What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil.

You facist won't take away my freedoms of speech! EVER!!!! I'll stand in front of the white house in front of a tank like that Chinese man before you do...I'll stand their laughing my ass off in front of the fucking world! :eusa_whistle:

This is how important our first amendment is...:eusa_hand: People in Egypt, Syria, Turkey and China risk their fucking lives for a chance to speak their own minds. You fuckers want to give that away? What in the fuck is wrong with you people? To do so over the fact that some groups becomes easily butt hurt, you're going to destroy our rights! Nuts. They need to get some thicker skin or fuck off.

-I'll call Muhammad a child rapist and a pig fucker! I'll point out how they mistreat their woman and how islamic culture sucks donkeys ass.
-I'll call blacks idiots in which they're for turning a blind eye on the slaughter of their own children by the hands of their own people.
-I'll even use the N word! They can use the C(Cracker)word.

WE DO NOT destroy someone for speaking their own minds in America. That's what China or Iran does! Understand???? We certainly don't let a religion push us around until we're hiding under our beds.

Dude...you're off on a tangent! Nobody is trying to take away free speech. Paula can say whatever the hell she wants...and the public has the right to respond in anyway they choose. Boycotting her products is their right if they so choose!

Are you drunk? :cuckoo:
Victimized. LOL. That was good for grins and chuckles.

Her name was what she was selling! I don't believe you don't understand that. Her name is now TARNISHED. Nobody wants to have anything to do with her BECAUSE of her name at this point.

And yes...the stores were the victim when they invested large sums of cash for her products with HER NAME on it! Her name is like the plague now! AVOID IT!!!

I smell a whole lot of markdowns coming for anything with Paula's name on it...just to get it the hell out of the stores! She's poison!

#1 on Amazon

The backlash is thankfully tremendous. Everyone is buying her books to show support for her.

She used the word ****** decades ago and you libs have gone crazy trying to decimate her.

One of your own. A good southern Democrat who not only campaigned for the Obamas but gave mega bucks too.

You idiots didn't know she was a dem. All you wanted to do was nuke this woman out of existence.

For speaking the truth about how it was in the south in the 50's and 60's. ****** was part of the vocabulary.

Deal with it you little monsters. It's called history. But no. You ate one of your own thinking she was a republican.
'k... it's not fair what's happened to Paula Deen...

but stick a fork in her, she's done...

so... who'll be the next mis-stepping popular personality to be set upon by the main-stream wolves...?
#1 on Amazon

The backlash is thankfully tremendous. Everyone is buying her books to show support for her.

She used the word ****** decades ago and you libs have gone crazy trying to decimate her.

One of your own. A good southern Democrat who not only campaigned for the Obamas but gave mega bucks too.

You idiots didn't know she was a dem. All you wanted to do was nuke this woman out of existence.

For speaking the truth about how it was in the south in the 50's and 60's. ****** was part of the vocabulary.

Deal with it you little monsters. It's called history. But no. You ate one of your own thinking she was a republican.

Now...what if I told you I was a Republican? Would that burst your little bubble?
'k... it's not fair what's happened to Paula Deen...

but stick a fork in her, she's done...

so... who'll be the next mis-stepping popular personality to be set upon by the main-stream wolves...?

You facist won't take away my freedoms of speech! EVER!!!! I'll stand in front of the white house in front of a tank like that Chinese man before you do...I'll stand their laughing my ass off in front of the fucking world! :eusa_whistle:

This is how important our first amendment is...:eusa_hand: People in Egypt, Syria, Turkey and China risk their fucking lives for a chance to speak their own minds. You fuckers want to give that away? What in the fuck is wrong with you people? To do so over the fact that some groups becomes easily butt hurt, you're going to destroy our rights! Nuts. They need to get some thicker skin or fuck off.

-I'll call Muhammad a child rapist and a pig fucker! I'll point out how they mistreat their woman and how islamic culture sucks donkeys ass.
-I'll call blacks idiots in which they're for turning a blind eye on the slaughter of their own children by the hands of their own people.
-I'll even use the N word! They can use the C(Cracker)word.

WE DO NOT destroy someone for speaking their own minds in America. That's what China or Iran does! Understand???? We certainly don't let a religion push us around until we're hiding under our beds.

Dude...you're off on a tangent! Nobody is trying to take away free speech. Paula can say whatever the hell she wants...and the public has the right to respond in anyway they choose. Boycotting her products is their right if they so choose!

Are you drunk? :cuckoo:

She said ****** decades ago. So fucking what?

But the new lib game is to decimate a person for a verbal fuck up now pushing this back decades?

Oh won't this be fun up and coming.
#1 on Amazon

The backlash is thankfully tremendous. Everyone is buying her books to show support for her.

She used the word ****** decades ago and you libs have gone crazy trying to decimate her.

One of your own. A good southern Democrat who not only campaigned for the Obamas but gave mega bucks too.

You idiots didn't know she was a dem. All you wanted to do was nuke this woman out of existence.

For speaking the truth about how it was in the south in the 50's and 60's. ****** was part of the vocabulary.

Deal with it you little monsters. It's called history. But no. You ate one of your own thinking she was a republican.

Now...what if I told you I was a Republican? Would that burst your little bubble?

No. I wouldn't believe you.
'k... it's not fair what's happened to Paula Deen...

but stick a fork in her, she's done...

so... who'll be the next mis-stepping popular personality to be set upon by the main-stream wolves...?

Well they are going after Anne Rice now for her supporting the truth that in the 50's and 60's everyone used the word ******.
yawn......dumb story. It was more about the fact she wanted to host a party that had a "slave" type theme. I dont care if she used the word five minutes ago.

Only a fucking ignorant yankee would interpret an "antebellum" style wedding as a "slave party".


lolololololol!!!!! Hilarious! "Antebellum style" IS slavery!!!

Buy a fuckin' clue!

:lol: Only a Paula Deen style hick would call it Antebellum style instead of what it is. Paula is ignorant. It isn't because she's 66, from the South or whatever her excuse. She's a racist old coot. She needs to retire.
Well they are going after Anne Rice now for her supporting the truth that in the 50's and 60's everyone used the word ******

"Everyone" isn't trying to peddle their products to the general public.
You facist won't take away my freedoms of speech! EVER!!!! I'll stand in front of the white house in front of a tank like that Chinese man before you do...I'll stand their laughing my ass off in front of the fucking world! :eusa_whistle:

This is how important our first amendment is...:eusa_hand: People in Egypt, Syria, Turkey and China risk their fucking lives for a chance to speak their own minds. You fuckers want to give that away? What in the fuck is wrong with you people? To do so over the fact that some groups becomes easily butt hurt, you're going to destroy our rights! Nuts. They need to get some thicker skin or fuck off.

-I'll call Muhammad a child rapist and a pig fucker! I'll point out how they mistreat their woman and how islamic culture sucks donkeys ass.
-I'll call blacks idiots in which they're for turning a blind eye on the slaughter of their own children by the hands of their own people.
-I'll even use the N word! They can use the C(Cracker)word.

WE DO NOT destroy someone for speaking their own minds in America. That's what China or Iran does! Understand???? We certainly don't let a religion push us around until we're hiding under our beds.

Dude...you're off on a tangent! Nobody is trying to take away free speech. Paula can say whatever the hell she wants...and the public has the right to respond in anyway they choose. Boycotting her products is their right if they so choose!

Are you drunk? :cuckoo:

She said ****** decades ago. So fucking what?

But the new lib game is to decimate a person for a verbal fuck up now pushing this back decades?

Oh won't this be fun up and coming.

shoot... I still say "******" under my breath whenever an inconsiderate young black asshole pulls up next to me at a stop light with his sub-woofers blasting out whatever passes for music for him... with the subsequent vibrations causing the license plates on both of our cars to rattle... yeah, admittedly, at that point, I mutter under my breath, "fuckin' ******"...
Last edited:
Victimized. LOL. That was good for grins and chuckles.

Her name was what she was selling! I don't believe you don't understand that. Her name is now TARNISHED. Nobody wants to have anything to do with her BECAUSE of her name at this point.

And yes...the stores were the victim when they invested large sums of cash for her products with HER NAME on it! Her name is like the plague now! AVOID IT!!!

I smell a whole lot of markdowns coming for anything with Paula's name on it...just to get it the hell out of the stores! She's poison!

#1 on Amazon

The backlash is thankfully tremendous. Everyone is buying her books to show support for her.

She used the word ****** decades ago and you libs have gone crazy trying to decimate her.

One of your own. A good southern Democrat who not only campaigned for the Obamas but gave mega bucks too.

You idiots didn't know she was a dem. All you wanted to do was nuke this woman out of existence.

For speaking the truth about how it was in the south in the 50's and 60's. ****** was part of the vocabulary.

Deal with it you little monsters. It's called history. But no. You ate one of your own thinking she was a republican.

Thanks TD, now we understand exactly how it is supposed to work. Look at his or her party affiliation and decide how to respond. That is really 'ethical'
She said ****** decades ago. So fucking what?

So...it's come back to haunt her. Deal!

I'm obviously talking to someone who never had a life and when I was partying down at the Whiskey was still in their diapers if born at all.

eenie meeny miny moe

catch a ****** by the toe

if he hollers

let him go

eenie meeny miny moe

I used to skip double dutch to this as did millions of little girls. All shades of color.

Are we racist?

I don't think so.

Should a woman have her financial empire crumble for saying ****** in the 60's?

I don't think so.
shoot... I still say "******" under my breath whenever an inconsiderate young black asshole pulls up next to me at a stop light with his sub-woofers blasting out whatever passes for music for him... with the subsequent vibrations causing the license plate son both of our cars to rattle... yeah, admittedly, at the point, I mutter, "fuckin' ******"...

Just curious...what do you call "an inconsiderate young [white] asshole" when they do the same thing?
Her name was what she was selling! I don't believe you don't understand that. Her name is now TARNISHED. Nobody wants to have anything to do with her BECAUSE of her name at this point.

And yes...the stores were the victim when they invested large sums of cash for her products with HER NAME on it! Her name is like the plague now! AVOID IT!!!

I smell a whole lot of markdowns coming for anything with Paula's name on it...just to get it the hell out of the stores! She's poison!

#1 on Amazon

The backlash is thankfully tremendous. Everyone is buying her books to show support for her.

She used the word ****** decades ago and you libs have gone crazy trying to decimate her.

One of your own. A good southern Democrat who not only campaigned for the Obamas but gave mega bucks too.

You idiots didn't know she was a dem. All you wanted to do was nuke this woman out of existence.

For speaking the truth about how it was in the south in the 50's and 60's. ****** was part of the vocabulary.

Deal with it you little monsters. It's called history. But no. You ate one of your own thinking she was a republican.

Thanks TD, now we understand exactly how it is supposed to work. Look at his or her party affiliation and decide how to respond. That is really 'ethical'

Hey it's not my problem that all the comments on Think Progress and Salon thought Paula was a conservative southern redneck hillbilly republican

You guys went viral thinking she was a conservative without even knowing who she was or her background story.

I happen to like Deen. Politics aside. Se is a lib after all :eusa_angel:

From the first time I saw her on Oprah telling Winfrey "I ain't your doctor I'm your cook".

I liked her.
NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, NIGGGER, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******, ******,

So fucking what...It's a stupid word. Get the fuck over it!
Last edited:
shoot... I still say "******" under my breath whenever an inconsiderate young black asshole pulls up next to me at a stop light with his sub-woofers blasting out whatever passes for music for him... with the subsequent vibrations causing the license plate son both of our cars to rattle... yeah, admittedly, at the point, I mutter, "fuckin' ******"...

Just curious...what do you call "an inconsiderate young [white] asshole" when they do the same thing?

funny you should ask... I still mutter under my breath "fuckin' ******" no matter the skin tone of the inconsiderate asshole driving the offending car...

eta: sometimes I mutter "fuckin' asshole" in such situations...

eta again: to me, "******" is more an attitude than a skin tone... it has to do with folks who think they're entitled to more than they're entitled to... and who, without good cause, invade upon to the peace of others...
Last edited:
She said ****** decades ago. So fucking what?

So...it's come back to haunt her. Deal!

I'm obviously talking to someone who never had a life and when I was partying down at the Whiskey was still in their diapers if born at all.

eenie meeny miny moe

catch a ****** by the toe

if he hollers

let him go

eenie meeny miny moe

I used to skip double dutch to this as did millions of little girls. All shades of color.

Are we racist?

I don't think so.

Should a woman have her financial empire crumble for saying ****** in the 60's?

I don't think so.

Psssst! Yeah, I remember singing that tune when I was younger...but we sang it as "catch a piggy by the toe"...you know...as in "piggy toes"?

And yeah...I grew up in the North, not the South. Maybe that makes a difference.

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