*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

It seems you suffer from the same arrogance as did pharaoh,careful what you ask for.

OOOOooo...!!!!!! SCAWY!!!!! :eek: VEWY SCAWY!!! :lol: :lol: You got me mixed up with someotherbody. I'm not the one. Try that on one of your weak minded cockroach buddies. AND you can quote me directly to YOUR God! :lol: :lol:

Sheesh these religious nuts just keep on babbling, I mean I believe in God but this is getting out of hands, the athiests definently sound way more reasonable than these clowns.

Wow sounds like a weak stance, you believe in God ,but yet you side with ones who do not believe in God hmm, Not much else to add :eusa_whistle:
Or when you're alone and you stand frozen and the hair on your arms stand up goose bumps galore the strong feeling someone is watching you. Or your dog is growling at something you can't see or hear.

When you are cols goosebumps appear. It's a vestigial evolutionary reflex designed to trap air in body hair so as to provide more insulation. Goose bumps also double as a fear reflex; when body hair stands on end it makes an animal look larger. Think of a dog with his back up or a bird with its feathers all puffed out.

And dogs can hear and smell things we can't so of course a dog can growl at a danger that is unseen to us. It's one of the reasons we domesticated dogs in the first place.

You have had exp with what i brought up you just can't bring yourself to admit to the possibility, thats ok, most non-believers are predictable.
Anyways it's been a slice of heaven i have wasted enough of my time with this pointless thread take care all. I hope you all grasp reality before it's too late God bless.
Or when you're alone and you stand frozen and the hair on your arms stand up goose bumps galore the strong feeling someone is watching you. Or your dog is growling at something you can't see or hear.

When you are cols goosebumps appear. It's a vestigial evolutionary reflex designed to trap air in body hair so as to provide more insulation. Goose bumps also double as a fear reflex; when body hair stands on end it makes an animal look larger. Think of a dog with his back up or a bird with its feathers all puffed out.

And dogs can hear and smell things we can't so of course a dog can growl at a danger that is unseen to us. It's one of the reasons we domesticated dogs in the first place.

Sounds like "Dre" my extra large red nose Pit Bull has more common sense than this guy YWC AND his dog. He only alerts me to REAL threats... Oh ya..and any other puppy within half a mile.. :lol:

Seriously YWC..get yourself another mutt. As in some people ..not all dogs are wired correctly. My dog wouldn't "alert" me to God unless he was trying to get over the fence or breaking into a car in the parking lot..which he has done professionally on several occasions. Nothing more aggravating than a dog that isn't sure of himself and his surroundings... Your dog should know a legitimate intrusion first..bark or growl once or twice then immediately come to you(the owner) only with good information.

The mutt is probably reacting to dudes paranoia. Try not being such a pussy Sport and your dog won't get so worked up over nothing.
Maybe you should check in to the countless millions who has had experiences with the unseen forces, if they exist surely God exists.

I have heard their voices and seen their shapes and witnessed them throwing things across a room. Believe me they're real i had witnesses with me seeing and hearing the same things but be warned this not for the faint of heart.

We call those hallucinations. And they usually mean you should seek medical help immediately.

Hmm,there was about 8 of us in a group that witnessed these things simultaneously,laugh if you must.

Just like the groups of people who see UFOs?

IMO you religious people have a deep seeded need to belong to a group, a flock if you will.

That need makes you susceptible to control by an authority figure. You will "see" whatever your told to see.
Sorry bout that,

1. Heres the thing God has created everything, but he created it without the creation knowing who he is, its not built into creation, so God made laws to abide by, which if creation didn't obey then there would be consequences, which there is.
2. Now creation can say to themselves that "I won't live under Gods laws." that won't abrogate the laws, it will just make those not obeying the laws feel they are smarter than God, which God will allow you to think what you want, but when it comes time to listen to the truth, your views will not save you.

3. All I can see is people want to make God feel ignored, you can try it, but sooner or later you will have to pay attention.
4. God is very patient and knows you got nowhere else to go.
5. Its like you are a child, and your mad and go up a tree, you can go up a tree, but sooner or later you will have to come down.


Dude, I don't want to make your god 'feel' anything any more than I give a rosy red rats ass about, well.... any random rosy red rats ass.

I just wish the religious right cared as little for the way I believe as I do their god.
Sorry bout that,

1. Lets not split hairs, Satan is Satan no mater what name he uses.
2. He is *The Anti-Christ*, and he will fall and fail, the time is already being measured, and humans shall see it, and we will know who he was, and where he was able to hide in plain site.
3. But the sight or seeing of man isn't clear, and the thing you look for, is always in a place you never expect it to be, you won't ever look there, and its a mystery why you can not force yourself to look there, it just is, as if, the thing you search for, remains just out of your minds eye, unable to see it, because your mind won't allow you to look in the one place you should look, and this goes for God, as well as finding and identifying Satan.


Isn't it wonderful, having a boogy-man to blame for all the worlds ills, instead of facing our own humanity?

Howzat workin' out now?
Any man has the ability to prevent himself being that boogy-man.

And how is THAT working out for you earthlings? :eek:
Well with most people on your side of the argument they say if God exists they give him credit for all the bad in the world i believe that is showing anger.

So your god only wants credit for all the good and puts the blame for all the bad on everyone he supposedly created?

That does not sound like the kind of being I would want to know.

No My God has clearly shown the world that man and satan will produce without God running the show.

So misery in the world is there to bitch-slap people into believing in your god?


A) How is that working out...?


B) Explain me.

With my mouth regarding religion in general and Christianity in particular, and my knowledge of The Bible, I should be a brief weather headline ending in a lightning statistic but here is sit, one of the luckiest guys I know.
Or when you're alone and you stand frozen and the hair on your arms stand up goose bumps galore the strong feeling someone is watching you. Or your dog is growling at something you can't see or hear.

Dude... it's a rabbit. Move on.

You keep telling yourself it's a rabbit when they come to you.

Sometimes God allows you to see and feel true evil unseen forces around you.

Let me give you some advice,don't waste your time wishing the rabbit away call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved.

Try not to be alone for a while.
So your god only wants credit for all the good and puts the blame for all the bad on everyone he supposedly created?

That does not sound like the kind of being I would want to know.

No My God has clearly shown the world that man and satan will produce without God running the show.

So misery in the world is there to bitch-slap people into believing in your god?


A) How is that working out...?


B) Explain me.

With my mouth regarding religion in general and Christianity in particular, and my knowledge of The Bible, I should be a brief weather headline ending in a lightning statistic but here is sit, one of the luckiest guys I know.

Sometimes the best lessons in life for children is to allow them to exp it for themselves.

Yes we failed the test many years ago.
Or when you're alone and you stand frozen and the hair on your arms stand up goose bumps galore the strong feeling someone is watching you. Or your dog is growling at something you can't see or hear.

Dude... it's a rabbit. Move on.

You keep telling yourself it's a rabbit when they come to you.

Sometimes God allows you to see and feel true evil unseen forces around you.

Let me give you some advice,don't waste your time wishing the rabbit away call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved.

Try not to be alone for a while.

OH!!! OH!!!! I get it!!! You are Stephen King!!!!:eek::eek: Kuuuelllll !!!

Why all the drama? Shoulda just said so from the start!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Dude... it's a rabbit. Move on.

You keep telling yourself it's a rabbit when they come to you.

Sometimes God allows you to see and feel true evil unseen forces around you.

Let me give you some advice,don't waste your time wishing the rabbit away call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved.

Try not to be alone for a while.

OH!!! OH!!!! I get it!!! You are Stephen King!!!!:eek::eek: Kuuuelllll !!!

Why all the drama? Shoulda just said so from the start!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Atleast i gave you a way to make it go away next time instead of running for the door. :lol:
Dude... it's a rabbit. Move on.

You keep telling yourself it's a rabbit when they come to you.

Sometimes God allows you to see and feel true evil unseen forces around you.

Let me give you some advice,don't waste your time wishing the rabbit away call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved.

Try not to be alone for a while.

OH!!! OH!!!! I get it!!! You are Stephen King!!!!:eek::eek: Kuuuelllll !!!

Why all the drama? Shoulda just said so from the start!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Huggy, a dedication for you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_xtDRr9syM]YouTube - Eagles - Hotel California[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

It seems you suffer from the same arrogance as did pharaoh,careful what you ask for.

OOOOooo...!!!!!! SCAWY!!!!! :eek: VEWY SCAWY!!! :lol: :lol: You got me mixed up with someotherbody. I'm not the one. Try that on one of your weak minded cockroach buddies. AND you can quote me directly to YOUR God! :lol: :lol:

Sheesh these religious nuts just keep on babbling, I mean I believe in God but this is getting out of hands, the athiests definently sound way more reasonable than these clowns.

1. Oh??
2. So you believe in God?
3. Convince me.
4. So far you are just one of many in the peanut gallery.:lol:

Sorry bout that,

1. If I were you guys, I would be wondering right about now, why God didn't want to have anything to do with me.
2. Why are you wearing the, *Judas Smile*?
3. You have to be asking the question, *Is it me?*
4. I been telling you guys about the, *Judas Factor*.
5. I am beginning to think theres a reason you are not saved.
6. Who amongst you have ever thought about this before?:confused:

Sorry bout that,

1. If I were you guys, I would be wondering right about now, why God didn't want to have anything to do with me.
2. Why are you wearing the, *Judas Smile*?
3. You have to be asking the question, *Is it me?*
4. I been telling you guys about the, *Judas Factor*.
5. I am beginning to think theres a reason you are not saved.
6. Who amongst you have ever thought about this before?:confused:


It's embarrassing for me to admit, but for 12 years of my short existence on this world (during my 30's & 40's) I was a closed-minded bible thumping asshole who was positive that most people I knew were going to burn in hell.

Reconciling my closed-minded beliefs with reality simply became more and more difficult as I began to study history. It was then that I stepped beyond the wall of my faith in Christ and saw the true size of 'God', ass-u-me-ing He exists at all. My conclusion was that if God is, He is WAY bigger than any or all of the literature that managed to survive the 2,000 year trip from antiquity to today.

'Religion' makes evolutionary sense - the 'gods' described in the literature of antiquity do not make sense, especially when viewed against the backdrop of our particular history and the human need to ask the unanswerable "Why?"
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. If I were you guys, I would be wondering right about now, why God didn't want to have anything to do with me.
2. Why are you wearing the, *Judas Smile*?
3. You have to be asking the question, *Is it me?*
4. I been telling you guys about the, *Judas Factor*.
5. I am beginning to think theres a reason you are not saved.
6. Who amongst you have ever thought about this before?:confused:


It's embarrassing for me to admit, but for 12 years of my short existence on this world (during my 30's & 40's) I was a closed-minded bible thumping asshole who was positive that most people I knew were going to burn in hell.

Reconciling my closed-minded beliefs with reality simply became more and more difficult as I began to study history. It was then that I stepped beyond the wall of my faith in Christ and saw the true size of 'God', ass-u-me-ing He exists at all. My conclusion was that if God is, He is WAY bigger than any or all of the literature that managed to survive the 2,000 year trip from antiquity to today.

'Religion' makes evolutionary sense - the 'gods' described in the literature of antiquity do not make sense, especially when viewed against the backdrop of our particular history and the human need to ask the unanswerable "Why?"

1. So your worry about history, and the troubles of this world led you away from Jesus.
2. Sounds like you received seed in stony ground, where the ground was not fit for a deep root, and too dry to nourish a young sapling, where the sun's rays scorched you beating you down.
3. That leads to a question, can the seed of faith be replanted?
4. Is salvation a one time thing?
5. I am truly sorry it didn't take hold on you, and after 12 years you became *Un-seeded*.
6. For holding onto the *seed* of salvation is a priority.
7. The wiles of the devil will do anything to *Un-seed* the salvation bestowed upon a convert.
8. And sometimes we must *lose to win*, and become what Christ expects us to be, and going through the trials of becoming a Christian, or being tested of the devil, in my opinion is an honor, so was Job tested, and he passed the test, though what he went through would break any man I know today, and I mean any man.
9. I think every new convert should expect to be tested, but I am not sure every one is.
10. There is no way I could know if everyone gets tested.
11. One thing I do know for sure, I can tell you I was tested, thats when I had my run in with the, *devil*.

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