What Is Israel's Reasoning Re Backing The Rebels?

The Israelis are far more afraid of Assad and Iran and Hezbollah then the disorganized rebels.

Hammer. Nail. ETC.

And the threat is clearly based more on monetary concerns than military ones.

It should be said: Israel's not the only one threatened with the loss of income, influence, and control by a unified Muslim world, though.
The Israelis are far more afraid of Assad and Iran and Hezbollah then the disorganized rebels.

Hammer. Nail. ETC.

And the threat is clearly based more on monetary concerns than military ones.

It should be said: Israel's not the only one threatened with the loss of income, influence, and control by a unified Muslim world, though.

Unified Muslim world? LOL!
The Israelis are far more afraid of Assad and Iran and Hezbollah then the disorganized rebels.

Hammer. Nail. ETC.

And the threat is clearly based more on monetary concerns than military ones.

It should be said: Israel's not the only one threatened with the loss of income, influence, and control by a unified Muslim world, though.

Absolutely not---Syria's demise as a country serves to the benefit of many countries, religions and corporations. I certainly hope Obama includes that in his speeches.
Absolutely not---Syria's demise as a country serves to the benefit of many countries, religions and corporations. I certainly hope Obama includes that in his speeches.

There's a deeper moral issue at play for all Americans here; and I for one don't believe a balance can be struck between continued dominance and the relinquishment thereof in the interest of living with ourselves amid the benefits gained by so much death and destruction on the other side of the planet.

President Obama really impressed me when he put the issue before Congress (I wish Clinton had shown a similar backbone a couple of times), but the real test of his priorities will come in the wake of the House's decision (whatever it is).
Absolutely not---Syria's demise as a country serves to the benefit of many countries, religions and corporations. I certainly hope Obama includes that in his speeches.

There's a deeper moral issue at play for all Americans here; and I for one don't believe a balance can be struck between continued dominance and the relinquishment thereof in the interest of living with ourselves amid the benefits gained by so much death and destruction on the other side of the planet.

President Obama really impressed me when he put the issue before Congress (I wish Clinton had shown a similar backbone a couple of times), but the real test of his priorities will come in the wake of the House's decision (whatever it is).

Moral issues like killing people and overthrowing governments that haven't done anything to America ? I have a bit of a problem with that myself as do millions of Americans and people all over the world.
Obama only put it before Congress because he was told to. The consequences of him NOT taking it to congress would have been severe for him and his party. I'm surprised that kind of behavior impresses you.
This is an interesting article written by a Canadian journalist that addresses what may be behind the proposed military strikes. Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria. PressTV - Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria "From the perspective of anti-neocon Realists, such as Walt, the US has a vested interest in propping up Arab strongmen (like President Assad) who can create stability in their countries thus making them potentially hospitable for US corporations. For Zionist-neocons and their evil twin brothers, Liberal Interventionists, it is Israel’s regional dominance rather than US commerce which is of primary importance.*"

PressTV LOL !!!

PressTV. Isn't that Iranian?


Learn to read English. The article is written by a Canadian journalist. I wrote that in my post and the article addresses this too. Canada is not a part of Iran. Anything substantive to say about the article?
This is an interesting article written by a Canadian journalist that addresses what may be behind the proposed military strikes. Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria. PressTV - Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria "From the perspective of anti-neocon Realists, such as Walt, the US has a vested interest in propping up Arab strongmen (like President Assad) who can create stability in their countries thus making them potentially hospitable for US corporations. For Zionist-neocons and their evil twin brothers, Liberal Interventionists, it is Israel’s regional dominance rather than US commerce which is of primary importance.*"

PressTV LOL !!!

PressTV. Isn't that Iranian?


Learn to read English. The article is written by a Canadian journalist. I wrote that in my post and the article addresses this too. Canada is not a part of Iran. Anything substantive to say about the article?

Nothing that comes from Press TV is worth reading.
Press TV controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[. . .] Obama only put it before Congress because he was told to. The consequences of him NOT taking it to congress would have been severe for him and his party. I'm surprised that kind of behavior impresses you.

We disagree.

Congress's approval, if it comes, will be on the heads of many Dems voting in stark opposition to the wills of their constituents (is that good for the President's party?), further exposing our "constitutional democracy" for what it is -- a sham.

Conversely, acting in the wake of the House's disapproval would cement the arguments of some of the President's most vocal critics, and Obama would wear the crown of a dictator for all the world to see.

All when he could have simply pulled a Clinton.

In the telling words of Joe Lieberman:

"We had President Clinton acting in Bosnia and Kosovo without endorsement by Congress."

So, let's wait and see what happens.
PressTV. Isn't that Iranian?


Learn to read English. The article is written by a Canadian journalist. I wrote that in my post and the article addresses this too. Canada is not a part of Iran. Anything substantive to say about the article?

Nothing that comes from Press TV is worth reading.
Press TV controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If I accepted such racist thinking, I would refuse to read a word written by a Zionist. I reject that thinking. But nice to see you exposing yourself for who you are.
Learn to read English. The article is written by a Canadian journalist. I wrote that in my post and the article addresses this too. Canada is not a part of Iran. Anything substantive to say about the article?

Nothing that comes from Press TV is worth reading.
Press TV controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If I accepted such racist thinking, I would refuse to read a word written by a Zionist. I reject that thinking. But nice to see you exposing yourself for who you are.

It's racist to not accept an Iranian backed source that is EXTREMELY biased as a viable source ?
Learn to read English. The article is written by a Canadian journalist. I wrote that in my post and the article addresses this too. Canada is not a part of Iran. Anything substantive to say about the article?

Nothing that comes from Press TV is worth reading.
Press TV controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If I accepted such racist thinking, I would refuse to read a word written by a Zionist. I reject that thinking. But nice to see you exposing yourself for who you are.

I showed you how Press-TV is disreputable as a news medium in my link above. That is not me being "racist."

I prefer more reliable news sources for news.
Nothing that comes from Press TV is worth reading.
Press TV controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If I accepted such racist thinking, I would refuse to read a word written by a Zionist. I reject that thinking. But nice to see you exposing yourself for who you are.

I showed you how Press-TV is disreputable as a news medium in my link above. That is not me being "racist."

I prefer more reliable news sources for news.

Discussions with racists are a waste of time. I am putting you on Ignore.
If I accepted such racist thinking, I would refuse to read a word written by a Zionist. I reject that thinking. But nice to see you exposing yourself for who you are.

I showed you how Press-TV is disreputable as a news medium in my link above. That is not me being "racist."

I prefer more reliable news sources for news.

Discussions with racists are a waste of time. I am putting you on Ignore.

Fantastic. I just ignore you all the time without even putting you on ignore.

Your citing of Press-TV for op-eds and news is a joke.

Anyway, enjoy yourself ignoring me.

Are you still drunk from the weekend or just starting fresh this morning ? Air strikes are to Israel's benefit whether they do them themselves or America comes in and hit a few targets.
AIPAC would never promote something that wasn't for the benefit of Israel.
Do you have any links showing Israel denouncing America's plan to attack ? I didn't think so.

Hope you recover from your hangover. Threads that " prove" what the US and even the Arab World acknowledge is not true and those pictures and videos are Israel's " propoganda"

Why should Israel denounce it? If Iran started to bomb Israel tomorrow would anyone from the Arab League denounce it? Of course not. Even you can't be THAT drunk. if anything, they would jump right in.

Perhaps you should read the OP and try again. Trust me---Israel is very much in favor of an American military strike on Syria because it's in their best interest for Assad to go.
Link after link can back that statement up.

So what if Israel would like Assad to go? All of a sudden they're not entitled to their own opinion? Wanting him to go is SLIGHTLY different then declaring Israel is actually making up things which obviously would include their chemical weapons, any videos and pictures we have seen. Get it? Of course not.

In another post you wrote that Israel did not denounce the possible US Strike. Why should they? When I pointed out that if Iran attacked Israel tomorrow nobody from the Arab League would denounce it all of a sudden there was silence from you. That is because you are a Hypocrite
If I accepted such racist thinking, I would refuse to read a word written by a Zionist. I reject that thinking. But nice to see you exposing yourself for who you are.

I showed you how Press-TV is disreputable as a news medium in my link above. That is not me being "racist."

I prefer more reliable news sources for news.

Discussions with racists are a waste of time. I am putting you on Ignore.

At least we know you don't talk to yourself :eusa_pray: :lol:
If I accepted such racist thinking, I would refuse to read a word written by a Zionist. I reject that thinking. But nice to see you exposing yourself for who you are.

I showed you how Press-TV is disreputable as a news medium in my link above. That is not me being "racist."

I prefer more reliable news sources for news.

Discussions with racists are a waste of time. I am putting you on Ignore.

OMG! The horror! The horror! Poor PV. I'll bet she is crushed. Crushed I say!
This is an interesting article written by a Canadian journalist that addresses what may be behind the proposed military strikes. Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria. PressTV - Israel and client states want nobody to rule Syria "From the perspective of anti-neocon Realists, such as Walt, the US has a vested interest in propping up Arab strongmen (like President Assad) who can create stability in their countries thus making them potentially hospitable for US corporations. For Zionist-neocons and their evil twin brothers, Liberal Interventionists, it is Israel’s regional dominance rather than US commerce which is of primary importance.*"

PressTV LOL !!!

PressTV. Isn't that Iranian?


Learn to read English. The article is written by a Canadian journalist. I wrote that in my post and the article addresses this too. Canada is not a part of Iran. Anything substantive to say about the article?

Just a kind word of advice. You didn't mention the Joooooooooos in this post. Your handlers could become highly agitated. We wouldn't want that now would we?
I showed you how Press-TV is disreputable as a news medium in my link above. That is not me being "racist."

I prefer more reliable news sources for news.

Discussions with racists are a waste of time. I am putting you on Ignore.

OMG! The horror! The horror! Poor PV. I'll bet she is crushed. Crushed I say!

I know that is meant as a joke by you, but I am extremely flattered Sherri has put me on ignore.
It shows by pointing out what a ridiculous medium Press-TV is, I have hit a raw nerve in her.
PressTV. Isn't that Iranian?


Learn to read English. The article is written by a Canadian journalist. I wrote that in my post and the article addresses this too. Canada is not a part of Iran. Anything substantive to say about the article?

Just a kind word of advice. You didn't mention the Joooooooooos in this post. Your handlers could become highly agitated. We wouldn't want that now would we?

Perhaps Sherri is starting to see the light?

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