What is missing from Marco Rubio's campaign website?


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Since Trump is stealing all the oxygen from the other 15 candidates and poor Marco has fallen almost into "Vergessenheit", I thought I would help the fine young Senator from the great state of Florida out.

Here is Marco's website:

Marco Rubio - A New American Century

What is missing?

Go take a look.

What is NOT there?

Yepp. You guessed it. His appointment calendar.

No one knows where he is going next. They have to rely on the media (oh, that turrible MSM!) to inform them as to his whereabouts.

Now, tell me, if you are going to spend really good $$$ on a presidential campaign website and you know that millions and millions of people are going to be clicking on it, hopefully daily, wouldn't you want them to know where you are campaigning next?

Hmmmmm.... things that make you go hmmmm....

Now, Marco is not the only one who has this problem, but since the Trump-cancer has taken over media-waves, I thought to give Marco a little attention.

While the DNC is getting pretty lame handing out your talking points.
I apologize, I am sure you woke this morning and were trying to find where you could go see Rubio.
Rubio reminds me of a HS wannabe, there is something about the way he presents himself that is childish. His backtracking on immigration is an example of just how empty he is. But let's be honest, the republicans because of the rabid base have painted themselves in a corner in which policy is dictated by an ideology that conflicts with the American value of inclusion. Trump has hold of that base right now.

Marco Dubya Rubio GOP s bright young hope promises to revive George Bush s calamitous foreign policy - Salon.com

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