*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. What is hell was eternal life living in a hellish desert, with other atheists and muslims *all cast aways*, who always tried to kill you, like a constant war, where you would get killed from time to time, but the next day you rose again, only to face the same constant warring?


This a dream you had?

1. I just described *purgatory*, a place you go if you are not quite bad enough to make it to hell..


Purgatory is a catholic belief.
Sorry bout that,

1. I am sure the atheists are praying that after their lives are over its just as they describe, its just simply over, no floating around in darkness, with consciousness, not thoughts of how did I get here, no hell fire, which would be far worse, no purgatory, where you are caught up in a unending hand to hand combat war.
2. Yeah I'm sure they pray about this, but I wonder whom they are praying too?
3. Certainly not God.


LOL your sure atheist pray ? why do you feel everyone is as weak as you ? some people not me but some don't need invisible training wheels for life ,

as fore after life , prove there is one .

Time will tell.
Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


Well, I have yet to meet anybody that has come back from the grave.

Is death cessation of existance? Could be. Certainly I note that almost every religion that believes in an afterlife, preaches an afterlife little differant than they way they live. From the Happy Hunting Grounds to Mansions in the Sky.

If there is an afterlife, I would bet that it is totally differant than any religion has imagined. But there is only one way to find out, and I plan on putting that off as long as possible.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


Well, I have yet to meet anybody that has come back from the grave.

Is death cessation of existence? Could be. Certainly I note that almost every religion that believes in an afterlife, preaches an afterlife little different than they way they live. From the Happy Hunting Grounds to Mansions in the Sky.

If there is an afterlife, I would bet that it is totally different than any religion has imagined. But there is only one way to find out, and I plan on putting that off as long as possible.

1. I think it wise for an atheist to prepare for the worse, just in case we Christians are correct.
2. They are differently going to hell for their lack of belief, considering that, it would be wise to choose wisely, because after the fact, when death comes to them, its too late then.
3. Maybe atheists might wanna hedge their bets.
4. Its free.
5. Costs nothing.:eusa_pray:
6. Its a free bet.

Death is going to be a rude awakening to atheists .

"depart from me, I never knew thee"

You're misreading that verse. Matthew 7:22-23
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
That's not a verse directed towards nonbelievers, but rather those who profess to believe, but don't act by Christ's wishes.

That is meant for anyone who refuses the chance to know him as well.

Why would people who refused the chance to know him say they had prophesied and cast out devils in his name?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


Well, I have yet to meet anybody that has come back from the grave.

Is death cessation of existence? Could be. Certainly I note that almost every religion that believes in an afterlife, preaches an afterlife little different than they way they live. From the Happy Hunting Grounds to Mansions in the Sky.

If there is an afterlife, I would bet that it is totally different than any religion has imagined. But there is only one way to find out, and I plan on putting that off as long as possible.

1. I think it wise for an atheist to prepare for the worse, just in case we Christians are correct.
2. They are differently going to hell for their lack of belief, considering that, it would be wise to choose wisely, because after the fact, when death comes to them, its too late then.
3. Maybe atheists might wanna hedge their bets.
4. Its free.
5. Costs nothing.:eusa_pray:
6. Its a free bet.



You just don't get it - would you bet against your beliefs for 'just in case'?

Why would you expect the rest of us to?

Nothing's 'free'. Betting against what I believe in 'just in case' the Christians are right would cost me my self respect. And it wouldn't make me a very good Christian.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Well, I have yet to meet anybody that has come back from the grave.

Is death cessation of existence? Could be. Certainly I note that almost every religion that believes in an afterlife, preaches an afterlife little different than they way they live. From the Happy Hunting Grounds to Mansions in the Sky.

If there is an afterlife, I would bet that it is totally different than any religion has imagined. But there is only one way to find out, and I plan on putting that off as long as possible.

1. I think it wise for an atheist to prepare for the worse, just in case we Christians are correct.
2. They are differently going to hell for their lack of belief, considering that, it would be wise to choose wisely, because after the fact, when death comes to them, its too late then.
3. Maybe atheists might wanna hedge their bets.
4. Its free.
5. Costs nothing.:eusa_pray:
6. Its a free bet.



You just don't get it - would you bet against your beliefs for 'just in case'?

Why would you expect the rest of us to?

Nothing's 'free'. Betting against what I believe in 'just in case' the Christians are right would cost me my self respect. And it wouldn't make me a very good Christian.

1. I guess I don't get it, self respect may be over rated, but if thats a viable reason to an atheist then its a weak reason.
2. There are plenty of weak Christians, so as far as you being a *Very Good Christian*, hedging your bets, I don't think you can truly be a bad Christian.
3. Maybe if you used Jesus Christ to make yourself rich, that could be a problem.:doubt:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


Well, I have yet to meet anybody that has come back from the grave.

Is death cessation of existence? Could be. Certainly I note that almost every religion that believes in an afterlife, preaches an afterlife little different than they way they live. From the Happy Hunting Grounds to Mansions in the Sky.

If there is an afterlife, I would bet that it is totally different than any religion has imagined. But there is only one way to find out, and I plan on putting that off as long as possible.

1. I think it wise for an atheist to prepare for the worse, just in case we Christians are correct.
2. They are differently going to hell for their lack of belief, considering that, it would be wise to choose wisely, because after the fact, when death comes to them, its too late then.
3. Maybe atheists might wanna hedge their bets.
4. Its free.
5. Costs nothing.:eusa_pray:
6. Its a free bet.


You unknowingly just described Pascal's wager.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I think it wise for an atheist to prepare for the worse, just in case we Christians are correct.
2. They are differently going to hell for their lack of belief, considering that, it would be wise to choose wisely, because after the fact, when death comes to them, its too late then.
3. Maybe atheists might wanna hedge their bets.
4. Its free.
5. Costs nothing.:eusa_pray:
6. Its a free bet.



You just don't get it - would you bet against your beliefs for 'just in case'?

Why would you expect the rest of us to?

Nothing's 'free'. Betting against what I believe in 'just in case' the Christians are right would cost me my self respect. And it wouldn't make me a very good Christian.

1. I guess I don't get it, self respect may be over rated, but if thats a viable reason to an atheist then its a weak reason.
2. There are plenty of weak Christians, so as far as you being a *Very Good Christian*, hedging your bets, I don't think you can truly be a bad Christian.
3. Maybe if you used Jesus Christ to make yourself rich, that could be a problem.:doubt:


You can't truly be bad if you're a christian?

That's a bit of a stretch even for you. The world is full of killers, thieves and rapists that are christians.

You're telling us that they aren't truly bad?
Sorry bout that,
Sorry bout that,
1. I think it wise for an atheist to prepare for the worse, just in case we Christians are correct.
2. They are differently going to hell for their lack of belief, considering that, it would be wise to choose wisely, because after the fact, when death comes to them, its too late then.
3. Maybe atheists might wanna hedge their bets.
4. Its free.
5. Costs nothing.:eusa_pray:
6. Its a free bet.



You just don't get it - would you bet against your beliefs for 'just in case'?

Why would you expect the rest of us to?

Nothing's 'free'. Betting against what I believe in 'just in case' the Christians are right would cost me my self respect. And it wouldn't make me a very good Christian.

1. I guess I don't get it, self respect may be over rated, but if thats a viable reason to an atheist then its a weak reason.
2. There are plenty of weak Christians, so as far as you being a *Very Good Christian*, hedging your bets, I don't think you can truly be a bad Christian.
3. Maybe if you used Jesus Christ to make yourself rich, that could be a problem.:doubt:


I now wonder if you 'get' what it means to be a Christian.

Ass-u-me-ing The Christians are right - one is either a Christian or one is not, and God is not confused as to who is who.

The only thing being a lukewarm Christian will get you, ass-u-me-ing the Christians are right, is a trip to hell with no decent memories of sinful parties to sustain you through eternity.

In the words of the great Master Yoda - "Either do or do not - there is no try."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcjnbIF1yAA]YouTube - Yoda Wisdom[/ame]
Sorry bout that,


You just don't get it - would you bet against your beliefs for 'just in case'?

Why would you expect the rest of us to?

Nothing's 'free'. Betting against what I believe in 'just in case' the Christians are right would cost me my self respect. And it wouldn't make me a very good Christian.

1. I guess I don't get it, self respect may be over rated, but if thats a viable reason to an atheist then its a weak reason.
2. There are plenty of weak Christians, so as far as you being a *Very Good Christian*, hedging your bets, I don't think you can truly be a bad Christian.
3. Maybe if you used Jesus Christ to make yourself rich, that could be a problem.:doubt:


You can't truly be bad if you're a christian?

That's a bit of a stretch even for you. The world is full of killers, thieves and rapists that are christians.

You're telling us that they aren't truly bad?

If God and Jesus can forgive them why can't you?
Sorry bout that,

1. I guess I don't get it, self respect may be over rated, but if thats a viable reason to an atheist then its a weak reason.
2. There are plenty of weak Christians, so as far as you being a *Very Good Christian*, hedging your bets, I don't think you can truly be a bad Christian.
3. Maybe if you used Jesus Christ to make yourself rich, that could be a problem.:doubt:


Perhaps just as Christians are taught that the unsaved cannot fully understand God or His words, many Christians cannot understand or contemplate any life without a God in it that is still a valuable, good, decent life.

And being raised around "good Christians" all my life, I can absolutely say there are bad Christians. No discussion on that one. Period.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,


You just don't get it - would you bet against your beliefs for 'just in case'?

Why would you expect the rest of us to?

Nothing's 'free'. Betting against what I believe in 'just in case' the Christians are right would cost me my self respect. And it wouldn't make me a very good Christian.

1. I guess I don't get it, self respect may be over rated, but if thats a viable reason to an atheist then its a weak reason.
2. There are plenty of weak Christians, so as far as you being a *Very Good Christian*, hedging your bets, I don't think you can truly be a bad Christian.
3. Maybe if you used Jesus Christ to make yourself rich, that could be a problem.:doubt:


You can't truly be bad if you're a christian?

That's a bit of a stretch even for you. The world is full of killers, thieves and rapists that are christians.

You're telling us that they aren't truly bad?

1. Well I don't presume to judge over Gods shoulder, but there are some clues to this in Jesus' views on this in scripture, Jesus spoke of doing something for *the least* of these my brethren: Christians, which would infer there are different levels of Christians, and Jesus spoke of visiting Christians in jails, when sick, perhaps in hospitals, not just in churches.
2. And doing something for them when visiting, so there's a duty, or real reason to seek out Christians, even the, *bad ones*, and help them, even though they were bad, perhaps Jesus forgives them of the bad or evil they've done, but the courts can not, for obeying the letter of the law.
3. Temptation to do evil is strong, and few are strong enough to resist its beaconing, for the devils at work in this work, and pulling a triple shift in order to get you to self condemn, and to *Judas Out*, and hang yourself, but God is able to forgive our worse failures, it we can forgive ourselves.
4. So our success depends on our own self-forgiveness, so if we can forgive our own imperfections, then God is able to forgive us as well, and we can learn from a failure maybe even more from our success'.
5. For the things that destroy me, can open my eyes to the things that can help me, in the long run and the short run, for the setbacks in life, are temporary, and instructive.
6. So my total sum of bad or good isn't dictated on one single act of being bad, nor is it judged on one single act of being good, God has to look at us in the broad spectrum of a *lived life*, the *total sum*, which is unfathomable to us, for we can not see our lives in this manor, we see whats infront of us, at *this time*, we don't see what was throughout our *complete lives*, and we don't see whats in our *future lives*, either, because we have a span of time that makes sense, and we sense whats important in a small window of time, and are limited by or with, our limited memories.
7. So even if I lead a perfect life, my perfection isn't quite perfect if I don't live it for God, if I live a perfect life for myself, then my perfection would be false, for I am no God, my perfect life would be a crutch to my being, and one day it would have to slip, and I would have to fall, for a thing I had no idea would entrap me, a simple sin, or act of doing evil, would over take me, even a child would of saw coming.
8. For the higher ones climbs the ladder of self righteousness, the longer time it will take to hit the ground.
9. For any good Christian will tell you, "I am clothed in rags of unrighteousness, totally unprofitable in *all* regards of faith, if it weren't for the grace of God, *only*, come I forth."
10. A good Christian can make no real claims to the power of God, we *all* are in this together, and are *all* beggars for the scraps from the *Masters* table.

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Sorry bout that,

1. I guess I don't get it, self respect may be over rated, but if thats a viable reason to an atheist then its a weak reason.
2. There are plenty of weak Christians, so as far as you being a *Very Good Christian*, hedging your bets, I don't think you can truly be a bad Christian.
3. Maybe if you used Jesus Christ to make yourself rich, that could be a problem.:doubt:


Perhaps just as Christians are taught that the unsaved cannot fully understand God or His words, many Christians cannot understand or contemplate any life without a God in it that is still a valuable, good, decent life.

And being raised around "good Christians" all my life, I can absolutely say there are bad Christians. No discussion on that one. Period.

I'm going to disagree on there being both 'good' Christians and 'bad' Christians. One either believes or not and, ass-u-me-ing God did in fact walk the planet in the skin of a Jew named Jesus, face down death as described, and walk out of His own tomb under His own power, He has absolutely no confusion regarding the two lists.

The behavioral problems both in and out of the pews associated with reconciling those lists to both humanity and history is the reason I gave up trying. It became as pointless to continually question God on the bad things that happen to good people as it did to question His management of the good things that happen to the ruthless and the cruel.

Luck, both good and bad, seems to favor neither religious brand nor sheer volume of 'faith'. I'll bet that if there is a God who cares, you can tell who's got a relationship with Her by how lucky they are. ;)
There was a bit of tongue-in-cheek with my "good" or "bad" Christians.

IMO, a "Christian" supposed to be Christ-like. However, many people merely give lip service to that.

For instance, my ex told me his boss was a "good Christian man" - who took his son to the strip clubs for the lad's 21 birthday. Now, as a person, it was his choice but as a "good Christian", he wasn't so much in the "good" category, as I seriously doubt Christ would be frequenting strip clubs.

Am I judging him? Not sure. Perhaps merely comparing him to the standard of godly actions that has been embedded in my brain, such as it is. Did I take the man to task, tell him off, try to be superior? No - just didn't have much respect for his "good Christian" status after that.
You're misreading that verse. Matthew 7:22-23
That's not a verse directed towards nonbelievers, but rather those who profess to believe, but don't act by Christ's wishes.

That is meant for anyone who refuses the chance to know him as well.

Why would people who refused the chance to know him say they had prophesied and cast out devils in his name?

Because they rejected the truth and held on to a lie in other words they did not test their beliefs against the scriptures.

1Co 15:2 by which you also are being kept safe, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain.

1Th 5:21 Prove all things, hold fast to the good.
That is meant for anyone who refuses the chance to know him as well.

Why would people who refused the chance to know him say they had prophesied and cast out devils in his name?

Because they rejected the truth and held on to a lie in other words they did not test their beliefs against the scriptures.

1Co 15:2 by which you also are being kept safe, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain.

1Th 5:21 Prove all things, hold fast to the good.

How long has the world existed?

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