What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil.

From what I could gather reading the complaint, most of it is against her brother Bubba, the porn addict. And Paula knowing what hewas doing and not backing up her employees with their complaints against him. And paula herself using the theword Fuck often..having a different dress code for the women, and in general...doing diddlysquat about the problems with Bubba and his sexual innuendos and harassment and bullying.

Paula should have nipped all that in the bud immediately. Now she is getting the fallout for her pond scum brother, bubba.
The world just laughs at us, society has gone over the edge.

At first I didn't give two craps about this Paula Deen thing but seeing how she is being castigated is just beyond the pale.

NOt really.

She's supposed to be representing a product line. Her brand name is now tainted. Like it or not, she used one of the most offensive words in the English Langauge.

I think I am losing my mind.

--She is something of an icon for 'The South'/Old South/Civil War Issues

Isn't that what this is really about?

She should have phased herself out of the spotlight several years ago, imo. I live in the South and the type of lifestyle she portrays is a complete fantasy. I think she expanded her empire too quickly or something.

ah well---CNN will feature a segment on the N word Monday night. A derogatory slur, the most offensive word, etc. That seems unnecessary but whatever.

What this is really about is the Zimmerman trial. The liberals are losing their racist. They need a substitute asap. They found Paula Deen who said a bad word to her husband 26 years ago when it wasn't a bad word. It will have to do in a pinch. It can be made to do. Everything being done to Paula Deen is what liberals want to do to George Zimmerman and can't.

This is just how serial killers can go around killing every woman who looks like their mother.
From what I could gather reading the complaint, most of it is against her brother Bubba, the porn addict. And Paula knowing what hewas doing and not backing up her employees with their complaints against him. And paula herself using the theword Fuck often..having a different dress code for the women, and in general...doing diddlysquat about the problems with Bubba and his sexual innuendos and harassment and bullying.

Paula should have nipped all that in the bud immediately. Now she is getting the fallout for her pond scum brother, bubba.

thanks--that makes some sort of sense.

The restaurant business--I think it is common for things to get 'nasty'.

Egos--giant egos. blech.

the scoop on Ina Garten/Barefoot Contessa is that she doesn't have a 'perfect' marriage. Somewhat tyrannical. fwiw. No surprise--and as for everyone else, I wouldn't be surprised that things 'go on'.

Marketing, marketing, marketing.
NOt really.

She's supposed to be representing a product line. Her brand name is now tainted. Like it or not, she used one of the most offensive words in the English Langauge.

I think I am losing my mind.

--She is something of an icon for 'The South'/Old South/Civil War Issues

Isn't that what this is really about?

She should have phased herself out of the spotlight several years ago, imo. I live in the South and the type of lifestyle she portrays is a complete fantasy. I think she expanded her empire too quickly or something.

ah well---CNN will feature a segment on the N word Monday night. A derogatory slur, the most offensive word, etc. That seems unnecessary but whatever.

What this is really about is the Zimmerman trial. The liberals are losing their racist. They need a substitute asap. They found Paula Deen who said a bad word to her husband 26 years ago when it wasn't a bad word. It will have to do in a pinch. It can be made to do. Everything being done to Paula Deen is what liberals want to do to George Zimmerman and can't.

This is just how serial killers can go around killing every woman who looks like their mother.

uhh yyyyyyyyeeeaaah, that's it. This is all about the Zimmerman trial, which started last week (I had to look that up, yet another who-cares non-news item). That's why Lisa Jackson filed this complaint three months ago about employment conditions going back to 2005, which as we all know was 26 years ago.

It was the same methodically meticulous pre-planning that Adolf Hitler used in 1961 to plant fake birth announcements in Honolulu newspapers as a smokescreen to keep the spotlight off the birth of his son Barack in Kenya, where der Führer was living since 1945 as he planned to install him in the US Presidency two years later in 2008.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
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She's supposed to be representing a product line. Her brand name is now tainted. Like it or not, she used one of the most offensive words in the English Langauge.

So is Chink, ****, Wop, Cracka, Honky. So it's a stretch to say that is one of the most offensive words. But it's ok if blacks say it, which they do often. When they stop, maybe everyone else will too. But don't hold your breath they ever will. They know now, due to the zimmerman trial and paula deen scandal that THEY can say and do whatever they want and nothing will be done about it except whitey getting the fall out.
The southern racist society she grew up in is evil and it's poison has unfortunately infected many good people.
If any society is evil in America - it is the Liberal one which includes most blacks. Southern conservatives give way more to charity than Liberals - so fuck you. :eusa_whistle:

Giving funds to their radical right wing evangelical brainwashing institutions isn't "giving to charity"

The right wing south takes the most welfare, are the poorest, and also the least intelligent. They are the toilet of america.

The dark side is strong with you....
yawn......dumb story. It was more about the fact she wanted to host a party that had a "slave" type theme. I dont care if she used the word five minutes ago.

And let's not forget about the segregated bathrooms. This not about a word 30 years ago. This woman........well, goes around comes around.

To bad your to much a coward to have your rep on so I could Neg you for your ignorance ... You are a true hateful person.
If any society is evil in America - it is the Liberal one which includes most blacks. Southern conservatives give way more to charity than Liberals - so fuck you. :eusa_whistle:

Giving funds to their radical right wing evangelical brainwashing institutions isn't "giving to charity"

The right wing south takes the most welfare, are the poorest, and also the least intelligent. They are the toilet of america.

The dark side is strong with you....

Painting with a broad brush is problematic.

Racism is evil, no argument there.

All I can say is that Paula Deen's show didn't appeal to me greatly. She seemed to have a number of ethnic guests from time to time if that matters.

Food Network has Trisha Yearwood to cover the Southern cooking angle now. Not exceedingly interesting.

Carbs--something of a problem for me. I would prefer more information on reducing carbs and related topics. Nutrition--straight nutrition--correcting bad eating habits. But, I suppose that is something I will have to address myself.
Giving funds to their radical right wing evangelical brainwashing institutions isn't "giving to charity"

The right wing south takes the most welfare, are the poorest, and also the least intelligent. They are the toilet of america.

The dark side is strong with you....

Painting with a broad brush is problematic.

Racism is evil, no argument there.

All I can say is that Paula Deen's show didn't appeal to me greatly. She seemed to have a number of ethnic guests from time to time if that matters.

Food Network has Trisha Yearwood to cover the Southern cooking angle now. Not exceedingly interesting.

Carbs--something of a problem for me. I would prefer more information on reducing carbs and related topics. Nutrition--straight nutrition--correcting bad eating habits. But, I suppose that is something I will have to address myself.

Here ya go: just cut out bread.
I tried this, simply switching from sandwiches to salads, no other dietary changes, and just by doing that I dropped 40 pounds. Just by shunning bread (and pastry and that sort of thing).

You are what you eat, and if what you eat is soft doughy things....

Giving funds to their radical right wing evangelical brainwashing institutions isn't "giving to charity"

The right wing south takes the most welfare, are the poorest, and also the least intelligent. They are the toilet of america.

The dark side is strong with you....

Painting with a broad brush is problematic.

Racism is evil, no argument there.

All I can say is that Paula Deen's show didn't appeal to me greatly. She seemed to have a number of ethnic guests from time to time if that matters.

Food Network has Trisha Yearwood to cover the Southern cooking angle now. Not exceedingly interesting.

Carbs--something of a problem for me. I would prefer more information on reducing carbs and related topics. Nutrition--straight nutrition--correcting bad eating habits. But, I suppose that is something I will have to address myself.

So her life should be ruined cause she made food that tasted good and was fattening???? That fucking stupid.
The dark side is strong with you....

Painting with a broad brush is problematic.

Racism is evil, no argument there.

All I can say is that Paula Deen's show didn't appeal to me greatly. She seemed to have a number of ethnic guests from time to time if that matters.

Food Network has Trisha Yearwood to cover the Southern cooking angle now. Not exceedingly interesting.

Carbs--something of a problem for me. I would prefer more information on reducing carbs and related topics. Nutrition--straight nutrition--correcting bad eating habits. But, I suppose that is something I will have to address myself.

So her life should be ruined cause she made food that tasted good and was fattening???? That fucking stupid.

What's "fucking stupid" is your asinine post, because nobody anywhere made a claim like that.

Painting with a broad brush is problematic.

Racism is evil, no argument there.

All I can say is that Paula Deen's show didn't appeal to me greatly. She seemed to have a number of ethnic guests from time to time if that matters.

Food Network has Trisha Yearwood to cover the Southern cooking angle now. Not exceedingly interesting.

Carbs--something of a problem for me. I would prefer more information on reducing carbs and related topics. Nutrition--straight nutrition--correcting bad eating habits. But, I suppose that is something I will have to address myself.

So her life should be ruined cause she made food that tasted good and was fattening???? That fucking stupid.

What's "fucking stupid" is your asinine post, because nobody anywhere made a claim like that.

The dark side is strong with you....

Painting with a broad brush is problematic.

Racism is evil, no argument there.

All I can say is that Paula Deen's show didn't appeal to me greatly. She seemed to have a number of ethnic guests from time to time if that matters.

Food Network has Trisha Yearwood to cover the Southern cooking angle now. Not exceedingly interesting.

Carbs--something of a problem for me. I would prefer more information on reducing carbs and related topics. Nutrition--straight nutrition--correcting bad eating habits. But, I suppose that is something I will have to address myself.

Here ya go: just cut out bread.
I tried this, simply switching from sandwiches to salads, no other dietary changes, and just by doing that I dropped 40 pounds. Just by shunning bread (and pastry and that sort of thing).

You are what you eat, and if what you eat is soft doughy things....


I am working on that.

The Food Network is a marketing vehicle, I understand that much. No real reason to watch anything they offer. lol--I know better and should do better.

Soon I will have homegrown tomatoes and that is about as good as it gets. :0
The dark side is strong with you....

Painting with a broad brush is problematic.

Racism is evil, no argument there.

All I can say is that Paula Deen's show didn't appeal to me greatly. She seemed to have a number of ethnic guests from time to time if that matters.

Food Network has Trisha Yearwood to cover the Southern cooking angle now. Not exceedingly interesting.

Carbs--something of a problem for me. I would prefer more information on reducing carbs and related topics. Nutrition--straight nutrition--correcting bad eating habits. But, I suppose that is something I will have to address myself.

So her life should be ruined cause she made food that tasted good and was fattening???? That fucking stupid.

I think this whole thing is absurd.

I do not think Paula Deen is a racist but don't want to get into a full blown argument over 'what is a racist'.

Thinking about things that I have said I tremble in fear of giving a deposition. I hate the internet polls --'Have you ever said the N word'--I don't think that I have, fwiw. If asked I would have to say that as a teenager I read 'GWTW' over and over again and things like that. If they didn't ask other questions relevant to my upbringing that might cause others to think that I am a racist. It is mind-boggling. I also read 'To Kill a Mockingbird' many times.

I grew up in Georgia and am around Paula Deen's age--maybe just as racist? That is something that I have been concerned about for decades. I am tired of it. Really tired of it.

Whatever went on in her restaurant---let the court decide.

'Southern Cooking'--not that interesting to me because that is the sort of food I have eaten all my life. It is good but now I can't really eat that sort of food very often. fwiw.

I have diabetes. My grandmother had diabetes and others in her family have had diabetes. They were farmers, active people and they also ate fried food and gravy and desserts. Food plays a role as does genetics--that is what I have learned, fwiw.
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What a shame her career is ruined and sponsors leave her hanging, and meanwhile when Chris Rock and the likes of him say ****** or cracker sponsors flock to them.

Hmmm...me see a double standard.

Chris Rock is a comedian. By definition, he is supposed to say rude, funny, obnoxious things.

I should also point out, that big companies are not creating a "Chris Rock" product line.

Not exactly true. Chris Rock was part of the Madagascar Movie and thus a part of any product line resulting from the movie which is marketed to kids BTW. Actually hasn't he made several movies all of which most likely have product lines and have absolutely nothing to do with his stand up comedy. Yet nobody complains Chris Rock is a racist? Why not? Cracker is a racist comment.

IF Jay leno used the word ****** in his monologues nobody would say something? After all he's a comedian too. So if Paula Deen said the word ****** as a joke than it's OK?

If you think Obama himself hasn't used the word cracker a few times you really are naive. It's a double standard and one based on white guilt. If PC dictates that whites get canned for using the word ****** but blacks can use the word cracker,even in jest, than PC is racist in and of itself and should be tossed out the window. All men are created equal except whites I guess. That has been proven by affirmative action over and over again. I guess that means whites are now on the back of the bus. We are the new niggas.lol
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What a shame her career is ruined and sponsors leave her hanging, and meanwhile when Chris Rock and the likes of him say ****** or cracker sponsors flock to them.

Hmmm...me see a double standard.

Chris Rock is a comedian. By definition, he is supposed to say rude, funny, obnoxious things.

I should also point out, that big companies are not creating a "Chris Rock" product line.

Not exactly true. Chris Rock was part of the Madagascar Movie and thus a part of any product line resulting from the movie which is marketed to kids BTW. Actually hasn't he made several movies all of which most likely have product lines and have absolutely nothing to do with his stand up comedy. Yet nobody complains Chris Rock is a racist? Why not? Cracker is a racist comment.

IF Jay leno used the word ****** in his monologues nobody would say something? After all he's a comedian too. So if Paula Deen said the word ****** as a joke than it's OK?

If you think Obama himself hasn't used the word cracker a few times you really are naive. It's a double standard and one based on white guilt. If PC dictates that whites get canned for using the word ****** but blacks can use the word cracker,even in jest, than PC is racist in and of itself and should be tossed out the window. All men are created equal except whites I guess. That has been proven by affirmative action over and over again. I guess that means whites are now on the back of the bus. We are the new niggas.lol

Yep. And all the crap being shown recently just proves it. And it WILL get worse. Just wait for a nigga to come lookin' for a cracka' to kill if Zimmerman walks. And I quote that from the link someone supplied in one of the thread here on what blacks...oops..nigga's....are posting. They are calling themselves nigga...wanna kill some cracka nigga's and therefore I guess we are all nigga's but on the bottom rung if not dark skinned.
Chris Rock is a comedian. By definition, he is supposed to say rude, funny, obnoxious things.

I should also point out, that big companies are not creating a "Chris Rock" product line.

Not exactly true. Chris Rock was part of the Madagascar Movie and thus a part of any product line resulting from the movie which is marketed to kids BTW. Actually hasn't he made several movies all of which most likely have product lines and have absolutely nothing to do with his stand up comedy. Yet nobody complains Chris Rock is a racist? Why not? Cracker is a racist comment.

IF Jay leno used the word ****** in his monologues nobody would say something? After all he's a comedian too. So if Paula Deen said the word ****** as a joke than it's OK?

If you think Obama himself hasn't used the word cracker a few times you really are naive. It's a double standard and one based on white guilt. If PC dictates that whites get canned for using the word ****** but blacks can use the word cracker,even in jest, than PC is racist in and of itself and should be tossed out the window. All men are created equal except whites I guess. That has been proven by affirmative action over and over again. I guess that means whites are now on the back of the bus. We are the new niggas.lol

Yep. And all the crap being shown recently just proves it. And it WILL get worse. Just wait for a nigga to come lookin' for a cracka' to kill if Zimmerman walks. And I quote that from the link someone supplied in one of the thread here on what blacks...oops..nigga's....are posting. They are calling themselves nigga...wanna kill some cracka nigga's and therefore I guess we are all nigga's but on the bottom rung if not dark skinned.

If they kill a innocent white person they need to go to prison for the rest of their lives. Secondly, members of the black community need to speak out about how this kind of speech is wrong.

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