*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

Sorry bout that,


The end. Lights out. Game over.

And until someone out of the countless billions who have died over the eons comes back and reports something different, that's what I'll believe.

1. Game on.
2. Jesus came back from the dead, and made his report, why haven't you heard it yet?


Says who?


Why the fuck should I believe him?

God talks to me all the time and She told me that The Bible is a story book, nothing more.

That being said, I have just as much PROOF of my relationship to God as any prophet, preacher priest or person you can name from history and I defy you to prove otherwise.
Sorry bout that,


The end. Lights out. Game over.

And until someone out of the countless billions who have died over the eons comes back and reports something different, that's what I'll believe.

1. Game on.
2. Jesus came back from the dead, and made his report, why haven't you heard it yet?


Says who?


Why the fuck should I believe him?

God talks to me all the time and She told me that The Bible is a story book, nothing more.

That being said, I have just as much PROOF of my relationship to God as any prophet, preacher priest or person you can name from history and I defy you to prove otherwise.

You definately are in touch with a god, not sure it's the one you should be in touch with, but goodluck.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

If something wasn't a part of god's master plan then it wasn't a master plan at all was it?

1. You asking me to know what God knows???

You said "it wasn't a part of god's master plan" did you not? By asserting that something was not part of god's master plan then you also implied that you did indeed know what the master plan was. If you know what the master plan was then you must know what god was thinking.

BTW that's called deductive reasoning. Something you should brush up on.

So your god knowingly unleashed evil upon his children. Not very loving is it?

To betray one must first be held in trust. I do not believe your god exists therefore it is impossible for me to betray him.

5. Even if he knew you would?
6. Or were inclined to, predisposed to betrayal, is that the fault of God, or do you own anything in your own personal responsibility

Everything I do is my choice therefore I am responsible. There is nothing that a god does for me.

7. And if God allows a path out of this responsibility, then, by way of Jesus, who has openly offered a way out of this complexity.
8. If man is smart enough to knock and ask, Jesus will open and provide comfort.

I ask for no comfort. I accept what life entails without fear.

1. I can know what God knows if he reveals to me what he knows, and what I know about God is taught in scriptures, and what I am told through the spirit of God, which is open to everyone, if you will listen.
2. God didn't unleash Satan on humanity, humans did, but I think God's *Master Plan* always included an adversary, like light and darkness, like good and evil, like hot and cold, and when mankind disobeyed him, then humanity by their own fruition brought onto themselves, ourselves the knowledge of, Satan, and evil, Adams refusal to obey Gods laws, to not eat of the *Tree of Knowledge*, for if he did, he would immediately have to know, *good and evil*, and with the help of Eve, sealed the deal, Satan wants to be, *like God*, to be worshiped, and have power over creation, and God pretty much gave it to him, for a time, in a small faction of humans, and also by those whom refuse him, and its Satan's kingdom now, but he can't actually enjoy it in the open, he has to remain hidden, and rule from the shadows, otherwise humanity would reveal him for the fake he is, and then all hell would have to break loose.
3. You think God is hurt you refuse him, I think he can handle you refusing him, but I also think this betrayal isn't pardoned, its not, *all good*, even if you live by some miracle a perfect life, you will have to come to terms, and basically you have nothing to bargain with, so I doubt it will go well for you.
4. Life is tough all around, if you think you don't need the comfort of God, then thats a shame, the comfort of God can transform you into whom you will become, it can make you from a Shepherd to a King, he can bring you from dis-pare of life itself, and brighten the gloom of death in your life, and show you eternity with no more tears, no more sadness, no more death and dying, no more separation from the ones you love, no end of life matters to worry about, its heaven, and its *all* for free.

Sorry bout that,

1. Game on.
2. Jesus came back from the dead, and made his report, why haven't you heard it yet?


Says who?


Why the fuck should I believe him?

God talks to me all the time and She told me that The Bible is a story book, nothing more.

That being said, I have just as much PROOF of my relationship to God as any prophet, preacher priest or person you can name from history and I defy you to prove otherwise.

You definately are in touch with a god, not sure it's the one you should be in touch with, but goodluck.

Thanks! I AM one of the luckiest bastards I know!
Sorry bout that,

The misinformed use the name lucifer for satan.

No that is not it, God yes created satan but as humans had freewill so did the angels they chose poorly so now this is how God plans to remove all sin from the earth.

We all have been given a choice out of freewill to choose God or satans wicked world. You can't be on the fence you're on one side or the other each side knows what to expect in the future.

You're wrong. I do not believe in god but nor do I do harm upon others. Not believing in god is tantamount to not believing in Satan.

You have presented a false dichotomy.
Yep I believe in NO supernatural beings nor afterlife.

1. I'm surprised you would even make that statement, seeing you have very little to add to this thread.
2. Almost sounded like you were saying, "Some one take notice of me, I am lost and without a savior."
3. Jesus does hear you and he has open ears and open arms.:eusa_pray:


Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. You asking me to know what God knows???

You said "it wasn't a part of god's master plan" did you not? By asserting that something was not part of god's master plan then you also implied that you did indeed know what the master plan was. If you know what the master plan was then you must know what god was thinking.

BTW that's called deductive reasoning. Something you should brush up on.

So your god knowingly unleashed evil upon his children. Not very loving is it?

To betray one must first be held in trust. I do not believe your god exists therefore it is impossible for me to betray him.


Everything I do is my choice therefore I am responsible. There is nothing that a god does for me.

7. And if God allows a path out of this responsibility, then, by way of Jesus, who has openly offered a way out of this complexity.
8. If man is smart enough to knock and ask, Jesus will open and provide comfort.

I ask for no comfort. I accept what life entails without fear.

1. I can know what God knows if he reveals to me what he knows, and what I know about God is taught in scriptures, and what I am told through the spirit of God, which is open to everyone, if you will listen.
2. God didn't unleash Satan on humanity, humans did, but I think God's *Master Plan* always included an adversary, like light and darkness, like good and evil, like hot and cold, and when mankind disobeyed him, then humanity by their own fruition brought onto themselves, ourselves the knowledge of, Satan, and evil, Adams refusal to obey Gods laws, to not eat of the *Tree of Knowledge*, for if he did, he would immediately have to know, *good and evil*, and with the help of Eve, sealed the deal, Satan wants to be, *like God*, to be worshiped, and have power over creation, and God pretty much gave it to him, for a time, in a small faction of humans, and also by those whom refuse him, and its Satan's kingdom now, but he can't actually enjoy it in the open, he has to remain hidden, and rule from the shadows, otherwise humanity would reveal him for the fake he is, and then all hell would have to break loose.
3. You think God is hurt you refuse him, I think he can handle you refusing him, but I also think this betrayal isn't pardoned, its not, *all good*, even if you live by some miracle a perfect life, you will have to come to terms, and basically you have nothing to bargain with, so I doubt it will go well for you.
4. Life is tough all around, if you think you don't need the comfort of God, then thats a shame, the comfort of God can transform you into whom you will become, it can make you from a Shepherd to a King, he can bring you from dis-pare of life itself, and brighten the gloom of death in your life, and show you eternity with no more tears, no more sadness, no more death and dying, no more separation from the ones you love, no end of life matters to worry about, its heaven, and its *all* for free.


I truly MISS the comfort of God. I also miss the comfort of my ol' Teddy Bear, but alas I out grew Mr. Bear too.
Can you be more specific lets see if it compares to the things i listed.

Twentieth Century Atlas - Historical Body Count p.2
The Bible mentions about 1,283,000 mass killings in Exodus, Numbers, Judges, Kings and Chronicles.

In American Holocaust (1992), David Stannard estimates that some 30 to 60 million Africans died being enslaved. He claims a 50% mortality rate among new slaves while being gathered and stored in Africa, a 10% mortality among the survivors while crossing the ocean, and another 50% mortality rate in the first "seasoning" phase of slave labor. Overall, he estimates a 75-80% mortality rate in transit.

Conquistadors killed 15M Amerindians.

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trail of Tears - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emperor Karl (Charlemagne) in 782 had 4500 Saxons, unwilling to convert to Christianity, beheaded.

United States, eradication of the American Indians (1775-1890) 350,000 killed.

Witch Hunts- between 50-100,000 killed.

Vlad Dracula- 50-100,000 killed.

Peasants' War, Germany (1524-25)- 100,000 killed.

France, Religious Wars, Catholic vs. Huguenot (1562-1598) 3,000,000 killed.

The Thirty Years War- 7,500,000

Did you ignore where i showed the only time Israel was to go to war is when God ordered it through the prophets and when he ordered such a war God already judged the nation.

Again in the New Testament God Condemed religions going out on their own and saying what they were doing was done in the name of God. There were no Christian prophets that ordered war. So these religions acted on their own and i am sure they will be judged for their actions why do you give credit to God for bad religions ?

Excuses, excuses.
Sorry bout that,

You believers use Satan, Lucifer and the devil interchangeably.

And still your god must have created Satan and unleashed him on those he is supposed to love.

Isn't that akin to letting a pedophile rape and terrorize your own children?

The misinformed use the name lucifer for satan.

No that is not it, God yes created satan but as humans had freewill so did the angels they chose poorly so now this is how God plans to remove all sin from the earth.

We all have been given a choice out of freewill to choose God or satans wicked world. You can't be on the fence you're on one side or the other each side knows what to expect in the future.

You're wrong. I do not believe in god but nor do I do harm upon others. Not believing in god is tantamount to not believing in Satan.

You have presented a false dichotomy.

1. You can't *not* have Satan because you don't believe in God.
2. Look at all the evil we see in the world, do you ever wonder why it is what it is?
3. Satan just loves seeing people doing evil to one another.
4. Evil men inspired by Satan do horrendous things to innocent peoples.
5. That shall end one day.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Before Christ men of God did offer atonement for their sins so they had forgivness for the sins committed and would inherit eternal life.

King david spoke of eternal life,and job prayed that God would not leave is body in sheol which means the grave.

1. You still don't get what I was saying?
2. Lemme help, the general population of that time, before Christ had no such way to please God.
3. Why are you having a problem with what I already said?
4. I made myself cyrstal clear.
5. Anyways, *little chance* means what it means, you figure it out.



Gen 6:9 These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.

Job 1:8 And Jehovah said to Satan, Have you set your heart against My servant Job, because there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright man, one who fears God and turns away from evil?

Job 2:3 And Jehovah said unto Satan, Have you set your heart on My servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one who fears God and turns away from evil? And still he is keeping hold of his integrity, although you moved Me against him to destroy him without cause.

1. You don't get it, yet you call me, *wrong*.
2. Keep thinking about it, maybe you will figure it out, , here is a clue for you for free, it seems like everyone was drowned except the seven with Noah though, that may describe, *little chance*.
3. But to you that may be wonderful odds???
4. Your a bright guy, I'm sure you will figure it out someday.:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,

You're wrong. I do not believe in god but nor do I do harm upon others. Not believing in god is tantamount to not believing in Satan.

You have presented a false dichotomy.

A very simple point i was making. You identified satan as lucifer, i merely said that is misinformation because the name lucifer does not appear in the scriptures.

Ok so you don't believe in God or satan that does not release you from falsely identifying satan as lucifer.

And you were ridiculing the other poster by making the comment atleast have it right according to the story i am doing the same to you.

You should ridicule your fellow bible thumpers then because I merely used the Christian vernacular.

But then I found this.

Lucifer is mentioned in the bible.

Isiah Ch 14 v 12

12How art thou afallen from bheaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

1. Lets not split hairs, Satan is Satan no mater what name he uses.
2. He is *The Anti-Christ*, and he will fall and fail, the time is already being measured, and humans shall see it, and we will know who he was, and where he was able to hide in plain site.
3. But the sight or seeing of man isn't clear, and the thing you look for, is always in a place you never expect it to be, you won't ever look there, and its a mystery why you can not force yourself to look there, it just is, as if, the thing you search for, remains just out of your minds eye, unable to see it, because your mind won't allow you to look in the one place you should look, and this goes for God, as well as finding and identifying Satan.

Sorry bout that,

Yep I believe in NO supernatural beings nor afterlife.

Most athieist don't :lol:

But from my stand point if God exists that does not release or excuse you from what God requires. I think it makes since to atleast consider how life truly began and see if there is evidence of the creator that you may have overlooked.

How can I understand what I cannot understand?
I am supposed to take it on faith based on what was written down by humans with an agenda to promote?
I think not.

If I am to be damned I will be damed for what I truely am.

1. So what are you really?
2. The Christian agenda is to *get you saved*.
3. I don't think that is harmful for you, its to your benefit.
4. Open up your heart and see, *JESUS*.
5. He awaits you to ask him.

Sorry bout that,

Most athieist don't :lol:

But from my stand point if God exists that does not release or excuse you from what God requires. I think it makes since to atleast consider how life truly began and see if there is evidence of the creator that you may have overlooked.

What do you mean "if" I thought you were 100% certain that there is a man in the sky.

There is no proof of a creator. If there were, we would not be having this discussion.

I believe there is overwhelming evidence of the creator but some have to see it for themselves.

1. Knowing where to look is always the hard part.
2. The *Art To See God* is possible, but not easy to know.
3. A momma dog can find its pups from the whimpering and doesn't need sight to see them.

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Sorry bout that,

What do you mean "if" I thought you were 100% certain that there is a man in the sky.

There is no proof of a creator. If there were, we would not be having this discussion.

I believe there is overwhelming evidence of the creator but some have to see it for themselves.

What you people do is call something that has yet to be explained or understood by men proof that god exists.

It's human nature to want explanations for things therefore it is human nature to assign responsibility for things we fear or do not understand to some other being like a god.

1. No one has explained *JESUS* to you?
2. Jesus is the payment for sin, he died and was buried then arose from the dead for humanity, to be a propitiation for sin, a *Payment In Full* for all whom would look to him for salvation evermore.
3. It really isn't that complex.:eusa_hand:

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Sorry bout that,

What you people do is call something that has yet to be explained or understood by men proof that god exists.

It's human nature to want explanations for things therefore it is human nature to assign responsibility for things we fear or do not understand to some other being like a god.

It's this simple for me,we either came into existence through a totally natural process or a process of design.

I see design in the universe as well as life, either process had to think for things to be as they are. For a Thinking process that convinces me of a creator. our planet and life is to perfect to just happen by chance.

There is nothing perfect about nature. In fact nature is full of imperfection.

1. Name three.
2. And by who's measuring rod is this perfection to be measured?
3. Are humans able to measure perfection?
4. Can a human really know perfection?
5. Perfection on earth is a concept, not indeed a fact.
6. The only perfection I am aware of is the perfection of *God* through *Jesus Christs* sacrifice in order to open up a door for the common man, and allow the simple to understand the complexity of this so great gift we have in *Jesus*.

Evidently God knew that man would create and translate bibles to support ones view.

That is why God warned anyone who changes his words will feel the Plagues of egypt on them.

I study from over 10 different bibles and several Jewish bibles and concordances so i can get at the truth,call me skeptical.

Then you are truly doomed because unless you speak god's language (which it is safe to assume isn't American English) then you are reading and believing a changed version of his words.

Oh boy :lame2:

I assure you the message was never lost,and God can speak any language.

Have you ever heard of the tongues of fire at pentecost ? Do you know the purpose of tongues ?

It would just be easier for you to admit you were wrong.

The message has obviously been lost because you can't agree on one version of the bible.

For all you know you're using the wrong one.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. You asking me to know what God knows???

You said "it wasn't a part of god's master plan" did you not? By asserting that something was not part of god's master plan then you also implied that you did indeed know what the master plan was. If you know what the master plan was then you must know what god was thinking.

BTW that's called deductive reasoning. Something you should brush up on.

So your god knowingly unleashed evil upon his children. Not very loving is it?

To betray one must first be held in trust. I do not believe your god exists therefore it is impossible for me to betray him.


Everything I do is my choice therefore I am responsible. There is nothing that a god does for me.

7. And if God allows a path out of this responsibility, then, by way of Jesus, who has openly offered a way out of this complexity.
8. If man is smart enough to knock and ask, Jesus will open and provide comfort.

I ask for no comfort. I accept what life entails without fear.

1. I can know what God knows if he reveals to me what he knows, and what I know about God is taught in scriptures, and what I am told through the spirit of God, which is open to everyone, if you will listen.

I've heard enough religious mumbo jumbo in my life to know it's not worth listening to.

2. God didn't unleash Satan on humanity, humans did, but I think God's *Master Plan* always included an adversary, like light and darkness, like good and evil, like hot and cold, and when mankind disobeyed him, then humanity by their own fruition brought onto themselves, ourselves the knowledge of, Satan, and evil, Adams refusal to obey Gods laws, to not eat of the *Tree of Knowledge*, for if he did, he would immediately have to know, *good and evil*, and with the help of Eve, sealed the deal, Satan wants to be, *like God*, to be worshiped, and have power over creation, and God pretty much gave it to him, for a time, in a small faction of humans, and also by those whom refuse him, and its Satan's kingdom now, but he can't actually enjoy it in the open, he has to remain hidden, and rule from the shadows, otherwise humanity would reveal him for the fake he is, and then all hell would have to break loose.

You admitted earlier that god created satan now you say it's peoples' fault. you can't have it both ways.

3. You think God is hurt you refuse him, I think he can handle you refusing him, but I also think this betrayal isn't pardoned, its not, *all good*, even if you live by some miracle a perfect life, you will have to come to terms, and basically you have nothing to bargain with, so I doubt it will go well for you.

How can i hurt a god's feelings if i don't believe in him? You're saying that your god is a narcissist. He wants his sheep to live their lives by certain standards but will forgive them all their sins as long as they worship him.

Even though a person may live a more moral life than a believer it doesn't count because the nonbeliever didn't coddle god's ego by worshiping him. That sounds more like a child than a god to me.

4. Life is tough all around, if you think you don't need the comfort of God, then thats a shame, the comfort of God can transform you into whom you will become, it can make you from a Shepherd to a King, he can bring you from dis-pare of life itself, and brighten the gloom of death in your life, and show you eternity with no more tears, no more sadness, no more death and dying, no more separation from the ones you love, no end of life matters to worry about, its heaven, and its *all* for free.

Nothing is ever free. And if you need to believe you'll never die and be surrounded by all your loved ones for all eternity in the sky that's your own personal coping mechanism to deal with your fears and inadequacies.
Sorry bout that,

A very simple point i was making. You identified satan as lucifer, i merely said that is misinformation because the name lucifer does not appear in the scriptures.

Ok so you don't believe in God or satan that does not release you from falsely identifying satan as lucifer.

And you were ridiculing the other poster by making the comment atleast have it right according to the story i am doing the same to you.

You should ridicule your fellow bible thumpers then because I merely used the Christian vernacular.

But then I found this.

Lucifer is mentioned in the bible.

Isiah Ch 14 v 12

12How art thou afallen from bheaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

1. Lets not split hairs, Satan is Satan no mater what name he uses.
2. He is *The Anti-Christ*, and he will fall and fail, the time is already being measured, and humans shall see it, and we will know who he was, and where he was able to hide in plain site.
3. But the sight or seeing of man isn't clear, and the thing you look for, is always in a place you never expect it to be, you won't ever look there, and its a mystery why you can not force yourself to look there, it just is, as if, the thing you search for, remains just out of your minds eye, unable to see it, because your mind won't allow you to look in the one place you should look, and this goes for God, as well as finding and identifying Satan.


Isn't it wonderful, having a boogy-man to blame for all the worlds ills, instead of facing our own humanity?

Howzat workin' out now?
Sorry bout that,

1. Heres the thing God has created everything, but he created it without the creation knowing who he is, its not built into creation, so God made laws to abide by, which if creation didn't obey then there would be consequences, which there is.
2. Now creation can say to themselves that "I won't live under Gods laws." that won't abrogate the laws, it will just make those not obeying the laws feel they are smarter than God, which God will allow you to think what you want, but when it comes time to listen to the truth, your views will not save you.
3. All I can see is people want to make God feel ignored, you can try it, but sooner or later you will have to pay attention.
4. God is very patient and knows you got nowhere else to go.
5. Its like you are a child, and your mad and go up a tree, you can go up a tree, but sooner or later you will have to come down.

Sorry bout that,

1. Heres the thing God has created everything, but he created it without the creation knowing who he is, its not built into creation, so God made laws to abide by, which if creation didn't obey then there would be consequences, which there is.
2. Now creation can say to themselves that "I won't live under Gods laws." that won't abrogate the laws, it will just make those not obeying the laws feel they are smarter than God, which God will allow you to think what you want, but when it comes time to listen to the truth, your views will not save you.
3. All I can see is people want to make God feel ignored, you can try it, but sooner or later you will have to pay attention.
4. God is very patient and knows you got nowhere else to go.
5. Its like you are a child, and your mad and go up a tree, you can go up a tree, but sooner or later you will have to come down.


How can I be mad at a god I do not believe exists?
Then you are truly doomed because unless you speak god's language (which it is safe to assume isn't American English) then you are reading and believing a changed version of his words.

Oh boy :lame2:

I assure you the message was never lost,and God can speak any language.

Have you ever heard of the tongues of fire at pentecost ? Do you know the purpose of tongues ?

It would just be easier for you to admit you were wrong.

The message has obviously been lost because you can't agree on one version of the bible.

For all you know you're using the wrong one.

Nope out of all the different versions i use i don't get a contradicting message.

The message is the same in all of the different versions.

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