*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

Sorry bout that,

1. Its a shame, God has and open invitation, to come into the house of the Lord, and yet, atheists demand to stay outside.
2. Atheists say there is no God, to stay away from, all the while they stair at the miracle of life.
3. There is no proof of evolution, yet they believe in it, with what they claim happened, there should be all kinds of bones strewn here and there, all over the place, but we seldom even find ancient human bones, as to what they claim is ancient.
4. You see evolution doesn't work, its just a theory, yet, instead of looking to a creator, they want to believe, I mean really *want to believe* that we all morphed from monkeys, or apes.
5. Monkeys are stupid, and somehow as we evolved from them we gained some sense, wow now how did that happen?
6. What made us smarter, while we evolved?
7. What factors made it possible for us to get smarter while we evolved???
8. Explain that, why when somethings in flux, its going to get smarter???

The question is what causes man to sin ? is it imperfection ? Where did the imperfection come from ? Why do we do things we know to be wrong or that is bad for us ? Gods standard for man is much higher then man can live up to the only way to live up to Gods standard is to be perfect . perfection went away when the first man sinned and passed sin on to his offspring.

We are who we hang out with,if we hang out with people seeking to please God then we to would want to please God. If we hang out with people who don't much care about life then we to would not much care about life.

If we hang out with people who believe in God we will believe in God. If we hang out with people who believe there is no God then there is a good chance we won't believe there is a God even though there is no evidence to support that view.

No matter which side you're on both sides seem to agree that murder,,torture,and many actions we see as crimes are wrong and people commiting these crimes should be punished or locked up. Why do both sides agree ? What is this invisible force that causes us to be in agreement ?

The bible speaks of God speaking to mans hearts about whats right and wrong. Could this be the reason for agreement between both sides ?

1Ki 8:58 to incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments which He commanded our fathers.

1Ch 28:9 And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind. For Jehovah searches all hearts and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you. But if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.

Psa 33:8 Let all the earth fear Jehovah; let all the people of the world stand in awe of Him.
Psa 33:9 For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood.
Psa 33:10 Jehovah brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He breaks the plots of the people.
Psa 33:11 The counsel of Jehovah stands forever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations.
Psa 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah; the people He has chosen for His inheritance.
Psa 33:13 Jehovah looks down from Heaven; He beholds all the sons of mankind.
Psa 33:14 From His dwelling place He looks on all the people of the earth.
Psa 33:15 Together He forms their hearts; His understanding is to all their works.

Psa 84:5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in You; Your ways are in their hearts.

Rom 2:15 who show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and the thoughts between one another accusing or even excusing one another,

Heb 10:16 "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord; I will put My Laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,"

Seriously? Let's take a look at the portion of your post I bolded.

If someone hangs out with others who believe in god, they will believe in god. If someone hangs out with others who do not believe in god, they might not believe in god, even though there is no evidence to support that view. I realize our beliefs will make us all biased in this kind of conversation, but that's pretty ridiculous.

Why is it so sure and simple where belief is concerned, but becomes murky with a lack of belief? Why do you feel the need to add the comment about lack of evidence supporting a view of non-belief (which is saying a lack of evidence to prove a negative)? Evidence of some sort is what's needed to believe, lack of evidence is the reason some do not believe.

And, of course, your entire premise is false in the first place. I hang out with believers and non-believers.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its a shame, God has and open invitation, to come into the house of the Lord, and yet, atheists demand to stay outside.
2. Atheists say there is no God, to stay away from, all the while they stair at the miracle of life.
3. There is no proof of evolution, yet they believe in it, with what they claim happened, there should be all kinds of bones strewn here and there, all over the place, but we seldom even find ancient human bones, as to what they claim is ancient.
4. You see evolution doesn't work, its just a theory, yet, instead of looking to a creator, they want to believe, I mean really *want to believe* that we all morphed from monkeys, or apes.
5. Monkeys are stupid, and somehow as we evolved from them we gained some sense, wow now how did that happen?
6. What made us smarter, while we evolved?
7. What factors made it possible for us to get smarter while we evolved???
8. Explain that, why when somethings in flux, its going to get smarter???


There are so many things wrong with your post Im not even going to explain any of them to you. Youre too ignorant for your own good.
The question is what causes man to sin ? is it imperfection ? Where did the imperfection come from ? Why do we do things we know to be wrong or that is bad for us ? Gods standard for man is much higher then man can live up to the only way to live up to Gods standard is to be perfect . perfection went away when the first man sinned and passed sin on to his offspring.

We are who we hang out with,if we hang out with people seeking to please God then we to would want to please God. If we hang out with people who don't much care about life then we to would not much care about life.

If we hang out with people who believe in God we will believe in God. If we hang out with people who believe there is no God then there is a good chance we won't believe there is a God even though there is no evidence to support that view.

No matter which side you're on both sides seem to agree that murder,,torture,and many actions we see as crimes are wrong and people commiting these crimes should be punished or locked up. Why do both sides agree ? What is this invisible force that causes us to be in agreement ?

The bible speaks of God speaking to mans hearts about whats right and wrong. Could this be the reason for agreement between both sides ?

1Ki 8:58 to incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments which He commanded our fathers.

1Ch 28:9 And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind. For Jehovah searches all hearts and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you. But if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.

Psa 33:8 Let all the earth fear Jehovah; let all the people of the world stand in awe of Him.
Psa 33:9 For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood.
Psa 33:10 Jehovah brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He breaks the plots of the people.
Psa 33:11 The counsel of Jehovah stands forever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations.
Psa 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah; the people He has chosen for His inheritance.
Psa 33:13 Jehovah looks down from Heaven; He beholds all the sons of mankind.
Psa 33:14 From His dwelling place He looks on all the people of the earth.
Psa 33:15 Together He forms their hearts; His understanding is to all their works.

Psa 84:5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in You; Your ways are in their hearts.

Rom 2:15 who show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and the thoughts between one another accusing or even excusing one another,

Heb 10:16 "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord; I will put My Laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,"

Seriously? Let's take a look at the portion of your post I bolded.

If someone hangs out with others who believe in god, they will believe in god. If someone hangs out with others who do not believe in god, they might not believe in god, even though there is no evidence to support that view. I realize our beliefs will make us all biased in this kind of conversation, but that's pretty ridiculous.

Why is it so sure and simple where belief is concerned, but becomes murky with a lack of belief? Why do you feel the need to add the comment about lack of evidence supporting a view of non-belief (which is saying a lack of evidence to prove a negative)? Evidence of some sort is what's needed to believe, lack of evidence is the reason some do not believe.

And, of course, your entire premise is false in the first place. I hang out with believers and non-believers.

You are right good point,i hang out with both as well.

But we can be influenced by the company we keep.
Sorry bout that,

1. I can't imagine how dark and empty death must seem to an atheist?
2. Does anyone who is an atheist want to share their thoughts about this?
3. And can you explain why I would want what you believe in about death, and being dead?


Let's say that death to an Atheist is equivalent to non-existance

Now I am going to argue that non-existance is atually better or, as time passes on, equivalent to (or better than) an enternity of torment/paradise.

First let make the arguement that non-existance is better than torment. From the beginning of torment it is assumed that the dead would prefer non-existance from the of-set. Thus there is nothing to argue here.

Now let us show that it is equivalent to paradise. Of course from the outset, the dead are happy because they are not tormented. But what can you do in Paradise--It turns out basicll next to nothing except watching other people and carring small talk.

Why is this, because

1) you cannot sin in paradise. Therefore you cannot want, lie, fornicate, and all the other things that will bar you from paradise
2)You cannot cause others to sin in paradise. So annoying people or doing anything that annoys people into wraith is also barred. I guess watching people is therefore a no no since that annoys some individuals. Also singing, mking unprovable statements, etc...In fact, you essentially can do very little in paradise.

You can tolerate this for a while--but how about 100 years? 500 hundred years? OK--an enternity. My bet is that after a thousand years or so of "paradise" you too will beg for non-existance. Boredom will undo the human soul! (Probably explains why god creates man for Earth and Angels are for Heaven. God knows what is best for you even if you do not!! :tongue:)

Remember the key to this arguement: You cannot sin nor Can you cause others to sin in Paradise!

LOL. Since I really enjoy annoying Conservatives, I guess I will have to settle for hell. Like they say, if you want to hunt elephants, go to elephant country.
Sorry bout that,

1. Where are the bones?
2. Bones from billions of year of dead dinosaurs?
3. And hundreds of thousands of years of dead humans evolving?
4. And explain to me how dino's and man walked together in Glen Rose, Texas?
5. CHECKMATE!!!!!!

Sorry bout that,

1. Where are the bones?
2. Bones from billions of year of dead dinosaurs?
3. And hundreds of thousands of years of dead humans evolving?
4. And explain to me how dino's and man walked together in Glen Rose, Texas?
5. CHECKMATE!!!!!!


1. Which bones?
2. Oh those bones, I should have read down before answering 1.
3. Buy a book, or get on the internet.
4. Only religious loons suggest that happened, ask one of them.
5. Your chess skills ar shit.

Cheers SirJames
Sorry bout that,

1. Well I don't presume to judge over Gods shoulder, but there are some clues to this in Jesus' views on this in scripture, Jesus spoke of doing something for *the least* of these my brethren: Christians, which would infer there are different levels of Christians, and Jesus spoke of visiting Christians in jails, when sick, perhaps in hospitals, not just in churches.
You're a fucking hypocrite. You have been doing nothing but judging people who don't believe in your god throughout this entire thread.

And now you want to qualify the extent to which someone is a christian. For our purposes it is reasonable to say that a christian is anyone who believes Jesus Christ was god incarnate as that is the only definition that matters when comparing Christianity to atheism.

But you said no one is truly bad if they are christian. Now you're saying there are bad christians.

Make up your mind.

I have never been tempted to do evil. It's you thumpers that tell everyone they are inherent sinners. Tell me why is it so important to brainwash people that they are inherently bad? Is it so you can control them?

Forgiving an imperfection is an act in futility. We are imperfect and acknowledging that is the only way to move forward. You make it sound as if being human and therefore imperfect is something that needs to be forgiven. It doesn't. It's akin to forgiving a leopard for having spots.

Learning from your mistakes has nothing to do with the man in the sky.


Pardon me but a man can certainly look at his life and evaluate it. In fact men have been doing it for as long as man have existed. And no one can see the future. If you believe god did indeed give you free will then you would know that it is impossible for god to have your future 100% determined for you.

Self righteousness and righteousness are not the same thing,

9. For any good Christian will tell you, "I am clothed in rags of unrighteousness, totally unprofitable in *all* regards of faith, if it weren't for the grace of God, *only*, come I forth."
10. A good Christian can make no real claims to the power of God, we *all* are in this together, and are *all* beggars for the scraps from the *Masters* table.

Your religion likes to beat you down doesn't it. The whole "I'm not worthy to be alive" shit is tedious to me.

The question is what causes man to sin ? is it imperfection ? Where did the imperfection come from ? Why do we do things we know to be wrong or that is bad for us ? Gods standard for man is much higher then man can live up to the only way to live up to Gods standard is to be perfect . perfection went away when the first man sinned and passed sin on to his offspring.

Original sin another one of your god's pieces of flawed thinking. Only one capable of action is capable of committing wrongs. A newly born child is incapable of forming the intent to sin and also incapable of committing sin.

We are who we hang out with,if we hang out with people seeking to please God then we to would want to please God. If we hang out with people who don't much care about life then we to would not much care about life.

If we hang out with people who believe in God we will believe in God. If we hang out with people who believe there is no God then there is a good chance we won't believe there is a God even though there is no evidence to support that view.

I was raised in a Catholic household. Everyone of my family went to church and still go to church. I stopped going as soon as I was old enough to assert myself.

No matter which side you're on both sides seem to agree that murder,,torture,and many actions we see as crimes are wrong and people commiting these crimes should be punished or locked up. Why do both sides agree ? What is this invisible force that causes us to be in agreement ?

The bible speaks of God speaking to mans hearts about whats right and wrong. Could this be the reason for agreement between both sides ?

It's more like we evolved to be a species that depends on our social cooperation and our laws reflect that. In fact we are wired to cooperate.

The Human Spark . Video Excerpt: Social Networks and the Spark - Program Three: Brain Matters | PBS

In the experiment above, even a child who you would call a sinner even though she is incapable of rational thought seems to be wired to see cooperation as a desirable outcome.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Where are the bones?
2. Bones from billions of year of dead dinosaurs?
3. And hundreds of thousands of years of dead humans evolving?
4. And explain to me how dino's and man walked together in Glen Rose, Texas?
5. CHECKMATE!!!!!!


All animals that walked this earth are 100% biodegradable and recyclable. Conditions must be perfect in order to preserve a fossil. If I used your logic then we would also expect to see every tree that ever grew petrified after it fell to the ground, every insect that ever lived would leave a carcass behind. If what you think were correct, the earth would be covered in the remains of all creatures that ever lived.
Sorry bout that,

1. Where are the bones?
Some few fossilised, most didn't. Where are the bones from the Flood?
2. Bones from billions of year of dead dinosaurs?
Same answer, and why does the Bible not explicitly mention all the dinosaurs?
3. And hundreds of thousands of years of dead humans evolving?
Individuals don't evolve and there are plenty of remains of ancestoral humans and other branches of homo.
4. And explain to me how dino's and man walked together in Glen Rose, Texas?
Even leading Creationists don't use that argument: The Paluxy River Mystery [qutoe]In view of these developments, none of the four trails at the Taylor site can today be regarded as unquestionably of human origin.[/quote]
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Where are the bones?
Some few fossilised, most didn't. Where are the bones from the Flood?
2. Bones from billions of year of dead dinosaurs?
Same answer, and why does the Bible not explicitly mention all the dinosaurs?
3. And hundreds of thousands of years of dead humans evolving?
Individuals don't evolve and there are plenty of remains of ancestoral humans and other branches of homo.
4. And explain to me how dino's and man walked together in Glen Rose, Texas?
Even leading Creationists don't use that argument: The Paluxy River Mystery [qutoe]In view of these developments, none of the four trails at the Taylor site can today be regarded as unquestionably of human origin.

1. They are mentioned, in old testament.
2. In the flood the dead were washed into the deep oceans.
3. You calling me a homo, thems fighting words!!!
4. I was in Glen Rose some 30 years ago, and viewed these human prints, I am not an expert of human prints, but I put my foot in the print and it was a tad smaller than my 10.5, more like a 9 mens size.
5. But to me it was a perfect foot print, and I could walk you down to it, I remember where it is.
6.At the time there was a park ranger sitting there, talking about the dino tracks, I brought it to his attention that there is a human foot print right here, no less than 6 feet from where he was sitting on the river floor.
7. He said, "Ah,..that was made by Bull Adams, he carved a bunch of those in this river bed.
8. I happen to know a person who moved to Glen Rose back in the 20's in a cover wagon, she is basically my grand mother, adopted one, she is 95 years old now, and is sharp as a tack in mind.
9. She knew Bull Adams, and told me he was a carver of sculptures, and also he was some kind of rhodes scholar who went to England by invite to study in some prestigious college way back then, came back to Dallas and was a lawyer, for some years here, then quit law in Dallas, moved back to Glen Rose, and took cases in Glen Rose for free, and was brilliant too.
10. He also moved into a cave he built in the Paluxy River, and some time later his wife did indeed move in with him.
11. If he indeed carved these foot prints in the river bed, he was a Micheal DeAnglo of sculpture of Texas in that era.

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You're a fucking hypocrite. You have been doing nothing but judging people who don't believe in your god throughout this entire thread.

And now you want to qualify the extent to which someone is a christian. For our purposes it is reasonable to say that a christian is anyone who believes Jesus Christ was god incarnate as that is the only definition that matters when comparing Christianity to atheism.

But you said no one is truly bad if they are christian. Now you're saying there are bad christians.

Make up your mind.

I have never been tempted to do evil. It's you thumpers that tell everyone they are inherent sinners. Tell me why is it so important to brainwash people that they are inherently bad? Is it so you can control them?

Forgiving an imperfection is an act in futility. We are imperfect and acknowledging that is the only way to move forward. You make it sound as if being human and therefore imperfect is something that needs to be forgiven. It doesn't. It's akin to forgiving a leopard for having spots.

Learning from your mistakes has nothing to do with the man in the sky.


Pardon me but a man can certainly look at his life and evaluate it. In fact men have been doing it for as long as man have existed. And no one can see the future. If you believe god did indeed give you free will then you would know that it is impossible for god to have your future 100% determined for you.

Self righteousness and righteousness are not the same thing,

Your religion likes to beat you down doesn't it. The whole "I'm not worthy to be alive" shit is tedious to me.

The question is what causes man to sin ? is it imperfection ? Where did the imperfection come from ? Why do we do things we know to be wrong or that is bad for us ? Gods standard for man is much higher then man can live up to the only way to live up to Gods standard is to be perfect . perfection went away when the first man sinned and passed sin on to his offspring.

Original sin another one of your god's pieces of flawed thinking. Only one capable of action is capable of committing wrongs. A newly born child is incapable of forming the intent to sin and also incapable of committing sin.

We are who we hang out with,if we hang out with people seeking to please God then we to would want to please God. If we hang out with people who don't much care about life then we to would not much care about life.

If we hang out with people who believe in God we will believe in God. If we hang out with people who believe there is no God then there is a good chance we won't believe there is a God even though there is no evidence to support that view.

I was raised in a Catholic household. Everyone of my family went to church and still go to church. I stopped going as soon as I was old enough to assert myself.

No matter which side you're on both sides seem to agree that murder,,torture,and many actions we see as crimes are wrong and people commiting these crimes should be punished or locked up. Why do both sides agree ? What is this invisible force that causes us to be in agreement ?

The bible speaks of God speaking to mans hearts about whats right and wrong. Could this be the reason for agreement between both sides ?

It's more like we evolved to be a species that depends on our social cooperation and our laws reflect that. In fact we are wired to cooperate.

The Human Spark . Video Excerpt: Social Networks and the Spark - Program Three: Brain Matters | PBS

In the experiment above, even a child who you would call a sinner even though she is incapable of rational thought seems to be wired to see cooperation as a desirable outcome.

Why are humans the only animal to evolve enough to know right from wrong ?

How come children are not racist when they're young ? how come they become a racist from being taught to be one ? That looks like the opposite of evolution you tried to claim. It seems children are more rational then you think and there is a reason Jesus said we must become like a child.

Mat 18:2 And Jesus called a little child to Him and set him in their midst,
Mat 18:3 and said, Truly I say to you, Unless you are converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
Mat 18:4 Therefore whoever shall humble himself like this little child, this one is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven.

According to Jesus what is the reason we must become like a child ?
Sorry bout that,

1. Where are the bones?
2. Bones from billions of year of dead dinosaurs?
3. And hundreds of thousands of years of dead humans evolving?
4. And explain to me how dino's and man walked together in Glen Rose, Texas?
5. CHECKMATE!!!!!!


All animals that walked this earth are 100% biodegradable and recyclable. Conditions must be perfect in order to preserve a fossil. If I used your logic then we would also expect to see every tree that ever grew petrified after it fell to the ground, every insect that ever lived would leave a carcass behind. If what you think were correct, the earth would be covered in the remains of all creatures that ever lived.

Then why did darwin make the claim that if his theory be true there would be millions of transitional fossils recovered ?

Have you heard of fossilised hats and shoes that were less then ten years old and completely fossilised,and can you explain these so called perfect conditions for things to fossilise ?
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1. They are mentioned, in old testament.

No, there are references to things such as "Leviathan" but it's not clear what is meant. And there were thousands of species of dinosaur yet no mention in the OT.

2. In the flood the dead were washed into the deep oceans.
How do you know that? Or is that just a guess as it's the only thing that could possibly explain/defer the question? We have plenty of layers of fossils, but nothing that looks like a world wide flood.

11. If he indeed carved these foot prints in was a Micheal DeAnglo of sculpture of Texas in that era.
Well, since I've never heard of Micheal DeAnglo and can't find and mention of him on the internet, that's not a high standard is it?
Sorry bout that,

1. Where are the bones?
Some few fossilised, most didn't. Where are the bones from the Flood?
2. Bones from billions of year of dead dinosaurs?
Same answer, and why does the Bible not explicitly mention all the dinosaurs?
3. And hundreds of thousands of years of dead humans evolving?
Individuals don't evolve and there are plenty of remains of ancestoral humans and other branches of homo.
4. And explain to me how dino's and man walked together in Glen Rose, Texas?
Even leading Creationists don't use that argument: The Paluxy River Mystery [qutoe]In view of these developments, none of the four trails at the Taylor site can today be regarded as unquestionably of human origin.

The bones from the floods can be found in the oceans oh and they have found valleys of many different skeletons seemed to be washed in to an area that formed as a catch and was the result of a flood.

A global flood the bones can be found anywhere on the planet,how bout sea fossils found on mountain tops far inland.

The bible does not go into detail on many different animals. But it does to the most important so called animal the human.

There are evidences from petroglyph drawings of creatures accurately being drawn in these petroglyphs that supposedly was not discovered by man until a few hundered years ago. How can creatures be accurately drawn if they were never seen ? The code word in the bible and early times for dinos was the word dragons.
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The bones from the floods can be found in the oceans oh and they have found valleys of many different skeletons seemed to be washed in to an area that formed as a catch and was the result of a flood.
Floods have happened, and frequently. There's no evidence of a single world-wide flood, however.

A global flood the bones can be found anywhere on the planet,how bout sea fossils found on mountain tops far inland.
What about them? The Earth has changed and what were once seas/oceans are no longer, and mountains have raised up.
Sorry bout that,

1. Where are the bones?
Some few fossilised, most didn't. Where are the bones from the Flood?
2. Bones from billions of year of dead dinosaurs?
Same answer, and why does the Bible not explicitly mention all the dinosaurs?
3. And hundreds of thousands of years of dead humans evolving?
Individuals don't evolve and there are plenty of remains of ancestoral humans and other branches of homo.
4. And explain to me how dino's and man walked together in Glen Rose, Texas?
Even leading Creationists don't use that argument: The Paluxy River Mystery [qutoe]In view of these developments, none of the four trails at the Taylor site can today be regarded as unquestionably of human origin.

Shall we start throwing out all the false claims by evolutionist ?
Sorry bout that,

1. Where are the bones?
2. Bones from billions of year of dead dinosaurs?
3. And hundreds of thousands of years of dead humans evolving?
4. And explain to me how dino's and man walked together in Glen Rose, Texas?
5. CHECKMATE!!!!!!


All animals that walked this earth are 100% biodegradable and recyclable. Conditions must be perfect in order to preserve a fossil. If I used your logic then we would also expect to see every tree that ever grew petrified after it fell to the ground, every insect that ever lived would leave a carcass behind. If what you think were correct, the earth would be covered in the remains of all creatures that ever lived.

Then why did darwin make the claim that if his theory be true there would be millions of transitional fossils recovered ?

Have you heard of fossilised hats and shoes that were less then ten years old and completely fossilised,and can you explain these so called perfect conditions for things to fossilise ?

Darwin was not an expert on fossil creation. Try a more recent reference to paleontology.
Sorry bout that,

1. Here is some evidence I speak the truth I heard from my Granny.
2. LINK:On the Heels of Dinosaurs

"It might be noted in passing that there is some controversy about whether Bird found the theropod and/or sauropod tracks on his own, or was shown some of the tracks by Charlie Moss or Ernest (Bull) Adams (George's brother--a local football hero, lawyer, and amateur archaeologist). In any case, Bird was clearly the first to scientifically describe the sauropod tracks in Glen Rose (which are the clearest in the world) and bring them to the attention of the scientific world and public at large."

1. They are mentioned, in old testament.

No, there are references to things such as "Leviathan" but it's not clear what is meant. And there were thousands of species of dinosaur yet no mention in the OT.

2. In the flood the dead were washed into the deep oceans.
How do you know that? Or is that just a guess as it's the only thing that could possibly explain/defer the question? We have plenty of layers of fossils, but nothing that looks like a world wide flood.

11. If he indeed carved these foot prints in was a Micheal DeAnglo of sculpture of Texas in that era.
Well, since I've never heard of Micheal DeAnglo and can't find and mention of him on the internet, that's not a high standard is it?

I told you the word dragon was used as well.

When did the word dinosaur become a word ?

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