf files. People can hire these old tired professors as tutors. But getting an education in the USA has become something that only the upper middle class and the rich can afford.

Just think of all the money will save when we get rid of people like Zinn and Chomsky. Are you familiar with who those two people are? If not you have missed out on a whole lot of what is going on in the universities.

The Government is spending trillions of dollars on what? Everything it should not be. The only career that is safe and secure now is a government job. It is millions working for the government against those who do not. You can pay big bucks, get a government education, and be accepted into the government that rules the workers. I do not like what we have become.

It is time to privatize the government, in doing so we can modernize the Universities and make them free at the same time, we can use the salaries of the ex-government employees to do so.
So this thread is now about education. I am all for free education. All the government ran Universities should be a 100% free. But with being free they must be changed. First and foremost they must be privatized. No more government ran universities. All the people working at government ran Universities need to be, "laid off", or "fired". Then forced to compete for their jobs. I say we could even spend a year to record the lectures, and you would never need them again. If they have value, the private sector would find a way to hire them, or use them as tutors. We do not need a professor giving lectures to an auditorium full of kids.

But more importantly, we do not administrators and professors that simply hate the USA and thing their job is to change the World into some sort of Marxist Utopia, which they preach, which the write about in books.

But free University Educations should be normal in the USA, as long as if profits our society. From being a Doctor to a Engineer. Free. What does not profit the USA is people who get a degree following professors such as Zinn and Chomsky, and a others who do not rate having their names mentioned.

So get rid of all the Marxist bull crap, all the Socialist feel good garbage, and lets teach children to be great at making a better world, not at making a Marxist hell hole.

It is time to take education away from the Liberal Progressive Socialist Marxist Democrats or whatever name they feel comfortable hiding behind.

I'm going to need you to explain how they can be 100% free. Are those working there going to be volunteers? Are textbooks going to be provided by publishers for nothing? Etc?
The Government funds Government Universities, don't they? That funding can still exist. Do we need a professor giving the same lecture every year, in an auditorium full of kids? Do we need all the administrators? The land is paid for, the buildings are built. All the books can be .pdf files. People can hire these old tired professors as tutors. But getting an education in the USA has become something that only the upper middle class and the rich can afford.

Just think of all the money will save when we get rid of people like Zinn and Chomsky. Are you familiar with who those two people are? If not you have missed out on a whole lot of what is going on in the universities.

The Government is spending trillions of dollars on what? Everything it should not be. The only career that is safe and secure now is a government job. It is millions working for the government against those who do not. You can pay big bucks, get a government education, and be accepted into the government that rules the workers. I do not like what we have become.

It is time to privatize the government, in doing so we can modernize the Universities and make them free at the same time, we can use the salaries of the ex-government employees to do so.

Government's don't fund universities. TAXPAYERS do. The government does nothing but take it from the people.

Despite all you said, it still can't be free. Somewhere, somehow, someone still has to pay taxes to fund it.

You said "it's time to privatize the government". While I'm not for big government and prefer the government do only whatever it is delegated to do, you can't privatize the government. The term itself is an oxymoron.

What it sounds like to me is you support "free" college? Are you someone that would benefit directly from that?
So this thread is now about education. I am all for free education. All the government ran Universities should be a 100% free. But with being free they must be changed. First and foremost they must be privatized. No more government ran universities. All the people working at government ran Universities need to be, "laid off", or "fired". Then forced to compete for their jobs. I say we could even spend a year to record the lectures, and you would never need them again. If they have value, the private sector would find a way to hire them, or use them as tutors. We do not need a professor giving lectures to an auditorium full of kids.

But more importantly, we do not administrators and professors that simply hate the USA and thing their job is to change the World into some sort of Marxist Utopia, which they preach, which the write about in books.

But free University Educations should be normal in the USA, as long as if profits our society. From being a Doctor to a Engineer. Free. What does not profit the USA is people who get a degree following professors such as Zinn and Chomsky, and a others who do not rate having their names mentioned.

So get rid of all the Marxist bull crap, all the Socialist feel good garbage, and lets teach children to be great at making a better world, not at making a Marxist hell hole.

It is time to take education away from the Liberal Progressive Socialist Marxist Democrats or whatever name they feel comfortable hiding behind.

I'm going to need you to explain how they can be 100% free. Are those working there going to be volunteers? Are textbooks going to be provided by publishers for nothing? Etc?
The Government funds Government Universities, don't they? That funding can still exist. Do we need a professor giving the same lecture every year, in an auditorium full of kids? Do we need all the administrators? The land is paid for, the buildings are built. All the books can be .pdf files. People can hire these old tired professors as tutors. But getting an education in the USA has become something that only the upper middle class and the rich can afford.

Just think of all the money will save when we get rid of people like Zinn and Chomsky. Are you familiar with who those two people are? If not you have missed out on a whole lot of what is going on in the universities.

The Government is spending trillions of dollars on what? Everything it should not be. The only career that is safe and secure now is a government job. It is millions working for the government against those who do not. You can pay big bucks, get a government education, and be accepted into the government that rules the workers. I do not like what we have become.

It is time to privatize the government, in doing so we can modernize the Universities and make them free at the same time, we can use the salaries of the ex-government employees to do so.

Government's don't fund universities. TAXPAYERS do. The government does nothing but take it from the people.

Despite all you said, it still can't be free. Somewhere, somehow, someone still has to pay taxes to fund it.

You said "it's time to privatize the government". While I'm not for big government and prefer the government do only whatever it is delegated to do, you can't privatize the government. The term itself is an oxymoron.

What it sounds like to me is you support "free" college? Are you someone that would benefit directly from that?
Yes, I understand that someone pays for everything the government does. I work inspecting Nuclear Power plants. I would benefit though. My kids would get a good education free of all the progressive garbage, free of the influence of the LGBTQ politics.

We can privatize 95% of what they do. All the education can be in the private sector to start.
So this thread is now about education. I am all for free education. All the government ran Universities should be a 100% free. But with being free they must be changed. First and foremost they must be privatized. No more government ran universities. All the people working at government ran Universities need to be, "laid off", or "fired". Then forced to compete for their jobs. I say we could even spend a year to record the lectures, and you would never need them again. If they have value, the private sector would find a way to hire them, or use them as tutors. We do not need a professor giving lectures to an auditorium full of kids.

But more importantly, we do not administrators and professors that simply hate the USA and thing their job is to change the World into some sort of Marxist Utopia, which they preach, which the write about in books.

But free University Educations should be normal in the USA, as long as if profits our society. From being a Doctor to a Engineer. Free. What does not profit the USA is people who get a degree following professors such as Zinn and Chomsky, and a others who do not rate having their names mentioned.

So get rid of all the Marxist bull crap, all the Socialist feel good garbage, and lets teach children to be great at making a better world, not at making a Marxist hell hole.

It is time to take education away from the Liberal Progressive Socialist Marxist Democrats or whatever name they feel comfortable hiding behind.

I'm going to need you to explain how they can be 100% free. Are those working there going to be volunteers? Are textbooks going to be provided by publishers for nothing? Etc?
The Government funds Government Universities, don't they? That funding can still exist. Do we need a professor giving the same lecture every year, in an auditorium full of kids? Do we need all the administrators? The land is paid for, the buildings are built. All the books can be .pdf files. People can hire these old tired professors as tutors. But getting an education in the USA has become something that only the upper middle class and the rich can afford.

Just think of all the money will save when we get rid of people like Zinn and Chomsky. Are you familiar with who those two people are? If not you have missed out on a whole lot of what is going on in the universities.

The Government is spending trillions of dollars on what? Everything it should not be. The only career that is safe and secure now is a government job. It is millions working for the government against those who do not. You can pay big bucks, get a government education, and be accepted into the government that rules the workers. I do not like what we have become.

It is time to privatize the government, in doing so we can modernize the Universities and make them free at the same time, we can use the salaries of the ex-government employees to do so.

Government's don't fund universities. TAXPAYERS do. The government does nothing but take it from the people.

Despite all you said, it still can't be free. Somewhere, somehow, someone still has to pay taxes to fund it.

You said "it's time to privatize the government". While I'm not for big government and prefer the government do only whatever it is delegated to do, you can't privatize the government. The term itself is an oxymoron.

What it sounds like to me is you support "free" college? Are you someone that would benefit directly from that?
Yes, I understand that someone pays for everything the government does. I work inspecting Nuclear Power plants. I would benefit though. My kids would get a good education free of all the progressive garbage, free of the influence of the LGBTQ politics.

We can privatize 95% of what they do. All the education can be in the private sector to start.

I found a way for my kids to get an education free of that. They go to private universities. Also, I pay for it and don't expect anyone else to do so. Try that.
I found a way for my kids to get an education free of that. They go to private universities. Also, I pay for it and don't expect anyone else to do so. Try that.
While allowing the government to run Universities? Giving out Scholarships to those they choose for their Universities? Requiring a government approved education for government jobs?

I am all for trying your way, let us start by ending Government ran universities and privatize all the schools. That is a good start is it not, we can figure out the cost as we go. I am all for paying my way, as long as the government is out of the way in all things.
I found a way for my kids to get an education free of that. They go to private universities. Also, I pay for it and don't expect anyone else to do so. Try that.
While allowing the government to run Universities? Giving out Scholarships to those they choose for their Universities? Requiring a government approved education for government jobs?

I am all for trying your way, let us start by ending Government ran universities and privatize all the schools. That is a good start is it not, we can figure out the cost as we go. I am all for paying my way, as long as the government is out of the way in all things.

Oh, an anarchist.
I found a way for my kids to get an education free of that. They go to private universities. Also, I pay for it and don't expect anyone else to do so. Try that.
While allowing the government to run Universities? Giving out Scholarships to those they choose for their Universities? Requiring a government approved education for government jobs?

I am all for trying your way, let us start by ending Government ran universities and privatize all the schools. That is a good start is it not, we can figure out the cost as we go. I am all for paying my way, as long as the government is out of the way in all things.

Oh, an anarchist.
And you are a RINO, you want big government to control the things you like. Me, I know the government has no business educating and controlling the schools.

Privatizing education is Anarchism?

Do you know who Howard Zinn is? How about Chomsky?

Do you know that children are forced to state or answer that a man and a man is a couple, that they are not allowed to say a man and woman is a couple.

I know all to well, that all schools should be private, from grade school though the universities.

Anarchy? You are about as deep as a puddle of mud.
I found a way for my kids to get an education free of that. They go to private universities. Also, I pay for it and don't expect anyone else to do so. Try that.
While allowing the government to run Universities? Giving out Scholarships to those they choose for their Universities? Requiring a government approved education for government jobs?

I am all for trying your way, let us start by ending Government ran universities and privatize all the schools. That is a good start is it not, we can figure out the cost as we go. I am all for paying my way, as long as the government is out of the way in all things.

Oh, an anarchist.
And you are a RINO, you want big government to control the things you like. Me, I know the government has no business educating and controlling the schools.

Privatizing education is Anarchism?

Do you know who Howard Zinn is? How about Chomsky?

Do you know that children are forced to state or answer that a man and a man is a couple, that they are not allowed to say a man and woman is a couple.

I know all to well, that all schools should be private, from grade school though the universities.

Anarchy? You are about as deep as a puddle of mud.

I want government to do things the Constitution says it should do. Education should be on the State level, if the State chooses to do so, because of the 10th Amendment. If you think that means RINO, you're an idiot. I don't want the federal government dictating how education runs.

Wanting the government out of everything including what the Constitution says is anarchy.

My children were never required or forced to answer that a man and man are a couple.

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