What is it about Bakers ?

Bakers you say?

I have a terrific idea-----LEAVE THE PICTURES AND THE WORDS OFF THE CAKES and supply a tube of that writing
in red or purple or blue STUFF
Ohio bakery refused to make birthday cake for a lesbian

Another bastard bigot. Now Gays cant have birthday cakes.

Get to the back of the fuckin bus.

I don't think today anyone gives a flying fuck about gays and the special cakes they want someone to bake for them. Go to the fucking grocery store and buy one. We've got bigger problems to worry about.

Yeah, this entire gay thing has become annoying and worn out
Then why do you participate in all of these gay threads?

Gets you a little excited, doesn't it?
People should eat LESS CAKE----white flour and sugar-----
the best way to deal with the problem BAN CAKE
The very weird custom of ELABORATELY DECORATED
food ------developed in ROME as that rotted culture
declined. They ate in obscene quantity -------highly decorated
"food" and then VOMITED and ate more-----


support vomiting
A couple of months ago the backward argued that by baking a wedding cake they were , in effect, taking part in the ceremony.

This latest outrage sort of negates that argument.

America needs to get a grip on these savages and make them act in a civilised manner.
Some bakers must just love tanking their business I guess

Take the Cake Bakery & Cake Design Shop - Toledo, OH
Some of the comments on that site are brutal. I couldnt be like that myself.
I think most of the comments are well deserved
Do these bakers put signs in their window saying "fuck off gays" ?

???? why not print it on the cakes----or cookies.
"FUCK OFF"------cup cakes <<<< great marketing idea

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