What Is Israel's Reasoning Re Backing The Rebels?

I find Israel's support for removing Assad a little strange, considering the 'rebels' are going to be far worse than Assad is. So ... why the support for 'regime change' in Syria? The 'devil we know versus the devils we know are far worse' isn't an option for Israeli policy? It's not like those handful of doctors and lawyers who make up the rather small 'moderate' faction of the 'rebels' is going to stand a remote chance of gaining power in the aftermath, against Al Q types and assorted fanatics, so what's the advantage?

It's the only way to counter Al Qaeda at this point and reduce the terrorism threat against Israel. Assad actively supports both Hezbollah and Hamas (among other armed anti-Israeli groups). Plus, the longer the conflict goes on the longer the ISI(S) and al Nusra have to establish a foothold in the north which is bad for Israeli security. Most rebels aren't Islamist but the longer the conflict takes the stronger some of these other groups that we don't like become, especially since they have foreign backing.
Israel has done military strikes already. You are the liar.

It is not to Israel's adfvantage that the US conduct Air Strikes. That is what I was referring to. Try to take a reading comphrension course. Israel doing military strikes? You are the liar.... WAIT... FOUND IT !

Israel Bombed Syria Because of Alleged Weapons Shipment to Hezbollah - Connor Simpson - The Atlantic Wire

Don't like it? TOO BAD! Repeat; You are the liar :lol:

Are you still drunk from the weekend or just starting fresh this morning ? Air strikes are to Israel's benefit whether they do them themselves or America comes in and hit a few targets.
AIPAC would never promote something that wasn't for the benefit of Israel.
Do you have any links showing Israel denouncing America's plan to attack ? I didn't think so.

Hope you recover from your hangover. Threads that " prove" what the US and even the Arab World acknowledge is not true and those pictures and videos are Israel's " propoganda"

Why should Israel denounce it? If Iran started to bomb Israel tomorrow would anyone from the Arab League denounce it? Of course not. Even you can't be THAT drunk. if anything, they would jump right in.
Even Jesus could not forgive such an ignorant, hatefull, bigoted so called "Christian" like her. But I love her for the laughs she gives us.

Israel is represented by her government.

Yes, but some people hope to avoid the obvious and play little games of some sort.

I was looking for foreign policy explanations and the reasoning behind them, if anybody has some opinions on why they would support actions that bring down Assad; I see no advantages on the face of things, so there must be some other strategic reasoning going on.

There aren't any foreign policy explanations. Regarding the above poster you have to consider the source. She cheers everytime a Israeli dies. Her favorite phrases" SHE ASKED FOR IT ! SHE DESERVED IT! What the " christian" doesn't realize with her Hate, bigotry and venom it is NOT to Israel's advantage for ANY War to start. Israel doesn't have anything to gain with Arab Countries INITIATING War against her. If this were to happen at least the U.N. can't label Israel the Agressor.
You see, sectarian conflicts are to Israel's benefit, because Muslims fighting against each other are Muslims not fighting against Israel.

The entire civilized world benefits when Muslims fight each other.

I'd actually disagree very much with this. Israel doesn't benefit from security voids in neighboring countries. It allows for armed groups to target them more readily. Just look at the Sinai Peninsula and the increase in rocket attacks against Israel since the political chaos started.
It is not to Israel's adfvantage that the US conduct Air Strikes. That is what I was referring to. Try to take a reading comphrension course. Israel doing military strikes? You are the liar.... WAIT... FOUND IT !

Israel Bombed Syria Because of Alleged Weapons Shipment to Hezbollah - Connor Simpson - The Atlantic Wire

Don't like it? TOO BAD! Repeat; You are the liar :lol:

Are you still drunk from the weekend or just starting fresh this morning ? Air strikes are to Israel's benefit whether they do them themselves or America comes in and hit a few targets.
AIPAC would never promote something that wasn't for the benefit of Israel.
Do you have any links showing Israel denouncing America's plan to attack ? I didn't think so.

Hope you recover from your hangover. Threads that " prove" what the US and even the Arab World acknowledge is not true and those pictures and videos are Israel's " propoganda"

Why should Israel denounce it? If Iran started to bomb Israel tomorrow would anyone from the Arab League denounce it? Of course not. Even you can't be THAT drunk. if anything, they would jump right in.

Perhaps you should read the OP and try again. Trust me---Israel is very much in favor of an American military strike on Syria because it's in their best interest for Assad to go.
Link after link can back that statement up.
You see, sectarian conflicts are to Israel's benefit, because Muslims fighting against each other are Muslims not fighting against Israel.

The entire civilized world benefits when Muslims fight each other.

I'd actually disagree very much with this. Israel doesn't benefit from security voids in neighboring countries. It allows for armed groups to target them more readily. Just look at the Sinai Peninsula and the increase in rocket attacks against Israel since the political chaos started.

Hezbollah is sworn enemy of Israel and currently is supplied with missiles thru Syria. With Assad gone and his chemical arsenals safeguarded the threat from Syria is greatly diminished. The poison gas is a serious threat to Israel and probably another reason for air strikes.
The entire civilized world benefits when Muslims fight each other.

There's nothing civilized about some of the tactics to which the ENTIRE world has played witness ...time and time again. From the provocation at Pearl Harbor that led to the nuking of Japanese civilians, to the provocation at Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, and several incidents in between, history should inform the so-called "civilized world" that the ends (no matter how sacred or otherwise beneficial they may seem) don't always justify the means.
You see, sectarian conflicts are to Israel's benefit, because Muslims fighting against each other are Muslims not fighting against Israel.

The entire civilized world benefits when Muslims fight each other.

I'd actually disagree very much with this. Israel doesn't benefit from security voids in neighboring countries. It allows for armed groups to target them more readily. Just look at the Sinai Peninsula and the increase in rocket attacks against Israel since the political chaos started.

Hezbollah is sworn enemy of Israel and currently is supplied with missiles thru Syria. With Assad gone and his chemical arsenals safeguarded the threat from Syria is greatly diminished. The poison gas is a serious threat to Israel and probably another reason for air strikes.

Israel would like an excuse to occupy more land, increased instability in Syria can justify invasions into Lebanon and Syria and more land thefts and hanging on to land of Syria she today occupies . ISRAEL is still occupying Syrian land, the Golan Heights, since 1967. Israel occupied land in Lebanon, that included the Litani River (a water source in Lebanon she would like to permamently control) for 18 years, from 1982 to 2000. Israel has unfulfilled Imperialistic desires in the ME.
F. William Engdahl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Confessions of an 'ex' peak oil believer[edit source]

See also: Abiogenic petroleum origin

Engdahl stated in 2007 that he had come to believe that petroleum is not biological in origin, produced from remains of prehistoric zooplankton and algae, which had settled to a sea or lake bottom in large quantities under anoxic conditions, which is a theory supported by the majority of petroleum geologists and engineers.[2] Instead he now believes the hypothesis that petroleum is geological in origin, produced deep underground from carbon, by conditions and forces of heat and pressure deeper down than the Earth's biosphere. Engdahl calls himself an "ex peak oil believer", stating that peak oil is actually a political phenomenon.[3]

Global warming criticism[edit source]

Engdahl argued that the problem with global warming is much exaggerated.[4] He claims that global warming, like peak oil, is merely a "scare" and a "thinly veiled attempt to misuse climate to argue for a new Malthusian reduction of living standards for the majority of the world while a tiny elite gains more power.".[4]

Arab Spring, "The Greater Middle East Project" and the US factor[edit source]

On Russia Today television channel's interview Engdahl stated that the 2011 Egyptian Revolution was orchestrated by the Pentagon to facilitate Barack Obama's Middle East foreign policy and Egypt had turned to a worse situation after Hosni Mubarak was overthrown.[5] According to Engdahl "The ultimate goal of the US is to take the resources of Africa and Middle East under military control to block economic growth in China and Russia, thus taking the whole of Eurasia under control."[6] He believes that the Arab Spring is a plan "(...) first announced by George W. Bush at a G8 meeting in 2003 and it was called "The Greater Middle East Project"."[6]

The above illustrates three reasons why I do not think that Engdahl's views are well-informed or reliable. He appears to be yet another 'professional 'counter-culture'' whoseideas re heavily influenced by conspiranutter BS,
I'd actually disagree very much with this. Israel doesn't benefit from security voids in neighboring countries. It allows for armed groups to target them more readily. Just look at the Sinai Peninsula and the increase in rocket attacks against Israel since the political chaos started.

Hezbollah is sworn enemy of Israel and currently is supplied with missiles thru Syria. With Assad gone and his chemical arsenals safeguarded the threat from Syria is greatly diminished. The poison gas is a serious threat to Israel and probably another reason for air strikes.

Israel would like an excuse to occupy more land, increased instability in Syria can justify invasions into Lebanon and Syria and more land thefts and hanging on to land of Syria she today occupies . ISRAEL is still occupying Syrian land, the Golan Heights, since 1967. Israel occupied land in Lebanon, that included the Litani River (a water source in Lebanon she would like to permamently control) for 18 years, from 1982 to 2000. Israel has unfulfilled Imperialistic desires in the ME.

Interesting theory can you link that up ?
I'd actually disagree very much with this. Israel doesn't benefit from security voids in neighboring countries. It allows for armed groups to target them more readily. Just look at the Sinai Peninsula and the increase in rocket attacks against Israel since the political chaos started.

Hezbollah is sworn enemy of Israel and currently is supplied with missiles thru Syria. With Assad gone and his chemical arsenals safeguarded the threat from Syria is greatly diminished. The poison gas is a serious threat to Israel and probably another reason for air strikes.

Israel would like an excuse to occupy more land, increased instability in Syria can justify invasions into Lebanon and Syria and more land thefts and hanging on to land of Syria she today occupies . ISRAEL is still occupying Syrian land, the Golan Heights, since 1967. Israel occupied land in Lebanon, that included the Litani River (a water source in Lebanon she would like to permamently control) for 18 years, from 1982 to 2000. Israel has unfulfilled Imperialistic desires in the ME.

Interesting theory... can you link that up ?
Hezbollah is sworn enemy of Israel and currently is supplied with missiles thru Syria. With Assad gone and his chemical arsenals safeguarded the threat from Syria is greatly diminished. The poison gas is a serious threat to Israel and probably another reason for air strikes.

Israel would like an excuse to occupy more land, increased instability in Syria can justify invasions into Lebanon and Syria and more land thefts and hanging on to land of Syria she today occupies . ISRAEL is still occupying Syrian land, the Golan Heights, since 1967. Israel occupied land in Lebanon, that included the Litani River (a water source in Lebanon she would like to permamently control) for 18 years, from 1982 to 2000. Israel has unfulfilled Imperialistic desires in the ME.

Interesting theory can you link that up ?
U.S. intervention in Syria - humanitarian action or a new imperialism?

With the world focused on Syria and the question of whether or not the U.S. will lead a strike against President Bashar Assad, questions of the legality of such a move might seem insubstantial when compared to the atrocity of using chemical weapons against civilians. The debate over legality, however, raises key questions that should spark interest not only among international law experts: is U.S. intervention humanitarian action or is it a new form of imperialism? U.S. intervention in Syria - humanitarian action or a new imperialism? - Middle EastIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source
I'd actually disagree very much with this. Israel doesn't benefit from security voids in neighboring countries. It allows for armed groups to target them more readily. Just look at the Sinai Peninsula and the increase in rocket attacks against Israel since the political chaos started.

Hezbollah is sworn enemy of Israel and currently is supplied with missiles thru Syria. With Assad gone and his chemical arsenals safeguarded the threat from Syria is greatly diminished. The poison gas is a serious threat to Israel and probably another reason for air strikes.

Israel would like an excuse to occupy more land, increased instability in Syria can justify invasions into Lebanon and Syria and more land thefts and hanging on to land of Syria she today occupies . ISRAEL is still occupying Syrian land, the Golan Heights, since 1967. Israel occupied land in Lebanon, that included the Litani River (a water source in Lebanon she would like to permamently control) for 18 years, from 1982 to 2000. Israel has unfulfilled Imperialistic desires in the ME.

How coyly the l'il sherrithing ignores the history behind the Israeli 'occupations' of land used by Syrian and Lebanese terrorists to shell civilians within Israel for decades!

As well as ignoring the ILLEGAL (as in 'violating interntional treaties) attempts to dam the Litani and divert water from Israel .....

When someone indulges in such distortion and evasion, their words cannot be trusted. Not to mention, of course, that one doubts very much Jesus the Jewish teacher of Torah would approve of such tactics.
Israel would like an excuse to occupy more land, increased instability in Syria can justify invasions into Lebanon and Syria and more land thefts and hanging on to land of Syria she today occupies . ISRAEL is still occupying Syrian land, the Golan Heights, since 1967. Israel occupied land in Lebanon, that included the Litani River (a water source in Lebanon she would like to permamently control) for 18 years, from 1982 to 2000. Israel has unfulfilled Imperialistic desires in the ME.

Interesting theory can you link that up ?
U.S. intervention in Syria - humanitarian action or a new imperialism?

With the world focused on Syria and the question of whether or not the U.S. will lead a strike against President Bashar Assad, questions of the legality of such a move might seem insubstantial when compared to the atrocity of using chemical weapons against civilians. The debate over legality, however, raises key questions that should spark interest not only among international law experts: is U.S. intervention humanitarian action or is it a new form of imperialism? U.S. intervention in Syria - humanitarian action or a new imperialism? - Middle EastIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Subscription only....
This is an interesting article written by a Canadian journalist that addresses what may be behind the proposed military strikes. Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria. PressTV - Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria "From the perspective of anti-neocon Realists, such as Walt, the US has a vested interest in propping up Arab strongmen (like President Assad) who can create stability in their countries thus making them potentially hospitable for US corporations. For Zionist-neocons and their evil twin brothers, Liberal Interventionists, it is Israel’s regional dominance rather than US commerce which is of primary importance.*"
This is an interesting article written by a Canadian journalist that addresses what may be behind the proposed military strikes. Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria. PressTV - Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria "From the perspective of anti-neocon Realists, such as Walt, the US has a vested interest in propping up Arab strongmen (like President Assad) who can create stability in their countries thus making them potentially hospitable for US corporations. For Zionist-neocons and their evil twin brothers, Liberal Interventionists, it is Israel’s regional dominance rather than US commerce which is of primary importance.*"

PressTV LOL !!!

PressTV. Isn't that Iranian?

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The above illustrates three reasons why I do not think that Engdahl's views are well-informed or reliable. He appears to be yet another 'professional 'counter-culture'' whoseideas re heavily influenced by conspiranutter BS,

A perfect example of Argumentum Ad Hominem: William Engdahl has expressed anti-establishment views (with excellent science to support him in each and every case, BTW), so he's clearly a "conspiranutter"; which means there's no reason to believe all that stuff about the pipeline deal between Iran, Iraq, and Syria; and Israel certainly has no energy interest in the region based on that newly discovered Leviathan Field.

To say nothing of the World Zionist Organization's 1982 document that was so amazingly mirrored by PNAC's agenda nearly 20 years after its publication, and even more stunningly, by the facts on the ground in the Middle East today (more than 30 years later!).
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This is an interesting article written by a Canadian journalist that addresses what may be behind the proposed military strikes. Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria. PressTV - Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria "From the perspective of anti-neocon Realists, such as Walt, the US has a vested interest in propping up Arab strongmen (like President Assad) who can create stability in their countries thus making them potentially hospitable for US corporations. For Zionist-neocons and their evil twin brothers, Liberal Interventionists, it is Israel’s regional dominance rather than US commerce which is of primary importance.*"

PressTV LOL !!!

PressTV. Isn't that Iranian?


and Haaretz is Israeli.......

What's the problem with reading all the propaganda ? The truth is probably lying in the middle of it all.
I find Israel's support for removing Assad a little strange, considering the 'rebels' are going to be far worse than Assad is. So ... why the support for 'regime change' in Syria? The 'devil we know versus the devils we know are far worse' isn't an option for Israeli policy? It's not like those handful of doctors and lawyers who make up the rather small 'moderate' faction of the 'rebels' is going to stand a remote chance of gaining power in the aftermath, against Al Q types and assorted fanatics, so what's the advantage?

The Israelis are far more afraid of Assad and Iran and Hezbollah then the disorganized rebels.

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