What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil.

What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil. For using a single stupid world 30 years ago, she's being destroyed. What kind of shit is this??? We're going to destroy a person that has made our country richer for what we all say??? Not right.

It's TIME to back up our freedom of speech with our support. Who knows we may be saveragly destroyed next! Don't think it can't happen.

The media doesn't say shit about all the racism coming from the black population. No reporting on the threats and violence that occurs daily....

I won't stand by in put up with this shit!!!!

Buy her books
protest out in the street!
Say how we must forgive as a society!

We're better then this shit.

I have NO sympathy for her. She is a Southern Democrat who supports Democrats in her state, voted for obama twice, supported his campaign, had the first lady on her show and praised her. This is what happens when you put progressives in power and support them. We all suffer and often times it bite people like Deen in the ass.

Stupidity should be painful.
By the way. Partisan view?

I've gone to the mats for Paula not just in here. This is just a wonderous message board I have fun in.

She's a fabulous woman albeit a Dem :) who overcame a horrendous handicap to become what she is today.

All you have to do is go to my posts quoting the bastards from Think Progress who thought she was a republican, conservative, redneck, douchebag hillbilly and thought they had to destroy her.

Don't get at me girl. I've been on this since the beginning begging liberals to let this be and don't destroy her.

So are you saying conservatives are more tolerant than liberals?
What a shame her career is ruined and sponsors leave her hanging, and meanwhile when Chris Rock and the likes of him say ****** or cracker sponsors flock to them.

Hmmm...me see a double standard.

Chris Rock is a comedian. By definition, he is supposed to say rude, funny, obnoxious things.

I should also point out, that big companies are not creating a "Chris Rock" product line.
Since one can find any recipe on the internet, buying a cook book is a waste of money, but I WILL buy Paula Deen's cook book and remove the Food Channel from my favorite list.

I forgive her for voting for the empty suit fraud TWICE, recently, not 30 years ago, just to show that our side is more rational and tolerant than the screaming banshee racist leftists.
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What a shame her career is ruined and sponsors leave her hanging, and meanwhile when Chris Rock and the likes of him say ****** or cracker sponsors flock to them.

Hmmm...me see a double standard.

Chris Rock is a comedian. By definition, he is supposed to say rude, funny, obnoxious things.

I should also point out, that big companies are not creating a "Chris Rock" product line.

Paula Deen is a chef. By definition she is supposed to cook meals that appeal to people, and she does that with remarkable success. The words she used 30 years ago should be no more significant than if the President or the First Lady tried to promote the recipe for their favorite food.

I should also point out that Michelle Obama butts her fat nose into the nutrition business, and large companies produce TV shows with Chris Rock.
What a shame her career is ruined and sponsors leave her hanging, and meanwhile when Chris Rock and the likes of him say ****** or cracker sponsors flock to them.

Hmmm...me see a double standard.

Chris Rock is a comedian. By definition, he is supposed to say rude, funny, obnoxious things.

I should also point out, that big companies are not creating a "Chris Rock" product line.

Paula Deen is a chef. By definition she is supposed to cook meals that appeal to people, and she does that with remarkable success. The words she used 30 years ago should be no more significant than if the President or the First Lady tried to promote the recipe for their favorite food.

I should also point out that Michelle Obama butts her fat nose into the nutrition business, and large companies produce TV shows with Chris Rock.

Yes, how dare the First Lady stick her nose into the fact that 30% of our children are overweight!!!!

Did you have as much trouble with Nancy Reagan creating the stupidity of the War on Drugs, which last time I checked, we still haven't won?
What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil. For using a single stupid world 30 years ago, she's being destroyed. What kind of shit is this??? We're going to destroy a person that has made our country richer for what we all say??? Not right.

It's TIME to back up our freedom of speech with our support. Who knows we may be saveragly destroyed next! Don't think it can't happen.

The media doesn't say shit about all the racism coming from the black population. No reporting on the threats and violence that occurs daily....

I won't stand by in put up with this shit!!!!

Buy her books
protest out in the street!
Say how we must forgive as a society!

We're better then this shit.

She actually has many black supporters.
Paula Deen is toast! How can she sell her products to the general public when the public has turned on her? Any business associated with her at this point will be deemed racist...and let's face it...nobody needs that label when their trying to make money. Why should stores stay with her and her products? She's just not that special!

I mean, let's face it...she's an aging, racist diabetic pushing greasy, calorie filled southern cooking dunked in butter and deep fried! She's toast!

The public hasn't turned on her. Her books are #1 sellers and one hasn't been published yet. What we have is companies using her to vault themselves into some sort of champion of racial rights.

She made a racial comment, one time, to her husband, after a black man put a gun to her head and stole her car. She isn't very different from obama's grandma who told her husband that a black man at the bus stop made her fearful.
Corporations do not like controversy, thus the problems for Ms Deen. She's fine as I'm sure most people don't really care whether she is a racist. I have been surprised recently by some of the corporate powerhouse ads. Walmart now shows presumably normal people who shop at Walmart. Kinda funny that a corporation needs to do that. Think about it, 'listen folks, we may pay poorly, support China's cheap labor, ruin small businesses, but regular people shop here too. Now I see that Apple added California to their fancy ad which is well done, but rather ironic. Imagine if they were to introduce all the Americans in California who lost their jobs to the Chinese? As a person who makes every attempt to buy American made, I was fascinated by the Australian government suing the Japanese. Now your Japanese car is a 'whale killer car.' LOL So anyway Congress just made inside trading legal again, and George W. Bush is being canonized by some, so soon Paula will appear on BET in a comedy reversal of 'The Jeffersons.' And so it goes.... oh, and should I add some worry about gay marriage....maybe we are all in a bad comedy. Oh and I forgot, the scotus brought back Jim Crow....

Australia challenges Japanese whaling at The Hague - Australia Network News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"A variety of non-tariff barriers have traditionally impeded access to Japan’s automotive market. Overall sales of U.S. made vehicles and automotive parts in Japan remain low, which is a serious concern. The U.S. Government has expressed concern with the overall lack of access to Japan’s automotive market for U.S. automotive companies. Barriers include, but are not limited to, issues relating to standards and certification, the lack of sufficient opportunities for stakeholder input in the development of standards and regulations, barriers that hinder the development of distribution and service networks, and the lack of equivalent opportunities for U.S. models imported under the preferential handling procedure (PHP) certification program to benefit from temporary fiscal incentive programs. The U.S. Government urges Japan to address the full range of barriers in Japan’s automotive market." http://www.ustr.gov/sites/default/files/2013 NTE Japan Final.pdf

And back to Paula.

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/23/u...-willing-to-forgive-deens-racial-misstep.html - and - Paula Deen?s racism isn?t shocking at all - Salon.com

"The entire transcript is as revealing as it is fascinating; it’s a bit funny and a bit sad because Deen is so honest and her attitude is utterly unsurprising. I suppose I should be outraged, but I’m not. I’m actually baffled by how much play this story is getting in the news, where everyone seems shocked that an older white woman from the Deep South is racist and harbors a nostalgia for the antebellum era. Or perhaps my lack of surprise reveals my own biases. Though I know better, I have certain ideas about the South. Is this where I say, “I have Southern friends"?" Paula Deen?s racism isn?t shocking at all - Salon.com
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Why isn't Paul Deen an authentic white for using a racial slur, once, 26 years ago, and Rachel Jeantel is an authentic black for using a similar term yesterday?
The real demons here are the sponsors who dropped her at the drop of a name. There used to be some ethics in business that gave a little loyalty.
Really? You want to talk "ethics"? lololol!!!!! I'm sorry...but the word "ethical" does not compute when we're talking about stores continuing to sell products that are the brainchild of a racist. Lots of companies can sell pots and pans...it doesn't have to be Paula Deen. She's toast!

And the "demon" here is Paula Deen...she pushed her little pots and pans to stores that had faith in her and her name. Her name is now tarnished...the stores who are now dropping her are the ones who have been victimized. They're stuck with garbage that probably won't even sell at this point!

If I still had a store, I would feature her stuff
Well...good luck with that cause you may have a hard time dumping that shit at this point!
And My point is made for Me.
Chris Rock is a comedian. By definition, he is supposed to say rude, funny, obnoxious things.

I should also point out, that big companies are not creating a "Chris Rock" product line.

Paula Deen is a chef. By definition she is supposed to cook meals that appeal to people, and she does that with remarkable success. The words she used 30 years ago should be no more significant than if the President or the First Lady tried to promote the recipe for their favorite food.

I should also point out that Michelle Obama butts her fat nose into the nutrition business, and large companies produce TV shows with Chris Rock.

Yes, how dare the First Lady stick her nose into the fact that 30% of our children are overweight!!!!

Did you have as much trouble with Nancy Reagan creating the stupidity of the War on Drugs, which last time I checked, we still haven't won?
We also haven't won the war on poverty or crime.

It is because the government cannot do anything about that, nor should they even try. It is not the feds responsibility, and if M. Obama wanted to do something about child obesity, she'd fight for parental education, not food Nazi's. The bottom line is that fat children are the responsibility of parents, not government.
The real demons here are the sponsors who dropped her at the drop of a name. There used to be some ethics in business that gave a little loyalty.
Really? You want to talk "ethics"? lololol!!!!! I'm sorry...but the word "ethical" does not compute when we're talking about stores continuing to sell products that are the brainchild of a racist. Lots of companies can sell pots and pans...it doesn't have to be Paula Deen. She's toast!

And the "demon" here is Paula Deen...she pushed her little pots and pans to stores that had faith in her and her name. Her name is now tarnished...the stores who are now dropping her are the ones who have been victimized. They're stuck with garbage that probably won't even sell at this point!

If I still had a store, I would feature her stuff
Well...good luck with that cause you may have a hard time dumping that shit at this point!
And My point is made for Me.

Yup -- the bottom just dropped out of the cookware market. Which proves all of this is a shrewd scheme by Paula Deen to stimulate the economy just to make O'bama look good.
Paula Deen is a chef. By definition she is supposed to cook meals that appeal to people, and she does that with remarkable success. The words she used 30 years ago should be no more significant than if the President or the First Lady tried to promote the recipe for their favorite food.

I should also point out that Michelle Obama butts her fat nose into the nutrition business, and large companies produce TV shows with Chris Rock.

Yes, how dare the First Lady stick her nose into the fact that 30% of our children are overweight!!!!

Did you have as much trouble with Nancy Reagan creating the stupidity of the War on Drugs, which last time I checked, we still haven't won?
We also haven't won the war on poverty or crime.

It is because the government cannot do anything about that, nor should they even try. It is not the feds responsibility, and if M. Obama wanted to do something about child obesity, she'd fight for parental education, not food Nazi's. The bottom line is that fat children are the responsibility of parents, not government.

Nothing happens in a vacuum, as much as you wish it away, obesity is a COST burden to every insurance policy holder and every taxpayer.
The real demons here are the sponsors who dropped her at the drop of a name. There used to be some ethics in business that gave a little loyalty.

Really? You want to talk "ethics"? lololol!!!!! I'm sorry...but the word "ethical" does not compute when we're talking about stores continuing to sell products that are the brainchild of a racist. Lots of companies can sell pots and pans...it doesn't have to be Paula Deen. She's toast!

And the "demon" here is Paula Deen...she pushed her little pots and pans to stores that had faith in her and her name. Her name is now tarnished...the stores who are now dropping her are the ones who have been victimized. They're stuck with garbage that probably won't even sell at this point!

If I still had a store, I would feature her stuff

Well...good luck with that cause you may have a hard time dumping that shit at this point!

Her latest cookbook is #1 on Amazon best seller list and it hasn't been published yet. Her restaurants are packed from opening to closing. This controversy might be hurting whose who dump her more than hurting her.

Paula Deen is going about this all wrong. Her restaurants are popular, she should open more of them. She can self publish her books, have them printed in a free country like China, and direct sell them right along with her cookware. She won't even have to share profits with retail stores. At some point, all those stores losing money will want her back. This is nothing more than the Rush Limbaugh boycott part 2. His advertisers came crawling back but by then, they had already been replaced.
Paula Deen is a chef. By definition she is supposed to cook meals that appeal to people, and she does that with remarkable success. The words she used 30 years ago should be no more significant than if the President or the First Lady tried to promote the recipe for their favorite food.

I should also point out that Michelle Obama butts her fat nose into the nutrition business, and large companies produce TV shows with Chris Rock.

Yes, how dare the First Lady stick her nose into the fact that 30% of our children are overweight!!!!

Did you have as much trouble with Nancy Reagan creating the stupidity of the War on Drugs, which last time I checked, we still haven't won?
We also haven't won the war on poverty or crime.

It is because the government cannot do anything about that, nor should they even try. It is not the feds responsibility, and if M. Obama wanted to do something about child obesity, she'd fight for parental education, not food Nazi's. The bottom line is that fat children are the responsibility of parents, not government.

If you're sporting this level of awareness about Michelle Obama's food initiatives --- then apparently her parental education worked.

Just sayin'... there's more to changing public attitudes than what's at the surface.

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