What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

no Biden indictments because Garland is a criminal traitor, and Wray is a pussy. But fear not, they are coming. The house committees are bringing out the truth about Biden's corruption and treason. Stand by, dipshit.

You are talking about Shit from eight years ago.

Why didn’t Trump indict even though he was begging for dirt on Biden?
What is taking the House so long? They keep digging and digging and come up with nothing
You mean liberals, not the left.

This has nothing to do with the left.

The left understands Trump.
And they're terrified him of him for that reason. He is their worst nightmare. And even if Trump doesn't become president again, that fact is still a monumental flame of validation and hope for conservatives.

The left will never admit to their liberal Sheeple why they are really scared of Trump. Their media is forever making up stories to explain it and the idiots actually believe it.

Of course it couldn't be that the New World Order they've been building since elder Bush was in office felt the ground shake under their feet when he was elected! Nah! No way! 😆
no Biden indictments because Garland is a criminal traitor, and Wray is a pussy. But fear not, they are coming. The house committees are bringing out the truth about Biden's corruption and treason. Stand by, dipshit.
Biden, no Indictments.
no Biden indictments because Garland is a criminal traitor, and Wray is a pussy. But fear not, they are coming. The house committees are bringing out the truth about Biden's corruption and treason. Stand by, dipshit.
Hillary was suppose to be a criminal according to the gop. They had 4 years, two while in full control of the congress and the Supreme Court ? What happened ?
no Biden indictments because Garland is a criminal traitor, and Wray is a pussy. But fear not, they are coming. The house committees are bringing out the truth about Biden's corruption and treason. Stand by, dipshit.
We stood by for four years waiting for the Trump DOJ to prosecute Hillary. What’s the matter, you afraid ?
You are talking about Shit from eight years ago.

Why didn’t Trump indict even though he was begging for dirt on Biden?
What is taking the House so long? They keep digging and digging and come up with nothing
they have tons of evidence, they are just about to release it, they took their time to get it right and complete. The Biden crime family is going down, even the dem rats are leaving the sinking ship now.
We stood by for four years waiting for the Trump DOJ to prosecute Hillary. What’s the matter, you afraid ?
Hillary's crimes will probably go unpunished, why is that something that you celebrate?
they have tons of evidence, they are just about to release it, they took their time to get it right and complete. The Biden crime family is going down, even the dem rats are leaving the sinking ship now.
tons, TONS!
I will release it any day now

You sound like Trump and his irrefutable evidence of his innocence

Any day now
If you paid attention to anything besides MSNBC, you would know that there is a lot if solid evidence of vote fraud and Biden corruption
91 made up fake charges, you fools are making the USA look like north korea. What's next? a pit of hungry dogs?
Hmm, are you saying that democrats are smarter then repugnants who came up with no charges for Hillary. Lock her up, lock her up….oops, wrong gender.
Your choice is, Trump is guilty a mfker or repugnants are incompetent .
If you paid attention to anything besides MSNBC, you would know that there is a lot if solid evidence of vote fraud and Biden corruption
Are you saying the gop is so fking incompetent they couldn’t convince their own judicial appointees of voter fraud….the very same items TRUMPS 91 counts are based upon…..VOTER FRAUD. Hillary is pissing her pants laughing….lock him up, lock him up….
Hillary's crimes will probably go unpunished, why is that something that you celebrate?
Me, I’m rolling over laughing that you excuse your party of bozos for being so effin incompetent, they couldn’t come up with evidence of wrong doiing v Hillary or Biden. This Shit,it isn’t hard. By your own admission all the Dems pulled it off.
they have tons of evidence, they are just about to release it, they took their time to get it right and complete. The Biden crime family is going down, even the dem rats are leaving the sinking ship now.
The same time they took with Hillary trying to get it right and complete ? Some one tell them to hurry up
Hmm, are you saying that democrats are smarter then repugnants who came up with no charges for Hillary. Lock her up, lock her up….oops, wrong gender.
Your choice is, Trump is guilty a mfker or repugnants are incompetent .
no, the system is rigged and you fricken well know it. political persecution is what happens in shitholes like Russia, China, north korea, Venezuela, and most of the african nations. Why do you want the USA to degrade to that?

The rigged system protected the clintons, obamas, etc, but is determined to keep Trump out of office because they know that in a second term he will expose their corruption, lying, and treason. The establishment and deep state are scared shitless of a second Trump term, and YOU KNOW IT.

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