What is meant by "politics."


Oct 6, 2021
I was watching something once where they had one of those really smart people answering questions to some government panel or audience. He mentioned "political or economic cults." Whatever you may have to say about politics, are you sure you aren't just parroting the teachings of some cult?
I was watching something once where they had one of those really smart people answering questions to some government panel or audience. He mentioned "political or economic cults." Whatever you may have to say about politics, are you sure you aren't just parroting the teachings of some cult?
Careful dropzone. You can get your throat cut in here for questions like that, before they even find out which side you lean toward. Stay independent and Welcome in! :D
I am paying 70% more for gas today than I did before the Democrats won the Whitehouse.

I pay more for food and electricity since democrats took power.

Democrats control my extremely high local taxes.

How do I know I ain't brain washed by a cult?

Seems like a pretty stupid question but I guess for some they will struggle with it.
I was watching something once where they had one of those really smart people answering questions to some government panel or audience. He mentioned "political or economic cults." Whatever you may have to say about politics, are you sure you aren't just parroting the teachings of some cult?

According to cultist PM/DSA Democrats only Conservative righties are cultists. Pots calling the kettles Black.
I was watching something once where they had one of those really smart people answering questions to some government panel or audience. He mentioned "political or economic cults." Whatever you may have to say about politics, are you sure you aren't just parroting the teachings of some cult?
Really smart people can be very obtuse in ways, and Im not certain what the Republican Party stands for anymore, or the Democrat either.

Neither seems like a cult, they seem like dumb and dumber.
Careful dropzone. You can get your throat cut in here for questions like that, before they even find out which side you lean toward. Stay independent and Welcome in! :D

The left wants "freedom." The right wants "freedom." Both sides and everybody in between are idiots. Or cultists. The choice is yours.
I am paying 70% more for gas today than I did before the Democrats won the Whitehouse.

I pay more for food and electricity since democrats took power.

Democrats control my extremely high local taxes.

How do I know I ain't brain washed by a cult?

Seems like a pretty stupid question but I guess for some they will struggle with it.
Nixon put a price and wage freeze on everything. What they need to do is half of what Nixon did. Put a price freeze on everything. Then after a couple month to make sure the prices are indeed froze, raise the minimum wage to $50.00 dollars an hour. And deport every illegal they can lay their hands on. Because if you think we are having trouble keeping out mexicans and Haitians now, you can just imagine what they would do to get a piece of that action.
Really smart people can be very obtuse in ways, and Im not certain what the Republican Party stands for anymore, or the Democrat either.

Neither seems like a cult, they seem like dumb and dumber.

Stupidity can be a cult too. That is for those who are stupid by their own choice.
Nixon put a price and wage freeze on everything. What they need to do is half of what Nixon did. Put a price freeze on everything. Then after a couple month to make sure the prices are indeed froze, raise the minimum wage to $50.00 dollars an hour. And deport every illegal they can lay their hands on. Because if you think we are having trouble keeping out mexicans and Haitians now, you can just imagine what they would do to get a piece of that action.
Illegal aliens should pay my social security tax and receive nothing but a job in return.
The Branch Covidians and their masks seem pretty cultish.

When it comes to the coronavirus, masks work. They even showed the head of what I think was the CDC speaking to a congressional panel. He held up a mask and said, "This would do more to stop the spread of the coronavirus than any vaccine would."
That's a pretty stupid thing to say. Are you a member of the stupidity cult?
yes, you are right, it is better to kick their sorry asses out of the country, with your ass tailing behind to wipe up the tears.
The left wants "freedom." The right wants "freedom." Both sides and everybody in between are idiots. Or cultists. The choice is yours.
Majority are not idiots, though sometime easily led. Both extremes lead to the same place. Just don't fall into the habit of continually supporting one of the extremes if you don't want to go there. Simple, eh? We've been doing it for close to 250 years.
I was watching something once where they had one of those really smart people answering questions to some government panel or audience. He mentioned "political or economic cults." Whatever you may have to say about politics, are you sure you aren't just parroting the teachings of some cult?
poli = many
tic = blood sucking parasite
politics = many blood sucking parasites
The meaning of the word "politics " in one form or another has been widely discussed since Socraties. The problem is the often ignorant misuse of the word "cult. If you like the group, it's a club or an organization or a party. If you hate it and fear it you pin a "cult" label on it.
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