What is more sinful in your own moral compass? Interracial or Homosexuality?

Which is more sinful?

  • Homosexuality is not sinful but interracial is

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both are sinful but homosexuality is more

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both equally sinful

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Being a conservative is sinful.

Well, aren't you cute HT? In what way?
Denying aid to people made destitute by the financial crash.

Refusing to fund the SCHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program).

Refusing to fund the 9/11 Responders Health Insurance. Which is disgusting, and evil. These brave people went into that pile of rubble while asbestos and toxic gases were everywhere, looking for anyone alive, and these conservatives play politics with their care? I don't know how you can want to be associated with these monsters.

Senate GOP blocks 9/11 first responders health plan bill

There's three off the top of my head.

What a bunch of pooh.
Republicans didn't block the 9/11 first responders health plan bill?
And specify which moral sets you follow which religion/philosophy or ethics.
Who you thinking of doing?

A. A black girl
B. A white dude
C. A black dude

I'm a straight white atheist who let a guy blow him once back in college

So yer a fag. :laugh:
Bang 100 women you suck one dick you're a fag?

You just said you let one guy blow you, now you're saying you sucked one cock. I have a feeling you had more than one or two instances of homosexual activity. Not that that matters because just one instance would qualify you as gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm not gay, but i've sucked heaps of cock.

Hate to break it to you, but if you suck one or more cocks ur gay. Its in the rule book.
Who you thinking of doing?

A. A black girl
B. A white dude
C. A black dude

I'm a straight white atheist who let a guy blow him once back in college

So yer a fag. :laugh:
Bang 100 women you suck one dick you're a fag?

You just said you let one guy blow you, now you're saying you sucked one cock. I have a feeling you had more than one or two instances of homosexual activity. Not that that matters because just one instance would qualify you as gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm not gay, but i've sucked heaps of cock.

Hate to break it to you, but if you suck one or more cocks ur gay. Its in the rule book.
Gays invented the rule book. Why do you follow them.
So yer a fag. :laugh:
Bang 100 women you suck one dick you're a fag?

You just said you let one guy blow you, now you're saying you sucked one cock. I have a feeling you had more than one or two instances of homosexual activity. Not that that matters because just one instance would qualify you as gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm not gay, but i've sucked heaps of cock.

Hate to break it to you, but if you suck one or more cocks ur gay. Its in the rule book.
Gays invented the rule book. Why do you follow them.

Because of the gay mafia...that, and their fashion sense.
Moses was a Hebrew (he was not a black man) and he married a black woman. Interracial marriage is not a sin. Homosexuality is an abomination unto God and therein it is a sin. Your poll is not complete.

You should have had an option for the following:

Homosexuality is a sin and being against interracial marriage is a sin. Both sins will send a person to hell. If you believe that a white person cannot marry a black person or vice versa, what you are saying is that one race is inferior to another and anyone who thinks like that needs to humble themselves and repent and ask God to show them how they ever became so deceived into believing such a lie. Likewise, if an Arab believes an African is inferior to him on the basis of the color of his skin, he will find himself in hell whether he be a born again Christian or not.

No one can love God if they hate someone based on the color of their skin. You may think you do but you don't. I don't care who you are. On the subject of marriage - the world will marry whoever they will marry but a Christian should marry a Christian and not be unequally yoked to an unbeliever.
wow jer knows what sins send one to hell now......there is according to the bible ...only one unforgivable sin

and it has nothing to do with sex or race....
And specify which moral sets you follow which religion/philosophy or ethics.
Who you thinking of doing?

A. A black girl
B. A white dude
C. A black dude

I'm a straight white atheist who let a guy blow him once back in college

So yer a fag. :laugh:
Bang 100 women you suck one dick you're a fag?

You just said you let one guy blow you, now you're saying you sucked one cock. I have a feeling you had more than one or two instances of homosexual activity. Not that that matters because just one instance would qualify you as gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm not gay, but i've sucked heaps of cock.
I've sold thousands of products and no one calls
And specify which moral sets you follow which religion/philosophy or ethics.
Who you thinking of doing?

A. A black girl
B. A white dude
C. A black dude

I'm a straight white atheist who let a guy blow him once back in college

So yer a fag. :laugh:
Bang 100 women you suck one dick you're a fag?

You just said you let one guy blow you, now you're saying you sucked one cock. I have a feeling you had more than one or two instances of homosexual activity. Not that that matters because just one instance would qualify you as gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Nah. I'll try anything once.

But this sucks. You can eat 100 pussies and one cock makes you gay?
interracial is worse because it creates more of itself whereas homosexual, though evil, stops at the death of the practitioner.
And straight couples keep pumping out gay babies.

Ultimately who cares about the Chinese race? Chinese people do. But what about the half Asian baby? He no longer cares. He's just a human.

I'm a pure Greek. 4 Greek grand parents. America is full of mutts. Eventually there will be very few pure needs like me. America might become a race in 1000 years.

Just like all dogs come from wolves. One day Americans will all have Asian minds and black penis'
well very few gays were born gay.

well destruction of beautiful white people is evil, obviously.
When a beautiful white and black have a baby or a white and Muslim or white and Asian, there's nothing evil about it. We were all black once. You didn't cry when your ancestors went from black to white and it'll be OK if blonde hair goes away. You will still love your brunette great grandkids
It's destructive and therefore evil.

Homosexuality is a sin against oneself. Race mixing is a sin against others.

I only care because im exposed to lots of opinions who care about it, ever heard of peer pressure? Thats something similar if lots of people you communicate with care about it, you ask yourself "whats up" or get influenced. Thats why i asked, because i read often its wrong.
I was talking to this half Indian half white woman on the net. I told her I dated black women and she said she couldn't date someone who would race mix. I said,"but it was OK for your father to fuck your dirty Indian mother?
And specify which moral sets you follow which religion/philosophy or ethics.

1/6th of children in the US go to bed hungry every night, that is sinful. Let's get the babies fed and then start worrying about other stuff.
I do not use the word "sin", but the notion of morality is predicated upon the harm principle. If there is no coercion, no exploitation, and people represent themselves honestly, then people should not attribute to them a sense of immoral behavior..

Children view morality only in terms of a simple rewards/punishment. Adults want to know WHY something is or is not moral.
I am unfamiliar with the biblical passage in which one must lay with ones own race.....

However, neither are especially egregious to Me.

My objection to any of it is using government to force others to accept someones moral values in place of their own.

This means that if you think that homosexual relations is simply a form of love, that is your value. You do not have the right to force others to accept it, speak as it if is, or attack them though the use of social outrage. The same is true for those who find homosexuality or interracial marriage wrong. You have a right to that moral belief.

Never, NEVER, use government to push you own values.
And straight couples keep pumping out gay babies.

Ultimately who cares about the Chinese race? Chinese people do. But what about the half Asian baby? He no longer cares. He's just a human.

I'm a pure Greek. 4 Greek grand parents. America is full of mutts. Eventually there will be very few pure needs like me. America might become a race in 1000 years.

Just like all dogs come from wolves. One day Americans will all have Asian minds and black penis'
well very few gays were born gay.

well destruction of beautiful white people is evil, obviously.
When a beautiful white and black have a baby or a white and Muslim or white and Asian, there's nothing evil about it. We were all black once. You didn't cry when your ancestors went from black to white and it'll be OK if blonde hair goes away. You will still love your brunette great grandkids
It's destructive and therefore evil.

Homosexuality is a sin against oneself. Race mixing is a sin against others.

I only care because im exposed to lots of opinions who care about it, ever heard of peer pressure? Thats something similar if lots of people you communicate with care about it, you ask yourself "whats up" or get influenced. Thats why i asked, because i read often its wrong.
I was talking to this half Indian half white woman on the net. I told her I dated black women and she said she couldn't date someone who would race mix. I said,"but it was OK for your father to fuck your dirty Indian mother?
So you turned racist when it suited you?
Who you thinking of doing?

A. A black girl
B. A white dude
C. A black dude

I'm a straight white atheist who let a guy blow him once back in college

So yer a fag. :laugh:
Bang 100 women you suck one dick you're a fag?

You just said you let one guy blow you, now you're saying you sucked one cock. I have a feeling you had more than one or two instances of homosexual activity. Not that that matters because just one instance would qualify you as gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm not gay, but i've sucked heaps of cock.
I've sold thousands of products and no one calls
And specify which moral sets you follow which religion/philosophy or ethics.
Who you thinking of doing?

A. A black girl
B. A white dude
C. A black dude

I'm a straight white atheist who let a guy blow him once back in college

So yer a fag. :laugh:
Bang 100 women you suck one dick you're a fag?

You just said you let one guy blow you, now you're saying you sucked one cock. I have a feeling you had more than one or two instances of homosexual activity. Not that that matters because just one instance would qualify you as gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Nah. I'll try anything once.

But this sucks. You can eat 100 pussies and one cock makes you gay?
It's the one cock rule.

And so now sex worker is another non-racial minority you've revealed your hatred for?
So yer a fag. :laugh:
Bang 100 women you suck one dick you're a fag?

You just said you let one guy blow you, now you're saying you sucked one cock. I have a feeling you had more than one or two instances of homosexual activity. Not that that matters because just one instance would qualify you as gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm not gay, but i've sucked heaps of cock.
I've sold thousands of products and no one calls
Who you thinking of doing?

A. A black girl
B. A white dude
C. A black dude

I'm a straight white atheist who let a guy blow him once back in college

So yer a fag. :laugh:
Bang 100 women you suck one dick you're a fag?

You just said you let one guy blow you, now you're saying you sucked one cock. I have a feeling you had more than one or two instances of homosexual activity. Not that that matters because just one instance would qualify you as gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Nah. I'll try anything once.

But this sucks. You can eat 100 pussies and one cock makes you gay?
It's the one cock rule.

And so now sex worker is another non-racial minority you've revealed your hatred for?
You trying to win the sex worker vote?
And specify which moral sets you follow which religion/philosophy or ethics.

1/6th of children in the US go to bed hungry every night, that is sinful. Let's get the babies fed and then start worrying about other stuff.
Why? Because Obama keeps importing illegals and we have to feed them instead of Americans. That's what's sinful. And squandering your food stamp money on cokes and casino's and drugs is sinful too.
And specify which moral sets you follow which religion/philosophy or ethics.

Neither are "sinful" (what a bullshit term that is) and the religious attack on homosexuality is based on who knows what. The interracial "sin" is based on ignorant people's desire for power and nothing more.
The USA is a secular society with the separation of church and state constitutionally through the 1st and 14th Amendments.

Thus what is sin from a church perspective is irrelevant from a secular perspective.

The greater crime would be to force Catholicism on Protestants and/or vice versa. Forcing Islam on anyone would be an even greater crime, or taking their right to practice Islam away from them.

People in the USA have the constitutional right to believe or disbelieve anything they like.

People in the USA may not harm others in any way because of their beliefs however, especially in the case of child endangerment. If people are not fit parents or guardians then the State may take custody of their abused children and find them better foster homes.
I have no hatred for those who wish to believe in invisible fairies...sorry, deities. As you said, people are free to practice their religion as they choose. Our forefathers left Europe because they were persecuted for their religious beliefs. Once here, they started persecuting those that didn't follow their teachings. An individual's belief in a deity is acceptable, however, a large group or organization's belief in a deity can lead to dangerous actions. When our forefathers drafted the Constitution and its early Amendments, they hadn't given the thought as to just how dangerous some religions can be.
A preacher, cleric, rabbi or imam has a powerful influence over his/her flock and if that individual or individuals preaches hatred and violence, that flock is likely to act out; hence why our history is riddled with examples of violent wars and sanctioned killings, just in the name of some deity or other.
Personally, I would like there to be some restrictions on religions. Sadly, they are treated like some sacred cow that can't be touched and allowed to continue inciting people to hate and harm others.

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