What Is Cultural Marxism?

Critical Theory came about to fix a serious problem, the poor don't know how to organize or fight back. That's an elite thing.

The poor simply demand the rest of us be forced to take care of them. They know how to whine and expect others to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. If they spent half the time trying to better themselves as they do demanding what someone else has earned be given to them, they wouldn't be poor.
Case in point...

The point was that the only thing the poor do is demand someone else give them something. That's not fighting back. That's being a leech and begging.
Critical Theory came about to fix a serious problem, the poor don't know how to organize or fight back. That's an elite thing.

The poor simply demand the rest of us be forced to take care of them. They know how to whine and expect others to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. If they spent half the time trying to better themselves as they do demanding what someone else has earned be given to them, they wouldn't be poor.
Case in point...

The point was that the only thing the poor do is demand someone else give them something. That's not fighting back. That's being a leech and begging.

That's not the only thing the poor do.

What a retarded thing to say.
We know what Cultural Marxism is, but lets refresh our memory about it.

This is 7 minutes and 36 seconds in duration, it's important to watch all of it, it's concise and very intelligently presented.

The Twisted Perverts from whose minds came Cultural Marxism:

The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory, expelled from Germany in 1935 and then landed in America to take root. The below link tells us all we need to know about this Communist filth, again it's important to read and learn WHERE the Cultural Marxism disease came from and who it came from....they and their "pupils" who are still perverting our societies are OUR MUTUAL Enemies.

It's worth reading all articles in Table of Contents parts I-III, they're not that long and are complete overview of The Enemy:

Frankfurt School and Critical Theory | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Frankfurt School issued 11 Aims of The Frankfurt School....here they are....recognise OUR Societies now and how the below filth infiltrated our educational and Governmental systems with the below 11 Aims:

View attachment 65433

Together we CAN and WILL smash Cultural Marxism. This is our main aim, especially the generation I belong to, because we are NOT having our children and then our grandchildren growing up in a society like we have NOW.

View attachment 65440

View attachment 65436

I suppose those who support the silliness of this thread also find foreign food a threat to the American way of life. Most rational, worldly and urbane Americans enjoy the cultures of immigrants and what they have historically brought to our shores. Imagine America if only McDonald's served hamburgers and freedom fries.

Huh? What does McDonald's have to do with Cultural Marxism?

Also Europa is urbane and sophisticated enough and has been for many Centuries sans Muslim savages and Sub-Saharan African savages.

Thanks for input though, even if it's bizarre.

Wow, are you dumb. That's sad.

Mr. Bowie call me a moron for pointing out the obvious. Is there anyone else who can't figure out this meaning besides Bowie and Lucy:

"I suppose those who support the silliness of this thread also find foreign food a threat to the American way of life. Most rational, worldly and urbane Americans enjoy the cultures of immigrants and what they have historically brought to our shores. Imagine America if only McDonald's served hamburgers and freedom fries.
I suspect that Lucy hasnt ever watched the video.

My suspicion is that she has been sent it, with some text, by some goon a bit further up the food chain. I would imagine that forums across the world are being weighed down by this shite tonight.

If you check out the threads she starts there is very little follow up from the initial spew.

She is obviously out of her depth and resorts to name calling and other deflections hoping for another fascist to step in and save her arse.

It is difficult to sympathise with such a monster though.
how dare you. she is a woman. so i've heard.
I doubt that she qualifies as human. I can see her now in her back yard, putting the finishing touches to her gas chamber.
If you can 'see' that you'd better get yourself an appointment with the psychiatrist. Lol@paranoiddelusionaltommytraitor.
We know what Cultural Marxism is, but lets refresh our memory about it.

This is 7 minutes and 36 seconds in duration, it's important to watch all of it, it's concise and very intelligently presented.

The Twisted Perverts from whose minds came Cultural Marxism:

The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory, expelled from Germany in 1935 and then landed in America to take root. The below link tells us all we need to know about this Communist filth, again it's important to read and learn WHERE the Cultural Marxism disease came from and who it came from....they and their "pupils" who are still perverting our societies are OUR MUTUAL Enemies.

It's worth reading all articles in Table of Contents parts I-III, they're not that long and are complete overview of The Enemy:

Frankfurt School and Critical Theory | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Frankfurt School issued 11 Aims of The Frankfurt School....here they are....recognise OUR Societies now and how the below filth infiltrated our educational and Governmental systems with the below 11 Aims:

View attachment 65433

Together we CAN and WILL smash Cultural Marxism. This is our main aim, especially the generation I belong to, because we are NOT having our children and then our grandchildren growing up in a society like we have NOW.

View attachment 65440

View attachment 65436

I suppose those who support the silliness of this thread also find foreign food a threat to the American way of life. Most rational, worldly and urbane Americans enjoy the cultures of immigrants and what they have historically brought to our shores. Imagine America if only McDonald's served hamburgers and freedom fries.

Huh? What does McDonald's have to do with Cultural Marxism?

Also Europa is urbane and sophisticated enough and has been for many Centuries sans Muslim savages and Sub-Saharan African savages.

Thanks for input though, even if it's bizarre.

Wow, are you dumb. That's sad.

Mr. Bowie call me a moron for pointing out the obvious. Is there anyone else who can't figure out this meaning besides Bowie and Lucy:

"I suppose those who support the silliness of this thread also find foreign food a threat to the American way of life. Most rational, worldly and urbane Americans enjoy the cultures of immigrants and what they have historically brought to our shores. Imagine America if only McDonald's served hamburgers and freedom fries.

You are a moron.

Europa for MANY CENTURIES has had French food, German food, Spanish food, Greek food, Italian food, Hungarian food etc. We have had this because we already have MULTIPLE European cultures.

I'm sorry if some dumbass American like YOU cannot understand the obvious. That:

"Americans enjoy the cultures of immigrants and what they have historically brought to our shores."

Yes THOSE immigrants CAME ORIGINALLY from my Continent Europa you moron.

Or are you talking about crap Mexican and Caribbean foods?
I suspect that Lucy hasnt ever watched the video.

My suspicion is that she has been sent it, with some text, by some goon a bit further up the food chain. I would imagine that forums across the world are being weighed down by this shite tonight.

If you check out the threads she starts there is very little follow up from the initial spew.

She is obviously out of her depth and resorts to name calling and other deflections hoping for another fascist to step in and save her arse.

It is difficult to sympathise with such a monster though.
how dare you. she is a woman. so i've heard.
I doubt that she qualifies as human. I can see her now in her back yard, putting the finishing touches to her gas chamber.
If you can 'see' that you'd better get yourself an appointment with the psychiatrist. Lol@paranoiddelusionaltommytraitor.

Darling, I'm so upset because it's just started raining and you know....well I'd NEARLY completed Gas Chamber IV....NOW it'll have to wait until tomorrow....I've got another six of them to complete by Saturday as well....:eusa_doh:
I suspect that Lucy hasnt ever watched the video.

My suspicion is that she has been sent it, with some text, by some goon a bit further up the food chain. I would imagine that forums across the world are being weighed down by this shite tonight.

If you check out the threads she starts there is very little follow up from the initial spew.

She is obviously out of her depth and resorts to name calling and other deflections hoping for another fascist to step in and save her arse.

It is difficult to sympathise with such a monster though.
how dare you. she is a woman. so i've heard.
I doubt that she qualifies as human. I can see her now in her back yard, putting the finishing touches to her gas chamber.
If you can 'see' that you'd better get yourself an appointment with the psychiatrist. Lol@paranoiddelusionaltommytraitor.

Darling, I'm so upset because it's just started raining and you know....well I'd NEARLY completed Gas Chamber IV....NOW it'll have to wait until tomorrow....I've got another six of them to complete by Saturday as well....:eusa_doh:
Maybe you should invite Tommy to look them over :muahaha:
I suspect that Lucy hasnt ever watched the video.

My suspicion is that she has been sent it, with some text, by some goon a bit further up the food chain. I would imagine that forums across the world are being weighed down by this shite tonight.

If you check out the threads she starts there is very little follow up from the initial spew.

She is obviously out of her depth and resorts to name calling and other deflections hoping for another fascist to step in and save her arse.

It is difficult to sympathise with such a monster though.
how dare you. she is a woman. so i've heard.
I doubt that she qualifies as human. I can see her now in her back yard, putting the finishing touches to her gas chamber.
If you can 'see' that you'd better get yourself an appointment with the psychiatrist. Lol@paranoiddelusionaltommytraitor.

Darling, I'm so upset because it's just started raining and you know....well I'd NEARLY completed Gas Chamber IV....NOW it'll have to wait until tomorrow....I've got another six of them to complete by Saturday as well....:eusa_doh:
Maybe you should invite Tommy to look them over :muahaha:

how dare you. she is a woman. so i've heard.
I doubt that she qualifies as human. I can see her now in her back yard, putting the finishing touches to her gas chamber.
If you can 'see' that you'd better get yourself an appointment with the psychiatrist. Lol@paranoiddelusionaltommytraitor.

Darling, I'm so upset because it's just started raining and you know....well I'd NEARLY completed Gas Chamber IV....NOW it'll have to wait until tomorrow....I've got another six of them to complete by Saturday as well....:eusa_doh:
Maybe you should invite Tommy to look them over :muahaha:

We know what Cultural Marxism is, but lets refresh our memory about it.

This is 7 minutes and 36 seconds in duration, it's important to watch all of it, it's concise and very intelligently presented.

The Twisted Perverts from whose minds came Cultural Marxism:

The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory, expelled from Germany in 1935 and then landed in America to take root. The below link tells us all we need to know about this Communist filth, again it's important to read and learn WHERE the Cultural Marxism disease came from and who it came from....they and their "pupils" who are still perverting our societies are OUR MUTUAL Enemies.

It's worth reading all articles in Table of Contents parts I-III, they're not that long and are complete overview of The Enemy:

Frankfurt School and Critical Theory | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Frankfurt School issued 11 Aims of The Frankfurt School....here they are....recognise OUR Societies now and how the below filth infiltrated our educational and Governmental systems with the below 11 Aims:

View attachment 65433

Together we CAN and WILL smash Cultural Marxism. This is our main aim, especially the generation I belong to, because we are NOT having our children and then our grandchildren growing up in a society like we have NOW.

View attachment 65440

View attachment 65436

I suppose those who support the silliness of this thread also find foreign food a threat to the American way of life. Most rational, worldly and urbane Americans enjoy the cultures of immigrants and what they have historically brought to our shores. Imagine America if only McDonald's served hamburgers and freedom fries.

Huh? What does McDonald's have to do with Cultural Marxism?

Also Europa is urbane and sophisticated enough and has been for many Centuries sans Muslim savages and Sub-Saharan African savages.

Thanks for input though, even if it's bizarre.

Wow, are you dumb. That's sad.

Mr. Bowie call me a moron for pointing out the obvious. Is there anyone else who can't figure out this meaning besides Bowie and Lucy:

"I suppose those who support the silliness of this thread also find foreign food a threat to the American way of life. Most rational, worldly and urbane Americans enjoy the cultures of immigrants and what they have historically brought to our shores. Imagine America if only McDonald's served hamburgers and freedom fries.

You are a moron.

Europa for MANY CENTURIES has had French food, German food, Spanish food, Greek food, Italian food, Hungarian food etc. We have had this because we already have MULTIPLE European cultures.

I'm sorry if some dumbass American like YOU cannot understand the obvious. That:

"Americans enjoy the cultures of immigrants and what they have historically brought to our shores."

Yes THOSE immigrants CAME ORIGINALLY from my Continent Europa you moron.

Or are you talking about crap Mexican and Caribbean foods?

Oh dear. Even food can be deemed racist in the fascist lexicon. What a class act you are.
Critical Theory came about to fix a serious problem, the poor don't know how to organize or fight back. That's an elite thing.

The poor simply demand the rest of us be forced to take care of them. They know how to whine and expect others to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. If they spent half the time trying to better themselves as they do demanding what someone else has earned be given to them, they wouldn't be poor.
Case in point...

The point was that the only thing the poor do is demand someone else give them something. That's not fighting back. That's being a leech and begging.

vis a vis a nation which exploits labor and uses the resources of a nation to enrich the few. Stupid people, that is the set of people who disdain the masses and seek to limit power and control to the few and powerful, will rue the day they supported voter suppression and opposed collective bargaining, labor unions and equal opportunity for all.

Now stupid people will claim this post of mine is "funny", which is a prime example of the set of people challenged by history and reality. One need simply watch a rally in support of Bernie Sanders to see the young people and the middle classes are setting a new course; the one set by the conservatives had been set a drift do to false pathos unfulfilled promises and incompetence. Support for neo fascism has begun to ebb - seen by the failures of Rubio and Fiorina - and the hate and fear mongering of Cruz and Trump.

Stupid people will still fall for the propaganda uttered by these demagogues and charlatans, and we will read their posts and threads from now until November.
Cultural Marxism destroying Western Culture

Cultural Marxism, dubbed “the greatest cancer in the Western world”, is the ideological driver behind political correctness. It is the destructive criticism and undermining of all institutions of Western civilization and the traditional values underpinning it.

Cultural Marxism was formulated as a way to subvert Western nations and civilization using methods other than direct political action.

Cultural Marxism is largely a synthesis of Marx and Freud. It is Marxism as applied in the cultural sphere and the analysis and control of the media, art, theatre, film and other cultural institutions in society, often with an emphasis on class, race and gender.

Shortly after the Russian Revolution, in 1919 the Bolsheviks founded Comintern (the Communist International) to “fight by all available means … for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie for the creation of an international Soviet republic.”

Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci of Italy and Georg Lukacs of Hungary, concluded that the Christianised West was the obstacle standing in the way of a communist new world order. Gramsci said that Christianity had corrupted the working class and the West would have to be de- Christianised by a “long march through the culture” – starting with the traditional family and completely engulfing churches, schools, media, entertainment, civic organizations, literature, science, and the presentation (and revision) of history.

In 1923 Lukacs established the Institution for Marxism in Frankfurt – later known as the Frankfurt School. Lukacs said “I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.”

During the Second World War, the Frankfurt School relocated to various campuses in the United States and many became influential in American universities. The Frankfurt School’s studies combined Marxist analysis with Freudian psychoanalysis to form the basis of what became known as “Critical Theory.” – the destructive criticism of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, ethno-centrism, conservatism.

Critical Theory repeats over and over this mantra of alleged Western evils: racism, sexism, colonialism, nationalism, homophobia, fascism, xenophobia, imperialism, and of course religious bigotry (only applied to Christianity).

In 1950, Theodor Adorno of the Frankfurt School proposed the idea of the ‘authoritarian personality‘ – claiming that Christianity, capitalism, and the traditional family create a character prone to racism and fascism. Thus, anyone who upholds traditional moral values and institutions is both racist and fascist, and everyone raised in the traditions of God, family, patriotism or free markets needs psychological help.

The Frankfurt School were frustrated at the persistent lack of interest by the Western working class in revolt. Herbert Marcuse asked the question: Who could substitute for the working class as the agent of revolution?

His answer was: marginalized groups, including black militants, feminists, homosexual militants, the asocial, the alienated and third world revolutionaries represented by the mass murderer Che Guevara.

Cultural terrorism – now called political correctness – was to be waged against white, Christian, capitalist, heterosexual males.

So victim groups were to be defended: Blacks, women, also now Muslims as alleged victims of “racism“ and “genocide” and also, more recently, the environment (being raped by white capitalists).

Marcuse’s book ‘Eros and Civilization’ (1955) promoted free love and the pleasure principle – giving rise to the mantra of the late 1960s onward of “Make love not war” and “If it feels good, do it”. This in turn led to the drug counterculture of the 1970s – “turn on, tune in, drop out”. This is very subversive of traditional values like the work ethic and the pursuit of excellence. These victim groups are the basis of the gay studies, black studies, women’s studies, peace and conflict studies, etc. departments now infesting universities, along with the “Green Left”. None of these departments encourages genuine critical thought: they peddle only a one-sided agenda of destructive pessimism about Western culture.

Although the Frankfurt School gradually became autonomous, it continued to receive Soviet support and encoragement. Communist bookstores in Western countries in those days were full of books promoting gay and lesbian rights, land rights, feminism and the rights of minority groups such as America's blacks and Hispanics. The books, together with Soviet financial and organisational support spawned activist groups, all with a common pro-Communist, anti-American and anti-establishment theme.

Cultural Marxism now riddles the institutions of Western society – universities, and especially the public media. Its tactic of political correctness – linguistic fascism – now intimidates and suffocates much public discourse. It afflicts the major political parties, not only the Left.

How Cultural Marxism came to Dominate Western Culture

Critical Theory came about to fix a serious problem, the poor don't know how to organize or fight back. That's an elite thing.

The poor simply demand the rest of us be forced to take care of them. They know how to whine and expect others to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. If they spent half the time trying to better themselves as they do demanding what someone else has earned be given to them, they wouldn't be poor.
Case in point...

The point was that the only thing the poor do is demand someone else give them something. That's not fighting back. That's being a leech and begging.

vis a vis a nation which exploits labor and uses the resources of a nation to enrich the few. Stupid people, that is the set of people who disdain the masses and seek to limit power and control to the few and powerful, will rue the day they supported voter suppression and opposed collective bargaining, labor unions and equal opportunity for all.

Now stupid people will claim this post of mine is "funny", which is a prime example of the set of people challenged by history and reality. One need simply watch a rally in support of Bernie Sanders to see the young people and the middle classes are setting a new course; the one set by the conservatives had been set a drift do to false pathos unfulfilled promises and incompetence. Support for neo fascism has begun to ebb - seen by the failures of Rubio and Fiorina - and the hate and fear mongering of Cruz and Trump.

Stupid people will still fall for the propaganda uttered by these demagogues and charlatans, and we will read their posts and threads from now until November.

Those rallying around Bernie are prime example of what I said. They think all sorts of things are owed to them and have truly believed the lies Bernie tells about how they deserve someone else to fund it for them.
Critical Theory came about to fix a serious problem, the poor don't know how to organize or fight back. That's an elite thing.

The poor simply demand the rest of us be forced to take care of them. They know how to whine and expect others to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. If they spent half the time trying to better themselves as they do demanding what someone else has earned be given to them, they wouldn't be poor.
Case in point...

The point was that the only thing the poor do is demand someone else give them something. That's not fighting back. That's being a leech and begging.

That's not the only thing the poor do.

What a retarded thing to say.

If they actually did something, they wouldn't be poor.
Cultural Marxism destroying Western Culture

Cultural Marxism, dubbed “the greatest cancer in the Western world”, is the ideological driver behind political correctness. It is the destructive criticism and undermining of all institutions of Western civilization and the traditional values underpinning it.

Cultural Marxism was formulated as a way to subvert Western nations and civilization using methods other than direct political action.

Cultural Marxism is largely a synthesis of Marx and Freud. It is Marxism as applied in the cultural sphere and the analysis and control of the media, art, theatre, film and other cultural institutions in society, often with an emphasis on class, race and gender.

Shortly after the Russian Revolution, in 1919 the Bolsheviks founded Comintern (the Communist International) to “fight by all available means … for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie for the creation of an international Soviet republic.”

Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci of Italy and Georg Lukacs of Hungary, concluded that the Christianised West was the obstacle standing in the way of a communist new world order. Gramsci said that Christianity had corrupted the working class and the West would have to be de- Christianised by a “long march through the culture” – starting with the traditional family and completely engulfing churches, schools, media, entertainment, civic organizations, literature, science, and the presentation (and revision) of history.

In 1923 Lukacs established the Institution for Marxism in Frankfurt – later known as the Frankfurt School. Lukacs said “I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.”

During the Second World War, the Frankfurt School relocated to various campuses in the United States and many became influential in American universities. The Frankfurt School’s studies combined Marxist analysis with Freudian psychoanalysis to form the basis of what became known as “Critical Theory.” – the destructive criticism of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, ethno-centrism, conservatism.

Critical Theory repeats over and over this mantra of alleged Western evils: racism, sexism, colonialism, nationalism, homophobia, fascism, xenophobia, imperialism, and of course religious bigotry (only applied to Christianity).

In 1950, Theodor Adorno of the Frankfurt School proposed the idea of the ‘authoritarian personality‘ – claiming that Christianity, capitalism, and the traditional family create a character prone to racism and fascism. Thus, anyone who upholds traditional moral values and institutions is both racist and fascist, and everyone raised in the traditions of God, family, patriotism or free markets needs psychological help.

The Frankfurt School were frustrated at the persistent lack of interest by the Western working class in revolt. Herbert Marcuse asked the question: Who could substitute for the working class as the agent of revolution?

His answer was: marginalized groups, including black militants, feminists, homosexual militants, the asocial, the alienated and third world revolutionaries represented by the mass murderer Che Guevara.

Cultural terrorism – now called political correctness – was to be waged against white, Christian, capitalist, heterosexual males.

So victim groups were to be defended: Blacks, women, also now Muslims as alleged victims of “racism“ and “genocide” and also, more recently, the environment (being raped by white capitalists).

Marcuse’s book ‘Eros and Civilization’ (1955) promoted free love and the pleasure principle – giving rise to the mantra of the late 1960s onward of “Make love not war” and “If it feels good, do it”. This in turn led to the drug counterculture of the 1970s – “turn on, tune in, drop out”. This is very subversive of traditional values like the work ethic and the pursuit of excellence. These victim groups are the basis of the gay studies, black studies, women’s studies, peace and conflict studies, etc. departments now infesting universities, along with the “Green Left”. None of these departments encourages genuine critical thought: they peddle only a one-sided agenda of destructive pessimism about Western culture.

Although the Frankfurt School gradually became autonomous, it continued to receive Soviet support and encoragement. Communist bookstores in Western countries in those days were full of books promoting gay and lesbian rights, land rights, feminism and the rights of minority groups such as America's blacks and Hispanics. The books, together with Soviet financial and organisational support spawned activist groups, all with a common pro-Communist, anti-American and anti-establishment theme.

Cultural Marxism now riddles the institutions of Western society – universities, and especially the public media. Its tactic of political correctness – linguistic fascism – now intimidates and suffocates much public discourse. It afflicts the major political parties, not only the Left.

How Cultural Marxism came to Dominate Western Culture

Must be true,its on a nutty right wing website.
Cultural Marxism destroying Western Culture

Cultural Marxism, dubbed “the greatest cancer in the Western world”, is the ideological driver behind political correctness. It is the destructive criticism and undermining of all institutions of Western civilization and the traditional values underpinning it.

Cultural Marxism was formulated as a way to subvert Western nations and civilization using methods other than direct political action.

Cultural Marxism is largely a synthesis of Marx and Freud. It is Marxism as applied in the cultural sphere and the analysis and control of the media, art, theatre, film and other cultural institutions in society, often with an emphasis on class, race and gender.

Shortly after the Russian Revolution, in 1919 the Bolsheviks founded Comintern (the Communist International) to “fight by all available means … for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie for the creation of an international Soviet republic.”

Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci of Italy and Georg Lukacs of Hungary, concluded that the Christianised West was the obstacle standing in the way of a communist new world order. Gramsci said that Christianity had corrupted the working class and the West would have to be de- Christianised by a “long march through the culture” – starting with the traditional family and completely engulfing churches, schools, media, entertainment, civic organizations, literature, science, and the presentation (and revision) of history.

In 1923 Lukacs established the Institution for Marxism in Frankfurt – later known as the Frankfurt School. Lukacs said “I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.”

During the Second World War, the Frankfurt School relocated to various campuses in the United States and many became influential in American universities. The Frankfurt School’s studies combined Marxist analysis with Freudian psychoanalysis to form the basis of what became known as “Critical Theory.” – the destructive criticism of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, ethno-centrism, conservatism.

Critical Theory repeats over and over this mantra of alleged Western evils: racism, sexism, colonialism, nationalism, homophobia, fascism, xenophobia, imperialism, and of course religious bigotry (only applied to Christianity).

In 1950, Theodor Adorno of the Frankfurt School proposed the idea of the ‘authoritarian personality‘ – claiming that Christianity, capitalism, and the traditional family create a character prone to racism and fascism. Thus, anyone who upholds traditional moral values and institutions is both racist and fascist, and everyone raised in the traditions of God, family, patriotism or free markets needs psychological help.

The Frankfurt School were frustrated at the persistent lack of interest by the Western working class in revolt. Herbert Marcuse asked the question: Who could substitute for the working class as the agent of revolution?

His answer was: marginalized groups, including black militants, feminists, homosexual militants, the asocial, the alienated and third world revolutionaries represented by the mass murderer Che Guevara.

Cultural terrorism – now called political correctness – was to be waged against white, Christian, capitalist, heterosexual males.

So victim groups were to be defended: Blacks, women, also now Muslims as alleged victims of “racism“ and “genocide” and also, more recently, the environment (being raped by white capitalists).

Marcuse’s book ‘Eros and Civilization’ (1955) promoted free love and the pleasure principle – giving rise to the mantra of the late 1960s onward of “Make love not war” and “If it feels good, do it”. This in turn led to the drug counterculture of the 1970s – “turn on, tune in, drop out”. This is very subversive of traditional values like the work ethic and the pursuit of excellence. These victim groups are the basis of the gay studies, black studies, women’s studies, peace and conflict studies, etc. departments now infesting universities, along with the “Green Left”. None of these departments encourages genuine critical thought: they peddle only a one-sided agenda of destructive pessimism about Western culture.

Although the Frankfurt School gradually became autonomous, it continued to receive Soviet support and encoragement. Communist bookstores in Western countries in those days were full of books promoting gay and lesbian rights, land rights, feminism and the rights of minority groups such as America's blacks and Hispanics. The books, together with Soviet financial and organisational support spawned activist groups, all with a common pro-Communist, anti-American and anti-establishment theme.

Cultural Marxism now riddles the institutions of Western society – universities, and especially the public media. Its tactic of political correctness – linguistic fascism – now intimidates and suffocates much public discourse. It afflicts the major political parties, not only the Left.

How Cultural Marxism came to Dominate Western Culture


More from the source:

Feminist zealots create an anti-male world

Go to the web page and see the Aussies form of fair and balanced. This link makes Fox look non partisan.
Cultural Marxism destroying Western Culture

Cultural Marxism, dubbed “the greatest cancer in the Western world”, is the ideological driver behind political correctness. It is the destructive criticism and undermining of all institutions of Western civilization and the traditional values underpinning it.

Cultural Marxism was formulated as a way to subvert Western nations and civilization using methods other than direct political action.

Cultural Marxism is largely a synthesis of Marx and Freud. It is Marxism as applied in the cultural sphere and the analysis and control of the media, art, theatre, film and other cultural institutions in society, often with an emphasis on class, race and gender.

Shortly after the Russian Revolution, in 1919 the Bolsheviks founded Comintern (the Communist International) to “fight by all available means … for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie for the creation of an international Soviet republic.”

Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci of Italy and Georg Lukacs of Hungary, concluded that the Christianised West was the obstacle standing in the way of a communist new world order. Gramsci said that Christianity had corrupted the working class and the West would have to be de- Christianised by a “long march through the culture” – starting with the traditional family and completely engulfing churches, schools, media, entertainment, civic organizations, literature, science, and the presentation (and revision) of history.

In 1923 Lukacs established the Institution for Marxism in Frankfurt – later known as the Frankfurt School. Lukacs said “I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.”

During the Second World War, the Frankfurt School relocated to various campuses in the United States and many became influential in American universities. The Frankfurt School’s studies combined Marxist analysis with Freudian psychoanalysis to form the basis of what became known as “Critical Theory.” – the destructive criticism of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, ethno-centrism, conservatism.

Critical Theory repeats over and over this mantra of alleged Western evils: racism, sexism, colonialism, nationalism, homophobia, fascism, xenophobia, imperialism, and of course religious bigotry (only applied to Christianity).

In 1950, Theodor Adorno of the Frankfurt School proposed the idea of the ‘authoritarian personality‘ – claiming that Christianity, capitalism, and the traditional family create a character prone to racism and fascism. Thus, anyone who upholds traditional moral values and institutions is both racist and fascist, and everyone raised in the traditions of God, family, patriotism or free markets needs psychological help.

The Frankfurt School were frustrated at the persistent lack of interest by the Western working class in revolt. Herbert Marcuse asked the question: Who could substitute for the working class as the agent of revolution?

His answer was: marginalized groups, including black militants, feminists, homosexual militants, the asocial, the alienated and third world revolutionaries represented by the mass murderer Che Guevara.

Cultural terrorism – now called political correctness – was to be waged against white, Christian, capitalist, heterosexual males.

So victim groups were to be defended: Blacks, women, also now Muslims as alleged victims of “racism“ and “genocide” and also, more recently, the environment (being raped by white capitalists).

Marcuse’s book ‘Eros and Civilization’ (1955) promoted free love and the pleasure principle – giving rise to the mantra of the late 1960s onward of “Make love not war” and “If it feels good, do it”. This in turn led to the drug counterculture of the 1970s – “turn on, tune in, drop out”. This is very subversive of traditional values like the work ethic and the pursuit of excellence. These victim groups are the basis of the gay studies, black studies, women’s studies, peace and conflict studies, etc. departments now infesting universities, along with the “Green Left”. None of these departments encourages genuine critical thought: they peddle only a one-sided agenda of destructive pessimism about Western culture.

Although the Frankfurt School gradually became autonomous, it continued to receive Soviet support and encoragement. Communist bookstores in Western countries in those days were full of books promoting gay and lesbian rights, land rights, feminism and the rights of minority groups such as America's blacks and Hispanics. The books, together with Soviet financial and organisational support spawned activist groups, all with a common pro-Communist, anti-American and anti-establishment theme.

Cultural Marxism now riddles the institutions of Western society – universities, and especially the public media. Its tactic of political correctness – linguistic fascism – now intimidates and suffocates much public discourse. It afflicts the major political parties, not only the Left.

How Cultural Marxism came to Dominate Western Culture


More from the source:

Feminist zealots create an anti-male world

Go to the web page and see the Aussies form of fair and balanced. This link makes Fox look non partisan.
This is my favourite. It reflects the fact that they now have one Muslim MP.
A vote for Labor is a vote for Islam
Critical Theory came about to fix a serious problem, the poor don't know how to organize or fight back. That's an elite thing.

The poor simply demand the rest of us be forced to take care of them. They know how to whine and expect others to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. If they spent half the time trying to better themselves as they do demanding what someone else has earned be given to them, they wouldn't be poor.
Case in point...

The point was that the only thing the poor do is demand someone else give them something. That's not fighting back. That's being a leech and begging.

vis a vis a nation which exploits labor and uses the resources of a nation to enrich the few. Stupid people, that is the set of people who disdain the masses and seek to limit power and control to the few and powerful, will rue the day they supported voter suppression and opposed collective bargaining, labor unions and equal opportunity for all.

Now stupid people will claim this post of mine is "funny", which is a prime example of the set of people challenged by history and reality. One need simply watch a rally in support of Bernie Sanders to see the young people and the middle classes are setting a new course; the one set by the conservatives had been set a drift do to false pathos unfulfilled promises and incompetence. Support for neo fascism has begun to ebb - seen by the failures of Rubio and Fiorina - and the hate and fear mongering of Cruz and Trump.

Stupid people will still fall for the propaganda uttered by these demagogues and charlatans, and we will read their posts and threads from now until November.

Those rallying around Bernie are prime example of what I said. They think all sorts of things are owed to them and have truly believed the lies Bernie tells about how they deserve someone else to fund it for them.

1. Post the "lies" with evidence
2. "They think" maybe the only true and honest part of any of your posts.
3. Thanks once again for proving to be one of the stupid people.

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