What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil.


What this is really about is the Zimmerman trial. The liberals are losing their racist. They need a substitute asap. They found Paula Deen who said a bad word to her husband 26 years ago when it wasn't a bad word. It will have to do in a pinch. It can be made to do. Everything being done to Paula Deen is what liberals want to do to George Zimmerman and can't.

This is just how serial killers can go around killing every woman who looks like their mother.

It was a BAD WORD 26 years ago, it's a bad word now.

Are you really this stupid?

Again- Liberals aren't doing jack to this woman.

The people doing her in are big corporations that you RUBES keep voting more power to because they promise to inflict your little sky man on the rest of us.

The corporations are doing this only because they're completely intimidated by the PC Police, which has done its work well.

In America, say the wrong thing and we'll get you.


The corporations are only doing this because they care about money, and don't want their family friendly cookware products to be emeshed in a controversy about race.

I had a co-worker who got fired because she said something about the company on Craig's List, and they came down on her like a ton of bricks.
Chris Rock is a comedian. By definition, he is supposed to say rude, funny, obnoxious things.

I should also point out, that big companies are not creating a "Chris Rock" product line.

Paula Deen is a chef. By definition she is supposed to cook meals that appeal to people, and she does that with remarkable success. The words she used 30 years ago should be no more significant than if the President or the First Lady tried to promote the recipe for their favorite food.

I should also point out that Michelle Obama butts her fat nose into the nutrition business, and large companies produce TV shows with Chris Rock.

Yes, how dare the First Lady stick her nose into the fact that 30% of our children are overweight!!!!

Did you have as much trouble with Nancy Reagan creating the stupidity of the War on Drugs, which last time I checked, we still haven't won?

May be the First Lady should use the power of her husband's office to allow children to play tag, run around, playing cops and robbers, cowboys and Native Americans, dodge ball, have Phys Ed instead Darwinism indoctrination classes, and let parents be parents and pack lunch for their kids, rather than letting politically correct idiots feed them slop and crap in school cafeterias.

And someone of her physical stature is definitely NOT the best spokes person against obesity, at least not without risking of being called - rightfully - a flaming hypocrite.

May be the First Lady should use the power of her husband's office to allow children to play tag, run around, playing cops and robbers, cowboys and Native Americans, dodge ball, have Phys Ed instead Darwinism indoctrination classes, and let parents be parents and pack lunch for their kids, rather than letting politically correct idiots feed them slop and crap in school cafeterias.

And someone of her physical stature is definitely NOT the best spokes person against obesity, at least not without risking of being called - rightfully - a flaming hypocrite.

Darwinism Indoctrination? You mean... SCIENCE?

Oh, my God, teaching kids SCIENCE. Don't you know that might make them doubt their belief in a Magic Sky Fairy?

The corporations are doing this only because they're completely intimidated by the PC Police, which has done its work well.

In America, say the wrong thing and we'll get you.


The corporations are only doing this because they care about money, and don't want their family friendly cookware products to be emeshed in a controversy about race.

I had a co-worker who got fired because she said something about the company on Craig's List, and they came down on her like a ton of bricks.

Think Progress and Salon drove this.

They took allegations by assholes and instead of posting Jackson's (you know the plaintiff in the case) testimony under oath that she had never heard Paula Deen utter a racial slur ran with the "Paula Deen is a racist story".

This is beyond disgusting. Libs have now shown themselves to be on the lowest level ever.

The corporations are doing this only because they're completely intimidated by the PC Police, which has done its work well.

In America, say the wrong thing and we'll get you.


In the 60's 70's or 80's.

When I heard that Walmart dropped her I had to laugh. Old Sam. Think of Sam in the 60's.

Oh and Clinton is from Arkansas too. From the 50's 60's 70's and 80's......

What this is really about is the Zimmerman trial. The liberals are losing their racist. They need a substitute asap. They found Paula Deen who said a bad word to her husband 26 years ago when it wasn't a bad word. It will have to do in a pinch. It can be made to do. Everything being done to Paula Deen is what liberals want to do to George Zimmerman and can't.

This is just how serial killers can go around killing every woman who looks like their mother.

It was a BAD WORD 26 years ago, it's a bad word now.

Are you really this stupid?

Again- Liberals aren't doing jack to this woman.

The people doing her in are big corporations that you RUBES keep voting more power to because they promise to inflict your little sky man on the rest of us.

26 years ago, the "N" word was a word of ordinary use. It was a descriptive term before we were bullied into using the word "black".
Companies that she had a relationship with as far as TV,publishing,what have you
are running as far and a fast away from her as they can.
I'm sure if people thought they could get away with it they would probably
stone her in the town square.

Imagine if she said something derogatory against gays that would have been far worse since the
gay nation is the media darling right now.Since it's about blacks the media will beat her up
till she can barely make a living.It this were a gay thing they would make sure she never
works again...

What's happening to her right now seems pretty harsh for what she's been accused of.
Companies have a right to hire and fire of course but this is a reaction to how the media
is playing this up.
I think I am losing my mind.

--She is something of an icon for 'The South'/Old South/Civil War Issues

Isn't that what this is really about?

She should have phased herself out of the spotlight several years ago, imo. I live in the South and the type of lifestyle she portrays is a complete fantasy. I think she expanded her empire too quickly or something.

ah well---CNN will feature a segment on the N word Monday night. A derogatory slur, the most offensive word, etc. That seems unnecessary but whatever.

What this is really about is the Zimmerman trial. The liberals are losing their racist. They need a substitute asap. They found Paula Deen who said a bad word to her husband 26 years ago when it wasn't a bad word. It will have to do in a pinch. It can be made to do. Everything being done to Paula Deen is what liberals want to do to George Zimmerman and can't.

This is just how serial killers can go around killing every woman who looks like their mother.

uhh yyyyyyyyeeeaaah, that's it. This is all about the Zimmerman trial, which started last week (I had to look that up, yet another who-cares non-news item). That's why Lisa Jackson filed this complaint three months ago about employment conditions going back to 2005, which as we all know was 26 years ago.

It was the same methodically meticulous pre-planning that Adolf Hitler used in 1961 to plant fake birth announcements in Honolulu newspapers as a smokescreen to keep the spotlight off the birth of his son Barack in Kenya, where der Führer was living since 1945 as he planned to install him in the US Presidency two years later in 2008.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

The Zimmerman case long predates the lawsuit. When did the Deen hysteria start? These companies dropping Deen have nothing to do with an employment practices lawsuit. All those companies now on the high road from Deen have been sued for employment practices themselves. How many employment practices lawsuits has Walmart had? No one dropped Paul Deen because of an employment practices lawsuit.
The southern racist society she grew up in is evil and it's poison has unfortunately infected many good people.
If any society is evil in America - it is the Liberal one which includes most blacks. Southern conservatives give way more to charity than Liberals - so fuck you. :eusa_whistle:

Giving funds to their radical right wing evangelical brainwashing institutions isn't "giving to charity"

The right wing south takes the most welfare, are the poorest, and also the least intelligent. They are the toilet of america.

You show ignorance every time you open your mouth.
So tell me what the north has that makes them so intelligent?
I'll be waiting......most likely forever.
Paula Deen is toast! How can she sell her products to the general public when the public has turned on her? Any business associated with her at this point will be deemed racist...and let's face it...nobody needs that label when their trying to make money. Why should stores stay with her and her products? She's just not that special!

I mean, let's face it...she's an aging, racist diabetic pushing greasy, calorie filled southern cooking dunked in butter and deep fried! She's toast!

America has turned on her? Only the one's who hate her success.
I cook a lot but I've never bought one of her books. I'll go buy several now,even if they sit on the shelf and collect dust.
Their weirdest part about political correctness if if some black celebrity had said something racist about whites or another non protected group long time ago in the past, if sponsors started dropping the person, they would be accused of racism.
yawn......dumb story. It was more about the fact she wanted to host a party that had a "slave" type theme. I dont care if she used the word five minutes ago.

Only a fucking ignorant yankee would interpret an "antebellum" style wedding as a "slave party".


lolololololol!!!!! Hilarious! "Antebellum style" IS slavery!!!

Buy a fuckin' clue!

LOLOLOLOL! Hilarious you're so stupid. Ante is the Latin word for "before". Bellum is the Latin word for "war"
I'll let you put it together from there.....assuming you're not to stupid.
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26 years ago there was something called ARC where the acronym actually then stood for the "Association of Retarded Citizens". I'm sure you've all seen the commercial "I sort glass"... Today if you said the word "retarded" you would be destroyed like Paula Deen was. but even their PSA back then was acceptable. The odd thing is that the word retarded is in itself a politically correct replacement for the prior terms used, like idiot, imbecile, etc.. And in the future, being called "mentally challenged" will be politically incorrect and people will lose jobs, etc if they use that.
Only a fucking ignorant yankee would interpret an "antebellum" style wedding as a "slave party".


lolololololol!!!!! Hilarious! "Antebellum style" IS slavery!!!

Buy a fuckin' clue!

LOLOLOLOL! Hilarious you're so stupid. Ante is the Latin word for "before". Bellum is the Latin word for "before"
I'll let you put it together from there.....assuming you're not to stupid.

Bellum means war in latin. There were places in the USA before the civil war (hence antebellum) where they didn't have slavery, and there were places in the Union during the civil war that had slavery.
lolololololol!!!!! Hilarious! "Antebellum style" IS slavery!!!

Buy a fuckin' clue!

LOLOLOLOL! Hilarious you're so stupid. Ante is the Latin word for "before". Bellum is the Latin word for "before"
I'll let you put it together from there.....assuming you're not to stupid.

Bellum means war in latin. There were places in the USA before the civil war (hence antebellum) where they didn't have slavery, and there were places in the Union during the civil war that had slavery.

After I typed that I realized what I had said. At the moment I was thinking about the architecture--Sherman thought Savannah was 'too beautiful' and chose not to burn it, etc. People have pictures taken for weddings in the parks with the gazebos and many weddings are held in historic buildings. That is what they have there.

It does represent slavery.
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What this is really about is the Zimmerman trial. The liberals are losing their racist. They need a substitute asap. They found Paula Deen who said a bad word to her husband 26 years ago when it wasn't a bad word. It will have to do in a pinch. It can be made to do. Everything being done to Paula Deen is what liberals want to do to George Zimmerman and can't.

This is just how serial killers can go around killing every woman who looks like their mother.

uhh yyyyyyyyeeeaaah, that's it. This is all about the Zimmerman trial, which started last week (I had to look that up, yet another who-cares non-news item). That's why Lisa Jackson filed this complaint three months ago about employment conditions going back to 2005, which as we all know was 26 years ago.

It was the same methodically meticulous pre-planning that Adolf Hitler used in 1961 to plant fake birth announcements in Honolulu newspapers as a smokescreen to keep the spotlight off the birth of his son Barack in Kenya, where der Führer was living since 1945 as he planned to install him in the US Presidency two years later in 2008.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

The Zimmerman case long predates the lawsuit. When did the Deen hysteria start? These companies dropping Deen have nothing to do with an employment practices lawsuit. All those companies now on the high road from Deen have been sued for employment practices themselves. How many employment practices lawsuits has Walmart had? No one dropped Paul Deen because of an employment practices lawsuit.

Unless you were in the room when their lawyers gave these companies their assessment of the legal complaint, or can provide a link to it, that's bullshit you're making up on your own. I think you'll need a link to where any of these companies indicated their separation was because of "saying '******'" or even because of racism. I don't think corporate lawyers are gonna write it that way.

What happens in reality:
1. legal complaint filed in March;
2. lawyers for Food Network alerted, have their lawyers look it over to see if it has legs -- meaning is it frivolous enough to be unceremoniously dumped, or would it be taken seriously, and if the latter, would it contain content that could embarrass the client... regardless of whether the content has merit, which can only be determined in trial;
3. the attorneys give their assessment to the client.

Now I don't claim to have been in the room for that meeting and I doubt anyone else here was either. But after receiving that assessment, the Food Network decides to let the contract expire.

Since the employment practices lawsuit is exactly what generated the analysis, it has everything to do with an employment practices lawsuit.

George Zimmerman or Robert Zimmerman or whatever his name is does not exist in this scenario. No more than New Mexico exists in the 1969 moon landing. You'd have to believe there's a massive bunker somewhere where some director dictator is staging our news off a script.

So again.... :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
The world just laughs at us, society has gone over the edge.

At first I didn't give two craps about this Paula Deen thing but seeing how she is being castigated is just beyond the pale.

NOt really.

She's supposed to be representing a product line. Her brand name is now tainted. Like it or not, she used one of the most offensive words in the English Langauge.

It's not offensive to me. It's only offensive to those that choose to be offended. By a word. She didn't run around chopping off people's head. She said a word that people choose to be offended by because our country has gone insane.

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