What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

you forgot obozo, 9 trillion when he entered, 20 trillion when he left. He more than doubled it, no other president ever has doubled the debt.
You’re talkin* about Trump, right. Biden is still in office and has reduced deficit over Trump.
You are a math illiterate. Look up the difference between deficits and debt STUPID. All a president budget can do is reduce the deficit. HE CANT REDUCE THE DEBT WITHOUT THE PREVIOUS ADMIN REDUCING the deficit TOO.
DEMS always reduce deficits during their time in office
….repugnants always increase deficits.
HERE are the facts.
  • National debt during Joe Biden’s presidency has increased by $2.5 trillion since he took office, an increase of 8.79% as of September 2022.
  • During Donald Trump’s whole presidency, the U.S. national debt increased by $8.18 trillion, a percentage increase of 40.43%.
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I have, how much of it is actually programmed for infrastructure. I know the answer, do you?
First, you don’t know what infrastructure is. Second, read the entire bill….Infrastructure and jobs bill…

Youre an idiot if you think it’s just roads and bridges dufus.
With out addressing climate change and available labor force, , ALL INFRASTRUCTURE FAILS.
never said that, but what we both know is that the left has been making up the "truth" for decades. There is only one truth and eventually we will all know it, and I say, bring it on and let the chips fall where they may. There are certainly some crooked lying asshole republicans, and I want them exposed and removed from government, your problem is that you refuse to admit that your master dems and libs are even more crooked and lying assholes. Why is that?
You're still humping my leg.

You clearly don't know my politics. All you know is what I think of Trumpism. I can't make you think any deeper than that, so there is nothing else I can do.

You don't know my politics. This is all (you think) you know:

never said that, but what we both know is that the left has been making up the "truth" for decades. There is only one truth and eventually we will all know it, and I say, bring it on and let the chips fall where they may. There are certainly some crooked lying asshole republicans, and I want them exposed and removed from government, your problem is that you refuse to admit that your master dems and libs are even more crooked and lying assholes. Why is that?
Well, you had your chance when in power and couldn’t convict or indict ANY during Trump admin. While the left has had a field day.
….There have been 317 criminal indictments under three recent Republican presidents including Trump’s and only three indictments under three recent Democratic presidents. ….
You’re talkin* about Trump, right. Biden is still in office and has reduced deficit over Trump.
You are a math illiterate. Look up the difference between deficits and debt STUPID. All a president budget can do is reduce the deficit. HE CANT REDUCE THE DEBT WITHOUT THE PREVIOUS ADMIN REDUCING the deficit TOO.
DEMS always reduce deficits during their time in office
….repugnants always increase deficits.
HERE are the facts.
  • National debt during Joe Biden’s presidency has increased by $2.5 trillion since he took office, an increase of 8.79% as of September 2022.
  • During Donald Trump’s whole presidency, the U.S. national debt increased by $8.18 trillion, a percentage increase of 40.43%.
you don't even know the difference between debt and deficit, you have nothing to contribute here but bullshit.
Well, you had your chance when in power and couldn’t convict or indict ANY during Trump admin. While the left has had a field day.
….There have been 317 criminal indictments under three recent Republican presidents including Trump’s and only three indictments under three recent Democratic presidents. ….
all that proves is that the dems are determined to use the justice system to punish or eliminate their political opponents. The supreme court will knock these fake convictions down, its coming.
you don't even know the difference between debt and deficit, you have nothing to contribute here but bullshit.
Bet you ass I do foolish. Debt is compound interest and exponential growth. A deficit is not-except the expectation you still have to pay the interest on the accumulated debt.
Because you’re math illiterate, you conflate the two.
I’ve yet to hear a Humper who knew much math. It they did, they wouldn’t still cling to trickle down economics, be fascists and worship cults. That’s you.
all that proves is that the dems are determined to use the justice system to punish or eliminate their political opponents. The supreme court will knock these fake convictions down, its coming.
Bet your ass. When your political opponents are criminals, you turn the justice department lose on them. You Humpers don’t believe in justice or worse, you’re too ignorant to use it. We’ve been waiting for you Humpers to win with Trump. You’ve been through two losing cycles.....loser.
you don't even know the difference between debt and deficit, you have nothing to contribute here but bullshit.
Obviously, we’ll get no explanation from you, you’re too ignorant . Really, look it up....nah. Then you have to pretend you’re not in control....but subject to the deep state who writes all the dictionaries.
He hates the same way they hate.
It sure has been frustrating. And as I mentioned earlier, while the OP focuses on the Left (of course), there are plenty of people across the political spectrum who don't understand this thing.

Part of the problem is that, when you ask them to get calm and serious and honest and explain this attraction, they just can't provide an intelligent, coherent response or explanation. And a vast majority of the time, the question is met with rage and attacks.

This is why I think this isn't really about politics for them. This is personal, it's cultural, it's sociological. And it's getting closer and closer to a religion by the day.

One of these days, one of them will calm down and find a way to articulately explain this. So I'll just keep asking.
you forgot obozo, 9 trillion when he entered, 20 trillion when he left. He more than doubled it, no other president ever has doubled the debt.
That’s a lie. And it’s easy to tell it is.
You have no reference saying so and, because you didn’t even differentiate between debt and deficit. You’re confused. Easy to do because I bet in school you cheated your way through.
you forgot obozo, 9 trillion when he entered, 20 trillion when he left. He more than doubled it, no other president ever has doubled the debt.
Presidents have less control over the debt then the previous presidents who robbed social security. That you don’t even mention debt as in part a function of entitlements, means you are math illiterate.
Presidents have less control over the debt then the previous presidents who robbed social security. That you don’t even mention debt as in part a function of entitlements, means you are math illiterate.
robbing Social Security was LBJ and his democrats in congress. you really don't know anything about this.

the national debt results from the government spending more than it takes in, can you do that in your personal finances?
Bet your ass. When your political opponents are criminals, you turn the justice department lose on them. You Humpers don’t believe in justice or worse, you’re too ignorant to use it. We’ve been waiting for you Humpers to win with Trump. You’ve been through two losing cycles.....loser.
hmmm, is a president a criminal when he takes bribes from foreign interests? Biden is doing that as we speak. Why no indictments on him?
You’re still into trickle down aren’t you math illiterate.
still waiting for you to tell us how much of the infrastructure bill when for infrastructure. I think you have the data but are afraid to post it.]

your philosophy of taxation------------punish success and reward failure.
Even as Trump is being indicted in who knows how many different investigations and charges, Trump is far, far ahead of any of his primary opponents in every single state. It's not even close. I know of no state where someone polls better than Trump. None. Zero, zip, nodda, and that even includes the primaries in liberal states. And, in polling for the general election, Trump is basically tied with Biden. Sometimes polls show Biden ahead, sometimes polls show Trump ahead. In either case, the needle doesn't move much and is usually within the polls margin of error and, we know that with the electoral college, a 50/50 tie favors Trump.

So, what is it that the left just don't get or understand about Trump?

Do they really believe that half of the country are just pure MAGA head insurrectionists, literally tens of millions of people, if not over 100 million?

What is Trump's appeal to the masses?

Are the left ignoring something that is appealing to half the country, those tens of millions of people?

Should the left start understanding this more rather than just labeling half the country MAGA's?

Is ignoring the true meaning of Trump's appeal to half the country going to come back and bite them in the ass, as it did in 2016?

I'm a big believer that the left just don't understand why it is that people vote for Trump and that this easy dismissal of his voters as being nothing but "MAGA" is rather blind of them and that they need to understand Trump voters more. In a way, it has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with why voters want to vote for Trump. The left don't even try to understand this. It's easier for them to believe that all of Trump's supporters are MAGA.
I understand Trump with crystal clarity -> Guilty as charged.

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