What is holding African Americans back?

Lack of education is the number one problem blacks have. Knowledge is power.
Number two would probably be a lack of a sufficient number of condoms in the 'hoods. Meaning unstable families.
I don't know, that's why I'm asking.

What is holding African Americans back from being successful?

Why not take that question to a predominately black neighborhood and ask some people at random? There are not many blacks posting here.

Right, this is where whites ask other whites whats wrong with non whites. Then they all have the same answers while patting each other on the backs for thinking the same.

Don't ask a black person, in fact, shun or dismiss the black people...then continue the wanking
Heres what the OP should do. Think about the entire history Black people. The Illegal and in the past legalized racism, persecution, discrimination, unfair housing and justice laws combined with about 50 years of government efforts trying to do better by those people and ask yourself.

Why arent the minority people as a whole on the same level as whites who handed out the racism in shit? Then ask yourself: Whooos a silly goose?
If you want to think about the entire history of black people, don' t forget about the millions of years before the Europeans sailed around the world and found Africa.

if they were not successful, then their race would have died out.
Republican white wingers and receivers of disability at the USMB asking why billionaires like Robert Johnson and Oprah Winfrey can't "make it". Hilarious.

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Republican white wingers and receivers of disability at the USMB asking why billionaires like Robert Johnson and Oprah Winfrey can't "make it". Hilarious.


HAHAHA. Oprah is just a silly entertainer. The only honest way blacks can become rich is by entertaining the white folk.

Blacks need to produce businessmen and scientists, but they don't have the brains.
Republican white wingers and receivers of disability at the USMB asking why billionaires like Robert Johnson and Oprah Winfrey can't "make it". Hilarious.


HAHAHA. Oprah is just a silly entertainer. The only honest way blacks can become rich is by entertaining the white folk.

Blacks need to produce businessmen and scientists, but they don't have the brains.

Oprah IS a business person, you dimwitted dunce. She owns a television network, a magazine, a production studio, and was co founder of a charitable organization that raised 27 million dollars to assist women in distress, just to name a few of her business ventures. Acting in movies and hosting a television show are secondary to the business ventures that she oversees.
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I don't know, that's why I'm asking.

What is holding African Americans back from being successful?

Why not take that question to a predominately black neighborhood and ask some people at random? There are not many blacks posting here.

Right, this is where whites ask other whites whats wrong with non whites. Then they all have the same answers while patting each other on the backs for thinking the same.

Don't ask a black person, in fact, shun or dismiss the black people...then continue the wanking

Exactly. I guess it's a little too quiet over on the Stormfront and Aryan Nation sites.
I've dug up and copied the text of my posting in another thread and have pasted it below. It it relevant to this discussion and suggests what I believe to be the best approach to the problem:


My oldest (Ellie) is a teacher with the New York City Board of Education. She presently teaches English at a high school she likes. But when starting out as a temp' she sometimes was sent to PS 189, which is a public school contained in the Adolescent Detention Center (an adolescent prison) on Rikers Island. I recall her descriptions of that experience:

PS 189 is a single classroom in which basic subjects are taught to largely semi-illiterate students who are incarcerated for everything from auto theft and drug dealing to felonious assault, forcible rape and homicide. The majority were Black, about fifteen percent Hispanic, very few were White.

Ellie said on her first day there she felt extremely intimidated. But during both morning and afternoon classroom sessions a big Correction Officer was seated in the back. When one of the student/inmates got out of line in any way the officer would either tell him to shut up, or would smack him on the head, or would remove him from the class. When (if) that inmate returned his attitude was completely changed and it was obvious he had undergone some form of jailhouse therapy.

She said as a result of the rigid discipline she was able to teach those student/inmates who wanted to learn basic skills. But without such discipline that success would be impossible and there was no doubt she would have been seriously harmed.

Based on what Ellie had to say it occurs to me the best thing for all concerned would be to impose similar disciplinary circumstances in schools wherein the students are out of control. Kids who refused to go to school would be sent to the equivalent of Rikers Island. Those who did attend school would be subject to the same level of discipline as those at PS 189 on Rikers Island.

According to Ellie, once those kids realize misbehavior will not be tolerated and will be punished in a manner they understand and cannot evade they settle down and do as they are told. So if that's what they need, why not give it to them?

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