*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

Sorry bout that,

There was a bit of tongue-in-cheek with my "good" or "bad" Christians.

IMO, a "Christian" supposed to be Christ-like. However, many people merely give lip service to that.

For instance, my ex told me his boss was a "good Christian man" - who took his son to the strip clubs for the lad's 21 birthday. Now, as a person, it was his choice but as a "good Christian", he wasn't so much in the "good" category, as I seriously doubt Christ would be frequenting strip clubs.

Am I judging him? Not sure. Perhaps merely comparing him to the standard of godly actions that has been embedded in my brain, such as it is. Did I take the man to task, tell him off, try to be superior? No - just didn't have much respect for his "good Christian" status after that.

1. Sure its easy to tear down a Christian, a good or a bad one, knowing how great Jesus was and comparing a good or a bad Christan to Christ, which in my views is like comparing light to darkness.
2. But in any case, people do it, is it fair to do so, especially if the one doing it isn't even a Christian himself?
3. How is it a non-Christian feels comfortable condemning a Christian for breaking the *rules* of being a Christian, as they see it, when they obey not those same *rules*, they argue they use as a measure?
4. Is it possible for an atheist to be a hypocrite?
5. They acknowledge not God, yet use the letters of scriptures to condemn others who are within the boundaries of Christs church, or fellowship.
6. Is this a contradiction of atheism?
7. Able to use Biblical truths to condemn, good or bad Christians, and yet apply it not to themselves? *Damned if you do and damned if you don't comes to mind.*
8. Would not this make them worse than an actual *Christian Hypocrite*, by two fold?
9. Then going about to do the same things the *bad Christian* did, but disregard any problem with the same sins?
10. Should atheists be held to anything Biblical, in their minds, or from Gods measuring them, or are they above the truth of Christ?
11. Are they *religious exempt* from God?

*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

Their 1st day in hell

There is no hell.

Yes there is,it's mankinds common grave if you research the words in hebrew that are used to describe the place.

Jonah described hell as being in the belly of the giant fish because thats where he thought he was gonna rest after death.

See if you can get the true meaning of Hell.

Psa 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God.

Psa 16:10 For You will not leave My soul in hell; You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

Psa 86:13 For great is Your mercy toward me; and You have delivered my soul from the lowest hell.

Pro 5:5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell,

Pro 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the rooms of death.
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Sorry bout that,

There was a bit of tongue-in-cheek with my "good" or "bad" Christians.

IMO, a "Christian" supposed to be Christ-like. However, many people merely give lip service to that.

For instance, my ex told me his boss was a "good Christian man" - who took his son to the strip clubs for the lad's 21 birthday. Now, as a person, it was his choice but as a "good Christian", he wasn't so much in the "good" category, as I seriously doubt Christ would be frequenting strip clubs.

Am I judging him? Not sure. Perhaps merely comparing him to the standard of godly actions that has been embedded in my brain, such as it is. Did I take the man to task, tell him off, try to be superior? No - just didn't have much respect for his "good Christian" status after that.

1. Sure its easy to tear down a Christian, a good or a bad one, knowing how great Jesus was and comparing a good or a bad Christan to Christ, which in my views is like comparing light to darkness.
2. But in any case, people do it, is it fair to do so, especially if the one doing it isn't even a Christian himself?
3. How is it a non-Christian feels comfortable condemning a Christian for breaking the *rules* of being a Christian, as they see it, when they obey not those same *rules*, they argue they use as a measure?
4. Is it possible for an atheist to be a hypocrite?
5. They acknowledge not God, yet use the letters of scriptures to condemn others who are within the boundaries of Christs church, or fellowship.
6. Is this a contradiction of atheism?
7. Able to use Biblical truths to condemn, good or bad Christians, and yet apply it not to themselves? *Damned if you do and damned if you don't comes to mind.*
8. Would not this make them worse than an actual *Christian Hypocrite*, by two fold?
9. Then going about to do the same things the *bad Christian* did, but disregard any problem with the same sins?
10. Should atheists be held to anything Biblical, in their minds, or from Gods measuring them, or are they above the truth of Christ?
11. Are they *religious exempt* from God?


I dont condemn a bad Christian, I point out the hypocrisy. I also study scripture to find the truth that has eluded me for over 40 years. I dont just study Christian scriptures either. Can you say the same?

Sure you can blame an atheist for hypocrisy. Find an opinion, standard, belief or whatever they claim to have and discredit them if you think they are lying.

You dont have to be religious to be a hypocrite.
Their 1st day in hell

There is no hell.

Yes there is,it's mankinds common grave if you research the words in hebrew that are used to describe the place.

Jonah described hell as being in the belly of the giant fish because thats where he thought he was gonna rest after death.

See if you can get the true meaning of Hell.

Psa 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God.

Psa 16:10 For You will not leave My soul in hell; You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

Psa 86:13 For great is Your mercy toward me; and You have delivered my soul from the lowest hell.

Pro 5:5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell,

Pro 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the rooms of death.

Those are nothing more than myths and legends passed down through the ages.

Give me some concrete proof and maybe I'll sign on.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I guess I don't get it, self respect may be over rated, but if thats a viable reason to an atheist then its a weak reason.
2. There are plenty of weak Christians, so as far as you being a *Very Good Christian*, hedging your bets, I don't think you can truly be a bad Christian.
3. Maybe if you used Jesus Christ to make yourself rich, that could be a problem.:doubt:


Perhaps just as Christians are taught that the unsaved cannot fully understand God or His words, many Christians cannot understand or contemplate any life without a God in it that is still a valuable, good, decent life.

And being raised around "good Christians" all my life, I can absolutely say there are bad Christians. No discussion on that one. Period.

I'm going to disagree on there being both 'good' Christians and 'bad' Christians. One either believes or not and, ass-u-me-ing God did in fact walk the planet in the skin of a Jew named Jesus, face down death as described, and walk out of His own tomb under His own power, He has absolutely no confusion regarding the two lists.

The behavioral problems both in and out of the pews associated with reconciling those lists to both humanity and history is the reason I gave up trying. It became as pointless to continually question God on the bad things that happen to good people as it did to question His management of the good things that happen to the ruthless and the cruel.

Luck, both good and bad, seems to favor neither religious brand nor sheer volume of 'faith'. I'll bet that if there is a God who cares, you can tell who's got a relationship with Her by how lucky they are. ;)

1. Well, we all fail to a degree, whether we want to admit it or not, even Peter the strongest in faith during Jesus time on earth, ( who walked on water to meet Jesus) failed, miserablly, when he said, "I never knew the man", but Jesus even knew he would, knew he would not be able to control himself, even after being told in advance, that look Peter, "You will deny me three times before this night is over" and still Peter could not stop himself, he betrayed *The Master* three times, in one night, and yet Jesus forgave him, and loved him most bestowing the most honor on him anyway, thou John Jesus loved most too.
2. That itself should be the only example of how much Jesus loves his followers, he can just about it would appear forgive anything.
3. The problems of questioning God for why things happen the way they do is more or less trying to look over Gods shoulder and explain to him, "why did you do that?", or allow that, or allow that evil deed get a reward, or that good deed to get an evil reward, lifes lessons are bigger than humans minds, sometimes bad things come, in order to teach those who are under the wheels of what just happened, we can't see the big picture when we are under the wheels, yet the wheels keep going round, we as humans get caught up in the *why*, *why did God allow that*?, *did I deserve that*? *did those good people deserve that*? *did that evil person deserve to get away with that*? *why didn't God step in and demand justice or stop it*?
4. These make you into presuming to know better than God, its not profitable, and will blow your minds, we need to face the facts we humans can not see *the big picture*.

Sorry bout that,
1. Sure its easy to tear down a Christian, a good or a bad one, knowing how great Jesus was and comparing a good or a bad Christan to Christ, which in my views is like comparing light to darkness.
2. But in any case, people do it, is it fair to do so, especially if the one doing it isn't even a Christian himself?
3. How is it a non-Christian feels comfortable condemning a Christian for breaking the *rules* of being a Christian, as they see it, when they obey not those same *rules*, they argue they use as a measure?
4. Is it possible for an atheist to be a hypocrite?
5. They acknowledge not God, yet use the letters of scriptures to condemn others who are within the boundaries of Christs church, or fellowship.
6. Is this a contradiction of atheism?
7. Able to use Biblical truths to condemn, good or bad Christians, and yet apply it not to themselves? *Damned if you do and damned if you don't comes to mind.*
8. Would not this make them worse than an actual *Christian Hypocrite*, by two fold?
9. Then going about to do the same things the *bad Christian* did, but disregard any problem with the same sins?
10. Should atheists be held to anything Biblical, in their minds, or from Gods measuring them, or are they above the truth of Christ?
11. Are they *religious exempt* from God?


Why are you sorry for your opinion? That makes no sense. Either you stand by your beliefs or you don't but to apologize for what you have to say doesn't lend much credence to it. Right or wrong - don't be sorry for what you think, feel or believe. It does nothing to earn the respect of other posters reading your posts. :)

As to your post above, we were *taught* that "we (as Christians) were the only Bible some people would ever read". Therefore, it behooves a Christian to behave in the most exemplary manner possible if they are going to identify themselves as such and not fall back on the argument of whether or not anyone - especially the unsaved - should be judging them. That's lame and should be beneath anyone truly trying to live a godly life.

Atheists, like everyone else, can be hypocrites, IMO. That has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with human nature. But again, the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen are in church. BECAUSE they think, pretend or try to be better than others.

Atheists using the Scriptures to debate with believers is just common sense. Much like, if you've been a believer long, you've probably been shown how to witness to a Jehovah's Witness or other "cults", using their own bibles. You have to have some common ground or basis for the discussion in order to debate anything and religion is no different.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "religious exempt" from God. Could you please explain your comment a bit further for clarification?
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Their 1st day in hell

There is no hell.

Yes there is,it's mankinds common grave if you research the words in hebrew that are used to describe the place.

Jonah described hell as being in the belly of the giant fish because thats where he thought he was gonna rest after death.

See if you can get the true meaning of Hell.

Psa 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God.

Psa 16:10 For You will not leave My soul in hell; You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

Psa 86:13 For great is Your mercy toward me; and You have delivered my soul from the lowest hell.

Pro 5:5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell,

Pro 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the rooms of death.

The word hell originated from Proto-Germanic *halja, meaning "one who covers up or hides something".

Yeah. hell has many meanings for a lot of people. I dont believe in hell because I cant accept a belief that rules by fear.

jscott 1:1 Freewill and logic allows you to face your fears of the afterlife.

jscott 1:2 Love your neighbors without fear.
There is no hell.

Yes there is,it's mankinds common grave if you research the words in hebrew that are used to describe the place.

Jonah described hell as being in the belly of the giant fish because thats where he thought he was gonna rest after death.

See if you can get the true meaning of Hell.

Psa 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God.

Psa 16:10 For You will not leave My soul in hell; You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

Psa 86:13 For great is Your mercy toward me; and You have delivered my soul from the lowest hell.

Pro 5:5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell,

Pro 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the rooms of death.

Those are nothing more than myths and legends passed down through the ages.

Give me some concrete proof and maybe I'll sign on.

The point i was making is that hell is not a place of torment literally it represents a separation from God the source of life that is the torment as well as from our loved ones.

What is there prove ? we die, we go to the grave, and we are no more until the resurrection.

That is of course if you're a believer.
Yes there is,it's mankinds common grave if you research the words in hebrew that are used to describe the place.

Jonah described hell as being in the belly of the giant fish because thats where he thought he was gonna rest after death.

See if you can get the true meaning of Hell.

Psa 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God.

Psa 16:10 For You will not leave My soul in hell; You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

Psa 86:13 For great is Your mercy toward me; and You have delivered my soul from the lowest hell.

Pro 5:5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell,

Pro 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the rooms of death.

Those are nothing more than myths and legends passed down through the ages.

Give me some concrete proof and maybe I'll sign on.

The point i was making is that hell is not a place of torment literally it represents a separation from God the source of life that is the torment as well as from our loved ones.

What is there prove ? we die, we go to the grave, and we are no more until the resurrection.

That is of course if you're a believer.

Not according to your contemporaries.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

There was a bit of tongue-in-cheek with my "good" or "bad" Christians.

IMO, a "Christian" supposed to be Christ-like. However, many people merely give lip service to that.

For instance, my ex told me his boss was a "good Christian man" - who took his son to the strip clubs for the lad's 21 birthday. Now, as a person, it was his choice but as a "good Christian", he wasn't so much in the "good" category, as I seriously doubt Christ would be frequenting strip clubs.

Am I judging him? Not sure. Perhaps merely comparing him to the standard of godly actions that has been embedded in my brain, such as it is. Did I take the man to task, tell him off, try to be superior? No - just didn't have much respect for his "good Christian" status after that.

1. Sure its easy to tear down a Christian, a good or a bad one, knowing how great Jesus was and comparing a good or a bad Christan to Christ, which in my views is like comparing light to darkness.
2. But in any case, people do it, is it fair to do so, especially if the one doing it isn't even a Christian himself?
3. How is it a non-Christian feels comfortable condemning a Christian for breaking the *rules* of being a Christian, as they see it, when they obey not those same *rules*, they argue they use as a measure?
4. Is it possible for an atheist to be a hypocrite?
5. They acknowledge not God, yet use the letters of scriptures to condemn others who are within the boundaries of Christs church, or fellowship.
6. Is this a contradiction of atheism?
7. Able to use Biblical truths to condemn, good or bad Christians, and yet apply it not to themselves? *Damned if you do and damned if you don't comes to mind.*
8. Would not this make them worse than an actual *Christian Hypocrite*, by two fold?
9. Then going about to do the same things the *bad Christian* did, but disregard any problem with the same sins?
10. Should atheists be held to anything Biblical, in their minds, or from Gods measuring them, or are they above the truth of Christ?
11. Are they *religious exempt* from God?


I don't condemn a bad Christian, I point out the hypocrisy. I also study scripture to find the truth that has eluded me for over 40 years. I don't just study Christian scriptures either. Can you say the same?

Sure you can blame an atheist for hypocrisy. Find an opinion, standard, belief or whatever they claim to have and discredit them if you think they are lying.

You don't have to be religious to be a hypocrite.

1. Forty years is a long time and still your wandering in a desert place, ask the Jews about that?
2. Maybe because you have studied other religions thats why you never found the *seed* of Christ, maybe thats why the Jews too didn't find good seed when Jesus was there planting, few did, and still few do?
3. If an atheist claims he has no part of God, then why wouldn't he feel hypocrisy had no place on him too?
4. For truly a good man can only be an hypocrite, and evil man being a hypocrite, is just being what he is, evil and acting on deception, the acts of being a hypocrite allows broader boundaries, enabling the evil intent, and to a certain degree to the evil person justification for him and covers up the evil, because thats what that person is.
5. Hypocrisy is a by-product of making mistakes in judgment for a good man, not evil, for a evil man lives by hypocrisy, and a good man fails his faith with hypocrisy, which any Christian can and will do at some point.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,
1. Sure its easy to tear down a Christian, a good or a bad one, knowing how great Jesus was and comparing a good or a bad Christan to Christ, which in my views is like comparing light to darkness.
2. But in any case, people do it, is it fair to do so, especially if the one doing it isn't even a Christian himself?
3. How is it a non-Christian feels comfortable condemning a Christian for breaking the *rules* of being a Christian, as they see it, when they obey not those same *rules*, they argue they use as a measure?
4. Is it possible for an atheist to be a hypocrite?
5. They acknowledge not God, yet use the letters of scriptures to condemn others who are within the boundaries of Christs church, or fellowship.
6. Is this a contradiction of atheism?
7. Able to use Biblical truths to condemn, good or bad Christians, and yet apply it not to themselves? *Damned if you do and damned if you don't comes to mind.*
8. Would not this make them worse than an actual *Christian Hypocrite*, by two fold?
9. Then going about to do the same things the *bad Christian* did, but disregard any problem with the same sins?
10. Should atheists be held to anything Biblical, in their minds, or from Gods measuring them, or are they above the truth of Christ?
11. Are they *religious exempt* from God?


Why are you sorry for your opinion? That makes no sense. Either you stand by your beliefs or you don't but to apologize for what you have to say doesn't lend much credence to it. Right or wrong - don't be sorry for what you think, feel or believe. It does nothing to earn the respect of other posters reading your posts. :)

As to your post above, we were *taught* that "we (as Christians) were the only Bible some people would ever read". Therefore, it behooves a Christian to behave in the most exemplary manner possible if they are going to identify themselves as such and not fall back on the argument of whether or not anyone - especially the unsaved - should be judging them. That's lame and should be beneath anyone truly trying to live a godly life.

Atheists, like everyone else, can be hypocrites, IMO. That has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with human nature. But again, the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen are in church. BECAUSE they think, pretend or try to be better than others.

Atheists using the Scriptures to debate with believers is just common sense. Much like, if you've been a believer long, you've probably been shown how to witness to a Jehovah's Witness or other "cults", using their own bibles. You have to have some common ground or basis for the discussion in order to debate anything and religion is no different.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "religious exempt" from God. Could you please explain your comment a bit further for clarification?

1. Why do you ask, you can take *Sorry bout that* as an opening statement, like *To whom it may concern* or however you want to take it, are you saying its my hypocrisy or fault, as if its something a bad Christian might say? The irony if so.......:eek:
2. An atheist who uses terms of hypocrisy as *What would Jesus do*, is a bigger hypocrite two fold than a hypocritical Christian, who has failed the faith, he has judged others for something they did, and does the same things, they error, they condemn the thing that they are caught or guilty of, and feel the need to speak out, even if they are guilty of the same thing, they know they are wrong, and accept the shame, and ridicule, or maybe forgot they are guilty of it, and just plain fail, then find the shame.
3. While an atheist uses the term *hypocrisy* as a hammer on their heads, and unduly punishes the Christians and *all* Christians for the error of a few, or on a single Christian, there is a difference, and I can see it, perhaps you can not.
4. *Who's* common ground is the question, who speaks for God on earth right now?
5. You?
6. Atheists believe in no God, so to them they feel as though they are *religious exempt*, *does not apply*, *void of consequences*, *license to sin*, *untouchable*, thats what I mean.

The term "sorry" is apologetic and cannot be misconstrued as "to whom it concerns" in any way. It matters not to me if you are continually apologetic but it makes you appear apologetic for your beliefs. Just sayin'.

Atheists are not held to the same standards as Christians are. Christians have standards they believe are set forth by Christ via the Bible. You cannot compare apples and oranges. Which is what you are trying to do.

Until the past few years, I was taught - in the church and private school that I went to - that atheists were basically evil people. I know that not to be true. But that is the brainwashing that is prevalent in the church. It was a broad brush used to paint ALL atheists, not only the anti-theists that are just as rabidly fanatical as the rabidly fanatical religious wingnuts.

Precisely. Religious persons want to use Bibles as common ground. An atheist who can use ones own Bible to debate is more to be respected than not. At least they've done their research.

I would never presume to speak for God on earth. Heck, not for anyone else either. I speak only for myself ... and sometimes that's iffy. ;) By the same token, anyone else who says they speak for God is treated with caution. If you have to say it - you generally AIN'T it.

Again, the atheists that I've come in close contact with generally live good, decent, moral lives. They have no "escape clause" to fall back on. They cannot utter a few words on their deathbed after a sinful, wicked life and expect to still go to heaven. They do not believe they will be reborn based on their works in this life, into a better or worse existence. They may believe they are not to be judged religiously. Where is the problem with that? In general, they ascribe to the same high standards socially, morally and in every other way. Can you not respect a person who behaves without threat of punishment or promise of reward?
Maybe you should check in to the countless millions who has had experiences with the unseen forces, if they exist surely God exists.

I have heard their voices and seen their shapes and witnessed them throwing things across a room. Believe me they're real i had witnesses with me seeing and hearing the same things but be warned this not for the faint of heart.

We call those hallucinations. And they usually mean you should seek medical help immediately.

Hmm,there was about 8 of us in a group that witnessed these things simultaneously,laugh if you must.


Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able or willing? Then why call him God?

Sorry bout that,

Perhaps just as Christians are taught that the unsaved cannot fully understand God or His words, many Christians cannot understand or contemplate any life without a God in it that is still a valuable, good, decent life.

And being raised around "good Christians" all my life, I can absolutely say there are bad Christians. No discussion on that one. Period.

I'm going to disagree on there being both 'good' Christians and 'bad' Christians. One either believes or not and, ass-u-me-ing God did in fact walk the planet in the skin of a Jew named Jesus, face down death as described, and walk out of His own tomb under His own power, He has absolutely no confusion regarding the two lists.

The behavioral problems both in and out of the pews associated with reconciling those lists to both humanity and history is the reason I gave up trying. It became as pointless to continually question God on the bad things that happen to good people as it did to question His management of the good things that happen to the ruthless and the cruel.

Luck, both good and bad, seems to favor neither religious brand nor sheer volume of 'faith'. I'll bet that if there is a God who cares, you can tell who's got a relationship with Her by how lucky they are. ;)

1. Well, we all fail to a degree, whether we want to admit it or not, even Peter the strongest in faith during Jesus time on earth, ( who walked on water to meet Jesus) failed, miserablly, when he said, "I never knew the man", but Jesus even knew he would, knew he would not be able to control himself, even after being told in advance, that look Peter, "You will deny me three times before this night is over" and still Peter could not stop himself, he betrayed *The Master* three times, in one night, and yet Jesus forgave him, and loved him most bestowing the most honor on him anyway, thou John Jesus loved most too.
2. That itself should be the only example of how much Jesus loves his followers, he can just about it would appear forgive anything.
3. The problems of questioning God for why things happen the way they do is more or less trying to look over Gods shoulder and explain to him, "why did you do that?", or allow that, or allow that evil deed get a reward, or that good deed to get an evil reward, lifes lessons are bigger than humans minds, sometimes bad things come, in order to teach those who are under the wheels of what just happened, we can't see the big picture when we are under the wheels, yet the wheels keep going round, we as humans get caught up in the *why*, *why did God allow that*?, *did I deserve that*? *did those good people deserve that*? *did that evil person deserve to get away with that*? *why didn't God step in and demand justice or stop it*?
4. These make you into presuming to know better than God, its not profitable, and will blow your minds, we need to face the facts we humans can not see *the big picture*.


To fail or not is not the question. All fail. And even your best is but filthy menstrual rags to The Lord.

The point of being a Christian is that, through belief in the fact of The Resurrection, and using worship as payment, you've hired Jesus The Son of God to be your advocate when you go before God for judgment, so He can offer His death in your place.

Jesus frickin' Christ, do I have to 'splain everything 'round here?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,
1. Sure its easy to tear down a Christian, a good or a bad one, knowing how great Jesus was and comparing a good or a bad Christan to Christ, which in my views is like comparing light to darkness.
2. But in any case, people do it, is it fair to do so, especially if the one doing it isn't even a Christian himself?
3. How is it a non-Christian feels comfortable condemning a Christian for breaking the *rules* of being a Christian, as they see it, when they obey not those same *rules*, they argue they use as a measure?
4. Is it possible for an atheist to be a hypocrite?
5. They acknowledge not God, yet use the letters of scriptures to condemn others who are within the boundaries of Christs church, or fellowship.
6. Is this a contradiction of atheism?
7. Able to use Biblical truths to condemn, good or bad Christians, and yet apply it not to themselves? *Damned if you do and damned if you don't comes to mind.*
8. Would not this make them worse than an actual *Christian Hypocrite*, by two fold?
9. Then going about to do the same things the *bad Christian* did, but disregard any problem with the same sins?
10. Should atheists be held to anything Biblical, in their minds, or from Gods measuring them, or are they above the truth of Christ?
11. Are they *religious exempt* from God?


Why are you sorry for your opinion? That makes no sense. Either you stand by your beliefs or you don't but to apologize for what you have to say doesn't lend much credence to it. Right or wrong - don't be sorry for what you think, feel or believe. It does nothing to earn the respect of other posters reading your posts. :)

As to your post above, we were *taught* that "we (as Christians) were the only Bible some people would ever read". Therefore, it behooves a Christian to behave in the most exemplary manner possible if they are going to identify themselves as such and not fall back on the argument of whether or not anyone - especially the unsaved - should be judging them. That's lame and should be beneath anyone truly trying to live a godly life.

Atheists, like everyone else, can be hypocrites, IMO. That has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with human nature. But again, the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen are in church. BECAUSE they think, pretend or try to be better than others.

Atheists using the Scriptures to debate with believers is just common sense. Much like, if you've been a believer long, you've probably been shown how to witness to a Jehovah's Witness or other "cults", using their own bibles. You have to have some common ground or basis for the discussion in order to debate anything and religion is no different.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "religious exempt" from God. Could you please explain your comment a bit further for clarification?

1. Why do you ask, you can take *Sorry bout that* as an opening statement, like *To whom it may concern* or however you want to take it, are you saying its my hypocrisy or fault, as if its something a bad Christian might say? The irony if so.......:eek:
2. An atheist who uses terms of hypocrisy as *What would Jesus do*, is a bigger hypocrite two fold than a hypocritical Christian, who has failed the faith, he has judged others for something they did, and does the same things, they error, they condemn the thing that they are caught or guilty of, and feel the need to speak out, even if they are guilty of the same thing, they know they are wrong, and accept the shame, and ridicule, or maybe forgot they are guilty of it, and just plain fail, then find the shame.
3. While an atheist uses the term *hypocrisy* as a hammer on their heads, and unduly punishes the Christians and *all* Christians for the error of a few, or on a single Christian, there is a difference, and I can see it, perhaps you can not.
4. *Who's* common ground is the question, who speaks for God on earth right now?
5. You?

6. Atheists believe in no God, so to them they feel as though they are *religious exempt*, *does not apply*, *void of consequences*, *license to sin*, *untouchable*, thats what I mean.


So atheists are the reason 'government' is necessary? If everyone lived a life of behavior reflected in a rational fear of God and or placement after graduation, we would need no security hired on behalf of We, the People now would we?

Looking down that road of thought, I'm inclined to question what I believed to be the lasting influences of religion on society. Replacement infrastructure is already firmly in place. Society could easily leave 'religion' in the dust of history and never miss a bureaucratic beat.

This is good news for us as a species!
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Sure its easy to tear down a Christian, a good or a bad one, knowing how great Jesus was and comparing a good or a bad Christan to Christ, which in my views is like comparing light to darkness.
2. But in any case, people do it, is it fair to do so, especially if the one doing it isn't even a Christian himself?
3. How is it a non-Christian feels comfortable condemning a Christian for breaking the *rules* of being a Christian, as they see it, when they obey not those same *rules*, they argue they use as a measure?
4. Is it possible for an atheist to be a hypocrite?
5. They acknowledge not God, yet use the letters of scriptures to condemn others who are within the boundaries of Christs church, or fellowship.
6. Is this a contradiction of atheism?
7. Able to use Biblical truths to condemn, good or bad Christians, and yet apply it not to themselves? *Damned if you do and damned if you don't comes to mind.*
8. Would not this make them worse than an actual *Christian Hypocrite*, by two fold?
9. Then going about to do the same things the *bad Christian* did, but disregard any problem with the same sins?
10. Should atheists be held to anything Biblical, in their minds, or from Gods measuring them, or are they above the truth of Christ?
11. Are they *religious exempt* from God?


I don't condemn a bad Christian, I point out the hypocrisy. I also study scripture to find the truth that has eluded me for over 40 years. I don't just study Christian scriptures either. Can you say the same?

Sure you can blame an atheist for hypocrisy. Find an opinion, standard, belief or whatever they claim to have and discredit them if you think they are lying.

You don't have to be religious to be a hypocrite.

1. Forty years is a long time and still your wandering in a desert place, ask the Jews about that?
2. Maybe because you have studied other religions thats why you never found the *seed* of Christ, maybe thats why the Jews too didn't find good seed when Jesus was there planting, few did, and still few do?
3. If an atheist claims he has no part of God, then why wouldn't he feel hypocrisy had no place on him too?
4. For truly a good man can only be an hypocrite, and evil man being a hypocrite, is just being what he is, evil and acting on deception, the acts of being a hypocrite allows broader boundaries, enabling the evil intent, and to a certain degree to the evil person justification for him and covers up the evil, because thats what that person is.
5. Hypocrisy is a by-product of making mistakes in judgment for a good man, not evil, for a evil man lives by hypocrisy, and a good man fails his faith with hypocrisy, which any Christian can and will do at some point.


1. The Jews spent 40 years in the desert to form an army.
2. Youd figure the "seed" would have jumped right out at me. It did not.
3. There is no God. Wheres the hypocrisy?
4. A hypocrite is a hypocrite, it doesnt matter if hes a good or bad man. If, as you say, hypocrisy allows "broader boundaries, enabling the evil intent" for an evil man, it does the same for a "good" man. It covers up a good mans intent as well.
5. Again, hypocrisy is hypocrisy. How old is the earth?
Sorry bout that,

The term "sorry" is apologetic and cannot be misconstrued as "to whom it concerns" in any way. It matters not to me if you are continually apologetic but it makes you appear apologetic for your beliefs. Just sayin'.

Atheists are not held to the same standards as Christians are. Christians have standards they believe are set forth by Christ via the Bible. You cannot compare apples and oranges. Which is what you are trying to do.

Until the past few years, I was taught - in the church and private school that I went to - that atheists were basically evil people. I know that not to be true. But that is the brainwashing that is prevalent in the church. It was a broad brush used to paint ALL atheists, not only the anti-theists that are just as rabidly fanatical as the rabidly fanatical religious wingnuts.

Precisely. Religious persons want to use Bibles as common ground. An atheist who can use ones own Bible to debate is more to be respected than not. At least they've done their research.

I would never presume to speak for God on earth. Heck, not for anyone else either. I speak only for myself ... and sometimes that's iffy. ;) By the same token, anyone else who says they speak for God is treated with caution. If you have to say it - you generally AIN'T it.

Again, the atheists that I've come in close contact with generally live good, decent, moral lives. They have no "escape clause" to fall back on. They cannot utter a few words on their deathbed after a sinful, wicked life and expect to still go to heaven. They do not believe they will be reborn based on their works in this life, into a better or worse existence. They may believe they are not to be judged religiously. Where is the problem with that? In general, they ascribe to the same high standards socially, morally and in every other way. Can you not respect a person who behaves without threat of punishment or promise of reward?

1. An atheist wants to ignore God now, while they are in this body, *self exempt*, with license, which won't work, and will not provide a *free pass*, they will learn of it in the after life.
2. They claim that God is not real, and be-little those who know God, and believe in God.
3. I'm making a claim that atheists are evil, and no good for anyone, not themselves, not their children, the horror, not for country, not for anyone that I can see, ACLU is chucked full of atheists, that says a lot right there.
4. Its evil to think that God who created you has to no authority over you, and basically blame God for everything bad that happens.
5. When a Christian strokes the atheists brow, saying to him, "Your fine, your okay the way you are." you are a liar, your deceiving the atheist into a false sense of security, which is basically what Satan does, which is evil.
6. False teachers *enablers*, will always find a round about way to spread lies.
7. Atheists think thy are *religiously exempt*, they didn't sign up for Jesus Christ, so they refuse to admit they have anything to abide by, though most are very well read of the Bible.
8. I find it funny it works out that way, and have lots to say about it.

Sorry bout that,

The term "sorry" is apologetic and cannot be misconstrued as "to whom it concerns" in any way. It matters not to me if you are continually apologetic but it makes you appear apologetic for your beliefs. Just sayin'.

Atheists are not held to the same standards as Christians are. Christians have standards they believe are set forth by Christ via the Bible. You cannot compare apples and oranges. Which is what you are trying to do.

Until the past few years, I was taught - in the church and private school that I went to - that atheists were basically evil people. I know that not to be true. But that is the brainwashing that is prevalent in the church. It was a broad brush used to paint ALL atheists, not only the anti-theists that are just as rabidly fanatical as the rabidly fanatical religious wingnuts.

Precisely. Religious persons want to use Bibles as common ground. An atheist who can use ones own Bible to debate is more to be respected than not. At least they've done their research.

I would never presume to speak for God on earth. Heck, not for anyone else either. I speak only for myself ... and sometimes that's iffy. ;) By the same token, anyone else who says they speak for God is treated with caution. If you have to say it - you generally AIN'T it.

Again, the atheists that I've come in close contact with generally live good, decent, moral lives. They have no "escape clause" to fall back on. They cannot utter a few words on their deathbed after a sinful, wicked life and expect to still go to heaven. They do not believe they will be reborn based on their works in this life, into a better or worse existence. They may believe they are not to be judged religiously. Where is the problem with that? In general, they ascribe to the same high standards socially, morally and in every other way. Can you not respect a person who behaves without threat of punishment or promise of reward?

1. An atheist wants to ignore God now, while they are in this body, *self exempt*, with license, which won't work, and will not provide a *free pass*, they will learn of it in the after life.
2. They claim that God is not real, and be-little those who know God, and believe in God.
3. I'm making a claim that atheists are evil, and no good for anyone, not themselves, not their children, the horror, not for country, not for anyone that I can see, ACLU is chucked full of atheists, that says a lot right there.
4. Its evil to think that God who created you has to no authority over you, and basically blame God for everything bad that happens.
5. When a Christian strokes the atheists brow, saying to him, "Your fine, your okay the way you are." you are a liar, your deceiving the atheist into a false sense of security, which is basically what Satan does, which is evil.
6. False teachers *enablers*, will always find a round about way to spread lies.
7. Atheists think thy are *religiously exempt*, they didn't sign up for Jesus Christ, so they refuse to admit they have anything to abide by, though most are very well read of the Bible.
8. I find it funny it works out that way, and have lots to say about it.


1. I dont ignore God. There is no God.
2. Believe what you want to believe. Thats my motto. Youre the one on the attack.
3. Generalizing is very evil too. Theres plenty of atheists that are a detriment to society as there are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu or whatever belief you can name. Why pull the ACLU into this conversation. My guess is youre trying to stir the pot, unsuccessfully.
4. There is no God.
5. Ive never had a Christian kiss my ass before.
6. What lies? What "enablers"?
7. I didnt sign up for Jesus. Either did Muslims, Buddhists or Hindus. You sound quite arrogant. Maybe thats why atheists are growing in number.

I find it funny how you just cant stand how atheists know the bible better than you. Its almost like Christians hate education. The Dark Ages proved that. It doesnt matter what happens over time, they continue to try to repress learning. You know why? Because those who hold the knowledge are the masters. The bible itself was created for power. Constantines idea.....thats right.

8. I find you funny. :eusa_pray:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

The term "sorry" is apologetic and cannot be misconstrued as "to whom it concerns" in any way. It matters not to me if you are continually apologetic but it makes you appear apologetic for your beliefs. Just sayin'.

Atheists are not held to the same standards as Christians are. Christians have standards they believe are set forth by Christ via the Bible. You cannot compare apples and oranges. Which is what you are trying to do.

Until the past few years, I was taught - in the church and private school that I went to - that atheists were basically evil people. I know that not to be true. But that is the brainwashing that is prevalent in the church. It was a broad brush used to paint ALL atheists, not only the anti-theists that are just as rabidly fanatical as the rabidly fanatical religious wingnuts.

Precisely. Religious persons want to use Bibles as common ground. An atheist who can use ones own Bible to debate is more to be respected than not. At least they've done their research.

I would never presume to speak for God on earth. Heck, not for anyone else either. I speak only for myself ... and sometimes that's iffy. ;) By the same token, anyone else who says they speak for God is treated with caution. If you have to say it - you generally AIN'T it.

Again, the atheists that I've come in close contact with generally live good, decent, moral lives. They have no "escape clause" to fall back on. They cannot utter a few words on their deathbed after a sinful, wicked life and expect to still go to heaven. They do not believe they will be reborn based on their works in this life, into a better or worse existence. They may believe they are not to be judged religiously. Where is the problem with that? In general, they ascribe to the same high standards socially, morally and in every other way. Can you not respect a person who behaves without threat of punishment or promise of reward?

1. An atheist wants to ignore God now, while they are in this body, *self exempt*, with license, which won't work, and will not provide a *free pass*, they will learn of it in the after life.
2. They claim that God is not real, and be-little those who know God, and believe in God.
3. I'm making a claim that atheists are evil, and no good for anyone, not themselves, not their children, the horror, not for country, not for anyone that I can see, ACLU is chucked full of atheists, that says a lot right there.
4. Its evil to think that God who created you has to no authority over you, and basically blame God for everything bad that happens.
5. When a Christian strokes the atheists brow, saying to him, "Your fine, your okay the way you are." you are a liar, your deceiving the atheist into a false sense of security, which is basically what Satan does, which is evil.
6. False teachers *enablers*, will always find a round about way to spread lies.
7. Atheists think thy are *religiously exempt*, they didn't sign up for Jesus Christ, so they refuse to admit they have anything to abide by, though most are very well read of the Bible.
8. I find it funny it works out that way, and have lots to say about it.


1. I don't ignore God. There is no God.
2. Believe what you want to believe. Thats my motto. You're the one on the attack.
3. Generalizing is very evil too. Theres plenty of atheists that are a detriment to society as there are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu or whatever belief you can name. Why pull the ACLU into this conversation. My guess is you're trying to stir the pot, unsuccessfully.
4. There is no God.
5. Ive never had a Christian kiss my ass before.
6. What lies? What "enablers"?
7. I didnt sign up for Jesus. Either did Muslims, Buddhists or Hindus. You sound quite arrogant. Maybe thats why atheists are growing in number.

I find it funny how you just cant stand how atheists know the bible better than you. Its almost like Christians hate education. The Dark Ages proved that. It doesnt matter what happens over time, they continue to try to repress learning. You know why? Because those who hold the knowledge are the masters. The bible itself was created for power. Constantines idea.....thats right.

8. I find you funny. :eusa_pray:

1. I am not attacking anyone directly, I am putting forth the truth about what being an atheist involves, where an atheist is headed, and how totally corrupted it is, also its a fools bet.
2. I'm attacking an *idea*, a bad *idea*.
3. Or I'm cutting down a tree house known as atheism.
4. Its not founded on anything solid, and I am shredding it in a tree shredder.
5. The ACLU is a atheist branch in this tree, and it can't be argued against, its a fact, sure its a piss-ant reality to bring the ACLU into this debate, but still the ACLU represents atheists, and its a reflection of atheism, so its on topic to speak of them.
6. Are you ashamed of the ACLU, and the work that they do against people like myself, The Christians?
7. If I were a atheist and believed I had the right to not believe in God, but I also believed that Christians had a right to believe in God, I would be appalled about the ACLU, whom represent the atheists.
8. Its people like me who are not afraid of political correctness, and we stand in your way and other atheists way in order to defend our rights to have God in our lives, and the right to show our beliefs in God, openly, without atheists telling us we can't show honor to God, out in the open, in our schools, in the public square, the atheists defend Islam, and their rights to do whatever they want to do, but *not* the Christians, ask yourself, why is that?
9. There is a reason folks, and we will get to the ugly face of it.
10. The *Judas Smile*.

Those are nothing more than myths and legends passed down through the ages.

Give me some concrete proof and maybe I'll sign on.

The point i was making is that hell is not a place of torment literally it represents a separation from God the source of life that is the torment as well as from our loved ones.

What is there prove ? we die, we go to the grave, and we are no more until the resurrection.

That is of course if you're a believer.

Not according to your contemporaries.

I don't put much faith in mans religions only what can be reasoned from the scriptures or what God may put on my heart.

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