What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil.

The real demons here are the sponsors who dropped her at the drop of a name. There used to be some ethics in business that gave a little loyalty.

Really? You want to talk "ethics"? lololol!!!!! I'm sorry...but the word "ethical" does not compute when we're talking about stores continuing to sell products that are the brainchild of a racist. Lots of companies can sell pots and pans...it doesn't have to be Paula Deen. She's toast!

And the "demon" here is Paula Deen...she pushed her little pots and pans to stores that had faith in her and her name. Her name is now tarnished...the stores who are now dropping her are the ones who have been victimized. They're stuck with garbage that probably won't even sell at this point!

If I still had a store, I would feature her stuff

Well...good luck with that cause you may have a hard time dumping that shit at this point!

Her latest cookbook is #1 on Amazon best seller list and it hasn't been published yet. Her restaurants are packed from opening to closing. This controversy might be hurting whose who dump her more than hurting her.

Paula Deen is going about this all wrong. Her restaurants are popular, she should open more of them. She can self publish her books, have them printed in a free country like China, and direct sell them right along with her cookware. She won't even have to share profits with retail stores. At some point, all those stores losing money will want her back. This is nothing more than the Rush Limbaugh boycott part 2. His advertisers came crawling back but by then, they had already been replaced.

I've been following a paper in Savannah on this issue. Most interesting.

Ms Jackson is not considered highly from co workers from what I gather.

Well hells bells you have Jacksons lawyer caught tweeting "suing Paula Deen is a hoot" and Jackson herself under oath testifying that she never heard Paula ever say a racial slur.

Its a hit job that will unfortunately cost Deen millions with liberals driving the issue before they realized she was a good old Democrat.
Really? You want to talk "ethics"? lololol!!!!! I'm sorry...but the word "ethical" does not compute when we're talking about stores continuing to sell products that are the brainchild of a racist. Lots of companies can sell pots and pans...it doesn't have to be Paula Deen. She's toast!

And the "demon" here is Paula Deen...she pushed her little pots and pans to stores that had faith in her and her name. Her name is now tarnished...the stores who are now dropping her are the ones who have been victimized. They're stuck with garbage that probably won't even sell at this point!

Well...good luck with that cause you may have a hard time dumping that shit at this point!

Her latest cookbook is #1 on Amazon best seller list and it hasn't been published yet. Her restaurants are packed from opening to closing. This controversy might be hurting whose who dump her more than hurting her.

Paula Deen is going about this all wrong. Her restaurants are popular, she should open more of them. She can self publish her books, have them printed in a free country like China, and direct sell them right along with her cookware. She won't even have to share profits with retail stores. At some point, all those stores losing money will want her back. This is nothing more than the Rush Limbaugh boycott part 2. His advertisers came crawling back but by then, they had already been replaced.

I've been following a paper in Savannah on this issue. Most interesting.

Ms Jackson is not considered highly from co workers from what I gather.

Well hells bells you have Jacksons lawyer caught tweeting "suing Paula Deen is a hoot" and Jackson herself under oath testifying that she never heard Paula ever say a racial slur.

Its a hit job that will unfortunately cost Deen millions with liberals driving the issue before they realized she was a good old Democrat.

Speaking of hit jobs, from what hole do you pull this malarkey that "liberals are driving the issue"? :confused:

A lawsuit about employment practices is driving the issue. You just alluded to it in your own post. DUH.

Some are apparently so content to drown themselves in the butter of their own hate that they can't see over the lip of their own frying pan.
Her latest cookbook is #1 on Amazon best seller list and it hasn't been published yet. Her restaurants are packed from opening to closing. This controversy might be hurting whose who dump her more than hurting her.

Paula Deen is going about this all wrong. Her restaurants are popular, she should open more of them. She can self publish her books, have them printed in a free country like China, and direct sell them right along with her cookware. She won't even have to share profits with retail stores. At some point, all those stores losing money will want her back. This is nothing more than the Rush Limbaugh boycott part 2. His advertisers came crawling back but by then, they had already been replaced.

I've been following a paper in Savannah on this issue. Most interesting.

Ms Jackson is not considered highly from co workers from what I gather.

Well hells bells you have Jacksons lawyer caught tweeting "suing Paula Deen is a hoot" and Jackson herself under oath testifying that she never heard Paula ever say a racial slur.

Its a hit job that will unfortunately cost Deen millions with liberals driving the issue before they realized she was a good old Democrat.

Speaking of hit jobs, from what hole do you pull this malarkey that "liberals are driving the issue"? :confused:

A lawsuit about employment practices is driving the issue. You just alluded to it in your own post. DUH.

Some are apparently so content to drown themselves in the butter of their own hate that they can't see over the lip of their own frying pan.

Think Progress and Salon drove this initially.

And posters like Lakhota went koo koo bye bye with it till she finally realized Paula was a fabulous D. On every lib board out there.

At one point it seemed like every liberal on the freaking planet and their mother was badmouthing Deen. Are you going to tell me otherwise?

Kudos to HuffPo for helping to stem the tide when Jesse and Al jumped in but hells bells you should have seen what abuse JJackson took on twitter.

Go look it up on twitchy. Libs wishing Jesse had been shot on the balcony.

This shit is out there man. USMB as much as I love it is just one slice of the real world and the real world out there comprised of liberal freaks who love to attempt to get people thrown out of their jobs really racheted up shit against this woman.
Her latest cookbook is #1 on Amazon best seller list and it hasn't been published yet. Her restaurants are packed from opening to closing. This controversy might be hurting whose who dump her more than hurting her.

Paula Deen is going about this all wrong. Her restaurants are popular, she should open more of them. She can self publish her books, have them printed in a free country like China, and direct sell them right along with her cookware. She won't even have to share profits with retail stores. At some point, all those stores losing money will want her back. This is nothing more than the Rush Limbaugh boycott part 2. His advertisers came crawling back but by then, they had already been replaced.

I've been following a paper in Savannah on this issue. Most interesting.

Ms Jackson is not considered highly from co workers from what I gather.

Well hells bells you have Jacksons lawyer caught tweeting "suing Paula Deen is a hoot" and Jackson herself under oath testifying that she never heard Paula ever say a racial slur.

Its a hit job that will unfortunately cost Deen millions with liberals driving the issue before they realized she was a good old Democrat.

Speaking of hit jobs, from what hole do you pull this malarkey that "liberals are driving the issue"? :confused:

A lawsuit about employment practices is driving the issue. You just alluded to it in your own post. DUH.

Some are apparently so content to drown themselves in the butter of their own hate that they can't see over the lip of their own frying pan.

Lawsuit for racial discrimination by a white woman who has a partner who's I think it was niece that was fathered by a man of color.

A white woman who testified under oath that she never heard Paula Deen say a racist slur.

For crying out loud this is insane.

Hey but I hope all the libs who were calling for Deen's head are happy. I hope they all got to jack off on themselves before they realized they off'd a really big Obama supporter

Poor woman.

Even Jimmy Carter is jumping in now and defending her.
What is occurring to Paula Deen is evil. For using a single stupid world 30 years ago, she's being destroyed. What kind of shit is this??? We're going to destroy a person that has made our country richer for what we all say??? Not right.

It's TIME to back up our freedom of speech with our support. Who knows we may be saveragly destroyed next! Don't think it can't happen.

The media doesn't say shit about all the racism coming from the black population. No reporting on the threats and violence that occurs daily....

I won't stand by in put up with this shit!!!!

Buy her books
protest out in the street!
Say how we must forgive as a society!

We're better then this shit.

Thanks to Obama, racial tensions are at a fever pitch and that may explain this. Before he took office, Biden got away with saying Obama was the only clean and articulate black to run for office (which is the same as saying most blacks smell bad and can't put a sentence together). If Deen can be impugned for some word she uttered years ago, shouldn't the left machine eat up and spit Biden out, too? One would expect minorities and the party that claims to be their defenders to be highly offended at that, but it's not what you say or do, it's what party you belong to.

I have no idea where Paula stands politically, but guessing maybe she isn't liberal enough and that means she is fair game.

Liberals often say questionable things. Robert Byrd was in the KKK and led his local chapter and I'll bet he said the word countless times and maybe took actions against minorities. Yet the left absolved him of all guilt because he believed in their agenda.

I hope Paula Deen finds another network that isn't so small minded. She'll be fine.
wow...you are that pathetic to tried to tie Obama into this? ugh fucking bottom feeders.

You don't think Obama's comments shape the opinion of his followers and those who fear being attacked by his followers? The race card is constantly in play these days and few times are legit.

Obama is right now fanning the flames of racism by his visit to Africa. It's always about race and he knows very well that it's easy to anger people and he never misses an opportunity to do that. Some see to it that people never move on and they think we should always be reminded of bad things in the past. Well, except when it comes to Muslim terrorist attacks. Those are forgotten within hours.
Thanks to Obama, racial tensions are at a fever pitch and that may explain this. Before he took office, Biden got away with saying Obama was the only clean and articulate black to run for office (which is the same as saying most blacks smell bad and can't put a sentence together). If Deen can be impugned for some word she uttered years ago, shouldn't the left machine eat up and spit Biden out, too? One would expect minorities and the party that claims to be their defenders to be highly offended at that, but it's not what you say or do, it's what party you belong to.

I have no idea where Paula stands politically, but guessing maybe she isn't liberal enough and that means she is fair game.

Liberals often say questionable things. Robert Byrd was in the KKK and led his local chapter and I'll bet he said the word countless times and maybe took actions against minorities. Yet the left absolved him of all guilt because he believed in their agenda.

I hope Paula Deen finds another network that isn't so small minded. She'll be fine.
wow...you are that pathetic to tried to tie Obama into this? ugh fucking bottom feeders.

You don't think Obama's comments shape the opinion of his followers and those who fear being attacked by his followers? The race card is constantly in play these days and few times are legit.

Obama is right now fanning the flames of racism by his visit to Africa. It's always about race and he knows very well that it's easy to anger people and he never misses an opportunity to do that. Some see to it that people never move on and they think we should always be reminded of bad things in the past. Well, except when it comes to Muslim terrorist attacks. Those are forgotten within hours.

Holy FUCK, the President of the United States went to Africa just to fan the flames of racism and get back at the right???

Talk about a victim-hood mentality.
I've been following a paper in Savannah on this issue. Most interesting.

Ms Jackson is not considered highly from co workers from what I gather.

Well hells bells you have Jacksons lawyer caught tweeting "suing Paula Deen is a hoot" and Jackson herself under oath testifying that she never heard Paula ever say a racial slur.

Its a hit job that will unfortunately cost Deen millions with liberals driving the issue before they realized she was a good old Democrat.

Speaking of hit jobs, from what hole do you pull this malarkey that "liberals are driving the issue"? :confused:

A lawsuit about employment practices is driving the issue. You just alluded to it in your own post. DUH.

Some are apparently so content to drown themselves in the butter of their own hate that they can't see over the lip of their own frying pan.

Think Progress and Salon drove this initially.

And posters like Lakhota went koo koo bye bye with it till she finally realized Paula was a fabulous D. On every lib board out there.

At one point it seemed like every liberal on the freaking planet and their mother was badmouthing Deen. Are you going to tell me otherwise?

Yeah. I'm going to tell you you're engaging in a hasty generalization fallacy, not to mention guilt by association that you've been peddling on these boards the whole way. I said it in the first post I made on this topic, and I'll say it again here: trying to scrape cheap political points on an internet message board by fabricating a specious association into a topic that has nothing to do with politics, is just dishonest, and transparently so. All you seem interested in is amassing political jabs on the back of Paula Deen's troubles. Forgive me if I'm less than impressed with that level of ethics.

Kudos to HuffPo for helping to stem the tide when Jesse and Al jumped in but hells bells you should have seen what abuse JJackson took on twitter.

Go look it up on twitchy. Libs wishing Jesse had been shot on the balcony.

No idea what that bit o' babble means but no, I'm not going to "look it up". It's your red herring.

This shit is out there man. USMB as much as I love it is just one slice of the real world and the real world out there comprised of liberal freaks who love to attempt to get people thrown out of their jobs really racheted up shit against this woman.

Again -- disingenuous. You're using the shit against this woman for your own selfish purposes.

And it's not a racial discrimination suit -- it's an employment practices suit. Your spin cycle is transparently fraudulent.
Thanks to Obama, racial tensions are at a fever pitch and that may explain this. Before he took office, Biden got away with saying Obama was the only clean and articulate black to run for office (which is the same as saying most blacks smell bad and can't put a sentence together). If Deen can be impugned for some word she uttered years ago, shouldn't the left machine eat up and spit Biden out, too? One would expect minorities and the party that claims to be their defenders to be highly offended at that, but it's not what you say or do, it's what party you belong to.

I have no idea where Paula stands politically, but guessing maybe she isn't liberal enough and that means she is fair game.

Liberals often say questionable things. Robert Byrd was in the KKK and led his local chapter and I'll bet he said the word countless times and maybe took actions against minorities. Yet the left absolved him of all guilt because he believed in their agenda.

I hope Paula Deen finds another network that isn't so small minded. She'll be fine.
wow...you are that pathetic to tried to tie Obama into this? ugh fucking bottom feeders.

You don't think Obama's comments shape the opinion of his followers and those who fear being attacked by his followers? The race card is constantly in play these days and few times are legit.

Obama is right now fanning the flames of racism by his visit to Africa. It's always about race and he knows very well that it's easy to anger people and he never misses an opportunity to do that. Some see to it that people never move on and they think we should always be reminded of bad things in the past. Well, except when it comes to Muslim terrorist attacks. Those are forgotten within hours.

Going to Africa "fans the flames of racism"?? :eek:

Or just when a POTUS does it?


Any questions?
Yes, how dare the First Lady stick her nose into the fact that 30% of our children are overweight!!!!

Did you have as much trouble with Nancy Reagan creating the stupidity of the War on Drugs, which last time I checked, we still haven't won?
We also haven't won the war on poverty or crime.

It is because the government cannot do anything about that, nor should they even try. It is not the feds responsibility, and if M. Obama wanted to do something about child obesity, she'd fight for parental education, not food Nazi's. The bottom line is that fat children are the responsibility of parents, not government.

Nothing happens in a vacuum, as much as you wish it away, obesity is a COST burden to every insurance policy holder and every taxpayer.

Exactly. And frankly, Mrs. Obama HAS gotten some of the worse offenders, like McDonalds, to clean up their act.
The world just laughs at us, society has gone over the edge.

At first I didn't give two craps about this Paula Deen thing but seeing how she is being castigated is just beyond the pale.
The world just laughs at us, society has gone over the edge.

At first I didn't give two craps about this Paula Deen thing but seeing how she is being castigated is just beyond the pale.

NOt really.

She's supposed to be representing a product line. Her brand name is now tainted. Like it or not, she used one of the most offensive words in the English Langauge.
What are you talking about? McDonalds has offered salads for as long as I remember and water.

People who buy a big Mac over a salad are making their own choice.

We also haven't won the war on poverty or crime.

It is because the government cannot do anything about that, nor should they even try. It is not the feds responsibility, and if M. Obama wanted to do something about child obesity, she'd fight for parental education, not food Nazi's. The bottom line is that fat children are the responsibility of parents, not government.

Nothing happens in a vacuum, as much as you wish it away, obesity is a COST burden to every insurance policy holder and every taxpayer.

Exactly. And frankly, Mrs. Obama HAS gotten some of the worse offenders, like McDonalds, to clean up their act.
The world just laughs at us, society has gone over the edge.

At first I didn't give two craps about this Paula Deen thing but seeing how she is being castigated is just beyond the pale.

You know, it's funny, that's exactly what I was saying in 1998. Exactly, word for word except for the name of the castigatee.
The world just laughs at us, society has gone over the edge.

At first I didn't give two craps about this Paula Deen thing but seeing how she is being castigated is just beyond the pale.

NOt really.

She's supposed to be representing a product line. Her brand name is now tainted. Like it or not, she used one of the most offensive words in the English Langauge.

I think I am losing my mind.

--She is something of an icon for 'The South'/Old South/Civil War Issues

Isn't that what this is really about?

She should have phased herself out of the spotlight several years ago, imo. I live in the South and the type of lifestyle she portrays is a complete fantasy. I think she expanded her empire too quickly or something.

ah well---CNN will feature a segment on the N word Monday night. A derogatory slur, the most offensive word, etc. That seems unnecessary but whatever.
Her latest cookbook is #1 on Amazon best seller list and it hasn't been published yet. Her restaurants are packed from opening to closing. This controversy might be hurting whose who dump her more than hurting her.

Paula Deen is going about this all wrong. Her restaurants are popular, she should open more of them. She can self publish her books, have them printed in a free country like China, and direct sell them right along with her cookware. She won't even have to share profits with retail stores. At some point, all those stores losing money will want her back. This is nothing more than the Rush Limbaugh boycott part 2. His advertisers came crawling back but by then, they had already been replaced.

I've been following a paper in Savannah on this issue. Most interesting.

Ms Jackson is not considered highly from co workers from what I gather.

Well hells bells you have Jacksons lawyer caught tweeting "suing Paula Deen is a hoot" and Jackson herself under oath testifying that she never heard Paula ever say a racial slur.

Its a hit job that will unfortunately cost Deen millions with liberals driving the issue before they realized she was a good old Democrat.

Speaking of hit jobs, from what hole do you pull this malarkey that "liberals are driving the issue"? :confused:

A lawsuit about employment practices is driving the issue. You just alluded to it in your own post. DUH.

Some are apparently so content to drown themselves in the butter of their own hate that they can't see over the lip of their own frying pan.

THAT is a good post:clap2:. Soon as I can, you get a rep.
I've been following a paper in Savannah on this issue. Most interesting.

Ms Jackson is not considered highly from co workers from what I gather.

Well hells bells you have Jacksons lawyer caught tweeting "suing Paula Deen is a hoot" and Jackson herself under oath testifying that she never heard Paula ever say a racial slur.

Its a hit job that will unfortunately cost Deen millions with liberals driving the issue before they realized she was a good old Democrat.

Speaking of hit jobs, from what hole do you pull this malarkey that "liberals are driving the issue"? :confused:

A lawsuit about employment practices is driving the issue. You just alluded to it in your own post. DUH.

Some are apparently so content to drown themselves in the butter of their own hate that they can't see over the lip of their own frying pan.

THAT is a good post:clap2:. Soon as I can, you get a rep.

Yes--employment discrimination --I hope there will be more discussion of that.

Not much fyi available on this at present. I found one source on Google --not the most credible so I am reluctant to link it. It leads me to believe that the plaintiff could be opportunistic but who knows?
Speaking of hit jobs, from what hole do you pull this malarkey that "liberals are driving the issue"? :confused:

A lawsuit about employment practices is driving the issue. You just alluded to it in your own post. DUH.

Some are apparently so content to drown themselves in the butter of their own hate that they can't see over the lip of their own frying pan.

THAT is a good post:clap2:. Soon as I can, you get a rep.

Yes--employment discrimination --I hope there will be more discussion of that.

Not much fyi available on this at present. I found one source on Google --not the most credible so I am reluctant to link it. It leads me to believe that the plaintiff could be opportunistic but who knows?

Gracie's got the link to the complaint, if she's here...

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