What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil.

Do you really think that just because you say something so absurd that that makes it true, or what?

No, the Media, the PC special interest groups, the professional grievance industry and stupid college kids going for teachers extra credit are who are making this thing about race. Not the people here who simply point it out.

Good Lord, Pogo, sometimes you say the absolute most moronic things imaginable.

Here's the difference between you and me, turdball: I actually read the complaint. The basis of all Paula Deen's troubles.
Perhaps you prefer to do a one-man impersonation of Thenatos, fueling yourself on superficial bullshit. I don't.

You are deliberately obfuscating the cause of the lawsuit/complaint with why PD got fired and her book which was already at number 1 from pre-orders.

It was about saying the N-Word, just like it was about words used for Riley Cooper, or Don Imus, or Michael Richards......damn, stupid facts just shit all over your stupid ass hole self.

Uh ---- no. It isn't.
Way to not get the news .... two months later. :cuckoo:
Here's the difference between you and me, turdball: I actually read the complaint. The basis of all Paula Deen's troubles.
Perhaps you prefer to do a one-man impersonation of Thenatos, fueling yourself on superficial bullshit. I don't.

You are deliberately obfuscating the cause of the lawsuit/complaint with why PD got fired and her book which was already at number 1 from pre-orders.

It was about saying the N-Word, just like it was about words used for Riley Cooper, or Don Imus, or Michael Richards......damn, stupid facts just shit all over your stupid ass hole self.

Uh ---- no. It isn't.
Way to not get the news .... two months later. :cuckoo:

You can run your mouth all you want, troll, but the common thread among all four cases is people losing or almost losing their jobs because of words said, and three of those four were for dropping the N-Bomb, in one case more than 30 years ago.

This shit is really embarrassing to you commie fucktards, isn't it? People are waking up to your anti-racist bullshit as just another way of attacking white people you don't like.

Oh, and yeah, the libtards idiots protesting and threatening to boycott had NOTHING TO DO with ANY OF IT....right.
You are deliberately obfuscating the cause of the lawsuit/complaint with why PD got fired and her book which was already at number 1 from pre-orders.

It was about saying the N-Word, just like it was about words used for Riley Cooper, or Don Imus, or Michael Richards......damn, stupid facts just shit all over your stupid ass hole self.

Uh ---- no. It isn't.
Way to not get the news .... two months later. :cuckoo:

You can run your mouth all you want, troll, but the common thread among all four cases is people losing or almost losing their jobs because of words said, and three of those four were for dropping the N-Bomb, in one case more than 30 years ago.

This shit is really embarrassing to you commie fucktards, isn't it? People are waking up to your anti-racist bullshit as just another way of attacking white people you don't like.

Oh, and yeah, the libtards idiots protesting and threatening to boycott had NOTHING TO DO with ANY OF IT....right.

That's because you lumped them together. You can go find clues that Paul McCartney is dead too; doesn't make him dead.

And yeah, the lawsuit did come out before any of this other shit, and the TV channel would have had the opportunity to go over it with their lawyers and decide to distance themselves.

And we did do all this two months ago. Congratulations, you pass the slow reading test.

Here's the difference between you and me, turdball: I actually read the complaint. The basis of all Paula Deen's troubles.
Perhaps you prefer to do a one-man impersonation of Thenatos, fueling yourself on superficial bullshit. I don't.

You are deliberately obfuscating the cause of the lawsuit/complaint with why PD got fired and her book which was already at number 1 from pre-orders.

It was about saying the N-Word, just like it was about words used for Riley Cooper, or Don Imus, or Michael Richards......damn, stupid facts just shit all over your stupid ass hole self.

Uh ---- no. It isn't.
Way to not get the news .... two months later. :cuckoo:

Pogo, let me help you here. You just made what is called an 'unwarranted assertion'. It reveals you for the ignoramus and stupid-ass cretin that you truly are, but you don't realize that, which is kind of funny.

It would be hilarious if idiots like you were not destroying our nation with your irrational thinking and ass hattedness.
Uh ---- no. It isn't.
Way to not get the news .... two months later. :cuckoo:

You can run your mouth all you want, troll, but the common thread among all four cases is people losing or almost losing their jobs because of words said, and three of those four were for dropping the N-Bomb, in one case more than 30 years ago.

This shit is really embarrassing to you commie fucktards, isn't it? People are waking up to your anti-racist bullshit as just another way of attacking white people you don't like.

Oh, and yeah, the libtards idiots protesting and threatening to boycott had NOTHING TO DO with ANY OF IT....right.

That's because you lumped them together. You can go find clues that Paul McCartney is dead too; doesn't make him dead.

Yeah, your rebuttal is of the type "my hair is a bird, thus you argument is invalid."

Don't put words in my mouth, create a straw man argument, defeat it then proclaim you have 'answered' what I stated.

I never said anything that was not true. These companies dumped these people due to the protest and threats of lawsuits. That you don't get it proves nothing more than that you are a moron.

And yeah, the lawsuit did come out before any of this other shit, and the TV channel would have had the opportunity to go over it with their lawyers and decide to distance themselves.

So what? The media firestorm came out over things in the claims made by the person suing PD, and that was what destroyed her business, not the lawsuit, dumb fuck.

And yes, no one missed how you skipped the other three person noted, lol.

And we did do all this two months ago. Congratulations, you pass the slow reading test.


You did what two months ago? Tell better lies?

It is humorous how libtards discuss things, think they came to a conclusion because you fucktards just never stop posting on a topic, then you claim it was settled because conservatives stopped responding to you stupid ass bullshit?

Lord, are you truly that stupid?
You can run your mouth all you want, troll, but the common thread among all four cases is people losing or almost losing their jobs because of words said, and three of those four were for dropping the N-Bomb, in one case more than 30 years ago.

This shit is really embarrassing to you commie fucktards, isn't it? People are waking up to your anti-racist bullshit as just another way of attacking white people you don't like.

Oh, and yeah, the libtards idiots protesting and threatening to boycott had NOTHING TO DO with ANY OF IT....right.

That's because you lumped them together. You can go find clues that Paul McCartney is dead too; doesn't make him dead.

Yeah, your rebuttal is of the type "my hair is a bird, thus you argument is invalid."

Don't put words in my mouth, create a straw man argument, defeat it then proclaim you have 'answered' what I stated.

I never said anything that was not true. These companies dumped these people due to the protest and threats of lawsuits. That you don't get it proves nothing more than that you are a moron.

And yeah, the lawsuit did come out before any of this other shit, and the TV channel would have had the opportunity to go over it with their lawyers and decide to distance themselves.

So what? The media firestorm came out over things in the claims made by the person suing PD, and that was what destroyed her business, not the lawsuit, dumb fuck.

And yes, no one missed how you skipped the other three person noted, lol.

And we did do all this two months ago. Congratulations, you pass the slow reading test.


You did what two months ago? Tell better lies?

It is humorous how libtards discuss things, think they came to a conclusion because you fucktards just never stop posting on a topic, then you claim it was settled because conservatives stopped responding to you stupid ass bullshit?

Lord, are you truly that stupid?

I don't know how stupid the Lord is but reading one of your posts is like finding a newspaper you bought two months ago and forgot to read. And it sits there and wonders at questions that were long ago settled.

Your other three or four cases, whatever it was, are all red herrings. Immaterial here. The legal complaint concerning Deen's restaurant came back in March; the TV channel's lawyers would have reviewed it then, and concluded that it would be bad for business to renew her contract. Only once that happened did the ancillary muckraking shit start up and beget the sensationalistic salacious gossip swill that gullible drones like you eat up like candy. And then because of your own shallow values, you're incapable of seeing the big picture.

But that's not my problem; we spelled all this out two months ago and it doesn't disappear off the page just because you're behind on your reading.

You're like the cleanup crew on the ass end of a parade. Happy sweeping. Maybe you'll find a quarter. :thup:
I feel bad for Paula Dean. I think she is a probably a very nice lady. However, I think she really screwed up with each apology. Her emotional, crying, badly worded apologies were painful to watch and made her seem like a fool. She would had been much better off if she had used a PR firm to craft written statement to apologize while keeping the situation in context.

She is a multimillionaire. She is doing just fine.
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It's been brought to my attention that I uttered the words "fuckin' *******" 30 years ago in response to having found my home (in a 90%+ black neighborhood) burglarized for the sixth time...

I've therefore decided to fire myself (I'm self employed)...

and not buy any of my books if ever I get around to writing any...
That's because you lumped them together. You can go find clues that Paul McCartney is dead too; doesn't make him dead.

Yeah, your rebuttal is of the type "my hair is a bird, thus you argument is invalid."

Don't put words in my mouth, create a straw man argument, defeat it then proclaim you have 'answered' what I stated.

I never said anything that was not true. These companies dumped these people due to the protest and threats of lawsuits. That you don't get it proves nothing more than that you are a moron.

So what? The media firestorm came out over things in the claims made by the person suing PD, and that was what destroyed her business, not the lawsuit, dumb fuck.

And yes, no one missed how you skipped the other three person noted, lol.

And we did do all this two months ago. Congratulations, you pass the slow reading test.


You did what two months ago? Tell better lies?

It is humorous how libtards discuss things, think they came to a conclusion because you fucktards just never stop posting on a topic, then you claim it was settled because conservatives stopped responding to you stupid ass bullshit?

Lord, are you truly that stupid?

I don't know how stupid the Lord is but reading one of your posts is like finding a newspaper you bought two months ago and forgot to read. And it sits there and wonders at questions that were long ago settled.

Your other three or four cases, whatever it was, are all red herrings. Immaterial here. The legal complaint concerning Deen's restaurant came back in March; the TV channel's lawyers would have reviewed it then, and concluded that it would be bad for business to renew her contract. Only once that happened did the ancillary muckraking shit start up and beget the sensationalistic salacious gossip swill that gullible drones like you eat up like candy. And then because of your own shallow values, you're incapable of seeing the big picture.

But that's not my problem; we spelled all this out two months ago and it doesn't disappear off the page just because you're behind on your reading.

You're like the cleanup crew on the ass end of a parade. Happy sweeping. Maybe you'll find a quarter. :thup:

lol, you idiot libtards think that when you come to a consensus of some type that that 'settles' the issue, roflmao.

Got news for you Pogo, you are not the center of the moral universe and do not decide what the 'conclusions are' and when they are 'settled', dipshit.

The plain fact is that white citizens can have their careers and businesses destroyed because of the race baiting fascism that goes on in the US that is almost 100% directed at whites for ridiculous claims of use of racist language, like 'nappy headed hoes' or 'niggardly' or, in the case of Paula Deen, merely an assumption she made in confessing that she likely might have used the word THIRTY YEARS ago.

You apparently cannot fathom the huge injustice here and the simmering anger whites feel when hundreds and thousands of whites are assaulted/murdered every day across this country by blacks with hardly any press attention, and then the press goes on forever about some black thug killed in self defense.

Libtards like you are simply blinding yourselves to the growing problem with your insulated opinion circles that cherry pick your stats, your observations and what is PC to think about them. But I know when things revert to historical norms, ass-hats like you will insist that you have always been at the forefront of trying to address black-on-white crime! rofmao

You are pathetically dishonest with yourself and the world around you.
Yeah, your rebuttal is of the type "my hair is a bird, thus you argument is invalid."

Don't put words in my mouth, create a straw man argument, defeat it then proclaim you have 'answered' what I stated.

I never said anything that was not true. These companies dumped these people due to the protest and threats of lawsuits. That you don't get it proves nothing more than that you are a moron.

So what? The media firestorm came out over things in the claims made by the person suing PD, and that was what destroyed her business, not the lawsuit, dumb fuck.

And yes, no one missed how you skipped the other three person noted, lol.

You did what two months ago? Tell better lies?

It is humorous how libtards discuss things, think they came to a conclusion because you fucktards just never stop posting on a topic, then you claim it was settled because conservatives stopped responding to you stupid ass bullshit?

Lord, are you truly that stupid?

I don't know how stupid the Lord is but reading one of your posts is like finding a newspaper you bought two months ago and forgot to read. And it sits there and wonders at questions that were long ago settled.

Your other three or four cases, whatever it was, are all red herrings. Immaterial here. The legal complaint concerning Deen's restaurant came back in March; the TV channel's lawyers would have reviewed it then, and concluded that it would be bad for business to renew her contract. Only once that happened did the ancillary muckraking shit start up and beget the sensationalistic salacious gossip swill that gullible drones like you eat up like candy. And then because of your own shallow values, you're incapable of seeing the big picture.

But that's not my problem; we spelled all this out two months ago and it doesn't disappear off the page just because you're behind on your reading.

You're like the cleanup crew on the ass end of a parade. Happy sweeping. Maybe you'll find a quarter. :thup:

lol, you idiot libtards think that when you come to a consensus of some type that that 'settles' the issue, roflmao.

Got news for you Pogo, you are not the center of the moral universe and do not decide what the 'conclusions are' and when they are 'settled', dipshit.

The plain fact is that white citizens can have their careers and businesses destroyed because of the race baiting fascism that goes on in the US that is almost 100% directed at whites for ridiculous claims of use of racist language, like 'nappy headed hoes' or 'niggardly' or, in the case of Paula Deen, merely an assumption she made in confessing that she likely might have used the word THIRTY YEARS ago.

You apparently cannot fathom the huge injustice here and the simmering anger whites feel when hundreds and thousands of whites are assaulted/murdered every day across this country by blacks with hardly any press attention, and then the press goes on forever about some black thug killed in self defense.

Libtards like you are simply blinding yourselves to the growing problem with your insulated opinion circles that cherry pick your stats, your observations and what is PC to think about them. But I know when things revert to historical norms, ass-hats like you will insist that you have always been at the forefront of trying to address black-on-white crime! rofmao

You are pathetically dishonest with yourself and the world around you.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle you're dense.

What I just spelled out was the timeline of the court case and the reaction by a commercial enterprise (TV channel) that has every right to renew or not renew their own contract. None of which has diddlyshit to do with "morals", "libtards", or "fascism". Has even less to do with "nappy headed hos" or "niggardly", a case of institutional stupidity which incidentally I railed about since it first happened, for what it's irrelevantly worth.

But no... you choose to wallow in your own preconceptional conspiracy fantasies with mental doors slammed shut like some bank vault, lest it be infected with even the smell of reality. Must be a lot of work keeping those comic book hallucinations alive.
Paula Deen spoke at a food convention/conference. $400/ticket about 1400 in attendance.

So maybe she can reconstruct her empire in some fashion.
I don't know how stupid the Lord is but reading one of your posts is like finding a newspaper you bought two months ago and forgot to read. And it sits there and wonders at questions that were long ago settled.

And who the fuck do you think settled them, you godamned fascist prick?

You do not decide what is settled, fuckface.

Your other three or four cases, whatever it was, are all red herrings. Immaterial here. The legal complaint concerning Deen's restaurant came back in March; the TV channel's lawyers would have reviewed it then, and concluded that it would be bad for business to renew her contract. Only once that happened did the ancillary muckraking shit start up and beget the sensationalistic salacious gossip swill that gullible drones like you eat up like candy. And then because of your own shallow values, you're incapable of seeing the big picture.

Libtards protest Deens bidness and get media companies to drop her show because of their bullshit racism allegations, and you try to pretend that is just bidness. It isn't dumbass, and people are waking up to that fact.

Deen will stay in bidness and have the last laugh, creep.

But that's not my problem;

Well, we agree there. Your problem is that you are a liar, a fraud and a waste of fucking time.

we spelled all this out two months ago and it doesn't disappear off the page just because you're behind on your reading.

Lol, what a joke. Libtards like you call for links, proof and explanations all the damned time and do not shut up just because someone said 'Duh, I already answered that one, duh'.

You are so obviously dodging the questions that you look like a fool as well as a damned liar.

You're like the cleanup crew on the ass end of a parade.

And you would be the ass itself.
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Paula Deen spoke at a food convention/conference. $400/ticket about 1400 in attendance.

So maybe she can reconstruct her empire in some fashion.

She will. Her book that got yanked was set to be a best seller based on pre-orders, but the libtard fascists threatened the publishing company with enough damage that they yanked it anyway. Who knows what they used as leverage, but it doesn't matter. These days a person can self-publish and still sell millions whether a traditional book publisher would touch your book or not.
So what? The media I don't know how stupid the Lord is but reading one of your posts is like finding a newspaper you bought two months ago and forgot to read. And it sits there and wonders at questions that were long ago settled.

And who the fuck do you think settled them, you godamned fascist prick?

You do not decide what is settled, fuckface.

And YOU do not change other people's posts when you quote them, cretin. Pull that again and I shall call the militia.

Your other three or four cases, whatever it was, are all red herrings. Immaterial here. The legal complaint concerning Deen's restaurant came back in March; the TV channel's lawyers would have reviewed it then, and concluded that it would be bad for business to renew her contract. Only once that happened did the ancillary muckraking shit start up and beget the sensationalistic salacious gossip swill that gullible drones like you eat up like candy. And then because of your own shallow values, you're incapable of seeing the big picture.

Libtards protest Deens bidness and get media companies to drop her show because of their bullshit racism allegations, and you try to pretend that is just bidness. It isn't dumbass, and people are waking up to that fact.

Bullshit. As I already noted, the TV contract was already dead before any of this came out in the news. There was no public pressure. It wasn't even publicly known.


Deen will stay in bidness and have the last laugh, creep.

More power to her, I could give a fuck. I didn't even know who she was until these threads popped up.

Well, we agree there. Your problem is that you are a liar, a fraud and a waste of fucking time.

I'll agree that "you are a liar" and "waste of fucking time". Actually I never post here while I'm fucking. Just works out better for me. Your mileage may vary.

we spelled all this out two months ago and it doesn't disappear off the page just because you're behind on your reading.

Lol, what a joke. Libtards like you call for links, proof and explanations all the damned time and do not shut up just because someone said 'Duh, I already answered that one, duh'.

You are so obviously dodging the questions that you look like a fool as well as a damned liar.

Yeah ummm..... I'm the one who brought the links in here months ago, Sherlock.

Paula Deen spoke at a food convention/conference. $400/ticket about 1400 in attendance.

So maybe she can reconstruct her empire in some fashion.

She will. Her book that got yanked was set to be a best seller based on pre-orders, but the libtard fascists threatened the publishing company with enough damage that they yanked it anyway. Who knows what they used as leverage, but it doesn't matter. These days a person can self-publish and still sell millions whether a traditional book publisher would touch your book or not.

Then what are you bitching about? You've just busted the legs of your own position. It's actually entertaining.

By the way you have no clue what "fascism" actually means, do you?
I don't know how stupid the Lord is but reading one of your posts is like finding a newspaper you bought two months ago and forgot to read. And it sits there and wonders at questions that were long ago settled.

Your other three or four cases, whatever it was, are all red herrings. Immaterial here. The legal complaint concerning Deen's restaurant came back in March; the TV channel's lawyers would have reviewed it then, and concluded that it would be bad for business to renew her contract. Only once that happened did the ancillary muckraking shit start up and beget the sensationalistic salacious gossip swill that gullible drones like you eat up like candy. And then because of your own shallow values, you're incapable of seeing the big picture.

But that's not my problem; we spelled all this out two months ago and it doesn't disappear off the page just because you're behind on your reading.

You're like the cleanup crew on the ass end of a parade. Happy sweeping. Maybe you'll find a quarter. :thup:

lol, you idiot libtards think that when you come to a consensus of some type that that 'settles' the issue, roflmao.

Got news for you Pogo, you are not the center of the moral universe and do not decide what the 'conclusions are' and when they are 'settled', dipshit.

The plain fact is that white citizens can have their careers and businesses destroyed because of the race baiting fascism that goes on in the US that is almost 100% directed at whites for ridiculous claims of use of racist language, like 'nappy headed hoes' or 'niggardly' or, in the case of Paula Deen, merely an assumption she made in confessing that she likely might have used the word THIRTY YEARS ago.

You apparently cannot fathom the huge injustice here and the simmering anger whites feel when hundreds and thousands of whites are assaulted/murdered every day across this country by blacks with hardly any press attention, and then the press goes on forever about some black thug killed in self defense.

Libtards like you are simply blinding yourselves to the growing problem with your insulated opinion circles that cherry pick your stats, your observations and what is PC to think about them. But I know when things revert to historical norms, ass-hats like you will insist that you have always been at the forefront of trying to address black-on-white crime! rofmao

You are pathetically dishonest with yourself and the world around you.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle you're dense.

What I just spelled out was the timeline of the court case and the reaction by a commercial enterprise (TV channel) that has every right to renew or not renew their own contract. None of which has diddlyshit to do with "morals", "libtards", or "fascism". Has even less to do with "nappy headed hos" or "niggardly", a case of institutional stupidity which incidentally I railed about since it first happened, for what it's irrelevantly worth.

But no... you choose to wallow in your own preconceptional conspiracy fantasies with mental doors slammed shut like some bank vault, lest it be infected with even the smell of reality. Must be a lot of work keeping those comic book hallucinations alive.

Feel better now, self-righteous one? Doesn't matter; a lot of us are wide awake to this liberal brand of PC fascism, and I predict that when the dust settles, Paula will be laughing all the way to the bank, which frankly is a result I hope continues to happen with other victims of your "speech codes" and similar nonsense, which have no place in a free society. I only hope I see the day, when PC in all its ugliness, and the poisonous hateful ideology that spawned it, are consigned to the dustbin of history, where they belong.
Paula Deen spoke at a food convention/conference. $400/ticket about 1400 in attendance.

So maybe she can reconstruct her empire in some fashion.

She will. Her book that got yanked was set to be a best seller based on pre-orders, but the libtard fascists threatened the publishing company with enough damage that they yanked it anyway. Who knows what they used as leverage, but it doesn't matter. These days a person can self-publish and still sell millions whether a traditional book publisher would touch your book or not.

Then what are you bitching about? You've just busted the legs of your own position. It's actually entertaining.

By the way you have no clue what "fascism" actually means, do you?

Just throwing another Buzzword you people have beaten to death back at you. How does "authoritarian" sound? You like that better? Either way, it's antithetical to freedom. Keep it up, and you'll find that shouting down anyone who dares disagree with you, works both ways.
lol, you idiot libtards think that when you come to a consensus of some type that that 'settles' the issue, roflmao.

Got news for you Pogo, you are not the center of the moral universe and do not decide what the 'conclusions are' and when they are 'settled', dipshit.

The plain fact is that white citizens can have their careers and businesses destroyed because of the race baiting fascism that goes on in the US that is almost 100% directed at whites for ridiculous claims of use of racist language, like 'nappy headed hoes' or 'niggardly' or, in the case of Paula Deen, merely an assumption she made in confessing that she likely might have used the word THIRTY YEARS ago.

You apparently cannot fathom the huge injustice here and the simmering anger whites feel when hundreds and thousands of whites are assaulted/murdered every day across this country by blacks with hardly any press attention, and then the press goes on forever about some black thug killed in self defense.

Libtards like you are simply blinding yourselves to the growing problem with your insulated opinion circles that cherry pick your stats, your observations and what is PC to think about them. But I know when things revert to historical norms, ass-hats like you will insist that you have always been at the forefront of trying to address black-on-white crime! rofmao

You are pathetically dishonest with yourself and the world around you.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle you're dense.

What I just spelled out was the timeline of the court case and the reaction by a commercial enterprise (TV channel) that has every right to renew or not renew their own contract. None of which has diddlyshit to do with "morals", "libtards", or "fascism". Has even less to do with "nappy headed hos" or "niggardly", a case of institutional stupidity which incidentally I railed about since it first happened, for what it's irrelevantly worth.

But no... you choose to wallow in your own preconceptional conspiracy fantasies with mental doors slammed shut like some bank vault, lest it be infected with even the smell of reality. Must be a lot of work keeping those comic book hallucinations alive.

Feel better now, self-righteous one? Doesn't matter; a lot of us are wide awake to this liberal brand of PC fascism, and I predict that when the dust settles, Paula will be laughing all the way to the bank, which frankly is a result I hope continues to happen with other victims of your "speech codes" and similar nonsense, which have no place in a free society. I only hope I see the day, when PC in all its ugliness, and the poisonous hateful ideology that spawned it, are consigned to the dustbin of history, where they belong.

Amen to that.

But that post wasn't directed to you; it was responding to JimBowie.

See where the poster's name appears after the word "quote"? That's a clue.
Happy to help. Maybe someone will converse with you some day.
She will. Her book that got yanked was set to be a best seller based on pre-orders, but the libtard fascists threatened the publishing company with enough damage that they yanked it anyway. Who knows what they used as leverage, but it doesn't matter. These days a person can self-publish and still sell millions whether a traditional book publisher would touch your book or not.

Then what are you bitching about? You've just busted the legs of your own position. It's actually entertaining.

By the way you have no clue what "fascism" actually means, do you?

Just throwing another Buzzword you people have beaten to death back at you. How does "authoritarian" sound? You like that better? Either way, it's antithetical to freedom. Keep it up, and you'll find that shouting down anyone who dares disagree with you, works both ways.

Once again, not addressed to you since you're not the one who misused the word "fascism".

Do you actually believe you and JimBowie are the same person? Like Mark Chapman believed he was John Lennon?

Weird, dood.

By the way -- who the fuck is "you people"?
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