what is freeMason? what do they do or follow? do they touch anything in present governments structure ?

No way? I was a journeyman commercial block and brick mason for about 15 years myself.

Here 35 years later, I still have nightmares about climbing the scoffold with my tool bag and level. Or losing my tool bag and having to use someone else's beat-up trowel and level.

I've had plenty of concrete masonry nightmares. One time my girlfriend got me on video during one of them. I was talking in my sleep, yelling "Don't you touch my bucket, motherfucker!"

To put this in context, I would bring a variety of hand tools to a jobsite, in a mason's bag, but just select the concrete hand tools I was going to need that day and put them in a 5 gallon bucket.

A few times over the years people have grabbed one of my tools out of my bucket without asking for my permission. That's a major transgression of concrete finisher etiquette. That's disrespectful, annoying, and pisses me off.

So here I am in some kind of concrete pour nightmare, talking in my sleep yelling about my bucket of finishing tools and she's filming me and teasing me. Asking a bunch of questions about my bucket, threatening to sell my bucket to Pygmies, saying that it got burned up by a fire breathing dragon, and the ashes turned into butterflies, saying she was going to feed it to the dog, and a whole bunch of other silly weird stuff like that.
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Really, it is none of your business what Freemasons do. If you want to know more, get a member to sponsor you into their organization. Then you'll know everything but still won't go around answering questions such as yours to others!

Because its none of your business. So, read the Wiki link provided above and hope half of it is accurate and true.
I asked if you were sure about being sponsored. You obviously don't have a clue. Please tell us more.

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