*What Is Death To An Ahteist*?

1. They are mentioned, in old testament.

No, there are references to things such as "Leviathan" but it's not clear what is meant. And there were thousands of species of dinosaur yet no mention in the OT.

2. In the flood the dead were washed into the deep oceans.
How do you know that? Or is that just a guess as it's the only thing that could possibly explain/defer the question? We have plenty of layers of fossils, but nothing that looks like a world wide flood.

11. If he indeed carved these foot prints in was a Micheal DeAnglo of sculpture of Texas in that era.
Well, since I've never heard of Micheal DeAnglo and can't find and mention of him on the internet, that's not a high standard is it?

There are pockets of fossils found all around the world.
The question is what causes man to sin ? is it imperfection ? Where did the imperfection come from ? Why do we do things we know to be wrong or that is bad for us ? Gods standard for man is much higher then man can live up to the only way to live up to Gods standard is to be perfect . perfection went away when the first man sinned and passed sin on to his offspring.

Original sin another one of your god's pieces of flawed thinking. Only one capable of action is capable of committing wrongs. A newly born child is incapable of forming the intent to sin and also incapable of committing sin.

I was raised in a Catholic household. Everyone of my family went to church and still go to church. I stopped going as soon as I was old enough to assert myself.

No matter which side you're on both sides seem to agree that murder,,torture,and many actions we see as crimes are wrong and people commiting these crimes should be punished or locked up. Why do both sides agree ? What is this invisible force that causes us to be in agreement ?

The bible speaks of God speaking to mans hearts about whats right and wrong. Could this be the reason for agreement between both sides ?

It's more like we evolved to be a species that depends on our social cooperation and our laws reflect that. In fact we are wired to cooperate.

The Human Spark . Video Excerpt: Social Networks and the Spark - Program Three: Brain Matters | PBS

In the experiment above, even a child who you would call a sinner even though she is incapable of rational thought seems to be wired to see cooperation as a desirable outcome.

Why are humans the only animal to evolve enough to know right from wrong ?

How come children are not racist when they're young ? how come they become a racist from being taught to be one ? That looks like the opposite of evolution you tried to claim. It seems children are more rational then you think and there is a reason Jesus said we must become like a child.

Mat 18:2 And Jesus called a little child to Him and set him in their midst,
Mat 18:3 and said, Truly I say to you, Unless you are converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
Mat 18:4 Therefore whoever shall humble himself like this little child, this one is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven.

According to Jesus what is the reason we must become like a child ?

Right from wrong is a uniquely human mental construct born of our uniquely human brains.

Racism is a human condition born first and foremost from the xenophobia that was rampant in primitive cultures. This rampant xenophobia makes perfect sense in a world where one must fight for survival and don't forget the undeniable biological need to procreate that all animals possess. Xenophobia again makes perfect evolutionary sense as any encroachment of a stranger on one's territory was a direct threat to survival.
The bones from the floods can be found in the oceans oh and they have found valleys of many different skeletons seemed to be washed in to an area that formed as a catch and was the result of a flood.
Floods have happened, and frequently. There's no evidence of a single world-wide flood, however.

A global flood the bones can be found anywhere on the planet,how bout sea fossils found on mountain tops far inland.
What about them? The Earth has changed and what were once seas/oceans are no longer, and mountains have raised up.

There is no evidence the global flood did not happen right ?but there is evidence of major flooding.

I think you need to look more into the grand canyon for evidence of the global flooding.

There is evidence of global flooding world wide at the tops of mountains.
Original sin another one of your god's pieces of flawed thinking. Only one capable of action is capable of committing wrongs. A newly born child is incapable of forming the intent to sin and also incapable of committing sin.

I was raised in a Catholic household. Everyone of my family went to church and still go to church. I stopped going as soon as I was old enough to assert myself.

It's more like we evolved to be a species that depends on our social cooperation and our laws reflect that. In fact we are wired to cooperate.

The Human Spark . Video Excerpt: Social Networks and the Spark - Program Three: Brain Matters | PBS

In the experiment above, even a child who you would call a sinner even though she is incapable of rational thought seems to be wired to see cooperation as a desirable outcome.

Why are humans the only animal to evolve enough to know right from wrong ?

How come children are not racist when they're young ? how come they become a racist from being taught to be one ? That looks like the opposite of evolution you tried to claim. It seems children are more rational then you think and there is a reason Jesus said we must become like a child.

Mat 18:2 And Jesus called a little child to Him and set him in their midst,
Mat 18:3 and said, Truly I say to you, Unless you are converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
Mat 18:4 Therefore whoever shall humble himself like this little child, this one is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven.

According to Jesus what is the reason we must become like a child ?

Right from wrong is a uniquely human mental construct born of our uniquely human brains.

Racism is a human condition born first and foremost from the xenophobia that was rampant in primitive cultures. This rampant xenophobia makes perfect sense in a world where one must fight for survival and don't forget the undeniable biological need to procreate that all animals possess. Xenophobia again makes perfect evolutionary sense as any encroachment of a stranger on one's territory was a direct threat to survival.

You just totally spun away from my question.

How come children don't know hate until its taught to them over time ?
Why are humans the only animal to evolve enough to know right from wrong ?

How come children are not racist when they're young ? how come they become a racist from being taught to be one ? That looks like the opposite of evolution you tried to claim. It seems children are more rational then you think and there is a reason Jesus said we must become like a child.

Mat 18:2 And Jesus called a little child to Him and set him in their midst,
Mat 18:3 and said, Truly I say to you, Unless you are converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
Mat 18:4 Therefore whoever shall humble himself like this little child, this one is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven.

According to Jesus what is the reason we must become like a child ?

Right from wrong is a uniquely human mental construct born of our uniquely human brains.

Racism is a human condition born first and foremost from the xenophobia that was rampant in primitive cultures. This rampant xenophobia makes perfect sense in a world where one must fight for survival and don't forget the undeniable biological need to procreate that all animals possess. Xenophobia again makes perfect evolutionary sense as any encroachment of a stranger on one's territory was a direct threat to survival.

You just totally spun away from my question.

How come children don't know hate until its taught to them over time ?

Because all behavior is learned behavior.

The roots of racism are in primitive xenophobia. What don't you understand about that?

Many of our behaviors are rooted in evolution. Just think of the fight or flight response. Once it was a completely necessary response to danger but today that same flight or flight response is not always appropriate and is a major cause of stress related diseases.
Right from wrong is a uniquely human mental construct born of our uniquely human brains.

Racism is a human condition born first and foremost from the xenophobia that was rampant in primitive cultures. This rampant xenophobia makes perfect sense in a world where one must fight for survival and don't forget the undeniable biological need to procreate that all animals possess. Xenophobia again makes perfect evolutionary sense as any encroachment of a stranger on one's territory was a direct threat to survival.

You just totally spun away from my question.

How come children don't know hate until its taught to them over time ?

Because all behavior is learned behavior.

The roots of racism are in primitive xenophobia. What don't you understand about that?

Many of our behaviors are rooted in evolution. Just think of the fight or flight response. Once it was a completely necessary response to danger but today that same flight or flight response is not always appropriate and is a major cause of stress related diseases.

So you think an adult is mature enough for rational thought and a child is not.

Is it more rational to be a racist ? now the next problem for your view .how come only a small minority of humans would be considered a racist if it is a part of evolution ? we both agree that it is a learned behavior.
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All I know for sure about my impending death is that as I lie there on that death bed if one of you stupid Christian fucks shows up and starts babbling your bullshit over me I swear I will reach up with my last breath and strength and put a deaths grip around your neck and take you with me. True story!

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
All I know for sure about my impending death is that as I lie there on that death bed if one of you stupid Christian fucks shows up and starts babbling your bullshit over me I swear I will reach up with my last breath and strength and put a deaths grip around your neck and take you with me. True story!

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah it's scary how rational thought can answer many of our differences we just need to be big enough to acknowledge when we are wrong.

Some how Huggy i think if a Christian does what youi say you will return that visit with a big ol hug. :razz:
All animals that walked this earth are 100% biodegradable and recyclable. Conditions must be perfect in order to preserve a fossil. If I used your logic then we would also expect to see every tree that ever grew petrified after it fell to the ground, every insect that ever lived would leave a carcass behind. If what you think were correct, the earth would be covered in the remains of all creatures that ever lived.

Then why did darwin make the claim that if his theory be true there would be millions of transitional fossils recovered ?

Have you heard of fossilised hats and shoes that were less then ten years old and completely fossilised,and can you explain these so called perfect conditions for things to fossilise ?

Darwin was not an expert on fossil creation. Try a more recent reference to paleontology.

Yes eldredge and gould put a damper on the fossil record as well they had to develop the theory of punctuated eqilibrium because of the lack of transitional fossils and or fossils showing any change at all. So are they recent enough for you ?
You just totally spun away from my question.

How come children don't know hate until its taught to them over time ?

Because all behavior is learned behavior.

The roots of racism are in primitive xenophobia. What don't you understand about that?

Many of our behaviors are rooted in evolution. Just think of the fight or flight response. Once it was a completely necessary response to danger but today that same flight or flight response is not always appropriate and is a major cause of stress related diseases.

So you think an adult is mature enough for rational thought and a child is not.

Is it more rational to be a racist ? now the next problem for your view .how come only a small minority of humans would be considered a racist if it is a part of evolution ? we both agree that it is a learned behavior.

The brain of a child is not developed enough for certain thought processes.

Evolution is by definition a fluid process; behavioral evolution even more so.

Racism itself is a fairly new thing as far as human behaviors go. As I said before xenophobia was based in survival and racism is a vestige of that. Racism also has a component of arrogance that developed cultures held towards less developed cultures.

Anthropologically, behaviors and attitudes follow their own evolutionary paths. It is quite an interesting field.
Then why did darwin make the claim that if his theory be true there would be millions of transitional fossils recovered ?

Have you heard of fossilised hats and shoes that were less then ten years old and completely fossilised,and can you explain these so called perfect conditions for things to fossilise ?

Darwin was not an expert on fossil creation. Try a more recent reference to paleontology.

Yes eldredge and gould put a damper on the fossil record as well they had to develop the theory of punctuated eqilibrium because of the lack of transitional fossils and or fossils showing any change at all. So are they recent enough for you ?

Research the environmental conditions necessary for the creation of a durable fossil record. you'll find that such conditions are rare indeed.
Darwin was not an expert on fossil creation. Try a more recent reference to paleontology.

Yes eldredge and gould put a damper on the fossil record as well they had to develop the theory of punctuated eqilibrium because of the lack of transitional fossils and or fossils showing any change at all. So are they recent enough for you ?

Research the environmental conditions necessary for the creation of a durable fossil record. you'll find that such conditions are rare indeed.

According to theory but how does a hat or shoes get fossilised in such a short period ?
Yes eldredge and gould put a damper on the fossil record as well they had to develop the theory of punctuated eqilibrium because of the lack of transitional fossils and or fossils showing any change at all. So are they recent enough for you ?

Research the environmental conditions necessary for the creation of a durable fossil record. you'll find that such conditions are rare indeed.

According to theory but how does a hat or shoes get fossilised in such a short period ?

They don't. Not in the true sense of the word as applied to ancient fossils.
Because all behavior is learned behavior.

The roots of racism are in primitive xenophobia. What don't you understand about that?

Many of our behaviors are rooted in evolution. Just think of the fight or flight response. Once it was a completely necessary response to danger but today that same flight or flight response is not always appropriate and is a major cause of stress related diseases.

So you think an adult is mature enough for rational thought and a child is not.

Is it more rational to be a racist ? now the next problem for your view .how come only a small minority of humans would be considered a racist if it is a part of evolution ? we both agree that it is a learned behavior.

The brain of a child is not developed enough for certain thought processes.

Evolution is by definition a fluid process; behavioral evolution even more so.

Racism itself is a fairly new thing as far as human behaviors go. As I said before xenophobia was based in survival and racism is a vestige of that. Racism also has a component of arrogance that developed cultures held towards less developed cultures.

Anthropologically, behaviors and attitudes follow their own evolutionary paths. It is quite an interesting field.

So the further away a child gets from being a child ,the innocence leaves the child.

Proving the words of Jesus as true.

So the older we humans get the more the chance that humans can bring themselves to reject God.

Clearly adults are the ones to fear.
Research the environmental conditions necessary for the creation of a durable fossil record. you'll find that such conditions are rare indeed.

According to theory but how does a hat or shoes get fossilised in such a short period ?

They don't. Not in the true sense of the word as applied to ancient fossils.

Fossilised hat.


Fossilised boot

Research the environmental conditions necessary for the creation of a durable fossil record. you'll find that such conditions are rare indeed.

According to theory but how does a hat or shoes get fossilised in such a short period ?

They don't. Not in the true sense of the word as applied to ancient fossils.

You can do a quick search to see many things have fossilised.

There should be plenty of fossilised bones if this earth is as old as some say.

Not to mention all transitional fossils.
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So you think an adult is mature enough for rational thought and a child is not.

Is it more rational to be a racist ? now the next problem for your view .how come only a small minority of humans would be considered a racist if it is a part of evolution ? we both agree that it is a learned behavior.

The brain of a child is not developed enough for certain thought processes.

Evolution is by definition a fluid process; behavioral evolution even more so.

Racism itself is a fairly new thing as far as human behaviors go. As I said before xenophobia was based in survival and racism is a vestige of that. Racism also has a component of arrogance that developed cultures held towards less developed cultures.

Anthropologically, behaviors and attitudes follow their own evolutionary paths. It is quite an interesting field.

So the further away a child gets from being a child ,the innocence leaves the child.

Proving the words of Jesus as true.

So the older we humans get the more the chance that humans can bring themselves to reject God.

Clearly adults are the ones to fear.

Don't confuse innocence with underdevelopment. Would you rather the reasoning ability of a 5 year old or of a 25 year old?
According to theory but how does a hat or shoes get fossilised in such a short period ?

They don't. Not in the true sense of the word as applied to ancient fossils.

You can do a quick search to see many things have fossilised.

There should be plenty of fossilised bones if this earth is as old as some say.

Not to mention all transitional fossils.

Fossils - Window To The Past (Home)

Why would you think there would be a preserved fossil for every animal that ever walked the earth?

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