*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

OOOOooo...!!!!!! SCAWY!!!!! :eek: VEWY SCAWY!!! :lol: :lol: You got me mixed up with someotherbody. I'm not the one. Try that on one of your weak minded cockroach buddies. AND you can quote me directly to YOUR God! :lol: :lol:

Sheesh these religious nuts just keep on babbling, I mean I believe in God but this is getting out of hands, the athiests definently sound way more reasonable than these clowns.

Wow sounds like a weak stance, you believe in God ,but yet you side with ones who do not believe in God hmm, Not much else to add :eusa_whistle:

Yes because your just sitting here talking like you are better than everyone else and just babbling, at least Skull Pilot is making some good points and has common sense.
Not good enough for God? :eek: :(

Huggy my intent was not to scare you,just speaking from exp.

You should speak with people who have converted to Christianity that once was a member of a satanic church. These people are harrassed on a daily bases by these spirits.

But anyhow i was not trying to scare anyone.
Sorry bout that,

1. If I were you guys, I would be wondering right about now, why God didn't want to have anything to do with me.
2. Why are you wearing the, *Judas Smile*?
3. You have to be asking the question, *Is it me?*
4. I been telling you guys about the, *Judas Factor*.
5. I am beginning to think theres a reason you are not saved.
6. Who amongst you have ever thought about this before?:confused:


It's embarrassing for me to admit, but for 12 years of my short existence on this world (during my 30's & 40's) I was a closed-minded bible thumping asshole who was positive that most people I knew were going to burn in hell.

Reconciling my closed-minded beliefs with reality simply became more and more difficult as I began to study history. It was then that I stepped beyond the wall of my faith in Christ and saw the true size of 'God', ass-u-me-ing He exists at all. My conclusion was that if God is, He is WAY bigger than any or all of the literature that managed to survive the 2,000 year trip from antiquity to today.

'Religion' makes evolutionary sense - the 'gods' described in the literature of antiquity do not make sense, especially when viewed against the backdrop of our particular history and the human need to ask the unanswerable "Why?"

First off you believed a contradiction,on one had there is a God of love and then this God of love was gonna torment people with fire forever. I say you just had a poor understanding of the scriptures and what hell really meant. It was an eternal punishment,it was actually eternal death.
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Sheesh these religious nuts just keep on babbling, I mean I believe in God but this is getting out of hands, the athiests definently sound way more reasonable than these clowns.

Wow sounds like a weak stance, you believe in God ,but yet you side with ones who do not believe in God hmm, Not much else to add :eusa_whistle:

Yes because your just sitting here talking like you are better than everyone else and just babbling, at least Skull Pilot is making some good points and has common sense.

I am no better then anyone else here.

And i am speaking from exp do what you want with it.
Not good enough for God? :eek: :(

Huggy my intent was not to scare you,just speaking from exp.

You should speak with people who have converted to Christianity that once was a member of a satanic church. These people are harrassed on a daily bases by these spirits.

But anyhow i was not trying to scare anyone.

I guarantee you have never met anybody that was part of a satanic church.
Wow sounds like a weak stance, you believe in God ,but yet you side with ones who do not believe in God hmm, Not much else to add :eusa_whistle:

Yes because your just sitting here talking like you are better than everyone else and just babbling, at least Skull Pilot is making some good points and has common sense.

I am no better then anyone else here.

And i am speaking from exp do what you want with it.

The only experience you have is what your book told you.
Wow sounds like a weak stance, you believe in God ,but yet you side with ones who do not believe in God hmm, Not much else to add :eusa_whistle:

Yes because your just sitting here talking like you are better than everyone else and just babbling, at least Skull Pilot is making some good points and has common sense.

I am no better then anyone else here.

And i am speaking from exp do what you want with it.

What experience?
Not good enough for God? :eek: :(

Huggy my intent was not to scare you,just speaking from exp.

You should speak with people who have converted to Christianity that once was a member of a satanic church. These people are harrassed on a daily bases by these spirits.

But anyhow i was not trying to scare anyone.

:lol: :lol: Ya...THAT's what I should do today!!! GOOD PLAN!!! :lol: :lol::lol:

Are they listed in the Dex? Nope! I'm at a loss...a disadvantage...back's against the wall... :eek: Now I'm gittin scared!!!!
Death is going to be a rude awakening to atheists .

"depart from me, I never knew thee"
Death is going to be a rude awakening to atheists .

"depart from me, I never knew thee"

You're misreading that verse. Matthew 7:22-23
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
That's not a verse directed towards nonbelievers, but rather those who profess to believe, but don't act by Christ's wishes.
Death is going to be a rude awakening to atheists .

"depart from me, I never knew thee"

You're misreading that verse. Matthew 7:22-23
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
That's not a verse directed towards nonbelievers, but rather those who profess to believe, but don't act by Christ's wishes.

So you believe that God will send people who believe in God but sin to hell while allowing those who didn't believe him into heaven? :rofl: Sorry brother, but you're subject to God's will whether you believe or not.
Death is going to be a rude awakening to atheists .

"depart from me, I never knew thee"

You're misreading that verse. Matthew 7:22-23
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
That's not a verse directed towards nonbelievers, but rather those who profess to believe, but don't act by Christ's wishes.

So you believe that God will send people who believe in God but sin to hell while allowing those who didn't believe him into heaven?
I'm sorry, are you claiming that the verse is wrong? That Jesus will not cast away some who prophesied or cast out devils in His name????? There's not really room for interpretation.
You're misreading that verse. Matthew 7:22-23
That's not a verse directed towards nonbelievers, but rather those who profess to believe, but don't act by Christ's wishes.

So you believe that God will send people who believe in God but sin to hell while allowing those who didn't believe him into heaven?
I'm sorry, are you claiming that the verse is wrong? That Jesus will not cast away some who prophesied or cast out devils in His name????? There's not really room for interpretation.

No the verse is easy to understand. Just saying you believe is not enough. You actually HAVE to leave.
So you believe that God will send people who believe in God but sin to hell while allowing those who didn't believe him into heaven?
I'm sorry, are you claiming that the verse is wrong? That Jesus will not cast away some who prophesied or cast out devils in His name????? There's not really room for interpretation.

No the verse is easy to understand. Just saying you believe is not enough. You actually HAVE to leave.

So, then why would you say "So you believe that God will send people who believe in God but sin to hell" is wrong?
Sorry bout that,

Death is going to be a rude awakening to atheists .

"depart from me, I never knew thee"

Death is going to be a rude awakening to people like you.

1. So an atheist who believes in *a hell* only if he thinks a supposed Christian who is not right with God, and who is just using God, perhaps for profit, has to go there?
2. Wow, thats going to be hard to explain at the next atheists gathering.
3. Hey ya'll gather?
4. If so what do ya'll call it, not church eh?:confused:
5. Maybe ya'll call it, *Scientology*?

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Sorry bout that,

Death is going to be a rude awakening to atheists .

"depart from me, I never knew thee"

Death is going to be a rude awakening to people like you.

1. So an atheist who believes in *a hell* only if he thinks a supposed Christian who is not right with God, and who is just using God, perhaps for profit, has to go there?
2. Wow, thats going to be hard to explain at the next atheists gathering.
3. Hey ya'll gather?
4. If so what do ya'll call it, not church eh?:confused:
5. Maybe ya'll call it, *Scientology*?


There is no hell.

As for the rest of your post, its just as non-existent.

:confused: is about right.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. If I were you guys, I would be wondering right about now, why God didn't want to have anything to do with me.
2. Why are you wearing the, *Judas Smile*?
3. You have to be asking the question, *Is it me?*
4. I been telling you guys about the, *Judas Factor*.
5. I am beginning to think theres a reason you are not saved.
6. Who amongst you have ever thought about this before?:confused:


It's embarrassing for me to admit, but for 12 years of my short existence on this world (during my 30's & 40's) I was a closed-minded bible thumping asshole who was positive that most people I knew were going to burn in hell.

Reconciling my closed-minded beliefs with reality simply became more and more difficult as I began to study history. It was then that I stepped beyond the wall of my faith in Christ and saw the true size of 'God', ass-u-me-ing He exists at all. My conclusion was that if God is, He is WAY bigger than any or all of the literature that managed to survive the 2,000 year trip from antiquity to today.

'Religion' makes evolutionary sense - the 'gods' described in the literature of antiquity do not make sense, especially when viewed against the backdrop of our particular history and the human need to ask the unanswerable "Why?"

1. So your worry about history, and the troubles of this world led you away from Jesus.
2. Sounds like you received seed in stony ground, where the ground was not fit for a deep root, and too dry to nourish a young sapling, where the sun's rays scorched you beating you down.
3. That leads to a question, can the seed of faith be replanted?
4. Is salvation a one time thing?
5. I am truly sorry it didn't take hold on you, and after 12 years you became *Un-seeded*.
6. For holding onto the *seed* of salvation is a priority.
7. The wiles of the devil will do anything to *Un-seed* the salvation bestowed upon a convert.
8. And sometimes we must *lose to win*, and become what Christ expects us to be, and going through the trials of becoming a Christian, or being tested of the devil, in my opinion is an honor, so was Job tested, and he passed the test, though what he went through would break any man I know today, and I mean any man.
9. I think every new convert should expect to be tested, but I am not sure every one is.
10. There is no way I could know if everyone gets tested.
11. One thing I do know for sure, I can tell you I was tested, thats when I had my run in with the, *devil*.


You're missing the point, Bro' - I know EXACTLY what I'm missing and I've preached every one of your little parables listed above to someone foolish enough to ask me "what's up?" in a casual encounter. And, actually, I do miss religion - both the organization to belong to and having the enabling crutches of "the devil caused it" and "it must be God's will...".

Those two alone relieved me of a lot of personal responsibility for mistakes involving mostly me over those 12 closed minded and arrogant years.

I have tasted the fruit of the garden you seed and, while I've found it both comforting and interesting, I also found it lacking in truth. The story simply does not fit my observations and the extensive history I've exposed myself to. The earth is obviously more than 6,000 to 10,000 years old and luck, both good and bad, obviously respects neither religious brand, nor sheer volume of faith, nor any combination of the two.

Remember though... this is just the humble opinion of an average American Joe and I'll always respect your right to be, in my humble opinion, wrong. :D
Thanks for keeping this civil.
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